


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 enin in dense core granules was confirmed by immunogold labeling.
2 otin-peroxidase and GABA with post-embedding immunogold labeling.
3 oscopic observations of immunoperoxidase and immunogold labeling.
4 tural techniques together with postembedding immunogold labeling.
5  by immunoblotting, immunocytochemistry, and immunogold labeling.
6  tomography and a compositional analysis via immunogold labeling.
7 was studied by biochemical fractionation and immunogold labeling.
8  with dendrites, some of which contained MOR immunogold labeling.
9 sing confocal microscopy and ultrastructural immunogold labeling.
10  these fractions and was detected on CCVs by immunogold labeling.
11 orescent microscopy and electron microscopic immunogold labeling.
12 luorescence and by electron microscopy using immunogold labeling.
13 ring the movement of Oxtr-EGFP as well as by immunogold labeling.
14 aptic vesicle protein synapsin and glutamate immunogold labeling.
15  mutant together with rhizobia, and by using immunogold labeling.
16 s) in single membranes by negative stain and immunogold labeling.
17 l microscopy, subcellular fractionation, and immunogold labeling.
18 llow fluorescent protein) were identified by immunogold labeling.
19 L17 and UL25 on B capsids was examined using immunogold labeling.
20 ization within the podocyte was confirmed by immunogold labeling.
21 opy, and grid-mapped freeze-fracture replica immunogold labeling, 10 close appositions revealing axoa
22                   Using Western analysis and immunogold labeling, A-RAF was selectively localized in
23          Immunoblot and electron microscopic immunogold labeling analyses confirmed the absence of th
24 based on biochemical and electron microscopy immunogold labeling analyses, AtPEP12 is likely to be lo
25 g of the complexes by immunofluorescence and immunogold labeling and by their distribution on Percoll
26                                              Immunogold labeling and electron microscopy analysis dem
27  was more dramatic than that of CD4INTRA; 6) immunogold labeling and electron microscopy demonstrated
28                                              Immunogold labeling and electron microscopy of the adipo
29                                Postembedding immunogold labeling and electron microscopy provide evid
30                                              Immunogold labeling and electron microscopy shows there
31 embedding immunoperoxidase and postembedding immunogold labeling and electron microscopy to determine
32                                              Immunogold labeling and electron microscopy were used to
33                                        Using immunogold labeling and electron microscopy, L2 was dete
34                                              Immunogold labeling and EM demonstrated that the HA and
35 ytoplasmic face of these native membranes by immunogold labeling and high-resolution TEM analysis.
36                                              Immunogold labeling and histochemical procedures offer w
37  also reacted with P. gingivalis fimbriae in immunogold labeling and immunoblot analysis, thereby ind
38                                              Immunogold labeling and immunoblots show a significant d
39                                     By using immunogold labeling and immunohistochemical assays, here
40     Toward that end, we also demonstrated by immunogold labeling and mass spectrometry that PilA is i
41                                           By immunogold labeling and negative staining we have detect
42  was visualized by electron microscopy using immunogold labeling and probed by fluorescence resonance
43 -mortem tissue using electron microscopy and immunogold labeling and revealed dityrosine crosslinks i
44                                              Immunogold labeling and surface protein isolation identi
45 associated tyrosine kinases, Lyn and Syk, by immunogold labeling and transmission electron microscopi
46 chemical observations were corroborated with immunogold labeling and transmission electron microscopy
47 y immunoperoxidase staining and confirmed by immunogold labeling and was found to be in the cytosol a
48 nscription-PCR, immunoblotting, double-sided immunogold labeling, and attachment inhibition assays de
49                    Here, immunofluorescence, immunogold labeling, and cell fractionation demonstrated
50 mutations using immunofluorescence staining, immunogold labeling, and PrP-green fluorescent protein c
51 , correlative light and electron microscopy, immunogold labeling, and thioflavin-S binding establishe
52 me c was found by immunoperoxidase staining, immunogold labeling, and Western blot.
