


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e findings have expanded the field of cancer immunodiagnostics.
2 hly desirable for the design of vaccines and immunodiagnostics.
3 ll as their potential utility as targets for immunodiagnostic agents, is discussed.
4 irst section of this review focuses on rapid immunodiagnostic and DNA-based detection methods for kno
5 ich known lipid antigens can be developed as immunodiagnostic and immunotherapeutic reagents for tube
6 e widespread and include clinical chemistry, immunodiagnostics and protein analysis, cell handling, m
7 obes in microarray and biosensor technology, immunodiagnostics, and high-throughput screening.
8 pproach, including disease activity scoring, immunodiagnostics, and magnetic resonance imaging, as we
9 ntial utility of polymer microprojections in immunodiagnostics applications.
10 tested negative for TB in the 38-kDa antigen immunodiagnostic assay were also tested for reactivity a
11 ncorporation of these biomarkers into future immunodiagnostic assays for TB could result in substanti
12 e to these potentially important vaccine and immunodiagnostic candidates is not known.
13 eir ability to work as reagents for enhanced immunodiagnostic detection.
14 significant challenges to the development of immunodiagnostics for detecting emergent viral variants.
15  proteins with those molecular masses are of immunodiagnostic importance, Lyme disease patient sera w
16 MAb CLIA can be used to generate a sensitive immunodiagnostic kit, which offers the potential for a h
17 ring the relative ease of measuring RBP with immunodiagnostic kits compared with that of serum retino
18 ing used in the production of antibodies for immunodiagnostic kits.
19  development of prototype rapid lateral flow immunodiagnostic (LFI) assays that are true point-of-con
20  human vessels expressed GLUT-1 and merosin, immunodiagnostic markers for infantile hemangioma.
21                         Since no established immunodiagnostic methods for penicilliosis marneffei are
22                       Therefore, alternative immunodiagnostic methods, such as serological assays, ar
23 hotonic crystal (PC) optical biosensor as an immunodiagnostic platform for detection of serum ferriti
24 tum cDNA (GH17) that encodes an antigen with immunodiagnostic potential.
25 th the discovery of the prion protein (PrP), immunodiagnostic procedures were applied to diagnose Cre
26 implicifolia (GS-1-B(4)) has been used as an immunodiagnostic reagent.
27 re filtrates to develop subunit vaccines and immunodiagnostic reagents.
28 These findings provide a baseline for future immunodiagnostic studies of lacritin in dry eye and othe
29 used as the standard against which all other immunodiagnostic techniques are compared because an immu
30 hembio dual-path platform HIV-syphilis rapid immunodiagnostic test and electronic reader for detectio
31 e the laboratory performance of a dual rapid immunodiagnostic test for HIV and syphilis.
32                                      A rapid immunodiagnostic test that detects and discriminates hum
33  the potential to improve the sensitivity of immunodiagnostic tests detecting bovine tuberculosis in
34                                              Immunodiagnostic tests may improve sensitivity, but thes
35 for the development of potential vaccines or immunodiagnostic tests.
36    This notion has profound implications for immunodiagnostics: the detection of apparently recall Ag
37 binant proteins are also beginning to impact immunodiagnostics, with the promise of even more highly

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