


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ntrast, was strikingly similar to octopamine immunolabeling.
2 ctionator technique in combination with SOX9 immunolabeling.
3 d is robustly compatible with antibody-based immunolabeling.
4 ation were quantified by keratin-19 and CD45 immunolabeling.
5  were visualized by thioflavin S and insulin immunolabeling.
6      Protein localization was ascertained by immunolabeling.
7  brain vascular elements revealed by laminin immunolabeling.
8 y or following intensification of EGFP using immunolabeling.
9  by its endogenous fluorescence or following immunolabeling.
10   Similar results were observed with GluR2/3 immunolabeling.
11 CCK and PV synapses was supported by dual EM immunolabeling.
12 s and hRSCs displayed photoreceptor-specific immunolabeling.
13 ressed in the CG based on immunoblotting and immunolabeling.
14 Cx30 in the saccule, utricle, and ampulla by immunolabeling.
15 he progressive loss of cone alpha-transducin immunolabeling.
16 other lobster neuropeptides had no effect on immunolabeling.
17 sponded to U50,488 by increasing phospho-p38 immunolabeling.
18 pared with no-choice, as measured with c-Fos immunolabeling.
19 in cavernosal endothelial cells using double immunolabeling.
20 t only live cells can define surface epitope immunolabeling.
21 centrally, including Ki-67 index and hormone immunolabeling.
22    The mCherry distribution was evaluated by immunolabeling.
23  situ), a method for whole-body clearing and immunolabeling.
24 ntrol rats showed cytoplasmic but no nuclear immunolabeling.
25 n induced by vmPFC DBS was mapped with c-Fos immunolabeling.
26 ed by calretinin, PKCalpha, and CtBP2 triple immunolabeling.
27 roxylase (TH), and serotonin (5HT) by double immunolabelings.
28 reparatory steps and without any chemical or immunolabeling, a parasitemia level of fewer than ten pa
29 rally transfected fluorescent labeling or by immunolabeling after fixation.
30                                       Triple immunolabeling allowed distinguishing between cells type
31 t one-third of axon terminals containing CB1 immunolabeling also exhibited DbetaH labeling.
32 y and microheterogeneity in NUP62 and NUP214 immunolabeling among in NPC populations.
33                                        Using immunolabeling and confocal microscopy, we have analyzed
34                                        Using immunolabeling and confocal microscopy, we identified bl
35  4 weeks and monitored albumin passage using immunolabeling and correlative light-electron microscopy
36 in polymerization step (16 h), the protocol (immunolabeling and EM procedures) can be completed in 8
37                   Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) immunolabeling and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ind
38 progenitor cells based on phospho-histone H3 immunolabeling and experiments showing that Musashi-immu
39                                Reduced RANKL immunolabeling and fewer TRAP-positive multinucleated ce
40             Analysis of cellular location by immunolabeling and fluorescence microscopy suggests that
41                                              Immunolabeling and Fourier transform infrared analyses s
42 -the-shelf antibodies for multiple rounds of immunolabeling and imaging of a tissue's magnified prote
43                                              Immunolabeling and immunoblotting studies confirmed the
44                               Using specific immunolabeling and knockin mice in which green fluoresce
45          Brains were processed to reveal Fos immunolabeling and lesion extent.
46 r, and its identity as Ara h 1 was proven by immunolabeling and mass spectrometry.
47                  Recent advances in multiple immunolabeling and multispectral imaging have enabled si
48            The examination of Tbr1 and Lmx1a immunolabeling and Nissl staining confirmed the loss of
49 isted processing of whole seedlings prior to immunolabeling and observation in the transmission elect
50                          Hence, we performed immunolabeling and quantitative analysis of the subcellu
51  in endothelial cells, as revealed by double immunolabeling and quantitative flow cytometric analysis
52 hip with the quantification of RGCs by Rbpms immunolabeling and retrograde labeling with FG.
