


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 bly in frog egg extracts from which NuMA was immunodepleted.
2 tolerance induced in recipients that are not immunodepleted.
3                                     Here, we immunodeplete a single subunit, the Nup107-160 complex,
4 ivity from lysates of mAb-treated cells: the immunodepleted and heated lysates lose the capacity to i
5 iapoptotic effect of ARDS BAL was blocked by immunodepleting BAL of G-CSF and GM-CSF.
6 intestines, most of the ACAT activity can be immunodepleted by anti-ACAT-2.
7 ase activity associated with U(L)42 could be immunodepleted by antibody to cdc2, and (v) U(L)42 trans
8 e-treated HeLa cells because MAC activity is immunodepleted by Bax antibodies.
9 izing CXCL5 expressed on ECs or when used to immunodeplete coculture-conditioned medium.
10                                 We then used immunodepleted cytosol and GDP dissociation inhibitor-tr
11                                              Immunodepleting cytosolic PDK1 from an in vitro reaction
12 tially purified Narp and can be specifically immunodepleted, demonstrating that Narp is the active pr
13 ract-based system in which Mediator has been immunodepleted displays a near-absolute dependence on ec
14 MVEC migration beyond the effect detected by immunodepleting each factor alone.
15  addition of recombinant hSBF protein to the immunodepleted extract reconstituted stimulated transcri
16 , restored the splicing activity of the Sip1-immunodepleted extract.
17 constitutes mitotic aster assemblies in 4.1R-immunodepleted extracts in vitro.
18 nalysis of preinitiation complexes formed in immunodepleted extracts suggests that CDK9 phosphorylate
19 tion and in vitro transcription assays using immunodepleted extracts supplemented with recombinant pr
20  less active in restoring gap filling to the immunodepleted extracts, and polymerase beta was complet
21                                    In xCep57 immunodepleted extracts, sperm centrosomes nucleate with
22 ucible DNA binding upon addition of Ref-1 to immunodepleted extracts.
23      Purified MMCP reconstituted activity in immunodepleted extracts.
24 PFK-M in skeletal muscle because nNOS can be immunodepleted from cytosolic skeletal muscle extracts u
25                               When XDna2 was immunodepleted from interphase egg extracts, chromosomal
26 ation frequency was found after pol iota was immunodepleted from nuclear extracts of the cells.
27  prepare control matrix, endogenous Myl3 was immunodepleted from pooled rat serum.
28                         This activity can be immunodepleted from prostate cancer tissue extracts.
29      Moreover, the alpha7-2 subunit could be immunodepleted from protein extracts by solid-phase immu
30 ated when yTAF40 and associated proteins are immunodepleted from solution, indicating that the functi
31                                 When Bax was immunodepleted from the cytosolic extracts of p53-expres
32 ract but failed to activate Pak when Akt was immunodepleted from the extract.
33 reover, glycolate-removing activity could be immunodepleted from the fractionated extracts by antiser
34 eriments in which Xwee1, Xchk1, or both were immunodepleted from Xenopus egg extracts suggested that
35 re produced that had the unique property of "immunodepleting" GPVI from the murine platelet surface a
36                                  Conversely, immunodepleting GSTp from protein extracts attenuated JN
37  TFIIB) and in a complex system, using TFIIB-immunodepleted HeLa cell nuclear extract (NE).
38                                              Immunodepleted HeLa S100 transcription extract no longer
39  autoimmune disease scleroderma were used to immunodeplete human RNase P activity.
40 l anti-ACAT-2 antibodies that quantitatively immunodepleted human ACAT-2, a 46-kDa protein expressed
41 ies raised against PAPP-A both inhibited and immunodepleted IGFBP-4 protease activity in human fibrob
42 e complex (IC)-mediated inflammation in mice immunodepleted in platelets and/or neutrophils or defici
43  that re-addition of exogenous drICE to such immunodepleted lysates restores apoptotic activity.
44 leotide-treated cells, and was lost from the immunodepleted lysates.
45 rs, and this toxicity was eliminated through immunodepleting macrophage/microglia from the culture.
46 nformation-dependent and could be reduced by immunodepleting Mcc(ia).
47  cells resulted in decreased virus burden in immunodepleted MCMV-infected syngeneic mice.
48 s on the cell surface, yet all metastases in immunodepleted mice were MHC class I-positive.
49 sing combinations of genetically altered and immunodepleted mice, we found evidence for gamma/delta T
50         Purified anti-FksAp immunoglobulin G immunodepletes nearly all of the GS activity in crude or
51 y were divided into three matched groups and immunodepleted of albumin, IgG, IgA, haploglobin, antitr
52                      Experiments with plasma immunodepleted of antithrombin or heparin cofactor II co
53              When MV-4-11 cell extracts were immunodepleted of AUF1, the rate of decay of ARE(bcl-2)
54 Moreover, Kc cell nuclear extracts that were immunodepleted of B52 lost their ability to splice this
55       Drosophila S-2 cell extracts that were immunodepleted of dTAFIII105 were substantially reduced
56                Proteoliposomes from extracts immunodepleted of either Vam3p or Ypt7p could not fuse,
57                                 CSF extracts immunodepleted of Emi1 degrade cyclin B, and exit from m
58 ack into a Xenopus egg extract that has been immunodepleted of endogenous condensin.
