


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd arteries were recovered for histology and immunohistology.
2  dopamine transporter (DAT) density with DAT immunohistology.
3 w autoantibody levels and essentially normal immunohistology.
4 d at day 100 were evaluated by histology and immunohistology.
5 e disease, no PEC activation was observed by immunohistology.
6 otein was identified by Western blotting and immunohistology.
7             Rejected grafts were analyzed by immunohistology.
8 tralateral carotid arteries was evaluated by immunohistology.
9 sis were rigorously confirmed by QRT-PCR and immunohistology.
10 Rejection was characterized by histology and immunohistology.
11  lysate and stained specific worm tissues by immunohistology.
12 rom rdd and wild-type birds were analyzed by immunohistology.
13  CSCs integrated with host cardiomyocytes by immunohistology.
14 x-3, and does not recognize synapsin I using immunohistology.
15 investigated using monoclonal antibodies and immunohistology.
16 oration and their infiltration of kidneys by immunohistology.
17       Graft characteristics were assessed by immunohistology.
18 brain lesion techniques combined with modern immunohistology.
19 veolar lavage fluid using flow cytometry and immunohistology.
20 ng active EC proliferation at P15 and P17 by immunohistology.
21 in synovial tissue was determined by in situ immunohistology.
22 ions that cannot be assessed by conventional immunohistology.
23 d in only one of three monkeys with abnormal immunohistology.
24 tative polymerase chain reaction, ELISA, and immunohistology.
25 FISH amplification and with CB11 and PCA/SAR immunohistology.
26 ial biopsies from subjects with asthma using immunohistology, (2) the concentration of chemokines in
27                                              Immunohistology analysis confirmed reduced CXCR3+ and CD
28 is detected in NgR1 decoy-treated animals by immunohistology and by positron emission tomography usin
29  in the affected kidneys morphologically, by immunohistology and by reverse transcriptase polymerase
30 d human airway epithelia was investigated by immunohistology and confocal microscopy.
31 ength density with tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistology and dopamine transporter (DAT) density w
32                  Ehrlichiae were detected by immunohistology and electron microscopy in the liver, lu
33                                              Immunohistology and electrophysiology showed that somato
34                        This was confirmed by immunohistology and flow cytometry analyses showing that
35  and gp100 by M14 melanoma cells as shown by immunohistology and fluorescence-activated cell sorting
36  RA joints (histones H2A/B) was validated by immunohistology and found to be deposited on the cartila
37 RP2 knockdown morphants was characterized by immunohistology and histology.
38 Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R) expression by immunohistology and immunoblotting.
39      Oral immune cells were characterized by immunohistology and immunofluorescence in biopsies obtai
40 tely 16% UVA), and skin biopsies examined by immunohistology and immunoprecipitation.
41 atched controls (n = 4), by semiquantitative immunohistology and in situ hybridization showed increas
42                                        Using immunohistology and multicolor confocal microscopy, we s
43                 Transplants were examined by immunohistology and quantitative immunofluorescence micr
44  organotypic cultures were analyzed by using immunohistology and quantitative RT-PCR.
45 lly (4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, and 48 weeks) for immunohistology and reverse transcriptase polymerase cha
46 ession of FGF-1 and its receptor, FGFR-1, by immunohistology and reverse transcriptase-polymerase cha
47 nergic neurons, to study their migration via immunohistology and time-lapse imaging of living slice c
48 chain reaction and for protein expression by immunohistology and Western blotting.
49       We have used multicolor FACS analysis, immunohistology, and functional assays to study the expr
50       However, their clinical manifestation, immunohistology, and gene expression pattern, plus the f
51  fibroblast cell lines using flow cytometry, immunohistology, and immunoblots of cell lysates.
52 ses was determined by in situ hybridization, immunohistology, and in situ zymography.
53                CD8+ T cells were detected by immunohistology, and mRNAs for granzyme B and perforin w
54 brain injury (TBI) in rats by employing MRI, immunohistology, and neurological functional tests.
