


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mine due to lack of validated antibodies for immunohistochemical analysis.
2 ll as the sensitivity and specificity of VE1 immunohistochemical analysis.
3 ve data requires further studies with modern immunohistochemical analysis.
4 ins of the most abundantly detected virus by immunohistochemical analysis.
5 d or soluble fibrillar Abeta by quantitative immunohistochemical analysis.
6 l biopsies were taken for mRNA, protein, and immunohistochemical analysis.
7 protein expression, immunoprecipitation, and immunohistochemical analysis.
8 in an animal model of brain tumor along with immunohistochemical analysis.
9 ze with the novel arm prior to sacrifice and immunohistochemical analysis.
10 ymerase chain reaction and validated through immunohistochemical analysis.
11 of the affected cats by Western blotting and immunohistochemical analysis.
12 ity, rapid solidification, and its impact on immunohistochemical analysis.
13 ival tissues was also assessed using in situ immunohistochemical analysis.
14 ans of a polymerase-chain-reaction assay and immunohistochemical analysis.
15  translation to their respective proteins by immunohistochemical analysis.
16 bone metastasis as determined by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemical analysis.
17 relaxometry in both models were confirmed at immunohistochemical analysis.
18 nce of different morphological changes using immunohistochemical analysis.
19 ected lymph nodes were examined for IL-17 by immunohistochemical analysis.
20                   Tissues were harvested for immunohistochemical analysis.
21  before magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and immunohistochemical analysis.
22 alidation, parameters were coregistered with immunohistochemical analysis.
23 teins was analyzed by ELISA, immunoblot, and immunohistochemical analysis.
24 carcinoma were retrospectively collected for immunohistochemical analysis.
25           Expression of TrkA was explored by immunohistochemical analysis.
26 ts, flow cytometry, histologic analysis, and immunohistochemical analysis.
27               Thirty-seven samples underwent immunohistochemical analysis.
28 nstrated by ELISA for TIE-2 in lysates or by immunohistochemical analysis.
29 t cytopathological examination that included immunohistochemical analysis.
30 ellular accumulation of these proteins using immunohistochemical analysis.
31                                  By means of immunohistochemical analysis, all GIST cells expressed C
32                                              Immunohistochemical analysis also showed significant red
33                                              Immunohistochemical analysis also showed that p27 was mi
34                                              Immunohistochemical analysis also suggested that CDCP1 i
35 nt testing for expression and integration by immunohistochemical analysis and blue native polyacrylam
36     Vascularization in CIA was determined by immunohistochemical analysis and determination of cytoki
37                                              Immunohistochemical analysis and flow cytometry also sho
38                                   Through an immunohistochemical analysis and flow cytometry-based ap
39    Both eyes were enucleated and examined by immunohistochemical analysis and hematoxylin and eosin s
40                                              Immunohistochemical analysis and immunofluorescent micro
41                                              Immunohistochemical analysis and immunofluorescent micro
42                                      We used immunohistochemical analysis and literature precedent to
43 rease in mice were characterized by means of immunohistochemical analysis and transmission electron m
44 re collected and analyzed by histopathology, immunohistochemical analysis, and immunoblot analysis; w
45   Tumor tissue was examined for fibulin-3 by immunohistochemical analysis, and levels of fibulin-3 in
46  and placental maternal mononuclear cells by immunohistochemical analysis, and no antigen was seen in
47 4 primary tumors and 76 metastases) with VE1 immunohistochemical analysis, and results were compared
48    We integrated multiplex protein analysis, immunohistochemical analysis, and whole-slide imaging in
49         Adjacent sections were processed for immunohistochemical analysis (as needed) using the follo
50 ever, the immune phenotype, as determined by immunohistochemical analysis, cannot discriminate betwee
51 ost notably CXCR5 and its ligand CXCL13, and immunohistochemical analysis confirmed CXCR5 expression,
52                                              Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed enhanced expressi
53                                              Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed localization of A
54                  In orthotopic tumor grafts, immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that dTAT NP succ
55                                              Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that PTK7 is high
56                     Second, western blot and immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that Sal-1 suppre
57                                              Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that sensory fibe
58                                              Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the increased FLC
59                                              Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the presence of p
60                                              Immunohistochemical analysis correctly identified 13 of
61                                              Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated colocalization
