


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ic lesions were evaluated histologically and immunohistochemically.
2  microarray; marker expression was evaluated immunohistochemically.
3  or 2 h after SCS and c-fos protein examined immunohistochemically.
4 ression in injected epicardium was confirmed immunohistochemically.
5           BrdU-labeled cells were visualized immunohistochemically.
6 ed type II collagen fragments was visualized immunohistochemically.
7 nalyzed for cell proliferation and apoptosis immunohistochemically.
8 oid in the knee joint menisci, were examined immunohistochemically.
9 RORgammat in gingival tissues were evaluated immunohistochemically.
10 location of transducin), histologically, and immunohistochemically.
11 rom the ALS1 and ALS3 promoters was detected immunohistochemically.
12                  Human biopsies were studied immunohistochemically.
13 thalamic (TSTT) terminations were identified immunohistochemically.
14 brane-specific EGFR expression was evaluated immunohistochemically.
15 ocardium after gene transfer were determined immunohistochemically.
16 lceramide receptors for Stx) were identified immunohistochemically.
17 , and delayed enamel formation was confirmed immunohistochemically.
18 owth factor receptor (VEGFR)-3 were detected immunohistochemically.
19             Transplanted cells were detected immunohistochemically.
20                            SAA was localized immunohistochemically.
21 nic protein (BMP)-2 expression was evaluated immunohistochemically.
22        GP73-expressing cells were identified immunohistochemically.
23 ced in our laboratory to study this paradigm immunohistochemically.
24  differences in ion channel content assessed immunohistochemically.
25 y found on GABAergic interneurons identified immunohistochemically.
26 ed in place with glutaraldehyde and detected immunohistochemically.
27 f ER-alpha IR neurons in the PAG was studied immunohistochemically.
28  subcellular distribution were also recorded immunohistochemically.
29 ow-derived cells in the grafts were assessed immunohistochemically.
30 yme, phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase, immunohistochemically.
31 with advanced CAV, RANTES was also localized immunohistochemically.
32 e localization of Kv3.1 protein was examined immunohistochemically.
33 rol specimen was analyzed histologically and immunohistochemically.
34 porally integrated events that were detected immunohistochemically.
35 ational period and fibrin(ogen) was detected immunohistochemically.
36 finity neurotrophin receptors was determined immunohistochemically.
37 an distribution in the cornea was elucidated immunohistochemically.
38 Intragraft cellular infiltration was defined immunohistochemically.
39 eptor were localized in epiretinal membranes immunohistochemically.
40 ment membrane (SBM) thickness were evaluated immunohistochemically.
41 ained DSEK graft lenticels were investigated immunohistochemically.
42                EGFR expression was evaluated immunohistochemically.
43  fibroblasts and myofibroblasts was assessed immunohistochemically.
44 P288 was determined and tumors were analyzed immunohistochemically.
45    A number of these findings were validated immunohistochemically.
46  or biopsy followed by autopsy were analyzed immunohistochemically.
47 tegrin alphavbeta3 expression, as determined immunohistochemically.
48 il that correspond to striosomes as verified immunohistochemically.
49 le with metal-on-polymer hip arthroplasties, immunohistochemically.
50                  The specimens were examined immunohistochemically.
51 of AMPK, and NF-kappaB (p65) were determined immunohistochemically.
52 helial antimicrobial peptides was determined immunohistochemically.
53  to the difficulty of labeling these neurons immunohistochemically.
54 expression in ocular tissues were determined immunohistochemically.
55 nsity, and BMPC incorporation were evaluated immunohistochemically.
56 -1 (VGLUT1)] on SOL motoneurons were studied immunohistochemically.
57 kappaB, and phospho-NF-kappaB was determined immunohistochemically.
58   Ablation of NK1-bearing cells was verified immunohistochemically.
59 th a decrease in cell proliferation assessed immunohistochemically (a decrease in proliferating cell
60   Levels of NF-kappaB activity were detected immunohistochemically after active avoidance training in
61    Phosphorylated (phospho)-ERK was examined immunohistochemically after both single and repeated (i.
62 embedded histopathological preparations were immunohistochemically analyzed using previously describe
63                FGFR1 expression was analyzed immunohistochemically and at the transcription level in
64 cles containing the transplant were analyzed immunohistochemically and autoradiographically.
