


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e and dominant-negative mutants of PAK2, and immunodepletion.
2 s homolog of ATR (Xatr) from egg extracts by immunodepletion.
3 only protein removed from the extract during immunodepletion.
4 mmune competence after stress, infection, or immunodepletion.
5 milar to that for catalytic subunit DNA-PKcs immunodepletion.
6 oliferation, without the necessity for prior immunodepletion.
7 ed by infiltrating PMNs and, conversely, PMN immunodepletion abrogates tumor control.
8                                              Immunodepletion/add-back experiments demonstrate that PT
9                                        Using immunodepletion/add-back experiments in Xenopus egg extr
10                                       XNercc immunodepletion also slows aster assembly induced by Ran
11                                              Immunodepletion analyses demonstrated that the 50-kDa pr
12 ern immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, and immunodepletion analyses were performed using antibodies
13                                              Immunodepletion analysis shows that the Mad1-free Mad2 p
14                                       Maskin immunodepletion and add-back experiments demonstrate tha
15 epeat addition processivity, as shown by p82 immunodepletion and add-back.
16 action (MLR) were used to assess efficacy of immunodepletion and confirm donor-specific tolerance and
17 ropinosomes/endosomes is abrogated by septin immunodepletion and function-blocking antibodies and is
18                                   Syndecan-1 immunodepletion and further degradation experiments iden
19                                              Immunodepletion and gene disruption indicate BID is requ
20                                              Immunodepletion and immunoprecipitation studies indicate
21                                              Immunodepletion and knockout studies indicated that thro
22                                              Immunodepletion and okadaic acid inhibition studies demo
23 0 is not sufficient for AP release; however, immunodepletion and reconstitution experiments establish
24                                              Immunodepletion and reconstitution with recombinant prot
25                                              Immunodepletion and reexpression experiments revealed th
26 81-Galpha(q/11) complex was revealed by CD81 immunodepletion and reexpression experiments.
27 C in in vitro rephosphorylation assays using immunodepletion and rescue with recombinant protein.
28 hese cells by size-exclusion chromatography, immunodepletion, and absolute quantification mass spectr
29 ich were abrogated by Tat heat inactivation, immunodepletion, and cysteine mutation at position 30.
30 y assessed functional tolerance, efficacy of immunodepletion, and donor-specific chimerism.
31 y inactivate Mediator (immunoneutralization, immunodepletion, and inhibitory polypeptides), we find t
32 say in combination with immunoprecipitation, immunodepletion, and specific inhibition.
33                                        Using immunodepletion approach and a rephosphorylation assay i
34             Second, we used purification and immunodepletion approaches to identify a critical role f
35 f phosphatase inhibitors in combination with immunodepletion assays identified this activity to be re
36  demonstrated in HeLa nuclear extracts using immunodepletion assays.
37                                     Platelet immunodepletion before TGN markedly exacerbated hematuri
38       Both inhibitor types and myofibroblast immunodepletion block the emergence of castration-resist
39 o chromatin with similar kinetics, and DUE-B immunodepletion blocks replication and the loading of Cd
40 l-free system lends itself to use in protein immunodepletion, complementation and drug inhibition as
41 al adhesion to airway epithelia, and MUC1-ED immunodepletion completely abrogated their inhibitory ac
42 as found to contain DNase IIalpha, but after immunodepletion, considerable acid-active endonuclease r
43          Maraviroc (CCR5 antagonist) or CCL5 immunodepletion diminished 95% and 70% of the effect of
44          Whole animal KC, MIP-2, or TNFalpha immunodepletion each abrogated TPA-induced inflammation,
45                                       Plasma immunodepletion experiments and experiments using recomb
46 zation on Cdc2 in the p53 null cells, though immunodepletion experiments demonstrated that only a sma
47 - or two-step immunoprecipitation assays and immunodepletion experiments followed by Western blot ana
48 t in extracts of estrogen-treated cells, and immunodepletion experiments identify this factor as p21(
49 two-hybrid analysis, and immunoprecipitation/immunodepletion experiments indicate that Tap binds tigh
50                                              Immunodepletion experiments indicate that the Cdc73-CPSF
51                                              Immunodepletion experiments indicate that virtually all
52                   Co-immunoprecipitation and immunodepletion experiments indicated that approximately
53                                              Immunodepletion experiments indicated that EWI-2-CD9/CD8
54                                              Immunodepletion experiments of mitotic extracts revealed
55                                              Immunodepletion experiments revealed that c-ErbB-2 prote
56 ytes was shown to be biologically important; immunodepletion experiments revealed that TNF-alpha was
57                                 Furthermore, immunodepletion experiments show that MGL accounts for a
58                                              Immunodepletion experiments showed that the LP-BER activ
59                                              Immunodepletion experiments suggest that extension requi
60                      Here, we demonstrate by immunodepletion experiments that 5'-dRP-N(3) excision in
61                   Co-immunoprecipitation and immunodepletion experiments using an antibody to muted c
62                                          G12 immunodepletion experiments with hydrolyzed gluten showe
63  by immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, and immunodepletion experiments.