53 found little overlap between group-III mGluR immunolabeling and that for the vesicular glutamate tran
54 ons of the core yeast complex, combined with immunolabeling and two-dimensional (2D) EM analysis of t
55                                              Immunolabeling and ultrastructural analyses of Caspr kno
56                                          The immunolabeling and ultrastructure of NS cells were inves
57                                 Stronger OPG immunolabeling and weaker RANKL immunolabeling were obse
58     TRPV4 protein expression was measured by immunolabeling and Western blotting.
59 ral analysis using 3-dimensional tomography, immunolabeling, and a proximity ligation assay next reve
60 on, in vivo and in vitro pollen germination, immunolabeling, and biochemical analyses was used on wil
61              Live fluorescence measurements, immunolabeling, and quantitative gene expression analysi
62  root ganglion, and spinal cord preparation, immunolabeling, and reverse transcriptase-PCR assays.
63 iosis, as demonstrated by a decrease in GFAP immunolabeling, and suppressed the activation of matrix
64  degenerate canine and human retinas, strong immunolabeling appeared in rod and cone photoreceptors,
65 line treated rats showed very little laminin immunolabeling around capillaries, arteries and in the m
66  Electron microscopy did not reveal any Cx50-immunolabeling at the membrane of horizontal cell tips i
67                                              Immunolabeling autoradiography was used to map and quant
68    The method uses a pre-embedding approach (immunolabeling before standard processing for transmissi
69 By two-dimensional (2D) and 3D imaging after immunolabeling, both proteins also colocalized with VZV
70                                              Immunolabeling, combined with chemical analyses and tran
71 ve analyses of primary and transsynaptic PRV immunolabeling confirmed an age-dependent assembly of hy
72  TDP-43 antibodies was assessed using double-immunolabeling confocal microscopy, immunoelectron micro
73                                              Immunolabeling data demonstrate that EphA7+ striatofugal
74                                      From EM immunolabeling data, we calculate that the PSD/cytoplasm
75                                    Moreover, immunolabeling demonstrated close apposition of ryanodin
76                                              Immunolabeling demonstrated that BI were composed of mes
77 mation of a macromolecular complex, and live immunolabeling demonstrated that both proteins co-locali
78                                              Immunolabeling demonstrated that Clrn1 localized to the
79                           EBA-laminin double immunolabeling demonstrated that the expressions of lami
80                                     Confocal immunolabeling demonstrated that, whereas this cell trac
81 so had significantly higher enkephalin (ENK) immunolabeling densities in the POM than high singers.
82                                              Immunolabeling detected synaptic proteins, cone and rod
83              In that study, active caspase-3 immunolabeling did not markedly colocalize with Ki67, a
84 tiple-fluorescence confocal microscopy, dual-immunolabeling electron-microscopy, and optogenetic meth
85 T mutants using a combination of behavioral, immunolabeling, electrophysiological, and pharmacologica
86  GFP, DsRed, or beta-gal using the method of immunolabeling-enabled three-dimensional imaging of solv
87 ) and the podocyte marker anti-GLEPP1 showed immunolabeling exclusively within podocytes.
88                           Discrete, punctate immunolabeling, exclusively in the inner plexiform layer
89                                              Immunolabeling experiments and transmission electron mic
90                                 Furthermore, immunolabeling experiments attested that GDSL1 is essent
91 glion cells was studied by double and triple immunolabeling experiments by using various cell markers
92                          In mammalian brain, immunolabeling experiments have shown staining for Slo1
93                                              Immunolabeling experiments show reduced colocalization o
94      Their bipolar cell input was studied by immunolabeling experiments using various bipolar cell ma
95                                              Immunolabeling experiments were performed using antibodi
96 ells were identified in electron microscopic immunolabeling experiments.
97           Areas which showed intense laminin immunolabeling following KA or 3-NPA exposure correlated
98 employed a dual-labeling approach, combining immunolabeling for a retrograde tract tracer, Fluoro-Gol
99      The extent and cellular localization of immunolabeling for AGEs and their receptor, RAGE, were d
100 ells (RGCs) and glia exhibited intracellular immunolabeling for AGEs, increased AGE immunolabeling in
101                                              Immunolabeling for androgen (AR) and estrogen (ER alpha)
102 d by relative cell size and characterized by immunolabeling for beta1 integrin, nuclear transcription
103 ent survival times were combined with double immunolabeling for BrdU and DCX.