53                                        Using immunogold labeling assays, we found PfN44 in both the n
54                                       Triple immunogold labeling at the electron-microscopic level re
55                                              Immunogold labeling combined with transmission electron
56                  Ultrastructural analysis by immunogold labeling confirmed colocalization and further
57    Ultrastructural immunohistochemistry with immunogold labeling confirmed that the MCT1 immunoreacti
58 tions along individual membrane tubules, and immunogold labeling confirmed the association of DLP1 wi
59  detection of collagen XII and tenascin-X by immunogold labeling confirmed this finding.
60 n based on immunoblot (Western) analysis and immunogold labeling correlated positively with nitrogena
61      Western blot, immunohistochemistry, and immunogold labeling coupled to scanning and transmission
62 sed on green fluorescent protein fusions and immunogold labeling data, the proteins are associated wi
63 s, the expression density of alpha 1 subunit immunogold labeling decreased by 37%, whereas that of al
64 not seen in a sla2/end4-1 mutant, and double-immunogold labeling demonstrated colocalization of Rsp5p
65                     Electron microscopy with immunogold labeling demonstrated labeled axon terminals
66                                              Immunogold labeling demonstrated localization of E1 prot
67                                       Double immunogold labeling demonstrated that a sizeable proport
68                                              Immunogold labeling demonstrated that ABA is associated
69                                              Immunogold labeling demonstrated that, although the dens
70                                              Immunogold labeling demonstrates that the central region
71                             In contrast, the immunogold labeling density of the alpha 1, alpha 5, gam
72                       Immunofluorescence and immunogold labeling detected PHB2 at mitochondrial membr
73                                              Immunogold-labeling electron microscopy showed that LPF
74                                              Immunogold-labeling electron microscopy was used to anal
75 of curli was confirmed by Congo red binding, immunogold-labeling electron microscopy, immunoblotting,
76  protein cytoplasmic domain were analyzed by immunogold-labeling electron microscopy.
77                                        Using immunogold labeling/electron microscopy, cell fractionat
78 of ultrastructural morphometry together with immunogold labeling enables the identification and quant
79                       Immunofluorescence and immunogold labeling experiments also revealed that the n
80 abeling in the presence of 0.3 M MgCl(2) and immunogold labeling for collagen types II and IX were an
81                                  We examined immunogold labeling for DAT and immunoperoxidase localiz
82                                   In the SN, immunogold labeling for DAT was localized to cytoplasmic
83                                              Immunogold labeling for GABA confirmed that the transpla
84      During the entire process of dispersal, immunogold labeling for GalNAc-T2-VSV and GalT showed th
85                                              Immunogold labeling for GLAST was greater overall in the
86                                        While Immunogold labeling for GluN2A at MF-CA3 synapses was co
87                                              Immunogold labeling for GluR4 was confined to synaptic s
88                      Electron microscopy and immunogold labeling for glutamate terminals within the s
89 vagal afferent axon terminals, 33% contained immunogold labeling for MOR within the axon terminal.
90              Electron microscopy showed that immunogold labeling for NBAT was distributed along plasm
91  asymmetric synapses on dendrites containing immunogold labeling for NMDAR1, but NMDAR1 was more ofte
92                                              Immunogold labeling for PROT was detected in close conta
93  examined at the electron microscopic level, immunogold labeling for PRV was localized to neuronal so
94  <48 hr, extensive dendritic distribution of immunogold labeling for PRV was observed in cortico-accu
95  globular aggregates that displayed positive immunogold labeling for tau-P, as well as conformational
96 e GluN2A subunit antibody and the density of immunogold labeling for this subunit was unchanged.
