


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ns and soluble factors to the lymph node for immune surveillance.
2 range of situations of successful and failed immune surveillance.
3 e Fas signaling pathway to evade host cancer immune surveillance.
4  maintenance of inflammation, and evasion of immune surveillance.
5 tion for the restoration of IFN-gamma-driven immune surveillance.
6 e to targeted therapies and ability to evade immune surveillance.
7 phocytes (IELs) that provide host-protective immune surveillance.
8 verexpression of PD-1 ligands and evasion of immune surveillance.
9 n Alzheimer disease, cancer progression, and immune surveillance.
10 ic checkpoint response to adapt to and evade immune surveillance.
11 (+) T cell responses in order to escape host immune surveillance.
12 most fundamental question: how they modulate immune surveillance.
13 trol of virus infections, T cell memory, and immune surveillance.
14  lentiviruses some degree of protection from immune surveillance.
15 ants are innate immune mediators involved in immune surveillance.
16 us, they are crucial participants in mucosal immune surveillance.
17 le and defining the epitopes it presents for immune surveillance.
18 , while its absence enables escape of innate immune surveillance.
19 ogenic and may thus be important targets for immune surveillance.
20 otentially enabling infections to evade host immune surveillance.
21 tastasis if they can protect themselves from immune surveillance.
22 n human tumors thereby contributing to their immune surveillance.
23  target cells in a process referred to as NK immune surveillance.
24  an efficient and robust strategy for T cell immune surveillance.
25 gration of leukocytes during inflammation or immune surveillance.
26 repair in autoimmune disease and cancer, and immune surveillance.
27 roenvironment and allow tumor cells to evade immune surveillance.
28  the targeted sabotage of chemokine-mediated immune surveillance.
29 generation of a complex mediating RNA-guided immune surveillance.
30 ptibility of cancer cells to T-cell-mediated immune surveillance.
31 y mechanism by which HSV-1/2 escapes humoral immune surveillance.
32 olecular frontline of CD8(+) T cell-mediated immune surveillance.
33 iates interferon (IFN)-gamma-regulated tumor immune surveillance.
34 on by infected macrophages and thereby elude immune surveillance.
35 s promotes the actin remodeling required for immune surveillance.
36 fuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), to evade immune surveillance.
37 ate infected cells and viral ploys to escape immune surveillance.
38 dent of its ability to limit T-cell-mediated immune surveillance.
39 a highly adaptive yet unconventional form of immune surveillance.
40 mmasomes is an important mechanism of innate immune surveillance.
41 n of T cells is a prerequisite for antitumor immune surveillance.
42 ensory organelles that serve as actuators of immune surveillance.
43 litating evasion of tumor cells from NK cell immune surveillance.
44  serve to undermine the coordination of host immune surveillance.
45 d substitutions would not emerge by escaping immune surveillance.
46  accomplished without compromising bacterial immune surveillance.
47 er novel mechanism for MM to avoid effective immune surveillance.
48 ing the role of the specific NKG2DL in tumor immune surveillance.
49 , which are important constituents of innate immune surveillance.
50 ancer T cell responses, preventing effective immune surveillance.
51 l killer (NK) cells play a key role in tumor immune surveillance.
52 do not involve altered local tumor growth or immune surveillance.
53  the level of ZnT8 exposure to extracellular immune surveillance.
54 ve SE to drive CD47 overexpression to escape immune surveillance.
55  leukocytes permitting it's escape from host immune surveillance.
56 ns, which shield the underlying protein from immune surveillance.
57 salivary exosomes from tumor-bearing mice in immune surveillance.
58 t correlate with an effective restoration of immune surveillance.
59  defect in cytotoxic lymphocyte function and immune surveillance.
60 itment to the CNS, whereas TH1 cells perform immune surveillance.
61  as well as different strategies for evading immune surveillance.
62 mino acid positions most directly exposed to immune surveillance.
63  random walk behavior in T cells to optimize immune surveillance.