104 ac progenitor cell population as assessed by immunolabeling for c-kit in combination with myocyte-spe
105                                              Immunolabeling for carboxymethyllysine, biglycan, and li
106                    In this study, we used an immunolabeling for choline acetyltransferase to demonstr
107 e islet-exocrine interface was identified by immunolabeling for collagen I, IV, V or VI and islets id
108                                              Immunolabeling for cone opsins showed the presence of bo
109 ombined with filipin labeling of sterols and immunolabeling for connexin43 (Cx43), we demonstrated th
110                                           No immunolabeling for ERalpha was observed.
111 ts for phase-contrast microscopy followed by immunolabeling for fluorescence microscopy and embedding
112                            Lithium decreased immunolabeling for Gsk-3beta and increased expression fo
113                      We also observed strong immunolabeling for HCN3, with no labeling for HCN1 and H
114 lets identified either morphologically or by immunolabeling for insulin.
115 lar K19 epithelial loss; however, multicolor immunolabeling for K19, vimentin, E-Cadherin, SNAIL, and
116 otubes of KO mice displayed already moderate immunolabeling for markers of oxidative stress (peroxire
117                             We then measured immunolabeling for phosphorylated tyrosine hydroxylase (
118                                       Triple immunolabeling for PKCalpha, nitric oxide synthetase (NO
119 g cell-specific reporter gene expression and immunolabeling for postsynaptic glutamate receptors, sig
120                                              Immunolabeling for prodynorphin and enkephalin revealed
121                                              Immunolabeling for proopiomelanocortin (POMC), the precu
122 H-proline and 35S-sulfate incorporation, and immunolabeling for specific extracellular matrix compone
123                      DSP-4 treatment reduced immunolabeling for the immediate early gene ZENK within
124                                              Immunolabeling for the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma
125 ophagosomes that are easily detectable after immunolabeling for the LC3 protein.
126                                   Similarly, immunolabeling for the paranodal marker caspr reveals ir
127                              Cell counts and immunolabeling for the proliferation marker Ki-67 and th
128         In aged monkey and rat optic nerves, immunolabeling for voltage-dependent potassium channels
129  (P30) to postnatal month 9.5 (PNM9.5) using immunolabeling for well-known cell- and synapse-specific
130 d TaGT47_2 RNAi transgenics showed decreased immunolabeling for xylan and arabinoxylan epitopes and a
131 erirhinal terminals containing PHAL and GABA immunolabeling formed symmetric synapses onto GABA-negat
132                                              Immunolabeling identified Cx29 exclusively in the Schwan
133 rated apoptotic cells in all samples; double immunolabeling identified these as trophoblasts, leukocy
134                                              Immunolabeling identifies AVs in the brain as a major re
135 rent experimental approaches, including live immunolabeling, immunogold electron microscopy, surface
136                         In addition, beta2/3 immunolabeling in aged monkeys was characterized by mark
137                                       alpha1 immunolabeling in aged monkeys was significantly reduced
138 d vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGlut2) immunolabeling in animals with retrograde tracer injecti
139                            Subsequent triple immunolabeling in anterior VTA showed that Fos-ir in tyr
140 press more estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) immunolabeling in CA1sr spine synapse complexes than age
141 rate here that noble metal nanoparticle (NP) immunolabeling in combination with plasmon coupling micr
142  detectable on RGCs; however, increased RAGE immunolabeling in glaucomatous eyes was predominant on g
143 lular immunolabeling for AGEs, increased AGE immunolabeling in glaucomatous eyes was predominantly ex
144 rom laminae II-V, although the occurrence of immunolabeling in individual varicosities varied widely
145 D1 result in marked variability in kindlin-1 immunolabeling in KS skin, which is mirrored by similar
146 l analysis of the PVN demonstrated p47(phox) immunolabeling in many glial and neuronal profiles, most
147   This was reflected by the extent of HLA-DR immunolabeling in MS GM which was significantly elevated
148            Molecules that were identified by immunolabeling in NS cells included nestin, Chx-10, vime
149 on microscopy of the neocortex revealed NOX2 immunolabeling in postsynaptic somata and dendrites that
150 epcidin injected eyes had increased ferritin immunolabeling in retinal vascular endothelial cells.
151 ed sickle mouse models, with increased PAI-1 immunolabeling in sickle mouse lung, bronchial epithelia
152 tidine in PD may be due to reduction of IL-6 immunolabeling in the inflamed gingival mucosa.