62                                    Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated GluN2A and 5HT
63  9 patients at 4 tertiary care institutions, immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated strong CD31/PE
64                                              Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that the inhib
65                                              Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that TrkC-posi
66                                              Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that YC-1 + GI
67  revealed vascular leakage in cbs(-/-) mice; immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated vascular patte
68                     Expression profiling and immunohistochemical analysis detected upregulated expres
69  on periodontium using histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analysis during and after experiment
70                                              Immunohistochemical analysis for ER and progesterone rec
71 rentiation of recombinants was determined by immunohistochemical analysis for expression of the basal
72                     Tumors were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis for immune checkpoints (PD-
73                                              Immunohistochemical analysis for nuclear factor of activ
74                                              Immunohistochemical analysis for target proteins was per
75 surgical specimens were also investigated by immunohistochemical analysis for the presence of inflamm
76                            Muscle biopsy and immunohistochemical analysis found deficiencies of lamin
77  and protein levels (by western blotting and immunohistochemical analysis) from the same samples.
78                                              Immunohistochemical analysis further confirmed PET imagi
79 grammed cell death 1 ligand 1) expression by immunohistochemical analysis has been used as a predicti
80 grammed cell death 1 ligand 1) expression by immunohistochemical analysis has been used as a predicti
81  Outcomes were HPV status as measured by p16 immunohistochemical analysis, HPV16 DNA in situ hybridiz
82  Outcomes were HPV status as measured by p16 immunohistochemical analysis, HPV16 DNA in situ hybridiz
83                                              Immunohistochemical analysis identified a selective redu
84                                      PCR and immunohistochemical analysis identified the presence of
85                 Tumors were characterized by immunohistochemical analysis (IHC) for succinate dehydro
86 her culture systems using techniques such as immunohistochemical analysis (IHC), western blotting and
87 on of S1P1 in the LPS model was confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis (IHC).
88 t generation sequencing, protein expression (immunohistochemical analysis [IHC]), and gene amplificat
89 oduced in the developing and adult pancreas, immunohistochemical analysis illustrated a broad Ldb1 pr
90                                           An immunohistochemical analysis in 2 and 10 mg/kg KA-induce
91 l of expression of ERCC1 protein by means of immunohistochemical analysis in a validation set of samp
92                            Validation of VE1 immunohistochemical analysis in clinical practice is nee
93 ils were observed by electron microscopy and immunohistochemical analysis in the exocrine pancreas of
94        Gene expression studies combined with immunohistochemical analysis in the kidney showed that P
95                                           By immunohistochemical analysis, in drug combination-treate
96                                              Immunohistochemical analysis indicated an overproduction
97                                              Immunohistochemical analysis indicated macrophages adjac
98                                              Immunohistochemical analysis indicated that DOX-HK-MPEG-
99                                              Immunohistochemical analysis indicated that partial lipe
100                                              Immunohistochemical analysis indicates that hyperactivat
101 andardization, and prediction of response by immunohistochemical analysis is additionally limited by
102                                 We performed immunohistochemical analysis, knockdown and overexpressi
103                                              Immunohistochemical analysis localized CSE to smooth mus
104                                              Immunohistochemical analysis localized each protein to m
105 0E mutation-specific monoclonal antibody VE1 immunohistochemical analysis may facilitate rapid detect
106 nsequences of intratumor heterogeneity using immunohistochemical analysis, mutation functional analys
107                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of 15 tumors showed that pu
108                                     By using immunohistochemical analysis of 162 prostate cancer tiss
109                                 We conducted immunohistochemical analysis of 2,394 patient specimens
110                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of 230 primary endometrial
111 esponder profiles were identified through an immunohistochemical analysis of a chordoma tissue bank o
112                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of a cohort of non-small-ce
113                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of a collection of human br
114                               In this study, immunohistochemical analysis of a human breast TMA showe
115 e, histopathologic analysis, and comparative immunohistochemical analysis of a range of cytokeratins
116 by targeted resequencing, miRNA analysis and immunohistochemical analysis of additional tumors.