65 ox deposition on tumor tissue was documented immunohistochemically and by confocal microscopy.
66 d new leukocyte recruitment as revealed both immunohistochemically and by MRI tracking of ultrasmall
67  H2 S on motor neurons cultures was analyzed immunohistochemically and by patch clamp recordings and
68  mRNA were readily detected in the GO tissue immunohistochemically and by RT-PCR, respectively, but w
69 ession and therapy resistance was determined immunohistochemically and compared with that in 30 archi
70 ase specifically impair GluR levels, assayed immunohistochemically and electrophysiologically, withou
71                           Tissue was stained immunohistochemically and examined to determine: (i) the
72                Brain sections were processed immunohistochemically and examined with light and electr
73 nstrated a significant loss of AR expression immunohistochemically and two (50%) of these AR-negative
74   The AA nature of the amyloid was evidenced immunohistochemically and was unequivocally established
75 cytometry, and by protocol biopsies analyzed immunohistochemically and with real-time polymerase chai
76 n oncogene, model human CCS morphologically, immunohistochemically, and by genome-wide expression pro
77                  PAR-1 protein was localized immunohistochemically, and cells expressing TM or PAR-1
78  flow cytometry, protocol biopsies evaluated immunohistochemically, and real-time polymerase chain re
79  TNF-alpha, and pNF-kappaB-p65 were detected immunohistochemically, and TNF-alpha, IL-6, and IL-1beta
80   The tumors were reanalyzed histologically, immunohistochemically, and, where available, ultrastruct
81 t, numbers of FLI-positive cells, identified immunohistochemically, are anomalously elevated in the s
82 mpare the localization of these two proteins immunohistochemically as a test of this hypothesis.
83                                           We immunohistochemically assayed p53 expression in paraffin
84 ontrol hearts, virtually all Cx43 identified immunohistochemically at apparent intercellular junction
85 njection of lipopolysaccharide, and examined immunohistochemically at different stages of development
86 hB5, ephrin-A2, and ephrin-B1 were evaluated immunohistochemically at embryonic days 4 through 10.
87 re coupled in skeletal muscle, were detected immunohistochemically at the plasma membrane of the term
88 B in the beta-cell population was determined immunohistochemically at various developmental and perin
89 MENT Astrocytes are traditionally identified immunohistochemically by antibodies that target cell-spe
90 was quantified throughout the left ventricle immunohistochemically by assay of TUNEL, single-stranded
91 brosis in TNBS-treated mice was also evident immunohistochemically by collagen deposition in the colo
92 on for Northern blotting and, (iii) analysed immunohistochemically by confocal microscopy.
93 e p65 subunit) were localized and quantified immunohistochemically by light microscopy and digital im
94 tured from newborn Lewis rats and identified immunohistochemically by OX42 antibody staining.
95 lation, protein phosphorylation was detected immunohistochemically by simultaneous staining with two
96 or ischemically treated tissue were assessed immunohistochemically by survivin and Ki-67 staining.
97 horionic gonadotropin and progesterone), and immunohistochemically (by the loss of stage-specific emb
98 in these vulnerable dopaminergic neurons, we immunohistochemically characterized a common product of
99 lly directed to a distinctive DR subdivision immunohistochemically characterized as poor in serotonin
100                    The large melanocytes are immunohistochemically characterized by loss of nuclear l
101 ell proliferation were investigated by using immunohistochemically characterized cells.