153                GBR-12909 also increased cFOS immunolabeling in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypoth
154 hologies of SIFamide-immunoreactive neurons: immunolabeling in various insect species revealed four i
155 erein an optimizedapplication of multiplexed immunolabeling in vivo for optical imaging of AML cellxe
156   Patch-clamp recordings and synaptic CaV1.3 immunolabeling indicated a larger number of Ca(2+) chann
157                          Accordingly, double immunolabeling indicated that Cx35 and CaMKII were coloc
158                                              Immunolabeling indicates that GABA neurons in the rostro
159                               However, PSD95 immunolabeling intensities were substantially lower in c
160  (comparable numerical densities but reduced immunolabeling intensity for PSD95) were found in the so
161 ilitated OLM and decreased synaptic p-ERK1/2 immunolabeling intensity without affecting numbers of p-
162            Together, these results show that immunolabeling is applicable to reliable, quantitative i
163                                         smFP immunolabeling localized weakly expressed proteins not w
164 n intermediates that are readily detected by immunolabeling methods.
165                                           OT immunolabeling occurred in axonal boutons identified by
166 rified antibodies reproduced the hippocampal immunolabeling of all patients' antibodies and colocaliz
167            Our patients' serum or CSF showed immunolabeling of antigens that were expressed at the cy
168 region, we examined the electron microscopic immunolabeling of antisera recognizing CRF or CRFr.
169                                              Immunolabeling of beta2 and alpha4 subunits was quantita
170 the hindbrain vasculature allows whole-mount immunolabeling of blood vessels and high-resolution imag
171                                              Immunolabeling of cell fractions, isolated by sucrose gr
172                      Functional analysis and immunolabeling of CENH3, the centromere-specific histone
173 collagenous structure) by observing specific immunolabeling of COS cells transfected with human MARCO
174                                              Immunolabeling of cryostat-sectioned eyes harvested from
175 prominent features of staining were evident: immunolabeling of degenerating astrocytes in proximity t
176                                         Dual immunolabeling of dendritic spines revealed that NHE6 pa
177                               Concomitantly, immunolabeling of excitatory ending markers revealed an
178 rix metalloproteinase activity and decreased immunolabeling of fibronectin.
179 rse co-immunoprecipitation, and (iii) double immunolabeling of freshly isolated myocytes revealing ca
180  can target their respective epitope showing immunolabeling of gamma-tubulin, actin, Golgi protein, a
181                                              Immunolabeling of ganglia associated with the vagina ind
182                    In situ hybridization and immunolabeling of GFFD/GdFFD-positive neurons and fibers
183  Therefore, we examined electron microscopic immunolabeling of GluR1 and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in
184 a but not hippocampus, as shown by decreased immunolabeling of glutamic acid decarboxylase-65 (GAD65)
185                                              Immunolabeling of human mammary carcinoma showed that WN
186                                     Notably, immunolabeling of kidney proteins revealed that claudin-
187 eurons by examining the electron microscopic immunolabeling of M2R and the dopamine transporter (DAT)
188    We examined the electron microscopic dual immunolabeling of M2Rs and the vesicular acetylcholine t
189                                              Immunolabeling of MHS-related peptides was retrospective
190  developed a novel protocol for fixation and immunolabeling of microglia processes.
191 a3-tubulin+/Nissl], accompanied by increased immunolabeling of microglial/monocyte (Mac 3+) cells sur
192 g a flow cytometry live cell-based assay and immunolabeling of murine primary neurons.
193 mRNA expression by in situ hybridization and immunolabeling of neurons indicates that the primary sit
194                                              Immunolabeling of resin-embedded tissue confirmed the ph
195  peptide sequences of scleritin, we obtained immunolabeling of scleroblasts and OM of the sclerites w
196                                              Immunolabeling of sections with a panel of antibodies di
197                                              Immunolabeling of skeletal myofibers with antibodies to
198               The results demonstrate IAA-RP immunolabeling of subpopulations of vestibular neurons i
199  of cancer cells to different doses, and the immunolabeling of the apoptotic cells using quantum dot
200                                              Immunolabeling of the connexins showed differential chan
201                                              Immunolabeling of transforming growth factor-beta signal
202                 Additionally, we checked for immunolabeling of tryptophan hydroxylase, an enzyme asso
203                                              Immunolabeling of tumors in KPC mice of different ages a
204 nexpected given previous findings that Cabp5 immunolabeling of type 3 bipolar cell axon terminals is
205 cf7a-Citrine fusion protein in zebrafish and immunolabeling of vestibular and cochlear mouse hair cel
206  entry into cells by electron microscopy and immunolabeling of virus proteins with antibodies conjuga
207 (ZIKV)-associated microcephaly, we performed immunolabeling on brain tissue from a 20-week fetus with
208 mice had a significant increase in p47(phox) immunolabeling on endomembranes just beneath the plasmal
209 m these patterns of staining, we carried out immunolabeling on sections from Kv1.3(-/-) mice.