64 supporting the notion of metastasis-specific immune surveillance.
65 herpesviruses that helps them to escape host immune surveillance.
66 rlying factors contributing to the abolished immune surveillance.
67 oits a host antiviral factor to evade innate immune surveillance.
68    Dendritic cells have an important role in immune surveillance.
69  proliferation and STK11 with suppression of immune surveillance.
70 ate, and (3) mechanisms of tumor escape from immune surveillance.
71 sure their escape from chemotherapy and host immune surveillance.
72  induce T cell apoptosis to circumvent tumor immune-surveillance.
73 which CEACAM1-bearing tumor cells may escape immune-surveillance.
74 bility for viral infections and reduce tumor immune-surveillance.
75 gy that protects islet transplants from host immune surveillance; 2) stem cell therapies and cellular
76  transformation of the disease likely impair immune surveillance, activate the nuclear factor-kappaB
77 tatic Stat3-deficient mammary tumors escaped immune surveillance after a long latency or equilibrium
78 se tumor cells, thereby participating in the immune surveillance against cancer.
79 I IFN signaling is a critical consequence of immune surveillance against cancer; however, PBMCs isola
80 sion of MHC class I molecules, which provide immune surveillance against intracellular pathogens, is
81 estrate and regulate immune cells to provide immune surveillance against malignancy.
82 elp is critical for CD8(+) T cell memory and immune surveillance against persistent virus infections.
83 tural killer T (iNKT) cells can help mediate immune surveillance against tumors in mice.
84 oits a host antiviral factor to evade innate immune surveillance and allow enhanced neuroinvasion.
85 ating lymphocytes are key mediators of tumor immune surveillance and are important prognostic indicat
86 s suggests how force generated during T-cell immune surveillance and at the immunological synapse res
87 tal organogenesis and provides insights into immune surveillance and cancer transformation.
88 pression resulting in tumor cell escape from immune surveillance and cancer vaccine failure.
89 issues that leads to increased efficiency of immune surveillance and cell interactions.
90 y regulated system with fundamental roles in immune surveillance and clearance.
91 lobulin-like receptors (aKIRs) influence the immune surveillance and clinical outcome of patients wit
92 mmune pruning effect and equilibrium between immune surveillance and clonal expansion.
93 compatibility complex play a central role in immune surveillance and confer risk for autoimmune and i
94 Endogenous IFN-beta has an important role in immune surveillance and control of tumor development.
95                             Thus, microglial immune surveillance and cytokine release require THIK-1
96 erated by retrograde menstruation can escape immune surveillance and develop into sustained ectopic l
97 D47 expression to suppress phagocytic innate immune surveillance and elimination.
98  signaling machinery and metabolism to avoid immune surveillance and enhance tumor cell growth and su
99 ceptibility to cancer as a result of reduced immune surveillance and enhanced opportunities for virus
100                      Iatrogenically impaired immune surveillance and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) primary
101        However, these cancers may also elude immune surveillance and eradication through the expressi
102 s has developed multiple strategies to evade immune surveillance and eradication.
103   The responsibility of the immune system in immune surveillance and eventually tumor progression is
104 tial for their survival in host organs under immune surveillance and for metastatic outgrowth under p
105 he lymphatic system is crucial for efficient immune surveillance and for the maintenance of a physiol
106 upport the contribution of iNKT cells to CLL immune surveillance and highlight iNKT cell frequency as
107                  By promoting tumor-specific immune surveillance and hindering pathogenic inflammatio
108  network of proteins with important roles in immune surveillance and homeostasis, has been implicated
109 mportant role of NK cell-derived exosomes in immune surveillance and homeostasis.
110 ment, particularly to protect pathogens from immune surveillance and host defenses.
111  CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs) that are essential for immune surveillance and how it carries out crRNA-mediate
112 effector-like memory CD8(+) T cells in tumor immune surveillance and identify Akt as a key signaling
113 nd recruitment is a critical process in host immune surveillance and in inflammatory diseases.