64 ct, as determined by immunoprecipitation and immunodepletion experiments.
65 usly we described a reliable method based on immunodepletion for isolating mesenchymal stem cells (MS
66                                        Using immunodepletion from and antibody addition to Xenopus la
67                                         Emi1 immunodepletion from cycling Xenopus extracts strongly d
68 e systemically administered MSCs purified by immunodepletion from male bleomycin (BLM)-resistant BALB
69                                     TAF(I)41 immunodepletion from nuclear extracts dramatically reduc
70                                              Immunodepletion from the medium of all Abeta species com
71                                        SRC-1 immunodepletion from type II cell nuclear extracts reduc
72                                              Immunodepletion from Xenopus egg extracts indicated that
73 omoted cell death that was suppressed by NGF immunodepletion in a mouse photoreceptor cell line (661w
74                                              Immunodepletion, in vitro phosphorylation, and peptide-m
75 embly experiments and an additional 1-3 h if immunodepletion is performed.
76  adoptive transfer of lymphocytes after host immunodepletion, it is possible to mediate objective can
77 in was purified from betaTC6,F7 cells via an immunodepletion method.
78  receiving: I) no other treatment (n=4), II) immunodepletion (n=5), and III) immunodepletion plus a s
79       Here, we show that INU1-induced CLEC-2 immunodepletion occurs through Src-family kinase-depende
80                                              Immunodepletion of 4.1 disrupted microtubule arrays and
81 otubules into asters depends on 4.1R in that immunodepletion of 4.1R from the extract resulted in ran
82                                              Immunodepletion of ACF from rat liver extracts abolished
83                                              Immunodepletion of all detectable Hb from TLF1 does not
84 ular endothelial cell migration; conversely, immunodepletion of Angptl4 reduced PgammaCA-mediated cel
85                                              Immunodepletion of annexin II from type II cell cytosol
86 d proteins from the target cell, followed by immunodepletion of antibodies that recognize proteins fr
87                                              Immunodepletion of antimicrobial factors with staphyloci
88                                 Furthermore, immunodepletion of APE1 from active gel filtration fract
89                                 Furthermore, immunodepletion of APRIL under conditions that prevent A
90 timulated barbed-end polymerization, whereas immunodepletion of Arp2 or sequestration of Arp2 using s
91                                              Immunodepletion of AS160 in tibialis anterior muscle lys
92 l MNC protein is significantly attenuated by immunodepletion of AUF1, providing new evidence that thi
93                                              Immunodepletion of Bid from cell extracts eliminated the
94                                              Immunodepletion of both ATM and ATR abrogated the checkp
95                                              Immunodepletion of both tPA and lysine-binding proteins
96                                              Immunodepletion of Bub1 abolishes the spindle checkpoint
97                           Here, we show that immunodepletion of Bub1 from egg extracts blocks the abi
98                                              Immunodepletion of BubR1 greatly reduces kinetochore bin
99                                 Furthermore, immunodepletion of CAK under high-salt conditions, which
100 y, RNA interference, co-immunoprecipitation, immunodepletion of candidate proteins, and reconstitutio
101                                              Immunodepletion of caspase-3 from 293 extracts abolished
102 hed cleavage of Bcl-2 and caspase-7, whereas immunodepletion of caspase-7 had no effect on Bcl-2 clea
103 se) activity, most of which was removed upon immunodepletion of CD151.
