


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nassociated with coated pits, as assessed by immuno-electron microscopy.
2 d all three motor proteins, as determined by immuno-electron microscopy.
3 py and stained isolated flagellar ribbons by immuno-electron microscopy.
4  of the yeast alpha-factor receptor Ste2p by immuno-electron microscopy.
5  immunofluorescence, protease protection and immuno-electron microscopy.
6  radiatum of adult rat hippocampus, by using immuno-electron microscopy after chemical fixation.
7                  Using live cell imaging and immuno-electron microscopy analyses of tobacco epidermal
8 ikingly, ultrastructural analyses, including immuno-electron microscopy and electron microscopic tomo
9                                  Here we use immuno-electron microscopy and electron tomography to sh
10 ultrastructural distribution by quantitative immuno-electron microscopy and its biochemical interacti
11                                              Immuno-electron microscopy and quantitative spatial mapp
12                                              Immuno-electron microscopy and super-resolution imaging
13                                        Using immuno-electron microscopy as well as a recently develop
14                                              Immuno-electron microscopy confirmed the presence of gK
15                                              Immuno-electron microscopy demonstrated that MAb 8E7 rea
16  mitochondrial fractions in combination with immuno-electron microscopy demonstrates that Arg II is c
17                                              Immuno-electron microscopy demonstrates that these spots
18                                              Immuno-electron microscopy demonstrates that Vilya is a
19 eltavph1 mutant as shown by Western blot and immuno-electron microscopy, despite a complete lack of l
20                            Western blots and immuno-electron microscopy detected a few copies of gp13
21                                      We used immuno-electron microscopy (EM) to locate KAHRP in these
22                                Together with immuno-electron microscopy experiments that indicated AC
23                                           In immuno-electron microscopy experiments these compartment
24 ved megakaryocytes (MKs) by conventional and immuno-electron microscopy from Vps33b(fl/fl)-ER(T2) mic
25                       Immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopy have been used to test the hy
26                              Localization by immuno-electron microscopy illustrates a unique pattern
27 e serotonergic cells may exert, we have used immuno-electron microscopy in this study to examine the
28 tein distribution (by immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopy), including codistribution wi
29 in possesses four transmembrane domains, and immuno-electron microscopy localizes the endogenous prot
30                                         With immuno-electron microscopy methods, these capsids were s
31 escence histochemistry, confocal microscopy, immuno-electron microscopy, molecular biology, and cell
32                                 Double-label immuno-electron microscopy of hypothalamic sections labe
33                                              Immuno-electron microscopy of infected cells indicated t
34                                              Immuno-electron microscopy of leaf tissue and western an
35                       Immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopy reveal that ODA10 in flagella
36                       Immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopy revealed LmAQP1 to be localiz
37 ytes maintained an active TCA cycle, whereas immuno-electron microscopy revealed that fine astrocytic
38                                 In addition, immuno-electron microscopy revealed that tau-positive fi
39                                              Immuno-electron microscopy reveals that the latter are d
40                                              Immuno-electron microscopy showed that OGT is localized
41                                              Immuno-electron microscopy showed that Rab27b was associ
42 oducing cells organized into islet clusters; immuno-electron microscopy showed typical insulin-contai
43                                 Furthermore, immuno-electron microscopy studies confirm that IRS-1 an
44  in localizing specific cellular proteins by immuno-electron microscopy techniques limits application
45                             Here, we show by immuno-electron microscopy that AP-3 is associated with
46 dy was to determine by means of quantitative immuno-electron microscopy the expression of PGC-1alpha
47 The goal of the present study is to use Iba1 immuno-electron microscopy to elucidate the fine structu
48                   Here, we used quantitative immuno-electron microscopy to examine the possibility th
49                                  We employed immuno-electron microscopy to investigate the ultrastruc
50                    Thus, in this study, dual immuno-electron microscopy was performed to determine wh
51                                              Immuno-electron microscopy was performed using mouse car
52                          Using pre-embedding immuno-electron microscopy, we found human synaptophysin
53 born neurons of the mouse dentate gyrus with immuno-electron microscopy, we found output synapses tha
54 pecific ablation, whole cell patch-clamp and immuno-electron microscopy, we found that NAc inputs syn
55                                        Using immuno-electron microscopy, we observed Ab deposits equa
56  protein immunoreactive inclusions, which by immuno-electron microscopy were confined to paired helic

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