102             Pretreatment tumor biopsies were immunohistochemically characterized in 73 HNSCC patients
103                                              Immunohistochemically, cone ERG(absent) RPGRIP1 (ins/ins
104                                           We immunohistochemically confirmed restored expression of B
105                  We validated our results by immunohistochemically confirming expression of selected
106 metaplastic carcinomas), whereas the broader immunohistochemically defined 'core-basal-like' or gene
107            The number of EC cells containing immunohistochemically demonstrable serotonin (5-HT) was
108 ion status of exon 11 did not correlate with immunohistochemically detectable expression of the CD117
109 ated form of histone H2AX (gamma-H2AX) forms immunohistochemically detectable foci at DNA double stra
110  numbers of cortical interneurons expressing immunohistochemically detectable levels of parvalbumin (
111     Patients with prostate cancer exhibiting immunohistochemically detectable nuclear E2F3 expression
112                                  The lack of immunohistochemically detected COX-I is apparent in olig
113                                Subsequently, immunohistochemically detected enhancement of nitrotyros
114                               In this study, immunohistochemically detected fibrin was seen along the
115            However, NKX3.1 expression can be immunohistochemically detected in most primary prostate
116                       Only COX-1 protein was immunohistochemically detected in normal intestinal tiss
117 eased during the period of peak parasitosis; immunohistochemically detected inducible nitric oxide sy
118                               The profile of immunohistochemically detected mitochondrial respiratory
119                                              Immunohistochemically detected occult lymph-node metasta
120 on of cells producing Gal-deficient IgG were immunohistochemically determined in gingival tissues fro
121                                              Immunohistochemically, Dicer was up-regulated in AAH and
122                                          Two immunohistochemically distinct pseudorabies virus strain
123 ly labeled trigeminothalamic neurons in this immunohistochemically distinct subregion of lamina I, ne
124  adducts (as a hypoxia marker) were followed immunohistochemically during the healing process.
125  assessing tumor heterogeneity by localizing immunohistochemically ER-positive metastases that lack r
126 ects ranging in age from 12 to 73 years were immunohistochemically examined for immunoreactivity (IR)
127                                              Immunohistochemically, FAs were associated with infiltra
128 vasive, 2 intraepithelial only) were stained immunohistochemically for androgen receptors and were co
129  endomyocardial biopsy samples were screened immunohistochemically for arterial endothelial ICAM-1.
130 ections of epiretinal membranes were stained immunohistochemically for cytokeratins, to identify HRPE
131       Lungs were examined histologically and immunohistochemically for effects of 95% O(2) +/- antich
132 ent tumor biopsies were obtained and stained immunohistochemically for EGFR, extracellular signal-reg
133 ocessed into glycol methacrylate and stained immunohistochemically for eosinophils (as an index of in
134 elioid morphology, these tumors do not label immunohistochemically for epithelial markers but instead
135  eyes with AMD or control eyes were examined immunohistochemically for expression of IP-10 and eotaxi
136 val tissues were analyzed histologically and immunohistochemically for expression of MMP-9 and IL-1be
137 t time points, corneal samples were analyzed immunohistochemically for expression of P-selectin, E-se
138 as, and 13 metastatic lesions were evaluated immunohistochemically for Fhit expression.
139             Tumors were assessed and stained immunohistochemically for G207.
140 olar lavage (BAL) after imaging were stained immunohistochemically for iNOS.
141 rted MSI medullary carcinomas, were examined immunohistochemically for Mlh1 and Msh2 expression, and
142 L/6 and nidogen-1 knockout mice were stained immunohistochemically for nidogen-1, and intraocular pre
143 and archived brain tissue were also examined immunohistochemically for nitrotyrosine.
144 mphatic channels were identified by staining immunohistochemically for podoplanin.
145 d skin from tumor-bearing mice were examined immunohistochemically for proliferation, p53, apoptosis,
146 lly using the Mankin scale and were examined immunohistochemically for Smurf2 expression.
147                Corneal samples were analyzed immunohistochemically for the expression of intercellula
148 t uninjured monkeys and humans were examined immunohistochemically for the expression of specific mar
149 fter experimental manipulations, we analyzed immunohistochemically for the extracellular matrix molec
150  and relevant portions of liver were studied immunohistochemically for the presence of islet tissue.
151 mine-silver histochemical stains, and labels immunohistochemically for type 4 collagen.
152 c Blue; catecholaminergic axons were stained immunohistochemically for tyrosine hydroxylase.
153 nd adipophilin can separate sebaceous tumors immunohistochemically from squamous carcinomas and melan
154 neurons in the lateral hypothalamus, 11 were immunohistochemically identified as Orx-positive (Orx(+)
155 e P2X7-immunoreactivity (IR) in a variety of immunohistochemically identified excitatory and inhibito
156 ukocyte entry into CNS parenchyma, including immunohistochemically identified macrophages, T lymphocy
157  subgranular zones stopped the generation of immunohistochemically identified neuroblasts and new neu
158 l nerve ligation on different populations of immunohistochemically identified neurons in the dorsal r
159 mma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)(B) receptors on immunohistochemically identified neurons, and levels of
160 eurons in rats to determine the discharge of immunohistochemically identified orexin neurons during p
161 eep-related functions, most of which receive immunohistochemically identified projections from the la
162 t an unexpected diversity in the behavior of immunohistochemically identified serotonergic neurons.