59 oocyte-type 5S rRNA genes in nuclear extract immunodepleted of endogenous TFIIIA.
60 ally by measuring FXIII-A2 in plasma samples immunodepleted of FXIII-A2B2.
61                        In HeLa cell extracts immunodepleted of hPrp18, the second step of pre-mRNA sp
62                            Infection of mice immunodepleted of IFN-gamma-producing cells or infection
63 rom Xenopus eggs that can be fractionated or immunodepleted of individual proteins.
64                                         Mice immunodepleted of neutrophils before surgery demonstrate
65                                      In mice immunodepleted of neutrophils or lacking the leukocyte-s
66 ER activity is much reduced in cell extracts immunodepleted of p53.
67                                   Recipients immunodepleted of PMNs before transplantation demonstrat
68  pRB during G(1)/S but was found in extracts immunodepleted of pRB in M-phase.
69                     Human plasma selectively immunodepleted of pre-beta(1)-HDL was used to study fact
70                            Lens lysates were immunodepleted of proteasomes using an antibody against
71 on leukocytes, an HL-60 membrane preparation immunodepleted of PSGL-1 supported rolling of L-selectin
72 ssociation inhibitor), together with cytosol immunodepleted of Rab5, fusion was virtually absent.
73 lectrophoretic mobility shift assay extracts immunodepleted of Ref-1 protein demonstrated that the in
74                  Xenopus laevis egg extracts immunodepleted of Rsk lost their capacity to undergo mit
75                     SFs from six RA patients immunodepleted of soluble fkn induced 56% less migration
76                    Synovial fluids (SF) were immunodepleted of sVCAM-1 to identify a role for sVCAM-1
77 himeric mice in which wild-type (WT) marrow, immunodepleted of T cells and stromal cells, is transpla
78     Strikingly, when tumor-bearing mice were immunodepleted of T lymphocytes or asialo GM1-positive c
79 duced from normal human plasma (NHP), plasma immunodepleted of TAFI (TdP), and TdP reconstituted with
80 rified components lacking TAFI or in plasmas immunodepleted of TAFI.
81 -independent manner in HeLa nuclear extracts immunodepleted of TBP and major TAFIIs.
82  complex is combined with a S.pombe fraction immunodepleted of TBP.
83 effects of SC-CM were abolished if SC-CM was immunodepleted of TGF-beta1 or if the latency-associated
84           Genomic DNA replicated in extracts immunodepleted of X-Mre11 complex accumulates DSBs as de
85               When Xenopus egg extracts were immunodepleted of Xenopus Hbo1 (XHbo1), chromatin bindin
86 inor 135-kDa protein in the preparation, can immunodeplete Pan1p but not PAN activity.
87                     Coagulation assays using immunodepleted plasmas showed that the enhancement of he
88                               In the BMP9/10-immunodepleted postnatal retina-a mouse model of HHT vas
89 opoietic stem cells into nonmyeloablated but immunodepleted (preconditioned) recipients can produce a
90                  To address these issues, we immunodepleted precursor GLUT4-rich vesicles and then im
91                      PTX treatment of a CFTR-immunodepleted protein preparation incorporated into bil
92 ium that was injected intragraft with CXCL16-immunodepleted RA synovial fluid (SF).
93 n amounts were equivalent in mock and Ric-8A-immunodepleted rabbit reticulocyte lysate (RRL).
94 ngly, when we used anti-RanBP1 antibodies to immunodeplete RanBP1 from Xenopus egg extracts, we found
95 8, whereas an autoimmune serum that does not immunodeplete RNase P activity did not react with these
96 11(p110) immune complexes to the CDK11(p110)-immunodepleted splicing reactions completely restored sp
97 s tested directly by examining the effect of immunodepleting Ssa1/2p from yeast cytosol and subsequen
98                          Anti-p43 antibodies immunodeplete telomerase RNA and telomerase activity fro
99                 Anti-Cbl antibody completely immunodepleted the CrkL-associated 120kDa phosphotyrosyl
100                                      Here we immunodepleted the EJC core component eIF4A3 from HeLa c
101 erum was not specific to DAO, even though it immunodepleted the majority of DAO activity from root ex
102 overexpressed p9 in Xenopus egg extracts and immunodepleted the protein from these extracts.
103 tep of pre-mRNA splicing is less affected by immunodepleting the complex.
104 man fetal neurons, which could be blocked by immunodepleting the supernatants of granzyme B (GrB).
105 tivity when added to extracts that have been immunodepleted using anti-CDC5L antibodies.
106 estored replication activity to egg extracts immunodepleted with anti-DUE-B antibody, suggesting that
107                            Islet homogenates immunodepleted with anti-IAPP-specific antibodies were n
108 -1-specific IgG showed that fibrinogen is co-immunodepleted with FALP and approximately 17% of total
109 tipartite complex with all these proteins as immunodepleting with anti-p85 antiserum substantially re
110                                              Immunodepleting Xkid from egg extracts prevented normal
111 omboplastin-triggered thrombin generation in immunodepleted zebrafish plasma.

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