


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ltaneously to characterize these vesicles by immunolabelling.
2 eptide- and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-immunolabelling.
3                                              Immunolabelling analysis and ultrastructural observation
4 peptidase in Escherichia coli, was mapped by immunolabelling and by visualization of GFP fusion prote
5 opment we combined fate-mapping of ENCC with immunolabelling and intravascular dye injection to visua
6                     We used a combination of immunolabelling and RNA/DNA fluorescence in situ hybridi
7                          In all these areas, immunolabelling appeared specific since it was abolished
8 s) rats by immunoblotting and post-embedding immunolabelling at electron microscope level.
9  SUMO1 knock-out mice showed that anti-SUMO1 immunolabelling at synapses is non-specific.
10 he neuropil of hippocampus, with patterns of immunolabelling characteristic enough to suggest the dia
11                                 By contrast, immunolabelling data have shown that Purkinje cells from
12                                              Immunolabelling demonstrated a high density of PDGFRalph
13                                              Immunolabelling demonstrated TMC1 throughout the stereoc
14       Myelin basic protein and neurofilament immunolabelling demonstrates that axons in these adjacen
15 ell function and neoplasia we have performed immunolabelling experiments to determine their subcellul
16                                       Double-immunolabelling for poly(ADP-ribose) and markers of neur
17                                       Double immunolabelling for poly(ADP-ribose) and microtubule-ass
18                                       Double-immunolabelling for poly(ADP-ribose) and tau or A beta-p
19                                           By immunolabelling in mouse testes we show that TGIF is exp
20                                              Immunolabelling localised DRP2A/B to the tips of root ha
21                               Post-embedding immunolabelling methods were applied to semi-thin and ul
22                                              Immunolabelling of 12 weeks old skin specimens showed st
23    Her skeletal muscle biopsy showed reduced immunolabelling of alpha-dystroglycan.
24 ction in hexaploid wheat (2n = 42) by triple immunolabelling of CENH3 protein marking functional cent
25  co-expression with DsRed fusions along with immunolabelling of stably transformed BY2 cells indicate
26                                  We optimize immunolabelling of tail epidermal wholemounts to allow s
27                             In each patient, immunolabelling of the neuromuscular junction for rapsyn
28                                In aged rats, immunolabelling patterns and the density of immunogold p
29 we show that by using specific intracellular immunolabelling protocols, FACS separation of interphase
30 ia expressed intimin, and of those that did, immunolabelling revealed a uniform distribution of intim
31                                       Double immunolabelling revealed numerous GLP-1-IR nerve fibers
32                                              Immunolabelling revealed reduced density of sensory (CGR
33                                  Critically, immunolabelling shows the dynamics of these presynaptic
34                                              Immunolabelling studies demonstrated that the immediate
35                                              Immunolabelling studies revealed qualitatively normal di
36                                    In double-immunolabelling studies, histamine fibres were found in
37 tor (M(3)AChR) and lysosomes was examined by immunolabelling techniques.
38 brain changes or abnormal alpha-dystroglycan immunolabelling, unlinked to any reported CMD loci.
39                                              Immunolabelling was also evident beneath the plasma memb
40 prelimbic cortex (area 32), a gradient of CN immunolabelling was found in the somata and processes of
41                                        GluA2 immunolabelling was stronger in MCs than in BCs.
42 Intercalated disk morphology and connexin 43 immunolabelling were not different in hypertrophy.
43                            Highest levels of immunolabelling were observed in the anterior, amygdalo-
44 ese terminals to Renshaw cells, we used dual immunolabelling with antibodies against gephyrin or calb
45                                              Immunolabelling with antibodies against Sm proteins show
46                                       Double immunolabelling with CRH antiserum revealed that CART in
47                Retrograde labelling and dual immunolabelling with nNOS revealed that those AT1R-immun
48 eport on the expression of this new protein: immunolabelling with the antibody (designated NCL-hamlet

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