


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  cells in raising an effective anti-melanoma immune response.
2 acetylation of nonhistone proteins during an immune response.
3 udes activation of fibroblasts and a complex immune response.
4 les of spirochetes, in stimulating an innate immune response.
5 tsonication, as is consistent with an innate immune response.
6 present an abnormal proinflammatory adaptive immune response.
7 lation also contribute to the shaping of the immune response.
8 lates miRNA expression to subvert any innate immune response.
9 he induction of and resistance to the innate immune response.
10 thway activation, and modulation of the Th17 immune response.
11 g that other mechanisms must be limiting the immune response.
12 athology, overriding the protective adaptive immune response.
13 ia within tissues and the subversion of host-immune response.
14 tion, no viral shedding, and boosting of the immune response.
15 s can modulate protein acetylation during an immune response.
16 ffects gastric epithelial cells and the host immune response.
17 CPIs), antibodies that unleash the antitumor immune response.
18  serum protein corona (PC) and the resultant immune response.
19 latent condition with signs of a dysbalanced immune response.
20 essel walls is a critical step in the innate immune response.
21  that prevent or disrupt an efficient innate immune response.
22 g dopamine neuron differentiation and innate immune response.
23 ng because of an anti-idiotypic anti-drug Ab immune response.
24  properties to limit an exaggerated adaptive immune response.
25 ll to cell communication during the adaptive immune response.
26 ine release, which mediate protective innate immune response.
27 f premetastatic niches and inhibit antitumor immune responses.
28  components of local inflammatory and innate immune responses.
29 activated by pathogens to initiate and shape immune responses.
30 n HIV-1 reservoir dynamics, persistence, and immune responses.
31 organ development, lymphoid development, and immune responses.
32 nvolving subjects with active HSV-2-specific immune responses.
33 both the invariant TCR and PRRs and inducing immune responses.
34          Current therapies aim to block such immune responses.
35 lude activation of either innate or adaptive immune responses.
36 ility of H3N8 CIV NS1 to inhibit host innate immune responses.
37 te differentiation defects and strong type 2 immune responses.
38 eptors might also play key roles in adaptive immune responses.
39 ing a signaling cascade that leads to innate immune responses.
40 crophages become activated initiating innate immune responses.
41  functional specificities of vaccine-induced immune responses.
42  of the viral genome and for evasion of host immune responses.
43  in multiple cellular processes and the host immune responses.
44   MicroRNA-155 (miR-155) regulates antitumor immune responses.
45 se of the insufficient induction of adaptive immune responses.
46 families, suggesting a function in mammalian immune responses.
47 ponsible for natural Ab production and rapid immune responses.
48  EBOV infection is its suppression of innate immune responses.
49 hemokine CXCL14 and suppression of antitumor immune responses.
50 ion to generate tailored protective adaptive immune responses.
51 lts in strong antiviral humoral and cellular immune responses.
52  leading to dysregulated innate and adaptive immune responses.
53 ces the generation of CD8(+) T-cell-mediated immune responses.
54 eptors (TCR) by protein antigens orchestrate immune responses.
55  that viral infection had on human FM innate immune responses.
56  potentially suppresses host cellular innate immune responses.
57 aling has brain region-specific roles in CNS immune responses.
58 ved in the regulation of innate and adaptive immune responses.
59 (DSB), apoptosis, and the local and systemic immune responses.
60 sary for successful antiviral, and antitumor immune responses.
61 g strategies aimed at facilitating antitumor immune responses.
62 ts in favor of suppressing such "off-target" immune responses.
63 different functional states during different immune responses.
64 KV have different phenotypic impacts on host immune responses.
65 iated with inflammatory, innate and adaptive immune responses.
66  of pathogens and activate the host's innate immune responses.
67 e in protective as well as pathogenic type 2 immune responses.
68 80 and functions as a checkpoint to regulate immune responses.
69 reby presumably fostering efficient adaptive immune responses.
70 ere Pasteurella pneumotropica ( Pp)-reactive immune response activated T cells to produce receptor ac
71 extent of NK cell activity during the innate immune response affects downstream immune functions and,
72  IL-1 ligands in epidermal repair and innate immune response after damaging UVB exposure.
73 ainst oxidative stress generated during host immune responses after M. tuberculosis infection of macr
74 infiltration initiates long-lasting adaptive immune responses after TBI.
75 of IL-17A in the development of a protective immune response against Giardia.
76 hance the breadth and potency of the humoral immune response against HCV.