55  rejection event were examined by histology, immunohistology, and reverse transcriptase-polymerase ch
56 and 5 days after engraftment for morphology, immunohistology, and reverse transcriptase-polymerase ch
57  (n=3/time point) and assessed by histology, immunohistology, and reverse transcriptase-polymerase ch
58 7, and 14 days and processed for morphology, immunohistology, and reverse transcriptase-polymerase ch
59              Ocular tissues were analyzed by immunohistology, and sera were tested for the presence o
60 rse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, immunohistology, and Western blots were used to establis
61           Macrophage density was measured by immunohistology (anti-RAM-11 antibody) on corresponding
62                                           On immunohistology, arteriolar but not capillary density in
63 rafted cells was monitored by antidystrophin immunohistology, as well as by PCR analysis with primers
64 tion, immunoprecipitation, western blot, and immunohistology assay.
65                                              Immunohistology at 4 weeks revealed myogenic differentia
66                                           By immunohistology, CD4+ leukocytes and ED-1+ macrophages i
67 as given, and the effects on graft survival, immunohistology, circulating cells, and lymph node cells
68                                              Immunohistology confirmed the expression of CD1 on margi
69 d was further localized to the epithelium by immunohistology, confocal microscopy, immunoblotting, an
70                                              Immunohistology demonstrated a predominance of macrophag
71                                              Immunohistology demonstrated MMP-8 expression in neutrop
72                                              Immunohistology demonstrated OPN on fibroblast-like and
73                                 Quantitative immunohistology demonstrated that collagen type I matrix
74                 Cell counts in BALF and lung immunohistology demonstrated that eosinophil infiltratio
75                                              Immunohistology demonstrated that the ONOO--mediated nit
76                           Immunoblotting and immunohistology demonstrated that total SOD1 expression
77 endocortical diaphyseal region, quantitative immunohistology demonstrated that young wild-type and B-
78                                              Immunohistology demonstrated the reappearance of CD3+ an
79                                        Using immunohistology, electron microscopy, electrophysiology
80 monstrated by histological evaluation and by immunohistology for CD3, CD20, and CD68.
81 were evaluated at 100 days posttransplant by immunohistology for evidence of chronic rejection and/or
82 sgenic mice were examined with histology and immunohistology for the presence of photoreceptor-like c
83                                              Immunohistology identified Hb-laden MPs adherent to capi
84              The p53 protein was detected by immunohistology in 10 of the 13 patients with early RA (
85 ha(v)beta(3)-GNB localization and supporting immunohistology in Rag1(tm1Mom) Tg(Tie-2-lacZ)182-Sato m
86               GFP expression was analyzed by immunohistology in regions of the central nervous system
87  blot analysis), as well as distribution (by immunohistology), in the cerebrum of rats with CRF 6 wk
88                                              Immunohistology indicated that hr44 is present in vesicu
89 f ciliary body and liver membranes and liver immunohistology indicated that the Cx26 antibody used do
90                                              Immunohistology indicates that the different DC subsets
91                                     By using immunohistology it was found that the expression of CCL2
92            Laser capture microdissection and immunohistology localized most IFN-gamma-producing T cel
93                                              Immunohistology localized the 5-LO to macrophages of nor
94 er transplant, and in situ hybridization and immunohistology-localized LIGHT and HVEM to infiltrating
95 C quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR and immunohistology localizes prosaposin mRNA to DCs and OHC
96                                     Shown by immunohistology, <25% of newly diagnosed ovarian carcino
97                                           By immunohistology, MHC class II was up-regulated consisten
98                                           By immunohistology, numbers of infiltrating CD4+ and CD8+ T
99                                           By immunohistology, numbers of infiltrating polymorphonucle
100                                              Immunohistology of 2 biopsied lymph nodes revealed the a
101                         Light microscopy and immunohistology of CsA-treated and CsA + LMW-HA-treated
102 ining heat shock protein (hsp) expression by immunohistology of graft tissues and immunoblot analysis
103 by measuring levels of antibodies to PDC-E2, immunohistology of liver, and expression of Gal-3.