104                                              Immunodepletion of CD4(+) but not CD8(+) T cells in tumo
105                                              Immunodepletion of CD8 T cells fully restored melanoma g
106                                              Immunodepletion of Cdc6 by microinjection of anti-Cdc6 a
107                                              Immunodepletion of CDK11(p110) from splicing extracts gr
108                                              Immunodepletion of CDK2/cyclin E in HeLa nuclear extract
109                                Surprisingly, immunodepletion of cellular extracts suggests IKKalpha i
110                                              Immunodepletion of CENP-C from metaphase egg extract pre
111                                              Immunodepletion of Claspin from egg extracts abolishes b
112                                              Immunodepletion of components of the complex - Cul-1, Sk
113                                              Immunodepletion of condensin inhibited microtubule growt
114                                              Immunodepletion of conditioned medium with an IDE antibo
115                                              Immunodepletion of conditioned medium with antibodies to
116                                              Immunodepletion of conventional PKCs from the cell lysat
117                                              Immunodepletion of COPI coatomer complex and associated
118                                              Immunodepletion of CUGBP2 co-precipitates ACF, and these
119                                 Furthermore, immunodepletion of cystatin C from the conditioned mediu
120                                              Immunodepletion of cytoplasmic dynein from the A549 cell
121                                Nevertheless, immunodepletion of cytosol using the anti-P200/myosin II
122                                              Immunodepletion of DDK from Xenopus egg extracts impairs
123                                              Immunodepletion of detergent extracts with anti-Vti1p re
124 pendent gap filling was nearly eliminated by immunodepletion of DNA polymerase lambda, but was restor
125 ion of a DNA-PK inhibitor, wortmannin, or by immunodepletion of DNA-PKcs, supporting a positive role
126                                              Immunodepletion of Drf1 does not prevent DNA replication
127                                              Immunodepletion of DSIF from a Drosophila nuclear extrac
128 proximately 60% of the total soluble SS, and immunodepletion of du1- mutant extracts with this antise
129                                              Immunodepletion of dynamin proteins also inhibited vesic
130                        Finally, we show that immunodepletion of E2F3 activity inhibits the induction
131                                              Immunodepletion of EB1 from cytostatic factor-arrested M
132 NA replication and that caffeine, as well as immunodepletion of either ATM or ATR, abolishes this inh
133 on is blocked by addition of caffeine and by immunodepletion of either ATR or Claspin.
134 tablishment of CSF arrest in meiosis II, and immunodepletion of either protein blocked the establishm
135                                              Immunodepletion of either xFANCA or xFANCD2 from egg ext
136                                              Immunodepletion of endogenous Aven allowed mitotic entry
137                                              Immunodepletion of endogenous VHR eliminated the dephosp
138                                              Immunodepletion of ePAB increases the rate of both ARE-m
139  is specific for TRAP25 allowed quantitative immunodepletion of essentially all TRAP/Mediator compone
140                                              Immunodepletion of factor VII from zebrafish plasma sele
141                                     However, immunodepletion of FDH activity in RAT1 cells and in mur
142                                              Immunodepletion of fkn from five RA synovial tissue homo
143                                     In vivo, immunodepletion of fkn from six RA SFs significantly inh
144                                              Immunodepletion of FLNA from nuclear extracts resulted i
145                                              Immunodepletion of gelsolin, but not Xenopus ADF/cofilin
146                  We previously reported that immunodepletion of Greatwall kinase prevents Xenopus egg
147                                              Immunodepletion of HeLa lysates by a monoclonal antibody
148                            Here we show that immunodepletion of Hip from reticulocyte lysate or addit
149                                              Immunodepletion of histone H1 caused the assembly of abe
150                                              Immunodepletion of hPrp16 from splicing extracts specifi
151                                              Immunodepletion of Hsc70 and Hsp70 impaired delta releas
152 ermore, the present results demonstrate that immunodepletion of Hsp27 depletes cas-3.
