


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 bimolecular fluorescence complementation and immunogold electron microscopy.
2 y immunofluorescence light microscopy nor by immunogold electron microscopy.
3  frozen cells grown at 76 degrees C by using immunogold electron microscopy.
4  in IMCD cells of potassium-deprived rats by immunogold electron microscopy.
5 mass spectrometry, immunohistochemistry, and immunogold electron microscopy.
6 ths) Sprague Dawley rats using postembedding immunogold electron microscopy.
7 of the human exocrine pancreas, as judged by immunogold electron microscopy.
8 ts by both immunofluorescence microscopy and immunogold electron microscopy.
9 -membrane-localized VLPs as visualized using immunogold electron microscopy.
10 tinin and is found at the Z-disc as shown by immunogold electron microscopy.
11 was seldom found in nucleus and myofibers by immunogold electron microscopy.
12  using biochemical analyses and quantitative immunogold electron microscopy.
13  different region of the TGN than AtTLG2b by immunogold electron microscopy.
14 ions, and this distribution was confirmed by immunogold electron microscopy.
15 ion in the infected tissue was identified by immunogold electron microscopy.
16 elson-transformed pre-B lymphocytes by using immunogold electron microscopy.
17  the hair cells at various time points using immunogold electron microscopy.
18 ular distribution of HAP1 was examined using immunogold electron microscopy.
19 lasma membrane microdomains, as localized by immunogold electron microscopy.
20 calizes with NFL on single neurofilaments by immunogold electron microscopy.
21 th cardiac amyloid deposits was confirmed by immunogold electron microscopy.
22 -exponential growth, which was reinforced by immunogold electron microscopy.
23 calized the epitope on the capsid surface by immunogold electron microscopy.
24 tophysin, syntaxin, and synaptotagmin and by immunogold electron microscopy.
25 n blot analyses of cell wall proteins and by immunogold electron microscopy.
26     These results were further validated via immunogold electron microscopy.
27 coprotein (GPC) on the cell surface by using immunogold electron microscopy.
28 ileptic DGCs was examined with postembedding immunogold electron microscopy.
29 mouse retina was visualized by pre-embedding immunogold electron microscopy.
30  situ hybridization, immunofluorescence, and immunogold electron microscopy.
31 emonstrated by subcellular fractionation and immunogold electron microscopy.
32 measured by mass spectrometry and located by immunogold electron microscopy.
33 noblotting, immunofluorescence analysis, and immunogold electron microscopy.
34 alizes with NF-M on single neurofilaments by immunogold electron microscopy.
35 interact, we employed immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy.
36 al compartments by confocal fluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy.
37 d in lung tissue by immunohistochemistry and immunogold electron microscopy.
38 escence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and immunogold electron microscopy.
39 he axoplasmic organelles, as demonstrated by immunogold electron-microscopy.
40                 By use of flow cytometry and immunogold electron microscopy, a clinical isolate with
41                                           By immunogold electron microscopy, alpha-actinin-2 is conce
42                                              Immunogold electron microscopy also showed that TlpC loc
43                                              Immunogold electron microscopy analysis revealed that cl
44                                              Immunogold electron microscopy and analysis were used to
45 35 rat hepatoma cells, as determined both by immunogold electron microscopy and by autoradiography.
46                                     Based on immunogold electron microscopy and co-immunoprecipitatio
47                                              Immunogold electron microscopy and confocal analyses ind
48                      Previous examination by immunogold electron microscopy and electron tomography s
49                                              Immunogold electron microscopy and epifluorescence video
50                                              Immunogold electron microscopy and flow cytometric analy
51 calized inside the in vivo pollen tube using immunogold electron microscopy and found to be present i
52 ocalizes in lamellar bodies as determined by immunogold electron microscopy and immunoblot of lamella
53 ns of the suprastructures were determined by immunogold electron microscopy and immunoblotting.
54                                              Immunogold electron microscopy and immunofluorescence te
55                                              Immunogold electron microscopy and in vitro import assay
56        Localization of RLIP76 was studied by immunogold electron microscopy and kinetics of the adeno
57 Subsequent analyses of HSV-infected cells by immunogold electron microscopy and live-cell confocal im
58 1 and Kir6.2 subunits with Western blotting, immunogold electron microscopy and the identification of
59 m also cross-reacted with the LP fimbriae in immunogold electron microscopy and Western blot experime
60 tative real-time PCR and in mouse kidneys by immunogold electron microscopy, and its agonism 1) incre
61 inguished from that of collagen filaments by immunogold electron microscopy, and mimicked by that of
62 ly at the pilus tip, a location supported by immunogold electron microscopy, and suggests that, as fo
63 edium and utilized for immunohistochemistry, immunogold electron microscopy, and western blotting.