117                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of affected intestinal tiss
118                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of allograft tissue of dexD
119                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of AMPAR subunits in mature
120                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of approximately 450 human
121                                          Our immunohistochemical analysis of benign, primary, and met
122                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of Bim expression demonstra
123                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of biopsies from patients w
124 avbeta6 integrin levels in the lung requires immunohistochemical analysis of biopsy samples.
125                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of blood smears revealed th
126 and elastin in the infarct (P<0.05), whereas immunohistochemical analysis of borderzone myocardium sh
127                                Additionally, immunohistochemical analysis of breast cancer biopsies r
128                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of breast carcinomas showed
129                    The idea emerged from the immunohistochemical analysis of carbonic anhydrases (CA)
130                                           On immunohistochemical analysis of CD177 in human advanced
131                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of CD177, one of the up-reg
132                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of chronic pancreatitis (CP
133                                Consistently, immunohistochemical analysis of clinical breast tumor ti
134 men bleaching, as the standard substrate for immunohistochemical analysis of conjunctival MLs.
135                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of coronary artery plaque w
136 beta-catenin protein levels were measured by immunohistochemical analysis of disc samples obtained fr
137                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of ears from immunized/chal
138                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of EphA2 and ephrin-A1 in h
139 , by measuring striatal neuronal activation (immunohistochemical analysis of ERK1/2 phosphorylation)
140                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of Ets-1 protein in rat bra
141                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of FLNC localization in car
142           Identical results were obtained by immunohistochemical analysis of gammaH2AX focus formatio
143                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of GBM samples revealed inc
144 u]-LLP2A uptake than uninfected tissues, and immunohistochemical analysis of granulomas with known [(
145                     Finally, a comprehensive immunohistochemical analysis of GRHL2 expression in prim
146 n, and dosimetry studies in mice, as well as immunohistochemical analysis of harvested tumors, were p
147                                  Exploratory immunohistochemical analysis of HLA-DRA and BTNL2 expres
148                                  Lineage and immunohistochemical analysis of Hoxc8 in mice revealed t
149                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of human breast cancer biop
150                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of human colon cancers reve
151 enin signaling in EOC has been reported, and immunohistochemical analysis of human EOC tumors demonst
152                              We combined the immunohistochemical analysis of human IPF biopsy materia
153          These data are further supported by immunohistochemical analysis of human NSCLC samples show
154 h phage display-based functional proteomics, immunohistochemical analysis of human pancreatic ductal
155                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of human PCa tissues reveal
156                             Western blot and immunohistochemical analysis of human post-mortem substa
157                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of human small bowel tissue
158                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of human specimens (n = 198
159                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of kidney specimens using d
160          We examined periostin expression by immunohistochemical analysis of lesional and nonlesional
161                                  Clinically, immunohistochemical analysis of liver metastases from ch
162                    We therefore performed an immunohistochemical analysis of mast cell numbers within
163    This result was subsequently confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis of MCAM and LAMA4 expressio
164 inoma, we compared the tumoral expression by immunohistochemical analysis of molecule markers of mamm
165                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of mouse cerebellar tissue
166 ng histopathological analysis, including the immunohistochemical analysis of MUC (ie, MUC1, MUC2, and
167 ing the traditional approaches of histology, immunohistochemical analysis of muscle biopsy, and candi
168                             Western blot and immunohistochemical analysis of muscle from the proband
169                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of normal breast tissue rev
170                                     Further, immunohistochemical analysis of NPC tumor tissues reveal
171                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of OSCC tumors that develop
172                                 Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis of ovarian tumor tissue mic
173                                    Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis of paired lung tissues show
174                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of paired tumor biopsies re
175       Up-regulation in PDAC was validated by immunohistochemical analysis of pancreatic tissue sample
176                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of patient tumor samples re
177                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of phosphorylated FRS2 prot
178                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of phosphorylated, active M
179                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of pretreatment marrow reve
180 n significantly reduced tumor growth in vivo Immunohistochemical analysis of primary human melanomas
181                                     Finally, immunohistochemical analysis of prostate cancer tissue i
182                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of prostate cancer tissue m
183                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of retinal tissue from pati
184                                 Fluorescence immunohistochemical analysis of simulated infection show
185                              Furthermore, an immunohistochemical analysis of SNAI2 in archived primar
186                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of specimens from 59 patien
187                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of spleen sections from wil
188                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of the developing molars sh
189 e wound area was subjected to histologic and immunohistochemical analysis of the epithelial gap, numb
190                                     However, immunohistochemical analysis of the kidneys of mice trea
191 bin, leukocytes, platelets, creatinine), and immunohistochemical analysis of the kidneys.
