


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 on, prior to the development of XNA and host immunocompetence.
2 disease without measurably impacting general immunocompetence.
3 ectively evaluated immune reconstitution and immunocompetence.
4 that augments CTL cytotoxicity and preserves immunocompetence.
5 l application of the virome state to predict immunocompetence.
6 approach to preventing GVHD while preserving immunocompetence.
7 oal to reduce tissue damage while preserving immunocompetence.
8 e and by incorporating validated measures of immunocompetence.
9 these autoreactive cells before they achieve immunocompetence.
10 eficiencies in key nutrients known to affect immunocompetence.
11 d young children due to their underdeveloped immunocompetence.
12  must be healthier individuals with superior immunocompetence.
13 mals rejected third-party grafts, indicating immunocompetence.
14 at clutch size increased strongly with adult immunocompetence.
15 petence, clutch size decreased with juvenile immunocompetence.
16  wk and 3 mo later as a functional marker of immunocompetence.
17 ize decreased weakly with increased juvenile immunocompetence.
18 ansplanted after the expected development of immunocompetence.
19 ys demonstrated that the recipient recovered immunocompetence.
20 e circumstances surrounding the exposure) on immunocompetence.
21  peptide complexes to confer a high level of immunocompetence.
22 esponses and are notorious for lifelong poor immunocompetence.
23 es plays a direct role in the maintenance of immunocompetence after trauma-hemorrhage.
24 variation, and could ultimately reconstitute immunocompetence against an otherwise lethal infection w
25 de a conceptual argument that differences in immunocompetence among species should integrate differen
26 es, therefore, seems to drive variability in immunocompetence among wild Drosophila.
27 nd cytokine production, yielding an improved immunocompetence and a reduced inflammatory response to
28 specific cell-mediated immunity could inform immunocompetence and guide the initiation and cessation
29 ronments may have long-term implications for immunocompetence and infectious disease risk, particular
30 r, were in better condition, and had greater immunocompetence and lower basal metabolic rates compare
31 of low-LCPUFA diets only resulted in greater immunocompetence and lower metabolic rates.
32 ) is measurable using an in vitro measure of immunocompetence and related its effects to cyclosporine
33                                          The immunocompetence and specificity of the semiallogeneic T
34 s crucial for efficient antitumor responses, immunocompetence and T-cell function are not tested rout
35 stantial genetic variation for antibacterial immunocompetence and that much of this variation can be
36 and Treg-dependent manner, while maintaining immunocompetence and the graft versus leukemia effect.
37 ial, ranging from parasite phylogeny to host immunocompetence and various environmental factors.
38  should examine this interplay between human immunocompetence and vector-borne disease risks in a war
39 evels of donor-specific antibodies, adequate immunocompetence, and no peripheral blood chimerism.
40  data suggest that immune reconstitution and immunocompetence are maintained in persistently chimeric
41 s severity, degree of renal dysfunction, and immunocompetence are warranted.
42                                        Using immunocompetence as a general assay of parasite-induced
43 of immunosenescence and its implications for immunocompetence as well as for the development of chron
44                                 The superior immunocompetence, as compared with fully xenogeneic (rat
45 not differ from nonvegetarians in functional immunocompetence assessed as mitogen stimulation or natu
46 ative immune responses showing the patients' immunocompetence at the time of vaccination.
47 ive CD8(+) T cells is necessary for lifelong immunocompetence but for unknown reasons requires signal
48                         The BMC demonstrated immunocompetence by prompt rejection of third party ACI
49 st that functional assays determining T-cell immunocompetence can be valuable tools for optimizing ca
50 on adults, and, when we controlled for adult immunocompetence, clutch size decreased with juvenile im
51                         In vitro measures of immunocompetence demonstrated an early nonspecific suppr
52 % suppression, consistent with the degree of immunocompetence depression measured in patients.