64 e acidocalcisomes and that was identified by immunogold electron microscopy as the contractile vacuol
65 to PLD1 together with immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy as well as cell fractiona
66                                              Immunogold electron microscopy confirmed the association
67                                              Immunogold electron microscopy confirmed the granule loc
68                                              Immunogold electron microscopy confirmed the progressive
69                                              Immunogold electron microscopy confirmed the storage of
70 n by using antibodies for alpha-actinin, and immunogold electron microscopy confirms localization spe
71  facilitate nutrient uptake from host blood, immunogold electron microscopy confirms that the protein
72                  We now show by quantitative immunogold electron microscopy coupled with analysis of
73                                              Immunogold electron microscopy data support the conclusi
74 otobleaching (FRAP), immunofluorescence, and immunogold electron microscopy demonstrate that the GC i
75                                              Immunogold electron microscopy demonstrated increased ni
76                                              Immunogold electron microscopy demonstrated that E4 34K
77            Consistent with this observation, immunogold electron microscopy demonstrated that Neph1 l
78                                              Immunogold electron microscopy demonstrated that platele
79            Consistent with this observation, immunogold electron microscopy demonstrated that polyclo
80                                              Immunogold electron microscopy demonstrates that Pcnt is
81                                          (v) Immunogold electron microscopy detected ACBP within 43 A
82 ing rat brain slice, immunofluorescence, and immunogold electron microscopy detection of VMAT2 (vesic
83  current assumptions, pre- and postembedding immunogold electron microscopy (EM) revealed that MHCI p
84 ng immunoprecipitation of COPII vesicles and immunogold electron microscopy (EM), we characterize the
85                         With double-labeling immunogold electron microscopy (EM), we confirmed that I
86 ll fractionation, coimmunoprecipitation, and immunogold electron microscopy experiments confirmed tha
87 ed against IQGAP and Cdc42 in negative-stain immunogold electron microscopy experiments.
88           In the present study, quantitative immunogold electron microscopy for GLUT1 was employed on
89                                              Immunogold electron microscopy further localized HD-5 to
90                                              Immunogold electron microscopy had shown that the expres
91                              We also show by immunogold electron microscopy immunocytochemistry that
92 of Neph1 to the glomerular slit diaphragm by immunogold electron microscopy in rodents and describe i
93 ts (MEFs) by indirect immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy in the presence or absenc
94                                              Immunogold electron microscopy in two glioblastomas mult
95 ribution of the GC by immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy in whole fibers from diff
96                  In addition, the results of immunogold electron microscopy indicated a close associa
97         Surprisingly, immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy indicated that adherens j
98                          Here, pre-embedding immunogold electron microscopy is applied to dissociated
99                                              Immunogold electron microscopy localized Ser(P)269-AQP2
100                                              Immunogold electron microscopy localized the allergen in
101                                              Immunogold electron microscopy localized VHL specificall
102                                        Using immunogold electron microscopy, non-fibrillar forms of P
103                              On the basis of immunogold electron microscopy of both rat liver nuclear
104                                              Immunogold electron microscopy of cells infected with vA
105                                 Dual labeled immunogold electron microscopy of cultured polarized mou
106                             Transmission and immunogold electron microscopy of extracted extracellula
107 d with the presynaptic membrane, we employed immunogold electron microscopy of forebrain synaptosomes
108                                              Immunogold electron microscopy of hippocampal tissue sec
109 1 in most membranes containing ER markers by immunogold electron microscopy of metaphase cells.