77 nary perspective, subjects with an effective immune response against helminths can be more susceptibl
78                       Thus, EBI3 dampens the immune response against MCMV infection, resulting in pro
79 reveals neuroinflammation associated with an immune response against MHC-mismatched grafted cells.
80     BACKGROUND & AIMS: Agents that induce an immune response against tumors by altering T-cell regula
81 ic CD8+ T cells are key players for adaptive immune responses against acute infections with retroviru
82 aining the MERS-CoV S1 protein induce potent immune responses against MERS-CoV and RABV.
83                        Thus, augmenting host immune responses against Mycobacterium tuberculosis by h
84 e TGN is critical for effective pre-invasive immune responses against powdery mildews.
85 fety profile and property of inducing potent immune responses against recombinant (r) antigens.
86  fashion that potently stimulates endogenous immune responses against those antigens.
87          CD8(+) T lymphocytes mediate potent immune responses against tumor, but the role of human CD
88 s, mechanisms of their synergy with adaptive immune responses against tumors, and discuss recent stud
89 ing the pharmacokinetics of antibodies in an immune response and also for measuring the amount of cir
90 etter engraftment in the brain, with a lower immune response and higher survival of the transplanted
91 ta) are critical mediators of any anti-viral immune response and IFNbeta has been implicated in the t
92 ing RNA processing by TLR pathways during an immune response and in premalignant hematologic diseases
93 d that NSG mice, which have a reduced innate immune response and lack adaptive immunity, would be sus
94 utamine may enhance the IFN-gamma-associated immune response and reduce the rate of reactivation of l
95 y successful in rapidly suppressing allergic immune responses and achieving safe dietary reintroducti
96 phadenectomy impairs acquisition of adaptive immune responses and antibody production in response to
97 ockout of PLD4 modulated innate and adaptive immune responses and attenuated the upregulation of the
98 eneity on the interindividual variability of immune responses and constitutes a valuable resource for
99 s assigns platelets a central role in innate immune responses and identifies them as potential target
100           Aging is linked to deficiencies in immune responses and increased systemic inflammation.
101  IgM is the first antibody to be produced in immune responses and plays an important role in the neut
102 infections do not elicit innate intrahepatic immune responses and remain highly sensitive to pegIFNal
103 uggest potential interactions between innate immune responses and STAT3-driven oncogenic pathways.
104 ype antibody to monitor a patient's specific immune responses and suggest routes for the improvement
105 ity is required for resistance to the innate immune response, and antiviral mechanisms affecting the
106 addition, CYCD3;1 overexpression upregulates immune responses, and SNC1 expression.
107 d: (1) peripheral blood leukocyte levels and immune responses; and (2) RNA sequencing-derived express
108 ted a statistically significant VZV-specific immune response approximately 28 days post-dose 4, measu
109 at enable the rapid evaluation of protective immune responses are essential to vaccine development as
110 ecting the diverse environments in which Th2 immune responses are initiated.
111                                     Adaptive immune responses are tailored to different types of path
112  patients with CHB, both innate and adaptive immune responses are weak and thus rarely lead to viral
113 ible to use immuno-PET and monitor antitumor immune responses as a prognostic tool to predict patient
114 Lactobacillus vaginal microbiota may trigger immune responses as well as degrade the host mucosa, pro
115 hapes both the activation and outcome of the immune response at the molecular level.
116 ggest that, although L. donovani evades host immune response, at least in part through inhibition of
117 dexamethasone was important for shifting the immune response away from inflammation.
118 nation strategies to elicit broad and potent immune responses based on the immunomodulatory propertie
119 se of mice was suppressed, then the adaptive immune responses became critical.
120 istic modifications in the allergen-specific immune response, but a detailed synthesis of OIT's mecha
121 dritic cells (DCs) are crucial initiators of immune responses, but little is known about the molecula
122 role for the regulation of the bee antiviral immune response by ATP-sensitive inwardly rectifying pot
123  in vivo, indicating that CCR2 regulates the immune response by modulating the effector/regulatory T
124  cells contribute critically to an effective immune response by producing Ag-specific Abs.
125 ta indicate that 9cRA modulates the allergic immune response by reducing the IgE response but promoti
126 y producing cells, participate in the innate immune response by secreting inflammatory cytokines and
127 n essential role in antigen-specific humoral immune responses by differentially regulating B cell and
128  recognized as a regulator of many facets of immune responses by myeloid cells.