192                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of the MAP2K1 downstream ta
193 ospho-p38, and phospho-ERK or were fixed for immunohistochemical analysis of the nuclear translocatio
194                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of the p50 and c-Rel subuni
195 chanisms were investigated using comparative immunohistochemical analysis of the patient myocardium a
196                      In addition, results of immunohistochemical analysis of the perilesional skin re
197  the true-positive patients were detected by immunohistochemical analysis of the sentinel lymph node.
198                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of the tumorous lungs showe
199                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of the xenograft further de
200                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of these cases and addition
201                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of these demonstrated the i
202                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of tissue microarrays confi
203 ination with confocal immunofluorescence and immunohistochemical analysis of tissue sections.
204 -transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemical analysis of tissues from 5-HT(4)R(BA
205                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of trefoil factor TFF1, 2 a
206                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of tumor specimens from sta
207                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of tumor vascular and cell
208                                              Immunohistochemical analysis of untreated tumors confirm
209                                           An immunohistochemical analysis of zebrafish revealed that
210                                      Further immunohistochemical analysis on 42 breast carcinoma spec
211 orrelated with MR imaging and histologic and immunohistochemical analysis on a prostate-segment (12 r
212 to 12 weeks gestation (WG) were prepared for immunohistochemical analysis or for light and electron m
213 iagnostic assays, including molecular tests, immunohistochemical analysis, pathologic analysis, and e
214 detected in nontumor tissues, which, through immunohistochemical analysis, proved positive for integr
215                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a reduction in apo
216                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a significant redu
217                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed CCL18 expression i
218                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed decreased numbers
219                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed enhanced staining
220                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed expression of andr
221                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed expression of cyto
222                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed extensive expressi
223                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed frequent overexpre
224                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed higher numbers of
225                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed mature neuronal pa
226                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed multiple inclusion
227                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed RAC expression and
228                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed rhythmic expressio
229                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed significant increa
230                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed smaller beta-cell
231                                     Finally, immunohistochemical analysis revealed strong expression
232                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that AML-1 is expr
233                     MRI, histopathology, and immunohistochemical analysis revealed that dietary isorh
234                                     Finally, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that MSCs were fou
235 ical NF-kappaB signaling, including NIK, and immunohistochemical analysis revealed that NIK was almos
236                      At the molecular level, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that SP supplement
237                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the amount of
238                                 Accordingly, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the lowest an
239                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the Rac activ
240 ate possible routes of HPFv GLP-1 signaling, immunohistochemical analysis revealed the absence of GLP
241 AP in the liver and cisplatin in the kidney, immunohistochemical analysis revealed the elevated expre
242  absence of particular K(ir)2.x isoforms, as immunohistochemical analysis revealed the expression of
243                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed the expression of
244                                              Immunohistochemical analysis revealed upregulated tubula
245                        In the present study, immunohistochemical analysis reveals a spatiotemporal ex
246                                              Immunohistochemical analysis reveals a strong positive c
247                                              Immunohistochemical analysis reveals neoplastic cells th