114 ells that seem to have a fundamental role in immune surveillance and in initial containment of HSV-2
115 plex functions for BTN3A molecules in tissue immune surveillance and infection, linking the cell cyto
116                                       During immune surveillance and inflammation, leukocytes exit th
117 ne ligand 5 (CCL5) and CCL3 are critical for immune surveillance and inflammation.
118 ible role of innate and adaptive immunity in immune surveillance and initiation and maintenance of do
119     Lymphatic vessels (LVs) are critical for immune surveillance and involved in the pathogenesis of
120 ical for processes such as wound healing and immune surveillance and is exhibited by various cell typ
121 ystem, but since complement is important for immune surveillance and is involved in various homeostat
122 f cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes disturbs immune surveillance and leads to the development of hemo
123 at extent adipose tissue also contributes to immune surveillance and long-term protective defense rem
124 arch indicates that some cancer cells escape immune surveillance and metastasize into bone tissue by
125 ses have properties that allow them to evade immune surveillance and misdirect or eliminate the immun
126 re indicate that NF-kappaB activity mediates immune surveillance and promotes antitumor T cell respon
127  in lipid absorption, fluid homeostasis, and immune surveillance and responds dynamically when presen
128 ns to facilitate cancer metastasis: suppress immune surveillance and stimulate cancer cell proliferat
129 native class, namely IgE, may offer enhanced immune surveillance and superior effector cell potency a
130  that neoantigen heterogeneity may influence immune surveillance and support therapeutic developments
131 asitic immunity in the liver, as well as for immune surveillance and suppression of parasite outgrowt
132 ay has emerged as a critical element in oral immune surveillance and susceptibility to inflammatory d
133 lls to human skin is essential for long-term immune surveillance and the maintenance of barrier integ
134 lls to human skin is essential for long-term immune surveillance and the maintenance of barrier integ
135 uman islets, a finding with implications for immune surveillance and the regulation of interstitial f
136 associated effector cells in both antitumour immune surveillance and therapy.
137 MV status may greatly hamper the spectrum of immune surveillance and thus favor outgrowth and the dev
138 ations of divergent antigenic types to avoid immune surveillance and to contribute to functional vari
139 e rapidly evolving tactics for negating host immune surveillance and viral clearance.
140 . tularensis evades detection by host innate immune surveillance and/or actively suppresses inflammat
141 seful for the treatment of attenuated cancer immune surveillance and/or bone metastases.
142                    gammadeltaT cells provide immune-surveillance and host defense against infection a
143 w oncogenes, and in particular MYC, suppress immune surveillance, and how oncogene-targeted therapies
144 nhanced inhibition of apoptosis, escape from immune surveillance, and independence from the BM microe
145 stemness and proliferation, PRC2 may inhibit immune surveillance, and it could be targeted to reactiv
146 ng is essential in many processes, including immune surveillance, and its dysregulation controls vari
147 nce of tumour-specific-antigen expression in immune surveillance, and potentially, immunotherapy.
148 s needed for T-helper cell functions, T-cell immune surveillance, and suppression of cancer-associate
149 ses such as antibody trafficking for central immune surveillance, as well as several ongoing intrathe
150 y focus on the immune cell network mediating immune surveillance at a specific oral barrier, the ging
151 very of thymus immune function, T cells, and immune surveillance bore the seeds for today's targeted
152  cross-reactivity is essential for effective immune surveillance but has also been implicated as a pa
153      These responses may allow HSV to escape immune surveillance but may also promote HIV infection a
154                            Viruses can evade immune surveillance, but the underlying mechanisms are i
155 ne activation in DCs, but that HIV-1 escapes immune surveillance by actively suppressing DC maturatio
156                          Cancers often evade immune surveillance by adopting peripheral tissue- toler
157  The herpes simplex virus for example evades immune surveillance by blocking peptide transport with a
158                                    Effective immune surveillance by CD8(+) cytotoxic T cells of intra
159 erived from intracellular proteins, enabling immune surveillance by CD8(+) T cells and the eliminatio
160 to the endoplasmic reticulum lumen to enable immune surveillance by CD8(+) T cells.