97                   In dopaminergic perikarya, immunogold labeling for VMAT2 was localized to the Golgi
98                                              Immunogold-labeling for MOR1 was found in all RVL bulbos
99  (for CAM II kinase-alpha) and postembedding immunogold labeling [for glutamate or gamma-aminobutyric
100 s question directly, freeze-fracture replica immunogold labeling (FRIL) and immunofluorescence (IF) w
101 focal microscopy and freeze-fracture replica immunogold labeling (FRIL), we demonstrate that gap junc
102 lized along the length of the flagella while immunogold labeling further localizes the PF16 protein t
103  and NHP2L1 colocalize to the nucleolus, and immunogold labeling further resolved the location of NHP
104                    By immunofluorescence and immunogold labeling, G beta subunits were detected on PM
105 with intracellular membranes, not the PM; by immunogold labeling GAIP was found on clathrin-coated bu
106                                Using replica immunogold labeling, here we show that all CA1 PC somati
107                                   EM replica immunogold labeling, however, demonstrated only 1.15 tim
108                        We found that in vivo immunogold labeling improves epitope accessibility, ultr
109  cytometry and by both immunofluorescent and immunogold labeling in a subpopulation of IFN-gamma + LP
110 tibody specific for toxic oligomers and cryo-immunogold labeling in human IAPP transgenic mice, human
111 n, immunohistochemistry, and ultrastructural immunogold labeling in human white adipose tissue and in
112                                 Preembedding immunogold labeling in STN dendrites revealed that 60-70
113 rsely, mGluR1a displayed the same pattern of immunogold labeling in the two species.
114                          Electron microscopy immunogold labeling indicated that recombinant eNOS prot
115                                  Subcellular immunogold labeling indicates that the biotin carboxyl-c
116                                              Immunogold labeling indicates that WIP1 is associated wi
117 We show that in both the shell and core, DAT immunogold labeling is present in tyrosine hydroxylase-i
118                                        Here, immunogold labeling is used to map the plasma membrane d
119                                           By immunogold labeling it was detected on clathrin-coated p
120                                              Immunogold labeling localized Vfl1p inside the lumen of
121                                              Immunogold labeling localizes it specifically to trans-G
122                                              Immunogold labeling located PratA and pD1 to these disti
123 utamate receptor subunit 1 (GluR1) and GluR4 immunogold labeling measurements, at both the soma and m
124 ion of DOR was examined using a preembedding immunogold-labeling method and ultrastructural analysis
125      For electron microscopic analysis using immunogold labeling, MV were divided into five zones fro
126         Second, at the ultrastructure level, immunogold labeling of 'unroofed' cells showed that Hip1
127 unocytochemistry and freeze-fracture replica immunogold labeling of adult rat CNS, we investigated wh
128                                              Immunogold labeling of bovine retina revealed that the e
129 te this, we combined freeze-fracture replica immunogold labeling of Cav2.1 channels, local [Ca(2+)] i
130                                              Immunogold labeling of chronically rejected visceral epi
131 from the African clawed toad Xenopus laevis, immunogold labeling of component proteins and subsequent
132                                              Immunogold labeling of CXCL10-treated spores demonstrate
133 erminals in the striatum contained extensive immunogold labeling of cytoplasmic surfaces of plasma me
134 maging analysis of DAT was combined with the immunogold labeling of DAT and quantitative electron mic
135                                    Moreover, immunogold labeling of DMSO reductase subunits reveals t
136 ral immunoperoxidase localization of KOR and immunogold labeling of Dyn to determine the major cellul
137 s of OBAP1 to yellow fluorescent protein and immunogold labeling of embryo transmission electron micr
138                                              Immunogold labeling of endogenous Toc75 POTRA domains in
139                                              Immunogold labeling of fibulin-2 on microfibrils in skin
140                                              Immunogold labeling of geranyl diphosphate synthase occu
141 in sections were collected on slot grids for immunogold labeling of GnRH immunoreactivity.
142                                         Cryo-immunogold labeling of gp91(phox) and CeCl(3) cytochemis
143                                        Using immunogold labeling of isolated nuclear envelopes, we fo
144                                              Immunogold labeling of L-selectin, which is normally clu
145                                     Previous immunogold labeling of membrane sheets showed that resti
146                                       Double immunogold labeling of mouse cardiac muscle reveals that
147  of granular translocation, and that surface immunogold labeling of myeloperoxidase occurs only in th
148  face of the outer membrane was confirmed by immunogold labeling of non-permeabilized mitochondria.