210 contrast, AngII infusion decreased p47(phox) immunolabeling on the plasma membrane (-35.5 +/- 16.5%;
211 (i.e., nucleus accumbens) differences in the immunolabeling pattern between rostral, medial and cauda
212                                     Abnormal immunolabeling patterns are not restricted to photorecep
213                                              Immunolabeling patterns for the receptor activator of nu
214           Notably, the most intense 5-HT(3A) immunolabeling patterns were observed in the cerebral co
215                                        Using immunolabeling procedures in conjunction with confocal a
216                    Next, we investigated via immunolabeling procedures whether proteins involved in E
217                                        These immunolabeling profiles suggest that there are four immu
218 d analyzed their behavior at the membrane by immunolabeling protocols, fluorescence recovery after ph
219 tifiable by both fluorescence microscopy and immunolabeling, resulting in a permanent marker identify
220 ing neuronal-specific nuclear protein (NeuN) immunolabeling, retrograde labeling, and optic nerve axo
221  atomic force microscopy studies, and fluoro-immunolabeling revealed a "supercomplex" structure withi
222                     Anti-5-bromodeoxyuridine immunolabeling revealed a significant increase in myocyt
223             Protein kinase Calpha (PKCalpha) immunolabeling revealed abundant rod bipolar cells (RBCs
224                                       Double immunolabeling revealed beclin-1 expression predominantl
225                                              Immunolabeling revealed expression in lamina glia, in la
226                                              Immunolabeling revealed glial cells and hyalocytes in ma
227                                       Double immunolabeling revealed LILRA2 expression on CD14+, CD68
228 s glycinergic postsynaptic currents and GlyR immunolabeling revealed that A8 cells express GlyRs cont
229                                              Immunolabeling revealed that approximately 85% of the Hu
230                                              Immunolabeling revealed that Arr2 in the cell body coloc
231                                              Immunolabeling revealed that cholesterol trafficking pro
232              CRALBP and cytochrome C (Cyt C) immunolabeling revealed that hyperreflective bands 1 and
233                                              Immunolabeling revealed that Nav1.6 is already present a
234 s spectrometry, Western blotting, and tissue immunolabeling revealed the presence of different 14-3-3
235 sing the lysosomal marker protein 2 (LAMP-2) immunolabeling showed higher neuronal lysosomal counts i
236 terograde tract tracing combined with VGluT2 immunolabeling showed that 1) ventromedial nucleus-deriv
237       Bidirectional PALM and single-molecule immunolabeling showed that dense nanodomains of PSD-95 w
238                                         Dual immunolabeling shows that MFG-E8 colocalizes with both a
239                                              Immunolabeling shows that PKCiota and Rab14 colocalize i
240 , allowed us to identify distinct neurons by immunolabeling small subsets of sections within larger s
241  paraformaldehyde fixation severely affected immunolabeling, so this study used unfixed sections.
242                                However, Dpc4 immunolabeling status of carcinoma tissues harvested at
243  Cell fractionation and electron-microscopic immunolabeling studies demonstrated that prohibitin is l
244                                     However, immunolabeling studies revealed that electrocytes do not
245                                              Immunolabeling studies showed that the IL-6 receptor was
246             In contrast, ultrastructural and immunolabeling studies verified the presence of myogenic
247                          Consistent with the immunolabeling studies, TprK was also found to lack amph
248  hair cell lateral membrane was confirmed by immunolabeling studies.
249 receptor (A(2A)R) mRNA was combined with the immunolabeling technique for parvalbumin and transneuron
250 ould have skills in yeast molecular biology, immunolabeling techniques and access to a microscope equ
251 sed a combination of electron tomography and immunolabeling techniques to examine Golgi stacks and as
252 ng/freeze substitution, electron tomography, immunolabeling techniques, and subcellular fractionation
253 g three-dimensional tomography combined with immunolabeling techniques, we show that the plastoglobul
254  isolated for biochemical assays or used for immunolabeling techniques.