161                    The peptides are used for immune surveillance by circulating CD8+ T and NK cells t
162                                    Effective immune surveillance by cytotoxic T cells requires newly
163 lts suggest that hrHPVs can escape from host immune surveillance by modulating pro-inflammatory respo
164 -1 (PD-1) immune checkpoint pathway to avoid immune surveillance by modulating T-lymphocyte activity.
165 ith antigen processing (TAP) participates in immune surveillance by moving proteasomal products into
166 e data suggest that FAK inhibition increases immune surveillance by overcoming the fibrotic and immun
167 show that malignant glioma cells suppress NK immune surveillance by overexpressing the beta-galactosi
168 essory protein Nef directs virus escape from immune surveillance by subverting host cell intracellula
169                   This review examines fixed immune surveillance by TRM cells, highlighting features
170 ely use NKR-P1B:Clr-b interactions to escape immune surveillance by wild-type, but not Nkrp1b(-/-), N
171                  B lymphocytes contribute to immune surveillance, by tumor-specific Abs and Ag presen
172 nt innate immune responses via trigger(s) of immune surveillance, causing cancer cell clearance at th
173 ect chromatin (BCOR, KDM6A, SMARCB1, TRRAP), immune surveillance (CD58, RFXAP), MAPK signaling (MAP2K
174 sponse in the healthy host despite continual immune surveillance dictates that immune responses must
175                                 Thus, cancer immune surveillance does not necessarily depend on thera
176 murafenib and dabrafenib, and also may evade immune surveillance due to enhanced expression of PD-L1.
177 ortant for tumor cells in evading macrophage immune surveillance during the early stages of tumorigen
178                      As part of their normal immune surveillance duties, these cells migrate actively
179 e continuous effector memory T-cell-mediated immune surveillance elicited and maintained by cytomegal
180 all metastatic sites participate in systemic immune surveillance equally, and therefore the success i
181                                              Immune surveillance exploits a fungal apoptosis-like pro
182           As a mechanism to evade endogenous immune surveillance for cell survival, ERbeta interacts
183 ninvasive monitoring tool for posttransplant immune surveillance for pediatric renal transplant recip
184                  Cancer cells need to escape immune surveillance for successful tumor growth.
185 NK-cell activation receptors links the tumor immune surveillance function of NK cells to DC maturatio
186 h a unique mechanism for regulation of plant immune surveillance gene expression.
187          In the CNS, no pathway dedicated to immune surveillance has been characterized for preventin
188 asis, and drug resistance, but its impact on immune surveillance has not been explored.
189                                    Effective immune surveillance, however, comes at a price.
190  by immune cells has a crucial role in tumor immune surveillance; however, it has also been reported
191 ells are innate lymphoid cells important for immune surveillance, identifying and responding to stres
192 en allergic responses and cancer, applied to immune surveillance, immunomodulation and the functions
193 ce that they affect melanoma progression and immune surveillance in a negative or positive manner tha
194 eath 1 (PD-1) pathway is critical to inhibit immune surveillance in CLL.
195 2+) fluxes in TILs may contribute to reduced immune surveillance in HNC.
196                       B cells participate in immune surveillance in human circulation and tissues, in
197 st a novel, critical extravascular iNKT cell immune surveillance in joints that functions as a cytoto
198 compartment suppress inflammation and impair immune surveillance in liver cancer.
199 ng how tumors induce Treg function to escape immune surveillance in marked contrast to autoimmune dis
200 esigning immunotherapy approaches to enhance immune surveillance in MGUS and to break down immune tol
201 chanism is likely to contribute to decreased immune surveillance in solid tumors.
202 gut's vascular endothelium thus compromising immune surveillance in the CNS and gut.
203 polymers to proteins is critical for evading immune surveillance in the field of biopharmaceuticals.