53  most patients, possibly reflecting restored immunocompetence due to a reduction of immunosuppression
54 ogression into a thermal effect and a latent immunocompetence effect (driven by nonthermal environmen
55                                          The immunocompetence effect was large, accounting for at lea
56 , surgical removal of primary tumor restores immunocompetence even when disseminated metastatic disea
57 , mixed xenogeneic chimeras exhibit superior immunocompetence for infectious agents in vivo and in vi
58 nderlying determinants of outcome, including immunocompetence, growth, maturity, and senescence, can
59 oposed to account for this difference is the immunocompetence handicap model, which posits that the g
60 are useful biological markers of compromised immunocompetence, identifying individuals at risk for in
61 ituting T cells and leading to a return of a immunocompetence in a large animal model.
62  CPT11 and 5-fluorouracil (5FU) damaged host immunocompetence in a manner that limits treatment outco
63 ociation between prenatal undernutrition and immunocompetence in adolescence and hypothesized that in
64 ependent peripheral expansion and to restore immunocompetence in athymic T-cell-depleted hosts.
65 e matching may be required to fully preserve immunocompetence in dealing with chronic viral infection
66 d fertility in females, and to dominance and immunocompetence in males.
67 ery little is known about the development of immunocompetence in marsupials.
68                               Restoration of immunocompetence in metastatic RCC patients by pharmacol
69 ), which accords well with the importance of immunocompetence in some theories of sexual selection.
70 ), which accords well with the importance of immunocompetence in some theories of sexual selection.
71 mor-reactive T cells in the thymus and their immunocompetence in the periphery.
72 rafts, thus supporting the reconstitution of immunocompetence in these chimeras.
73 ents is measurable in their PBL as decreased immunocompetence in vitro.
74                  To investigate whether host immunocompetence influences hydrolytic gene expression,
75        Patients receiving MMF had an average immunocompetence level of 12+/-23, compared with 39.7+/-
76 h to achieving tolerance with restoration of immunocompetence may be applicable to xenotransplantatio
77 mpact of newer systemic therapies on patient immunocompetence may influence treatment decisions.
78 d by parasites is positively correlated with immunocompetence measured by cell-mediated measures.
79 m" release), however only body condition and immunocompetence measured using the Nitroblue Tetrazoliu
80 rves, higher weight/length ratios and better immunocompetence (NBT) than did wild-born voles.
81 inity DNA-reactive B cells and maturation to immunocompetence of B cells making nonglomerulotropic, l
82                                         But, immunocompetence of juveniles may be constrained by sele
83                 Donor-specific tolerance and immunocompetence of long-term chimeras were confirmed by
84                                          The immunocompetence of T cells generated in an antigen-bear
85  of protection is determined by the state of immunocompetence of the host.
86  depend on many factors, one of which is the immunocompetence of the host.
87  impact of biocontrol agents by reducing the immunocompetence of the host.
88 ms, are markedly different, illustrating the immunocompetence of the many tissues that R. montanensis
89 ual responses to vaccines to interrogate the immunocompetence of their patients.
90 itional mechanism to account for the reduced immunocompetence of these patients.
91                                              Immunocompetence of tolerant FL-SC-treated mice was prov
92 tiated phenotypes is directly related to the immunocompetences of the tumor hosts.
93 h-affinity DNA-reactive cells that mature to immunocompetence out-compete the low-affinity population
94  high in protein and fat may lead to altered immunocompetence, resulting in an increased risk of NHL.
95                                        Thus, immunocompetence seems to reflect evolutionary differenc
96 e strongly associated with two indicators of immunocompetence: skin test responses to recall antigens
97                                              Immunocompetence sufficient to reject allografts was not
98  immunology have relied on assays of general immunocompetence that are not connected to actual parasi
99 while pre-existing T cell memory and primary immunocompetence to acute infection are preserved in mix
100 ts support the use of monitoring for overall immunocompetence to help determine why a patient has or
101 ed numbers of purified HSCs in a model where immunocompetence to third-party major histocompatibility
102                                              Immunocompetence was assessed by one-way mixed lymphocyt
103 decreased to minimal levels in the NHPs when immunocompetence was restored.
104 ed expression of CD28 in T cells compromises immunocompetence, we examined whether CD28 expression is
105                 Donor-specific tolerance and immunocompetence were determined by standard skin grafti
106 estriction to host Ags results in functional immunocompetence with generation of antiviral cytotoxic
107 ith newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma and immunocompetence, with no limitation on clinical perform

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