163 al melanocytic disorders should be evaluated immunohistochemically if there is any question regarding
164  Galphaq, PLCbeta, Galphai 1-2, and PKA were immunohistochemically (IHC) localized in the pre-amelobl
165                                              Immunohistochemically, IL-13-positive cells were Kupffer
166                                              Immunohistochemically, IL-17A-expressing lymphocytes wer
167 mpathetic axons, respectively, were detected immunohistochemically in 1 +/- 0.5% (n = 7), 15 +/- 4.7%
168                            JAB1 was detected immunohistochemically in 43 of 53 (81%) tumors; 32 (60%)
169 ased in MDS marrow progenitors when examined immunohistochemically in a bone marrow tissue microarray
170 ic cells (CD1a(+) and CD83(+)) was confirmed immunohistochemically in ALS ventral horn and corticospi
171              BCL-2 expression was determined immunohistochemically in available pretreatment tissue b
172 sion of TGF-beta type II receptor and pSmad2 immunohistochemically in breast cancer tissue from 1,045
173             Netrin-1 expression was analyzed immunohistochemically in different types of MS lesions a
174 e aggrecanases and TIMP-3 were also detected immunohistochemically in disc tissue, and numbers of nuc
175 rounding normal cell nuclei was demonstrated immunohistochemically in four of four (100%) hypermethyl
176 hospho-STAT3 and phospho-4EBP1 were detected immunohistochemically in GCs, whereas only phospho-S6 wa
177             Expression of CTGF was evaluated immunohistochemically in human PVR membranes, and the ac
178                       Expression was studied immunohistochemically in lesional tissue from therapeuti
179 TGF-beta) pathway signaling] were identified immunohistochemically in most BECs in liver tissue from
180                   We assessed its expression immunohistochemically in normal human colon tissue, colo
181 evels of inflammation were further processed immunohistochemically in order to assess the levels of C
182 monoamine transporter (VMAT-1) was evaluated immunohistochemically in paraffin-embedded tumor tissues
183  PET and tumor AR and ER expression measured immunohistochemically in patients with metastatic breast
184 ranous expression of E-cadherin was assessed immunohistochemically in patients younger than 70 years
185                       SPARC was undetectable immunohistochemically in skin from the non-irradiated co
186                  Gelatinase B was identified immunohistochemically in terminal bronchiolar cells and
187 ced DENN/MADD and increased TRADD expression immunohistochemically in the hippocampus in areas of AD
188                   Viral antigen was detected immunohistochemically in the liver and the spleen.
189       The folate receptor alpha was detected immunohistochemically in the mouse and rat RPE and in se
190 oly(ADP-ribose) polymerase could be detected immunohistochemically in the nuclei of apoptotic cells,
191                  TRPM8 expression, localized immunohistochemically in transgenic TRPM8(GFP) mouse col
192 eal tissue was evaluated histochemically and immunohistochemically; in selected cases, corneal tissue
193                           Examination of the immunohistochemically labeled tissue showed projections
194 sing quantitative morphometric approaches on immunohistochemically labeled tissue.
195                                    TAMs were immunohistochemically labeled using a monoclonal (CD68)
196                                           We immunohistochemically labeled vessels of the left cerebr
197      Serial cryosections (five per eye) were immunohistochemically labeled with rabbit anti-gamma-ami
198 his study, we addressed this question by (1) immunohistochemically labeling central 5-HT processes an
199  despite phrenic motoneurones being strongly immunohistochemically labelled for CaV1.3 channels.