104 n blot analyses of various human tissues and immunohistology of mouse embryos show a correlation of C
105                                 We performed immunohistology of murine PPs using the dendritic cell (
106                                              Immunohistology of response was judged by biopsies.
107 t of rejection or GAD, cytokine profiles, or immunohistology of the allografts in wild-type hosts.
108                                              Immunohistology of the CBD showed that the epithelium an
109                                              Immunohistology of the leukocytic infiltrate of livers f
110  hemolytic activity in sCR1-treated animals, immunohistology of the transplanted lung revealed decrea
111                                              Immunohistology of vessels reveals focal constitutive ex
112                                              Immunohistology of whole-mounts using the antibody to th
113 -bearing age for anti-brain antibodies using immunohistology on mouse brain.
114                                        Thus, immunohistology, particularly immunofluorescence, is inc
115 responses measured on day 14 or 21 and graft immunohistology performed on day 14.
116  contrast to conventional histology, in vivo immunohistology permitted serial observations.
117 enopus laevis, we have adapted a whole-mount immunohistology procedure used in mice that enables us t
118                       This method of in vivo immunohistology provides a tool for studying cell kineti
119 = 0.61, P < 0.001) and macrophage density on immunohistology (r = 0.63, P < 0.001).
120                                         Lung immunohistology revealed abundant PVM-positive pneumocyt
121                                              Immunohistology revealed IFN-gamma, but not IL-4, coloca
122                                              Immunohistology revealed increased neutrophil and macrop
123                                              Immunohistology revealed KIZ localization at the basal b
124                                              Immunohistology revealed that thrombocytopenia-induced t
125                   Intravascular labeling and immunohistology revealed the presence of parenchymal CD8
126      We did not observe associations between immunohistology scores and age, sex, estimated GFR at en
127  transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and immunohistology, serum factors were assessed by enzyme-l
128                                       Muscle immunohistology showed a >10-fold-greater infiltration o
129  transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistology showed that intragraft macrophage produc
130                                  Analysis by immunohistology showed that normal sera from neonatal an
131                                  Comparative immunohistology showed that the G28-5 specificity was qu
132                                     However, immunohistology studies revealed that human LC niches in
133                                              Immunohistology study demonstrated a remarkable decrease
134                                              Immunohistology suggested a distinctive drug distributio
135  months post-reperfusion for histopathology, immunohistology, terminal deoxyribosyl transferase-media
136                                  Here we use immunohistology to enumerate individual naive CD4 T cell
137                                Here, we used immunohistology to examine APOL1 localization in normal
138                                 Here we used immunohistology to show that the TCR on naive Ag-specifi
139 tion, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and immunohistology using cultured human intestinal epitheli
140     Serial intragraft events were studied by immunohistology using monoclonal antibodies to rat leuko
141                     Tissues were examined by immunohistology using murine- and porcine-specific monoc
142                                              Immunohistology was performed on graft sections to test
143 ed at high levels in the tissue fluid and by immunohistology, was responsible in part for the telomer
144                                        Using immunohistology, we show that skeletal muscle-specific t
145                          Graft histology and immunohistology were assessed on postoperative day (POD)
146 -to-dry ratio, Western blotting, RT-PCR, and immunohistology were performed.
147  DCs, gene profiling, gene transduction, and immunohistology were used to identify molecules involved
148      ADAM-10 expression was determined using immunohistology, Western blotting, and quantitative poly
149  increase in brown adipocytes as revealed by immunohistology with anti-UCP1 antibodies.
150 (FLS), and synovial tissues were examined by immunohistology with antibodies to BMPR type IA (BMPRIA)
151          Expression of p53 was determined by immunohistology with DO1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) in al
152 (SDS-PAGE), quantitative immunoblotting, and immunohistology with peptide antibodies to decorin and b
153 bent assay (ELISA), immunoprecipitation, and immunohistology with preabsorption.

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