255 h when cells were subdivided by intensity of immunolabeling, the most heavily labeled ERalpha cells i
256                         For UBCs, using Tbr2 immunolabeling, these cells are significantly reduced in
257              In addition, we performed CD11b immunolabeling to evaluate the effect of 3-NPA and KA on
258  age, using choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunolabeling to identify cholinergic interneurons.
259         We have used electron tomography and immunolabeling to investigate the consequences of PG kno
260                      We have employed single immunolabeling to localize laminin in the brains.
261     We provide examples of double and triple immunolabeling using light, electron and correlated micr
262 ive Western blot analysis and retinal tissue immunolabeling using specific antibodies to selected pro
263 ha4-null mutation effects on [(125)I]mAb 270 immunolabeling varied widely among brain regions.
264 e cellular distribution of CRF in the VTA by immunolabeling VTA sections with anti-CRF antibodies and
265 BB), endothelial brain barrier antigen (EBA) immunolabeling was also performed.
266                                 p-CREB1/ATF1 immunolabeling was assessed in normal and rcd1 dogs trea
267                                    Some RAGE immunolabeling was detectable on RGCs; however, increase
268                   Positive antineurofibromin immunolabeling was detected in normal control corneal en
269                                TRPA1 or PLAP immunolabeling was detected not only on many thin-calibe
270                                   Enkephalin immunolabeling was detected within a single morphologica
271                                         Iba1-immunolabeling was found within the thin shell of perika
272                   The extent of AGE and RAGE immunolabeling was greater in older than in younger dono
273                                    D1 and D2 immunolabeling was localized to cochlear nerve fibers, n
274 formance, the intensity of synaptic p-ERK1/2 immunolabeling was negatively correlated with OLM scores
275 r somas, NeuN and neurofilament-heavy (NF-H) immunolabeling was performed along with quantitative rev
276                Topographic analysis of Rbpms immunolabeling was performed on retinal wholemounts.
277                  In male CRF-OE mice, CRF(1) immunolabeling was prominent in the cytoplasm of LC neur
278              At the light microscopic level, immunolabeling was prominent in the neuropil, in multipl
279                                          AKH immunolabeling was significantly higher in animals with
280 ining genetics, atomic force microscopy, and immunolabeling, we demonstrate that contiguous cell wall
281                                Based on SOX9 immunolabeling, we document that astrocytes constitute a
282                             Using RT-PCR and immunolabeling, we show that these genes are expressed w
283                Cells exhibiting intense GABA immunolabeling were also found in the same LSO locations
284 Stronger OPG immunolabeling and weaker RANKL immunolabeling were observed in the SRP/SA group at 15 a
285                          CHIKV isolation and immunolabeling were performed on eye tissue specimens.
286 In situ hybridization and cell-type-specific immunolabeling were performed on ONH sections from DBA/2
287 ocesses exhibiting GPR177, 32% contained MOR immunolabeling while for profiles exhibiting MOR, 37% al
288     Sections of rat medulla were examined by immunolabeling with a polyclonal antibody directed again
289                                              Immunolabeling with an antibody specific for Cx43 phosph
290  of VTA glutamatergic neurons, we did triple immunolabeling with antibodies against VGluT2, tyrosine
291        Routine and electron microscopy (EM), immunolabeling with fluorescein-labeled Vicia villosa le
292                We have also combined laminin immunolabeling with Fluoro-Jade C labeling to evaluate t
293 analyzed in retinal sections by using double immunolabeling with primary antibodies against Muller an
294                                Here, we used immunolabeling with specific antibodies against Kv4.2 an
295 ere further characterized at 37 degrees C by immunolabeling with specific antibodies recognizing orde
296                                  Whole-mount immunolabeling with this antibody showed that this pepti
297 mice by using either neuromelanin pigment or immunolabeling with tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) or calbind
298 ive method, iDISCO, that permits whole-mount immunolabeling with volume imaging of large cleared samp
299 sed and includes the study of antibodies and immunolabeling within the cell.
300  the relative lateral distribution of GluN2B-immunolabeling within the postsynaptic density did not c

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