200              Neuropathological analysis with immunohistochemically labelled sections was carried out
201 us was injected into the right OO muscle and immunohistochemically localized after 4-6 day transport
202 and signaling via TrkA receptors, which were immunohistochemically localized to the cholinergic neuro
203         In agreement with our previous study immunohistochemically localizing CRHSP-28 around secreto
204                                              Immunohistochemically loss of alpha(4 )reactivity was ap
205 ole of 5-HT2A receptors in these effects, we immunohistochemically mapped the distribution of 5-HT2A
206  Indeed, in human colorectal tissue samples, immunohistochemically-monitored POX was dramatically dec
207 n subtypes of NF adenomas suggested that the immunohistochemically negative adenomas produced more pr
208 2, -4 and -6 protein expression was assessed immunohistochemically on 70 pancreatic adenocarcinoma ti
209    p53, p21, and pRb expression was examined immunohistochemically on archival radical cystectomy sam
210 d of the vascular marker CD31 was determined immunohistochemically on specimens of both tumor and nor
211 n is more weakly expressed; we can detect it immunohistochemically only with strong amplification.
212 ocyte and microglial activation was assessed immunohistochemically over a 28-d period, together with
213     The hepatocytes in these constructs were immunohistochemically positive for albumin and transferr
214 the epithelia of wild-type mice here are not immunohistochemically positive for bcl-2 protein.
215 ize from 4 to 10 mm in diameter and were all immunohistochemically positive for KIT.
216                           The ATL cells were immunohistochemically positive for parathyroid hormone-r
217 ses were categorized by pattern of staining (immunohistochemically positive or negative [IHC+/-], hem
218 beling, and subsets of the whole mounts were immunohistochemically processed for c-Kit or stained wit
219 tions of central GLP-1, GLP-1 expression was immunohistochemically profiled in normal rat brain and i
220  calcific aortic stenosis cusps demonstrated immunohistochemically prominent deposition of TN-C, MMP-
221        Indeed, using endometrial tumors with immunohistochemically proven MMR deficiency, we optimize
222  1 and 2, FcgammaRII, and FDC-M2 on FDCs was immunohistochemically quantitated in draining lymph node
223  with the distribution of EGFR as determined immunohistochemically (r = 0.85; range, 0.69-0.95).
224 nsplantation resulted in morphologically and immunohistochemically recognizable germ cells in vivo, p
225 lted in the formation of morphologically and immunohistochemically recognizable photoreceptor cells,
226 ssive amyloidosis and astrogliosis, detected immunohistochemically, reflected even larger whole brain
227 on of ependymal and periependymal cells that immunohistochemically resembled stem/progenitor cells.
228 ated globes with the histopathologically and immunohistochemically (S-100, HMB-45, PNL-2, and Melan-A
229                                              Immunohistochemically, SDF-1 expression was greatest at
230                              We measured the immunohistochemically stainable FDC compartment by quant
231                         Tissue sections were immunohistochemically stained for a variety of transcrip
232                         Tissue sections were immunohistochemically stained for alpha smooth muscle ac
233 in embedded and 6 microm sections sliced and immunohistochemically stained for BrdU.
234             The specimens were sectioned and immunohistochemically stained for CD34 (red) and CD31 (b
235 0 or 30 minutes or 1, 3, or 6 hours and then immunohistochemically stained for pERK, pCREB, or c-fos.
236 sforming growth factor-alpha (TGFalpha), and immunohistochemically stained for phosphorylated extrace
237                         Tissue sections were immunohistochemically stained for signs of scarring.
238                         In a subset of IPMNs immunohistochemically stained for the Dpc4 protein (n =
239 n metastasis, almost all of the cancer cells immunohistochemically stained positive for osteopontin o
240 aminin 5 and Type IV collagen expressions on immunohistochemically stained samples.
241 ent of invasion and to measure tumor volume, immunohistochemically stained to visualize SPARC, subjec
242            Human tibial artery segments were immunohistochemically stained with Alizarin red and huma
243 were removed from extracted third molars and immunohistochemically stained with an antibody against P
244 s (Macaca mulatta, 15 and 17 years old) were immunohistochemically stained with an antibody of neurof
245        Both small airways and BAL cells were immunohistochemically stained with anti-CD68 for total m
246 A-binding probe to identify human cells, and immunohistochemically stained with MIB-1 to measure prol
247 ast microscopy and confocal microscopy after immunohistochemically staining for collagen IV basement
248 he hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell layer were immunohistochemically studied.
249 and inducible (HSP70i) HSP70 expression were immunohistochemically studied.
250 taneous lesions were histopathologically and immunohistochemically studied.