204 t the brain-CSF interface with relevance for immune surveillance in the healthy brain and insights in
205 t inhibitors may tip the balance in favor of immune surveillance in these cancers.
206 immunosuppression can inhibit cancer-related immune surveillance in this population.
207                                              Immune surveillance in tissues is mediated by a long-liv
208              Our results indicate that colon immune surveillance is distinct from that of the small i
209          The extent to which T-cell-mediated immune surveillance is impaired in human cancer remains
210 ter understanding of how these tumors escape immune surveillance is required to enhance antitumor imm
211 munity, immunotherapy that is able to induce immune surveillance is still the most promising modality
212 ue proinflammatory DCs, whose role in cancer immune surveillance is unknown.
213  neutrophil arrest while maintaining rolling immune-surveillance is unknown.
214 " signal co-opted by cancers to evade innate immune surveillance, is ubiquitously expressed.
215 e cells is partly responsible for erosion in immune surveillance, leading to spontaneous virus reacti
216    At the same time, its central position in immune surveillance makes C3 a target for microbial immu
217  of CD16 as a major checkpoint that controls immune surveillance may promote the design of individual
218 ronuclei by cGAS may act as a cell-intrinsic immune surveillance mechanism that detects a range of ne
219 potentially sensitize infected cells to this immune surveillance mechanism, an outcome that would hav
220 s a model to investigate metastasis-specific immune surveillance mechanisms are also explored.
221 impaired DNA damage response and escape from immune surveillance mechanisms in the pathogenesis of PT
222                                       Innate immune surveillance mechanisms lie at the heart of the a
223 de gene products that enable evasion of host immune surveillance mechanisms.
224                               Interestingly, immune surveillance mediated by activating Ly49 receptor
225 VIEW: One of the strongest arguments for the immune surveillance network of antibodies and sensitized
226  tissue environments in maintaining cellular immune surveillance networks within distinct healthy tis
227 c T cell immunity and more generally for the immune surveillance of B cells and may be a target for i
228 dy, we evaluated their requirement in innate immune surveillance of cancer cells using genetically ma
229 iated ligands are important mediators in the immune surveillance of cancer.
230                                 Insufficient immune surveillance of EBV-infected B cells causes life-
231 te immune responses, which may contribute to immune surveillance of H-Ras transformed cells.
232 mmalian models, further characterization and immune surveillance of H15 viruses are warranted.IMPORTA
233 vating NKG2D receptor involved in cancer and immune surveillance of infection.
234           Regardless of continuing debate on immune surveillance of malignancy, the evidence presente
235                                      Altered immune surveillance of MMR-deficient tumors, and other h
236       This suggests potential differences in immune surveillance of primary tumor and metastasis.
237                                              Immune surveillance of such neopeptides may allow subopt
238 ries leading to an improved understanding of immune surveillance of the central nervous system (CNS)
239 ole of CD16(+) monocytes in the steady-state immune surveillance of the CNS and suggest that CD16(+)
240 alpha(4)beta(7) exclusively does not inhibit immune surveillance of the CNS in primates.
241       However, the role of CD8(+) T cells in immune surveillance of the cornea is unclear.
242  the CNS and are widely recognized for their immune surveillance of the healthy CNS.
243 yse and compare their contribution to innate immune surveillance of the lung in the steady state with
244 ain the tissue's waste products, and ensures immune surveillance of the tissues, allowing immune cell
245 hold great promise for treating disease, but immune surveillance of these macromolecules can drive an
246 oxic microenvironment negatively affects the immune surveillance of tumors by NK cells through the mo
247 ovides for a generalized mechanism of innate immune surveillance originating within the ER lumen.
248 d inflammation is thought to be a barrier to immune surveillance, particularly in pancreatic ductal a
249 pressing microglia, providing evidence of an immune surveillance pathway in the central nervous syste
250 genic strategy, can trigger activation of an immune surveillance pathway to provide host defense.
251                    Th2 immunity and allergic immune surveillance play critical roles in host response
252         However, as greater insight into the immune surveillance process is gained, we have reevaluat
253  brain tumors to subvert this innate type of immune surveillance remain unclear.