153 purifies with the sGC-activating effect, and immunodepletion of Hsp70 from COS-7 cytosol coincided wi
154                                              Immunodepletion of Hsp90 depletes Apaf-1 and thereby inh
155                                              Immunodepletion of HSP90-alpha from conditioned medium s
156                             Of significance, immunodepletion of IAP-2 from the hypoxic cytosol restor
157 he rate of cyclin B1 import was decreased by immunodepletion of importin beta from cytosol.
158 KIs prevent CAK from activating the CDK-2 as immunodepletion of induced CKIs from the inhibitory extr
159         Interference with MAPK activation by immunodepletion of its activator MEK, or by addition of
160 acrine manner; these effects were blocked by immunodepletion of Jagged-1 in EC-conditioned medium or
161                                              Immunodepletion of Jak2 virtually eliminated the ligand-
162                                              Immunodepletion of Janus kinases from the cell lysate be
163 nations of DNA ends was also decreased after immunodepletion of Ku from the extract.
164 ed FAK by 70%, and this was accounted for by immunodepletion of LAR.
165                                              Immunodepletion of LARP7 also depleted most of the 7SK r
166 shedding enhancer from the findings that (i) immunodepletion of LasA from the partially purified samp
167 ocyte-derived fibrocyte differentiation, and immunodepletion of LGALS3BP from MDA-MB 231 conditioned
168                                              Immunodepletion of LspA proteins from H. ducreyi culture
169 n effect similar to that obtained via direct immunodepletion of matrix metalloproteinase-1.
170                                              Immunodepletion of MIP-1alpha from cytotrophoblast condi
171                                              Immunodepletion of Mos also abolished the transient acti
172                                              Immunodepletion of Mos from interphase egg extracts was
173                                              Immunodepletion of Nap1 decreased H1M binding to mitotic
174                                              Immunodepletion of NC2 beta/Dr1 protein complexes rescue
175                                              Immunodepletion of NELF also impairs promoter proximal p
176                                              Immunodepletion of NELF or DSIF from a nuclear extract d
177                         Critically, specific immunodepletion of neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukoc
178           However, we show that intratumoral immunodepletion of neutrophils does not abolish the effe
179                                Additionally, immunodepletion of neutrophils in infected mice confirme
180                                              Immunodepletion of neutrophils or monocytes inhibited th
181 in macrophages isolated from SCID mice after immunodepletion of NK cells.
182 enocytes, and the rejection was prevented by immunodepletion of NK1.1(+) or Ly49D(+) NK cells.
183                                              Immunodepletion of NQO1-null mice liver cytosol and part
184 RCA1 with the GADD45 promoter because either immunodepletion of Oct-1 and NF-YA proteins or mutations
185                                              Immunodepletion of OPN from RASMC-conditioned medium inh
186                                              Immunodepletion of p15 BID prevents cytochrome c release
187 ells but not in proliferating cells; whereas immunodepletion of p27(kip1) from cdk2-immunoprecipitate
188 or, and zymosan particles and was blocked by immunodepletion of p42(mapk/erk2) and by specific inhibi
189                                 Furthermore, immunodepletion of p67(phox) from adventitial fibroblast
190                                              Immunodepletion of p75 and p40 from LGG-CM reversed LGG-
191 in rat lens explants, and this is blocked by immunodepletion of PDGF-D.
192                                 Furthermore, immunodepletion of Pin1 from mitotic cell extracts preve
193  Phosphorylation of lamin B was inhibited by immunodepletion of PKCalpha from activated cytosol and w
194 PKCdelta phosphorylated NLRC4 S533 in vitro, immunodepletion of PKCdelta from macrophage lysates bloc
195 ntibody, INU1, results in virtually complete immunodepletion of platelet CLEC-2 in mice, which is, ho
196                                              Immunodepletion of platelets decreased early perivascula
197 ivity in fibrosarcoma cell culture medium by immunodepletion of PLF.