129 DC1 using hXCL1 and hXCL2, and suggests that immune responses can be manipulated in directing Abs or
130     More broadly, they suggest that adaptive immune responses can contribute to innate IEL activation
131 ill require the characterization of maternal immune responses capable of blocking transmission of aut
132     Furthermore, we cannot exclude a delayed immune response caused by immune escape established by H
133 with VC2-EHV-1-gD stimulated strong cellular immune responses, characterized by the upregulation of b
134         Machine learning analyses identified immune response combinations best predicting HIV-1 infec
135        It is unknown to what extent cellular immune responses contribute to liver disease and control
136  evidence that the microglia-mediated innate immune response contributes directly to the development
137                                   The type 2 immune response controls helminth infection and maintain
138 oxoplasma traffics to these tissues, how the immune response controls parasite burden and contributes
139 rcinoma (PDAC), additional engagement of the immune response could be game changing.
140            One patient developed a transient immune response, despite patients receiving a median of
141 dead cells and to induce effective antitumor immune responses during anti-PD-1 treatment in mice.
142                     Augmentation of adaptive immune responses during therapy was more impressive amon
143  cells (WBCs) play an important role in host immune responses early in arboviral infection.
144 ities, and functions of systemic and mucosal immune responses elicited by a vaccine regimen containin
145                           Sex differences in immune responses, especially during autoimmunity, have b
146  islets of Langerhans are poised to mount an immune response even at steady state, while the presence
147 s whether the carbohydrate-specific adaptive immune response exemplified in our previous study can be
148 nner to mount an effective long-term humoral immune response following immunization.
149  model output suggests that the rapid memory immune response following treatment interruption does no
150 tic activity in CSF, and specific anti-NAGLU immune response for 30 months after surgery.
151 n global immunization programs and influence immune response for some vaccines even at the age of 24
152 on-professional phagocytic cells and subvert immune responses for chronic persistence in the host.
153 Plus utilizes two antigen tubes to elicit an immune response from CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes.
154 ons among sex hormones, sex chromosomes, and immune response genes.
155    Despite this, the mechanism of the innate immune response has been less well studied, although it
156 re protection is likely mediated by cellular immune responses, has proven elusive.
157                                      Humoral immune responses have the potential to maintain protecti
158 n of c-Jun in macrophages, in particular for immune responses, IL production, and hypoxia pathways.
159 [IL]5 gene, IL13, and IL13RA2) and a type 17 immune response (IL17A and IL23) in mucosal samples from
160 e while increasing the regulatory arm of the immune response in animals models of autoimmunity and Th
161 id leukaemia (AML) patients, and the complex immune response in blood of asthmatics.
162 containing 4 (BRD4) in mediating this innate immune response in human small airway epithelial cells.
163   We previously observed a cutaneous type IV immune response in nonhuman primates (NHP) with the mGlu
164 ation is associated with a decreased humoral immune response in Rictor KO mice.
165 gated whether genes associated with a type 2 immune response in the intestinal mucosa are up-regulate
166  in vitro but may avoid or suppress the host immune response in vivo through unknown mechanisms.
167 dded human ZnT8 antigen triggered a vigorous immune response in ZnT8 knock-out mice.
168               Importantly, prominent mucosal immune responses in CCR7-deficient mice increased the ef
169 l receptor (TCR) may supplement HBV-specific immune responses in chronic HBV patients and facilitate
170 h is critical for the generation of cellular immune responses in draining lymph nodes (LNs).
171 h and magnitude of MHC-B-restricted cellular immune responses in HIV-infected individuals.
172 -specific CD4(+) T cells in shaping adaptive immune responses in individuals infected with clade C, w
173 anoparticles (NPs) induce robust and durable immune responses in mice and macaques.
174 ccine stimulated strong humoral and cellular immune responses in mice, suggesting that it could prote
175 s critical roles in both innate and adaptive immune responses in mucosal organs.
176 ctivation and, thus, control T cell-mediated immune responses in numerous inflammatory diseases.
177 various environmental factors and associated immune responses in patients with allergic diseases.
178 al bacterial colonization and anti-bacterial immune responses in pre-school asthmatic and control chi
179                      The typical features of immune responses in PRRSV-infected pigs are delayed onse
180 pable of modulating host innate and adaptive immune responses in response to sepsis, transplantation,
181 isorders and may be valuable for documenting immune responses in studies for immunomodulatory therapi
182 immunotherapy is the induction of protective immune responses in the absence of anaphylactic reaction
183 es chronic infection and stimulates vigorous immune responses in the human host; forcing selection of
184           Current knowledge regarding type 2 immune responses in the lung are initially presented and
185 ility to IAV in males and augment pathogenic immune responses in the lung, including activation of pr
186 ss that may involve EGFR signaling and other immune responses in the optic nerve head.