251 des was recently developed and used to stain immunohistochemically subsets of astrocytes and myelin b
252                               A third class, immunohistochemically suggested to be GABAergic, was loc
253 at relationship this has to AVED, we studied immunohistochemically the presence of alpha-TTP in the b
254                   The present study examined immunohistochemically the regional distribution of the m
255 is to investigate, both morphometrically and immunohistochemically, the effect of gaseous ozone on bo
256                                              Immunohistochemically, the enhanced expression of CYP46A
257                                              Immunohistochemically, the LPS-induced cardiac IL-6 was
258                                              Immunohistochemically, the major variant, MOR-1C, displa
259                                              Immunohistochemically, the majority of the lymphoid cell
260 ion in the nigrostriatal system was assessed immunohistochemically through the analysis of tyrosine h
261 ns were collected 3 hours later and examined immunohistochemically to analyze apoptotic neuronal and
262 ks, the anterior mitral leaflet was analyzed immunohistochemically to assess markers of collagen and
263  from the spinal cord and brain were treated immunohistochemically to detect cells which were labeled
264 G) into mV and mXII, sections were processed immunohistochemically to detect retrogradely labeled FG
265 e samples from all time points were analyzed immunohistochemically to evaluate the distribution of in
266 re extent of the nasal cavity were processed immunohistochemically to identify brain homogenate and t
267 ections through the brainstem were processed immunohistochemically to identify Fos, the protein produ
268             Myocardial biopsies were stained immunohistochemically to investigate fibroblast phenotyp
269 ed 73 skin and oral mucosal biopsy specimens immunohistochemically to test this hypothesis.
270  necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha), localized immunohistochemically to this affected region of the pil
271                                              Immunohistochemically, tumor cells were positive for CD3
272                                              Immunohistochemically, tyrosine-nitrated proteins were l
273                        In humans, cells with immunohistochemically undetectable levels of connexin 43
274 CC, various intrahepatic tumors were studied immunohistochemically using a monoclonal antibody for CD
275 he presence of myofibroblasts was identified immunohistochemically using a monoclonal antibody to alp
276                   Liver macrophages, defined immunohistochemically using antibodies against ED1, pres
277 roliferation and differentiation were traced immunohistochemically using antibodies against various r
278 rotic and normal liver samples were analysed immunohistochemically using antibodies directed against
279 rtium were characterized morphologically and immunohistochemically using antibodies to estrogen recep
280 Moreover, presympathetic neurons, identified immunohistochemically using cholera toxin b neuronal tra
281 ructurally by light and electron microscopy, immunohistochemically using connexin-specific antibodies
282 ative results correlated with those obtained immunohistochemically using diagnostic tissue biopsy spe
283 etal and newborn rabbit tissues was analyzed immunohistochemically using monoclonal antibodies that r
284 e presence of lymphatic vessels was analyzed immunohistochemically using podoplanin as a specific lym
285               The MPI uptake correlated with immunohistochemically verified macrophage infiltration (
286 ion as well as the cell type specificity was immunohistochemically verified.
287 ellular targets of infection were determined immunohistochemically, viral titers were determined by p
288   The expression of Merlin protein (assessed immunohistochemically) was significantly decreased in br
289                              CD20, evaluated immunohistochemically, was expressed diffusely in 12 of
290 by other cells in the human bone, determined immunohistochemically, was not affected by thalidomide t
291 ified histologically, ultrastructurally, and immunohistochemically, were present in all the peritonea
292 the number of neuronal NOS+ cells determined immunohistochemically, whereas androgen treatment preven
293 n of Macaca fascicularis monkeys was studied immunohistochemically with a monoclonal antibody to GABA
294                 Tissue sections were stained immunohistochemically with an antibody against tyrosine
295 biopsy specimens were positive when examined immunohistochemically with anti-Y1316 antibody.
296 nerve fibers in normal dog eyes were labeled immunohistochemically with antibodies against protein ge
297 rformed, and the corneal nerves were labeled immunohistochemically with antibodies against protein ge
298 s aged 6, 12, 18, and 24 months were stained immunohistochemically with antisera against the pan-neur
299                 Cone survival was determined immunohistochemically with cone-specific antibodies, and
300              HHV-8 infection was ascertained immunohistochemically with use of an antibody directed a

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