149                                              Immunogold labeling of OGFr was detected on the outer nu
150                                    By double-immunogold labeling of PML and LYSP100, some LANDs were
151  preautonomic PVN neurons were identified by immunogold labeling of pseudorabies virus (PRV) transpor
152                                              Immunogold labeling of receptors containing alpha7 subun
153                                 Here, we use immunogold labeling of SCs in Drosophila ovaries to loca
154 cyte square arrays contain AQP4, we employed immunogold labeling of SDS-washed freeze-fracture replic
155                                              Immunogold labeling of the auxiliary replication protein
156 y, and transmission electron microscopy with immunogold labeling of the bacteria.
157                   In addition, postembedding immunogold labeling of the glycine receptor alpha1 subun
158     Consistent with its role in yolk uptake, immunogold labeling of the receptor reveals Yl in endocy
159 es in proximal dendrites using postembedding immunogold labeling of tissues from rats withdrawn for 2
160 osition was investigated using postembedding immunogold labeling of tropomyosin, spectrin, beta-actin
161                 Furthermore, we show through immunogold labeling of ultrathin sections that P64 is a
162                                              Immunogold labeling of wild-type axonemes indicates that
163 owever, a marked increase in ultrastructural immunogold-labeling of L-selectin was observed in respon
164                                              Immunogold labeling on plasma membrane sheets coupled wi
165   We performed electron microscopy (EM) with immunogold labeling on skin biopsy specimens from 7 pati
166                           We used an in situ immunogold labeling procedure to visualize the extrusion
167                                  An improved immunogold labeling procedure was used to examine the su
168 stributed in the vesicles, as revealed by an immunogold labeling procedure.
169 n be localized in the X-ray microscope using immunogold labeling protocols, tomography enables 3-D mo
170 ultivesicular bodies of perikarya containing immunogold labeling representing NT-LI.
171 munofluorescence and freeze-fracture replica immunogold labeling revealed a large variability in gap
172                                              Immunogold labeling revealed abundant alphaS intimately
173                                              Immunogold labeling revealed differences in synaptic str
174                                              Immunogold labeling revealed glutamate receptors in nasc
175                                              Immunogold labeling revealed peri- and extrasynaptic loc
176                      Subcellular analysis of immunogold labeling revealed strongest polycystin-2 expr
177 on microscopic level, pre- and postembedding immunogold labeling revealed that 70-76% of connexin-36-
178           Electron microscopic studies using immunogold labeling revealed that gamma-tubulin is mainl
179                                              Immunogold labeling revealed that the induced G4L protei
180                                Pre-embedding immunogold labeling revealed that the receptors and chan
181                      Freeze-fracture replica immunogold labeling revealed the presence of the alpha1
182 -scanning electron microscopy with Annexin V immunogold-labeling revealed a complex organization of t
183 dimensional structure of isolated PSDs using immunogold labeling, rotary shadowing, and electron micr
184 py on plasmid and genomic DNAs, and shown by immunogold labeling, SDS/PAGE, and immunoblotting to con
185                       Cell fractionation and immunogold labeling show that in quiescent fibroblasts b
186                                              Immunogold labeling showed RANK was enriched in 1 in eve
187                                       Native immunogold labeling showed tetherin molecules located on
188                    Dual immunoperoxidase and immunogold labeling showed that 35% of DOR-labeled axons
189                                              Immunogold labeling showed that CCRC-M1 labeling within
190                                              Immunogold labeling showed that FL1 resides in the endop
191                  Quantification of glutamate immunogold labeling showed that the UBC axon terminals h
192                          Electron microscopy-immunogold labeling shows that in MSNs, plasma membrane
193 inated by vertically oriented filaments, and ImmunoGold labeling shows that PSD-95 is a component of
194                Here, we use serial multiplex immunogold labeling (siGOLD) and serial-section transmis
195                                              Immunogold labeling studies demonstrate the redistributi
196                     Electron microscopy (EM) immunogold labeling studies indicated that intersectin a
197                                              Immunogold labeling studies reveal that BAMT is a cytoso
198                         GFP localization and immunogold labeling studies show that this biochemical s
199 ver the glomerular filtration barrier, in an immunogold labeling study of internalization of oncolyti
200 s, the putative axon, had a greater level of immunogold labeling than that of the shorter processes,
201 ermore, we also show evidence by FRIL double-immunogold labeling that the NR1 subunit of the NMDA glu
202                                        Using immunogold labeling, the chimeric proteins were polarize
203                              On the basis of immunogold labeling, the protein is in the outer spore c
204 tudy, we used electron tomography as well as immunogold labeling to analyze the morphology and distri
205                        We used postembedding immunogold labeling to determine whether the subcellular
206     Here we use light microscopy and in vivo immunogold labeling to directly visualize the interphase
207                In the present study, we used immunogold labeling to elucidate the subsynaptic localiz
208 rons (i.e., from V1 to LM) and postembedding immunogold labeling to identify GABAergic interneurons.