198      The addition of kinase-defective Plk or immunodepletion of Plk disrupts the fragmentation proces
199                                              Immunodepletion of Plx1 completely inhibited activation
200 2 kinase involved in checkpoint response, as immunodepletion of Plx1 from checkpoint extracts abolish
201                                              Immunodepletion of Pnuts from egg extracts revealed its
202                                              Immunodepletion of polymerase lambda, but not polymerase
203                    We show that the specific immunodepletion of polymorphonuclear leukocyte neutrophi
204                                              Immunodepletion of PP2A from Xenopus egg extract resulte
205                                We found that immunodepletion of PP2A or inhibition of PP2A by okadaic
206 rived from Xenopus eggs, we demonstrate that immunodepletion of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) from eg
207 hagocytosis of apoptotic lymphoma cells, and immunodepletion of protein S eliminated the prophagocyti
208                                 In contrast, immunodepletion of Raf-1 and B-Raf, two other MEK-activa
209                                              Immunodepletion of RANTES alone or in combination with m
210                                 In addition, immunodepletion of Ref-1 from nuclear extracts demonstra
211                                     However, immunodepletion of Ref-1/Ape from nuclear extract preven
212                                              Immunodepletion of Ref-1/Ape prevented probe association
213 d used to generate polyclonal antibodies for immunodepletion of respective proteins from LGG-conditio
214                                              Immunodepletion of SBP2 from the lysates abolished Sec i
215                                 Simultaneous immunodepletion of Scc2A and Scc2B from the extracts imp
216                                              Immunodepletion of Scythe from extracts completely preve
217 f F box protein SKP2, and is not affected by immunodepletion of SKP1 or mutations in CUL1 disrupting
218                                              Immunodepletion of SSX2IP impeded gamma-TuRC loading ont
219 nced T cell accumulation in tissues, whereas immunodepletion of T cells protected syndecan-1-null mic
220 ation and altered NPC differentiation, while immunodepletion of Tat from Tat-containing conditioned m
221                                          The immunodepletion of tau had no detectable effect on sever
222                                              Immunodepletion of TFII-I from nuclear extracts prior to
223 ynaptogenic effects, which were prevented by immunodepletion of TGF-beta1.
224                                       Third, immunodepletion of the 100-kDa subunit of X. laevis CPSF
225 pecific effect reversed by neutralization or immunodepletion of the AutoAb pool.
226                                              Immunodepletion of the CDC5L complex from HeLa nuclear e
227 tochores assembled in Xenopus extracts after immunodepletion of the complex did not contain xRod, xZw
228 ounts of CV2 increased the activity, whereas immunodepletion of the CV2 fraction with an antibody aga
229                                              Immunodepletion of the endogenous NUFIP causes a marked
230                                              Immunodepletion of the large aggregated AT8-positive tau
231                                 Furthermore, immunodepletion of the MEF2A-MEF2D complex from control
232 kinase activity as PKC-theta on the basis of immunodepletion of the moesin kinase activity and copuri
233                                   Similarly, immunodepletion of the PA700 from the extract also signi
234 enzymatic degradation of heparan sulfate and immunodepletion of the syndecan-1 and -4 in wound fluid
235 nt basal transcription by either mutation or immunodepletion of their function.
236                                              Immunodepletion of TIA-1 and TIAR from Xenopus translati
237 sactivation by Tat in transfected cells, and immunodepletion of TIP30 from nuclear extracts abolishes
238                                              Immunodepletion of tissue-type plasminogen activator (tP
239                                Inhibition or immunodepletion of TOP decreased their degradation and t
240 cells against TRAIL-induced killing, whereas immunodepletion of TRAILshort with a specific Ab restore
241                                              Immunodepletion of TRIM2 from cell lysates prepared from
242                                              Immunodepletion of xBLM from a Xenopus egg extract sever
243                                              Immunodepletion of Xblm from egg extracts results in acc
244                                              Immunodepletion of Xcds1 (and/or Xchk1) from egg extract
245                                              Immunodepletion of xCep57 from egg extracts yields weake
246                                              Immunodepletion of xDNA2 resulted in a significant reduc
247 ciently resected in Xenopus egg extracts and immunodepletion of Xenopus DNA2 also strongly inhibited
248                                        Using immunodepletion of Xenopus nuclear reconstitution extrac
249                                              Immunodepletion of Xgrip210 blocks not only the assembly