187           Uncovering mechanisms that control immune responses in the resolution of bacterial infectio
188  immunotherapy have focused heavily on local immune responses in the tumor microenvironment.
189 al considerations and experimental models of immune responses in vitro and in vivo to quantify the sp
190 hey were found to induce strong Th1 and Th17 immune responses in vivo in immunization experiments in
191 he intensity and breadth of antigen-specific immune responses in young and aged mice through the upre
192           The major PC receptors involved in immune responses include CD36 and platelet-activating fa
193 nding on the stimuli, promoting a variety of immune responses, including inflammation, tolerance, or
194          We evaluated the viral kinetics and immune responses induced after an i.v. infection with a
195      Further, we report on the anti-melanoma immune response inducing properties of the promising cat
196          Current evidence indicates that the immune responses initiated by LCs are complex and depend
197  increases in mRNAs associated with a type 2 immune response (interleukin [IL]5 gene, IL13, and IL13R
198                                              Immune responses involve coordination across cell types
199                  This change in the adaptive immune response is associated with impaired viral cleara
200                                     The host immune response is critical for homeostasis; however, wh
201 mination of the host lipid components of the immune response is crucial to identifying novel strategi
202 tal ion sequestration, highlighting that the immune response is dominated by infiltrating neutrophils
203                           A properly mounted immune response is indispensable for recognizing and eli
204 ations of nanomaterial exposure on the human immune response is poorly understood.
205                                   The innate immune response is regulated at various stages, from hem
206                                 The adaptive immune response is regulated primarily by mechanisms tha
207    An important trigger of the posttraumatic immune response is the complement anaphylatoxin C5a, whi
208 gh the prominent role of TH2 cells in type 2 immune responses is well established, the newly identifi
209 icates that oncogenes also directly regulate immune responses, leading to immunosuppression.
210 or costimulation, all of which influence the immune response magnitude.
211 ognition receptors in informing the adaptive immune response, markedly less attention has been paid t
212 ory component of the virus-specific adaptive immune response may improve viral control compared to pr
213 hich integrate vaccine signals into adaptive immune responses, might enable development of age-specif
214 environmental toxins and stressors, impaired immune responses, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neuroin
215                  Moreover, we found that the immune responses of HIV controllers showed intrinsically
216 effect of Tdap vaccination during pregnancy, immune responses of later-born infants born to mothers w
217 e mechanisms through which HRVs modulate the immune responses of monocytes and lymphocytes are not ye
218 host also requires the ability to respond to immune responses of the host.
219 Gs in the transcriptomes of reproductive and immune responses of the pistil makes it a prime system i
220 capture the temporal differences seen in the immune responses of these mice.
221 he role factors such as an overactive innate immune response play in the pathogenesis of this form of
222                 The hierarchy changed as the immune response progressed, and it was dependent on anti
223  stress and DNA damage repair; activation of immune response; regulation of reproduction, organ funct
224 ysiological situations; however, its role in immune responses remains elusive.
225                   Identification of specific immune responses responsible for pathogen protection ena
226                                The exhausted immune response subclass expressed many genes regulated
227 stasis and wound healing during Th2-mediated immune responses, such as parasitic infections.
228 FAIP3, TRAFD1 and PML are involved in innate immune response, suggesting that these MRs may correlate
229         The CRISPR/Cas9 complex, a bacterial immune response system, has been widely adopted for RNA-
230 sis of autoimmune disorders when an abnormal immune response targets normal biological components.
231 een shown to provide better cross-protective immune responses than inactivated vaccines by eliciting
232 LR3) leading to a type-I IFN mediated innate immune response that is modulated by IRF7 and IRF1.
233 to unknown environmental factors, develop an immune response that is subsequently triggered by the in
234  that these payloads on their own induced an immune response that prevented the growth of tumors foll
235 s to the microbiome, and innate and adaptive immune responses that are critical to the induction of d
236 owever, alum hardly induces T helper 1 (Th1) immune responses that are required for anti-tumor immuni
237      CD8(+) T cells mediate antigen-specific immune responses that can induce rejection of solid tumo
238 ys, leading to the development of the type 2 immune responses that characterize allergic disease.
239 ning are targets of multifunctional cellular immune responses that correlate with protection.
240  demonstrate the critical impact of systemic immune responses that drive tumor rejection.
241  understand the timing and complexity of the immune responses that follow TBI.
242 duced by nasal allergen exposure and humoral immune responses that included IgE-dependent basophil ac
243 onses that promote microbial colonization or immune responses that limit it.
