


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ABA (85 +/- 5%), whereas relatively few were immunolabeled for 5-HT (4 +/- 1%), glutamate (0.5 +/- 0.
2 cting neurons in the PPR and RPa were doubly immunolabeled for 5-HT(1A)R-ir and 5-HT, and some IML-pr
3 L-projecting neurons in the RVLM were doubly immunolabeled for 5-HT(1A)R-ir and TH-ir.
4                                  These cells immunolabeled for an RGC marker, not amacrine cell marke
5          ION target cells in the retina were immunolabeled for BDNF but showed surprisingly low level
6 (NCI), mild cognitive impairment, or AD were immunolabeled for both p75(NTR) and Rac1b.
7                           Whole retinas were immunolabeled for both populations, and every labeled so
8                         Tibial sections were immunolabeled for cathepsin B and septoclasts were count
9 aformaldehyde, and brains were sectioned and immunolabeled for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) or p7
10                         Frozen sections were immunolabeled for collagenase, insulin, CK19, collagen V
11 ure II-methylene blue and on frozen sections immunolabeled for cone, rod, or glial proteins.
12 of all sizes were distinctly and selectively immunolabeled for EBA; background staining was absent.
13                              Varicose fibers immunolabeled for either ENK or PNMT were confirmed to b
14  had the same numerical density of synapses, immunolabeled for either the postsynaptic density (PSD)
15                                        Axons immunolabeled for enkephalin were also abundant in lamin
16 mpal neurons and PC12 cells, which were then immunolabeled for ERM proteins.
17 sumed inhibitory synapses), similar synapses immunolabeled for GABA (F-GABA), primary afferent synaps
18 ntralateral site showed many neuronal somata immunolabeled for GAT-1.
19   In striatum, about 65% of striatal neurons immunolabeled for GluR1, 75%-79% immunolabeled for GluR2
20 ojection neurons (mean diameter 11.6 microm) immunolabeled for GluR1, and about one third of these we
21 , and the remainder of the neurons that were immunolabeled for GluR2 coincided with projection neuron
22 tal neurons immunolabeled for GluR1, 75%-79% immunolabeled for GluR2 or GluR2/3, and only 2.5% posses
23 ns the size of cholinergic interneurons were immunolabeled for GluR2, and the remainder of the neuron
24 neurons the size of cholinergic interneurons immunolabeled for GluR4 and seemingly all neurons in the
25  and dendrites with NK1 receptor were dually immunolabeled for glutamate.
26 ain sections (100-300 microm) were multiplex immunolabeled for IBA1 and Hoechst, and imaged by step-a
27             Axon terminals were infrequently immunolabeled for KAr-li in the LC.
28 ser scanning confocal microscopy of sections immunolabeled for microtubule-associated protein-2 (MAP-
29               The dendritic plasma membranes immunolabeled for MOR were near sites of synaptic input
30 d with cresyl violet for Nissl substance and immunolabeled for myelin basic protein.
31                     BrdU-positive cells were immunolabeled for nestin and TUC4, a marker for early po
32                                        Axons immunolabeled for neurofilament protein show neuritic be
33                              Of 971 profiles immunolabeled for NMDAR1, 40% were dendrites and the rem
34                                Axonal fibers immunolabeled for prodynorphin varied in size and were f
35 rm >80% of the frog synaptic sites were also immunolabeled for quail AChE attached.
36                     Coronary arterioles were immunolabeled for smooth muscle alpha-actin.
37                   The majority of these were immunolabeled for the endogenous opioid peptide L-ENK.
38 nd by confocal microscopy in frozen sections immunolabeled for the mouse UV-cone pigment and colabele
39 f schizophrenia and comparison subjects were immunolabeled for the vesicular GABA transporter (vGAT)
40 d human NT2N neuronal cells are specifically immunolabeled for their endogenous as well as transfecte
41 ed presenilins, although the cells cannot be immunolabeled for their intracellular tubulin, unless th
42                    Surprisingly, these cells immunolabeled for tyrosine hydroxylase, a key component
43 tate gyrus, hippocampal sections were dually immunolabeled for vesicular acetylcholine transporter (V
44 nd ERalpha, hippocampal sections were dually immunolabeled for vesicular acetylcholine transporter (V
45 enia and unaffected comparison subjects were immunolabeled for vGAT, GAD67, and CB.

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