209  which sperm enter the egg, was confirmed by immunogold labeling under electron microscopy.
210                                              Immunogold labeling using AufA antiserum revealed the pr
211                                              Immunogold labeling verified the expression of E-selecti
212 e specificity of glycoprotein recruitment by immunogold labeling viral glycoproteins and imaging thei
213  not, however, exclusively found at the PSD; immunogold labeling was also associated with filaments a
214             Interestingly, strong caveolin-1 immunogold labeling was observed in podocytes, where som
215                                          M2R immunogold labeling was predominately seen in somatodend
216                                   The alpha4 immunogold labeling was present more commonly within the
217                                           No immunogold labeling was seen in normal enamel.
218                                  Axonal SERT immunogold labeling was seen mainly at nonsynaptic sites
219                         Postsynaptic GluK2/3 Immunogold labeling was substantially reduced in Neto-nu
220 tion of retrograde tracing and postembedding immunogold labeling was used to quantify intracellular r
221                                           By immunogold labeling, we demonstrate that "millipede-like
222 lica electron microscopy in combination with immunogold labeling, we demonstrate that individual acti
223 ce and transmission electron microscopy with immunogold labeling, we demonstrate that undegraded CFTR
224 scence and electron microscopy combined with immunogold labeling, we examined the surfaces of transfe
225       Using electron microscopy imaging with immunogold labeling, we found in mouse plasma that cBIN1
226                                        Using immunogold labeling, we found that Xgrip210 is localized
227   Using immunofluorescence and postembedding immunogold labeling, we investigated the distributions o
228                      Electron microscopy and immunogold labeling were performed for osteopontin.
229  expressed a lower density of synaptic GluA2 immunogold labeling, which correlated with lower recogni
230 e-impermeable biotinylation reagent, and its immunogold labeling with an antibody to a peptide compri
231                                              Immunogold labeling with anti-amelogenin antibodies loca
232 ession of an active enzyme that was shown by immunogold labeling with anti-CPB antibodies to be targe
233  microscopy of purified NiV particles showed immunogold labeling with anti-factor I antibodies.
234 ype eyes, except Descemet's membrane, showed immunogold labeling with antibodies against collagen XVI
235                                              Immunogold labeling with antibody against HCV envelope p
236 c membrane and in the heterocyst neck, using immunogold labeling with antibody raised to the N-termin
237                                              Immunogold labeling with domain-specific anti-Zip1 antib
238                                              Immunogold labeling with GR-specific antibodies showed t
239      Immunofluorescent-antibody staining and immunogold labeling with these MAbs showed that these an
240                                              Immunogold labeling with two sizes of gold beads reveale
241 dult mouse hippocampus using high-resolution immunogold labeling, with a particular emphasis on synap
242                                              Immunogold labeling, with the use of the monoclonal MAb5

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