250  control of the checkpoint protein xMps1, as immunodepletion of xMps1 prevents binding of Plx1 to kin
251                                              Immunodepletion of XNercc from egg extracts results in d
252                                              Immunodepletion of Xnf7 from Xenopus laevis egg extracts
253                                              Immunodepletion of XRIPalpha from the egg extracts block
254                      Moreover, we found that immunodepletion of ZBP-89 prevented recruitment of ATM t
255 and Thr18 of MLC20 with similar potency; (b) immunodepletion of ZIP kinase from the cell extracts mar
256    The effects of ALF overexpression and ALF immunodepletion on a thymidine kinase promoter construct
257 ibe methods to inhibit a specific protein by immunodepletion or addition of an inhibitor such as a do
258                                              Immunodepletion or affinity depletion of these fragments
259         When CENP-E function is disrupted by immunodepletion or antibody addition, extracts fail to a
260 em, DNA end joining was reduced by NF90/NF45 immunodepletion or by RNA digestion to an extent similar
261                                              Immunodepletion or inhibition of calpain-1 in hypotonica
262                                       Xorbit immunodepletion or its inhibition by a dominant-negative
263              A selective chemical inhibitor, immunodepletion, or genetic deletion of Fap stabilized r
264 t (n=4), II) immunodepletion (n=5), and III) immunodepletion plus a single dose of mouse anti-human C
265                                    This GPVI immunodepletion predominantly occurs through ectodomain
266 tants of CMV-infected mature moDCs, and CD83 immunodepletion removes the inhibitory effect of these s
267 nduced endothelial cell migration, but IL-18 immunodepletion resulted in a 68 +/- 5% decrease in HMVE
268 aster embryo extracts, either by mutation or immunodepletion, resulted in loss of their ability to re
269    Alternative hypotheses to explain the DAO immunodepletion results (such as poisoning of DAO activi
270 f platelets extensively purified by negative immunodepletion showed platelets contained IL-1beta, and
271                                              Immunodepletion studies confirm that these subunits have
272                                    Chemokine immunodepletion studies confirmed that tumor-derived MCP
273                      Immunoprecipitation and immunodepletion studies indicate that p130 can compensat
274                                              Immunodepletion studies of P-4-vaccinated mice indicate
275                         Immunoinhibition and immunodepletion studies showed that the Hsp70 chaperone
276                                              Immunodepletion studies suggested interleukin 6 (IL6) as
277                                      Through immunodepletion studies, we identified vascular endothel
278  By using specific anti-ACAT-1 antibodies in immunodepletion studies, we previously found that ACAT-1
279 eripheral lymphocyte population after severe immunodepletion such as that which occurs in HIV-infecte
280                                              Immunodepletion suggested that the identity of p140 was
281 au uptake despite removing less total tau by immunodepletion, suggesting specific interactions with s
282 ared ch-TOGp-specific antibodies and show by immunodepletion that ch-TOGp is required for microtubule
283 lant patients given Campath-1H (Alemtuzumab) immunodepletion therapy and long-term rapamycin monother
284 ect on the expression of cyclin E. p27(kip1)-immunodepletion upregulated cyclin E-dependent kinase ac
285                                              Immunodepletion using antibodies specific for the exosom
286                                              Immunodepletion using non-neutralizing antibodies to gp1
287 igen was investigated by immunoprecipitation/immunodepletion, using commercial monoclonal antibodies
288                                              Immunodepletion was performed on brain extract from tau-
289                                              Immunodepletion with anti-asialo-GM1 or anti-CD4 during
290                                   Similarly, immunodepletion with anti-FDH antibody does not remove t
291 te with the decrease in platelet count after immunodepletion with anti-GPIb or anti-CD41 antibody.
292                                              Immunodepletion with anti-NF1 antibodies dramatically de
293  the Vti1p that is complexed with Vam3p, and immunodepletion with anti-Nyv1p removes all the Ykt6p in
294 l the Ykt6p that is in a complex with Vam3p, immunodepletion with anti-Ykt6p removes all the Vti1p th
295                                              Immunodepletion with antibodies against SSEA-5 and two a
296 clitaxel treated cells was reduced following immunodepletion with antibodies directed against individ
297                                              Immunodepletion with antiserum to GATA-2 prevented forma
298                                              Immunodepletion with H185 antibody resulted in no OC125
299 l cross-linker and removed non-native Env by immunodepletion with non-neutralizing antibodies.
300  are required for Tat activation as shown by immunodepletion with specific sera and complementation w

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