254 hough the mechanism of myeloid cell-mediated immune surveillance remains unclear.
255  iron processing, to central roles in tissue immune surveillance, response to infection and the resol
256 d signatures of tumor cell proliferation and immune surveillance responses.
257 iciently eliminated by T cells, and breaking immune surveillance resulted in rapid, fatal lymphoproli
258  human oral environment, suggesting a unique immune surveillance role within the periodontium.
259                       Macrophages have other immune surveillance roles including the acquisition of c
260                            Understanding how immune surveillance shapes the cancer genome could help
261                                    To escape immune surveillance, some viruses have evolved strategie
262  of optimized combinatorial reactivation and immune surveillance strategies designed to purge the lat
263                             The cost of this immune surveillance strategy is the potential for inappr
264 roenvironment that regulate metabolic needs, immune surveillance, survival, invasion as well as cance
265 The complement system is an efficient plasma immune surveillance system that controls tissue injury a
266 obial virulence factor that thwarts the host immune surveillance system to cause disease.
267 d cells without being detected by the host's immune surveillance system.
268                 Complement is a major innate immune surveillance system.
269 ls (TRM) constitute a major component of the immune-surveillance system in nonlymphoid organs.
270         The complement cascade is an ancient immune-surveillance system that not only provides protec
271 ains how Shigella evades a broad spectrum of immune surveillance systems by cooperative inhibition of
272 ssential cue for the localization of CCR8(+) immune surveillance T cells within healthy human skin.
273                                       During immune surveillance, T cells survey the surface of antig
274 uld improve patient survival by restoring NK immune surveillance that can eradicate glioma cells.
275 gests that immune-rich TNBCs may be under an immune surveillance that continuously eliminates many im
276 ovel associations between gene mutations and immune surveillance that could impact the response to im
277 and SCS in what we speculate is a program of immune surveillance that helps achieve LN barrier immuni
278 een implicated broadly in the suppression of immune surveillance that prevents colonization at the me
279 he central nervous system undergoes constant immune surveillance that takes place within the meningea
280 and how C. burnetii evades the intracellular immune surveillance that triggers an inflammatory respon
281         Although MDSCs are known to suppress immune surveillance, their roles in directly stimulating
282  To survive inside host lesions and to evade immune surveillance, this pathogen has developed many st
283 of prostate cancer cells, as well as evading immune surveillance through killing of activated T cells
284 mphocytes continuously enter lymph nodes for immune surveillance through specialized blood vessels na
285  to developing tumors and can participate in immune surveillance to eliminate neoplastic cells.
286                         How the virus evades immune surveillance to establish effective infection is
287 echanisms of how M. tuberculosis evades host immune surveillance to favor its survival are still larg
288 d to detect pathogens may enhance evasion of immune surveillance to permit tumour progression.
289 treatment that leverages both senescence and immune surveillance to therapeutic ends.
290 ggest how liver fibrosis might reduce CD8 TE immune surveillance toward infected or transformed hepat
291 rophils are essential for maintaining innate immune surveillance under normal conditions, but also re
292 host-pathogen context for their functions in immune surveillance, vesicles enable multiple modes of c
293   Significant inhibition of genes regulating immune surveillance was observed in Igfbp7(-/-) murine l
294   To address how BCR-ABL(+) leukemia escapes immune surveillance, we developed a peptide: MHC class I
295                      Thus, ILC3s can mediate immune surveillance, which constantly maintains a proper
296 ve, therefore, coevolved to permit effective immune surveillance while limiting immune pathology.
297                                   Suppressed immune surveillance with increased CD4(+)Foxp3(+) Tregs
298 nsition, tumor cell dormancy and escape from immune surveillance, with emerging functions in establis
299                 The AHR is known to regulate immune surveillance within the intestine through retenti
300 during development, infection, inflammation, immune surveillance, wound healing and cancer metastasis

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