248 R2-enriched subtype, ESR1, treatment arm, ER immunohistochemical analysis scores, Genomic Grade Index
249                                              Immunohistochemical analysis should be investigated furt
250 ptosis pathway in this protective effect and immunohistochemical analysis showed an antibody uptake i
251                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed colocalization of ci
252                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed DRAM2 localization t
253                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed enhanced leptin and
254                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed increased nuclear be
255                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed markedly reduced CD3
256                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed prodynorphin content
257                                          The immunohistochemical analysis showed significantly increa
258                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed specific cytoplasmic
259                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed specific expression
260               In accordance with these data, immunohistochemical analysis showed that both leukotrien
261                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed that Hic-5 is primar
262                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed that IL-17C expressi
263                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the neovessels
264                                              Immunohistochemical analysis showed that TRAF1 expressio
265     If gene mutation data are not available, immunohistochemical analysis showing > 50% cells express
266        Consistent with this regulatory role, immunohistochemical analysis shows co-expression of WT1
267 ted in breast malignancies by microarray and immunohistochemical analysis, so we hypothesized that (1
268                                              Immunohistochemical analysis substantiated that Galectin
269                              As confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis, the proliferative cell pop
270                                 We found VE1 immunohistochemical analysis to be a useful and rapid as
271 localisation is a widely used measurement in immunohistochemical analysis to determine if fluorescent
272                         Here we use detailed immunohistochemical analysis to document the expression
273                                              Immunohistochemical analysis using an antibody specific
274                                              Immunohistochemical analysis using cell-type-specific ma
275 sis is possible with cytopathologic exam and immunohistochemical analysis using ultrasound-guided FNA
276                          Presence of VEGF by immunohistochemical analysis (VEGF protein) and in situ
277                                              Immunohistochemical analysis was also performed to estim
278                                              Immunohistochemical analysis was employed to determine t
279                      Additional quantitative immunohistochemical analysis was performed for PKG activ
280                                              Immunohistochemical analysis was performed in an indepen
281                              A comprehensive immunohistochemical analysis was performed on post-morte
282 in the modulation of the PD-1-PD-L1 pathway, immunohistochemical analysis was performed on pretreatme
283 ematoxylin-eosin (H&E)-stained sections, and immunohistochemical analysis was performed to assess CD8
284                                              Immunohistochemical analysis was performed to detect the
285 nnel molecules are present in pioneer axons, immunohistochemical analysis was performed to examine 14
286                                              Immunohistochemical analysis was performed using anti-ES
287                                              Immunohistochemical analysis was performed.
288                                              Immunohistochemical analysis was positive for estrogen a
289                                Glycophorin C immunohistochemical analysis was useful to differentiate
290                                      Through immunohistochemical analysis, we detected SLIT2 receptor
291            Here, through neuroanatomical and immunohistochemical analysis, we identified, in the crab
292 e overall sensitivity and specificity of VE1 immunohistochemical analysis were 96.7% and 94.5%, respe
293 t findings between DNA mutation analysis and immunohistochemical analysis were observed in 12 tumors.
294 lysis for BRAF splicing, RNA sequencing, and immunohistochemical analysis were performed on tumor sam
295 lveolar bone level, and attachment loss, and immunohistochemical analysis, which included immunoreact
296  resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAC) by immunohistochemical analysis with clinical outcome.
297                                              Immunohistochemical analysis with the use of currently a
298 ssed PD-L1 expression in tumor samples using immunohistochemical analysis, with results reported as t
299 nstability and/or absence of MMR proteins in immunohistochemical analysis, without hypermethylation o
300 n untreated tumors, MR estimate of sO(2) and immunohistochemical analysis yielded correlated fraction

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