244 osis contribute to inflammation and effector immune responses that mediate inflammatory bowel disease
245 tem has limited capability to regenerate, so immune responses therein are carefully regulated to be n
246 n-derived phospholipases also manipulate the immune response, they have recently been shown to be inv
247 cells are also able to directly modulate the immune response through the production of immunoregulato
248 e and diet promote innate danger signals and immune responses through production of "alarmins." Alarm
249 tes in murine macrophages, regulating innate immune responses through the initiation of a type I IFN-
250 n, changes in the protective efficacy of the immune response to B. burgdorferi surface antigens were
251                              Enhanced innate immune response to B. pertussis was characterized by inc
252 s broadening our understanding of the innate immune response to dengue virus infection.
253 and discuss our current understanding of the immune response to EBV in healthy, immunocompetent indiv
254 s problem with this therapy is the patient's immune response to FVIII, because of a lack of tolerance
255 of IBD is partly attributed to a deregulated immune response to gut microbiome dysbiosis.
256 ve previously been described, but the global immune response to in vivo gluten exposure in CD has not
257                         The inducible innate immune response to infection requires a concerted proces
258     B cells are a major part of the adaptive immune response to inhaled HDM allergen, particularly wh
259                                         Peak immune response to lipopolysaccharide treatment in mice
260 ts suggest an association between a maternal immune response to NLGN4Y and subsequent sexual orientat
261 raft and the recipient and its effect on the immune response to organ transplantation.
262  and Nod2 play important roles in the innate immune response to pathogenic microbes, but mounting dat
263 amma is the central mediator of the adaptive immune response to pathogens, it has been shown to be in
264                           Characterizing the immune response to pneumococcal proteins is critical in
265  as a potential strategy to augment the host immune response to prevent serious bacterial infections,
266 R-155 specifically within T cells during the immune response to syngeneic tumors.
267 th the pathogen in vitro and in vivo and the immune response to these bacteria.
268  immunity, we wanted to compare the cellular immune response to this challenge strain to the response
269 anding of the role of DAMPs in directing the immune response to transplantation has suggested novel a
270 ighted the dynamic and complex nature of the immune response to trauma, with immune alterations consi
271 ral or microbial DNA triggers cell-intrinsic immune responses to defend against infections, whereas a
272 ach other within and across these scales for immune responses to emerge, and how aberrant regulation
273 odels can be used to show efficacy, antidrug immune responses to experimental protein-based therapeut
274                                              Immune responses to influenza vaccines decline with age,
275 ar patterns and play crucial roles in innate immune responses to invading pathogens.
276 ggests that they may play a critical role in immune responses to Leishmania.
277                                              Immune responses to Marburg virus (MARV), however, remai
278          In this study, we investigate early immune responses to neonatal porcine islet (NPI) xenogra
279 e receptors (TLRs) play an important role in immune responses to pathogens by transducing signals in
280                            We determined the immune responses to PCV13 before and at 1, 12, and 24 mo
281                  To evaluate their impact on immune responses to sequential IAV infections, adult fem
282 nce prior immunity to a scaffold may inhibit immune responses to the antigen-scaffold combination.
283 ore recent wild-type strain, indicating that immune responses to the more conserved fusion protein co
284 as a consequence of both adaptive and innate immune responses to undigested gliadin peptides.
285       To examine the effects of shifting the immune response toward either M1 or M2 macrophages in vi
286                                       Innate immune responses triggered by cGAMP contribute to limiti
287    Thus, active suppression of cell-mediated immune responses under immunocompromised conditions may
288             All schedules elicited sustained immune responses up to M36.
289              Despite these diminished innate immune responses, vDeltaK1L vaccination induced a protec
290                              Analysis of the immune response via cytokines revealed that dexamethason
291 ent induction of potent cellular and humoral immune responses was also achieved by combining R21 with
292           Increased antigen-specific mucosal immune responses were induced in the lungs and the genit
293 servoirs indicated that their HIV-1-specific immune responses were insufficient to effectively elimin
294                                              Immune responses were retained in TFR patients off-thera
295 observed generation of an effective anti-WNV immune response when Tregs lacked MAVS, thereby demonstr
296 w doses of gp96 primes T helper type 1 (Th1) immune responses, whereas high-dose immunization primes
297  TH17-skewing cytokines, resulting in a TH17 immune response with IL-23 as a key driver.
298 er, when chronic low level activation of the immune response with or without the driver continues, a
299 H5N2) in healthy Thai adults and its priming immune responses with an H5N1 inactivated vaccine boost.
300  the preferential induction of type-specific immune responses with limited potency against heterologo

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