110                                              Immunogold electron microscopy of P. mirabilis HI4320 re
111                                              Immunogold electron microscopy of PAO1WT and PAO1 deltaR
112                                              Immunogold electron microscopy of rat hippocampal neuron
113                                              Immunogold electron microscopy of the latter fractions v
114 raK-FLAG3 in otherwise wild-type cells using immunogold electron microscopy of thin sections revealed
115                                        Using Immunogold electron microscopy, PGRP-S was localized to
116                       Immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy reveal a spectrin-rich do
117              Immunofluorescence staining and immunogold electron microscopy reveal different subcellu
118                      Confocal microscopy and immunogold electron microscopy reveal GFP to be almost e
119 , immunofluorescent confocal microscopy, and immunogold-electron microscopy reveal that the 15b-IDE p
120 tly with markers of the Golgi apparatus, and immunogold electron microscopy revealed a predominant lo
121                                              Immunogold electron microscopy revealed a preferential l
122                        In the present study, immunogold electron microscopy revealed EC-SOD in membra
123                                              Immunogold electron microscopy revealed redistribution o
124                                    Moreover, immunogold electron microscopy revealed that both intrac
125                                              Immunogold electron microscopy revealed that overexpress
126                                              Immunogold electron microscopy revealed that pU(L)31 cou
127 pared with non-MTLE hippocampi, quantitative ImmunoGold electron microscopy revealed that the density
128                                              Immunogold electron microscopy revealed that these prote
129       Additionally, immunohistochemistry and immunogold electron microscopy revealed that tibial marr
130                                              Immunogold electron microscopy revealed the presence of
131                                              Immunogold electron microscopy reveals a concentration o
132                                              Immunogold electron microscopy reveals GKAP to be predom
133                                              Immunogold electron microscopy showed hGH co-stored with
134          Analysis using Western blotting and immunogold electron microscopy showed that expression of
135 st exclusively in RPE Immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy showed that HFE protein w
136                                Postembedding immunogold electron microscopy showed that NOS-I concent
137                                    Moreover, immunogold electron microscopy showed that NR1 is expres
138                                              Immunogold electron microscopy showed that surface recep
139                                              Immunogold electron microscopy showed that the anti-mino
140                                              Immunogold electron microscopy showed that the Uni2 prot
141                                       Direct immunogold electron microscopy specifically localized de
142 ed against these GIPCs were further used for immunogold-electron microscopy strategy, revealing the d
143                                              Immunogold electron microscopy studies of the epitope-ta
144                                              Immunogold electron microscopy studies revealed a homoge
145                                   Results of immunogold electron microscopy suggest that some G prote
146                              High-resolution immunogold electron microscopy supported the cellular lo
147                                 Confocal and immunogold electron microscopy supported Trpv4 overexpre
148 l approaches, including live immunolabeling, immunogold electron microscopy, surface biotinylation an
149                  Here, we used postembedding immunogold electron microscopy techniques to examine the
150                By confocal microscopy and by immunogold electron microscopy, the cytoplasmic expressi
151                                   Using cryo-immunogold electron microscopy, the three GGAs were show
152                   By confocal microscopy and immunogold-electron microscopy, these filaments are loca
153                                           By immunogold electron microscopy, this exposed large amoun
154 3 (AQP3) was found by immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy to be expressed at the pl
155                       In this study, we used immunogold electron microscopy to demonstrate that BxpB
156                           Here, we have used immunogold electron microscopy to examine the subcellula
157 ution structured illumination microscopy and immunogold electron microscopy to localize major compone
158                                      We used immunogold electron microscopy to localize SafA and foun
159                       In this study, we used immunogold electron microscopy to show that the CTD of B
160 ined immunocytochemistry and high-resolution ImmunoGold electron microscopy to study cellular and sub
161               Confocal immunofluorescent and immunogold electron microscopy, together with subcellula
162                                              Immunogold electron microscopy, used to definitively loc
163                                              ImmunoGold electron microscopy using antibodies directed
164                                              Immunogold electron microscopy using antibodies raised a
165 5-, or 7-d cultured cells and examined by 1) immunogold electron microscopy using antibodies to known
166                                 In addition, immunogold electron microscopy using antisera against Eb
167 ne transporter (DAT) by immunoperoxidase and immunogold electron microscopy, using monoclonal antibod
168                       Immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy verified synapsin I expre
169                                              Immunogold electron microscopy was used to demonstrate a
170                                Postembedding immunogold electron microscopy was used to determine the
171                                              Immunogold electron microscopy was used to determine whe
172             To further study the bound pool, immunogold electron microscopy was used to measure CaMKI
173                                Postembedding immunogold electron microscopy was used to quantify the
174 ted emission depletion (STED) microscopy and immunogold electron microscopy, we determined the distri
175                                        Using immunogold electron microscopy, we examine and compare t
176                                        Using immunogold electron microscopy, we found that p58/p45 an
177 een fluorescent protein fusions to Rsp5p and immunogold electron microscopy, we found that Rsp5p was
178                                        Using immunogold electron microscopy, we found that the normal
179                    By cell fractionation and immunogold electron microscopy, we have identified an en
180 bedding immunoperoxidase and silver-enhanced immunogold electron microscopy, we localized T-channel s
181                                        Using immunogold electron microscopy, we observed that Tor2p,
182 his expectation is borne out by results from immunogold electron microscopy, which revealed that hydr
183 he modified Flp1 in fibrils was confirmed by immunogold electron microscopy with monoclonal antibody
184                                              Immunogold electron microscopy with polyclonal antibodie

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