


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1         Na-H exchanger (NHE) was examined by immunolocalization.
2 er (NBC), and CA were examined by RT-PCR and immunolocalization.
3 n was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation and immunolocalization.
4 adult male and female worms as determined by immunolocalization.
5  protein using chloroplast import assays and immunolocalization.
6  tested for betaproteobacteria using in situ immunolocalization.
7 a isoform distribution was performed through immunolocalization.
8 use kidneys by reverse transcriptase-PCR and immunolocalization.
9 nzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunolocalization.
10 n (dPELP) and purified antibody was used for immunolocalization.
11 acetylcholinesterase histochemistry and dual immunolocalization.
12 logy; protein expression was investigated by immunolocalization.
13 lymerase chain reaction, immunoblotting, and immunolocalization.
14 al cell proliferation was assayed with Ki-67 immunolocalization 48 and 96 hours after EDTA treatment.
15 ary rat hippocampal neurons, using quadruple immunolocalization against endogenous proteins, live ima
16                                              Immunolocalization analyses confirmed the in vivo co-loc
17                                              Immunolocalization analyses demonstrate that subsets of
18                                              Immunolocalization analyses of ectopically expressed pEG
19  employ this technology, in conjunction with immunolocalization analyses of replisomes, to investigat
20                                              Immunolocalization analyses revealed that human pregnanc
21                             Western blot and immunolocalization analyses showed that retinal ischemia
22                              Biochemical and immunolocalization analyses showed that YSL6 resides in
23                         Protein gel-blot and immunolocalization analyses suggest that WAKL6 is associ
24                                              Immunolocalization analysis reveals that Notch1 localiza
25                                              Immunolocalization analysis supports this somatic role,
26                                              Immunolocalization and activity based protein profiling
27                                              Immunolocalization and analysis using the ionotropic rec
28                                 Results from immunolocalization and biochemical fractionation studies
29                                              Immunolocalization and bromodeoxyuridine incorporation s
30                                 Furthermore, immunolocalization and cell surface-selective biotinylat
31                                          (v) Immunolocalization and coimmunoprecipitation experiments
32                                              Immunolocalization and ELISA of nuclear extracts confirm
33 TRPV4 localization to NPE was confirmed with immunolocalization and excitation mapping approaches, wh
34                                              Immunolocalization and fluorescent protein tagging exper
35                                              Immunolocalization and FM4-64 dye incubation experiments
36                                              Immunolocalization and immunoblot analyses were used to
37                                              Immunolocalization and immunoprecipitation studies provi
38 molecular cloning, RT-PCR, Western blotting, immunolocalization and in vitro functional assays, we es
39 is found largely in the parasite tegument by immunolocalization and is most highly expressed in the i
40  These expression patterns were confirmed by immunolocalization and led us to examine CHL1 function s
41         In the context of additional protein immunolocalization and lignin histochemistry, these resu
42                                              Immunolocalization and photobleaching experiments indica
43 sidual cartilage was assessed for HIF-1alpha immunolocalization and proteoglycan synthesis.
44 lated exocytosis as demonstrated by combined immunolocalization and slot blot analyses.
45                                              Immunolocalization and transcriptional analyses showed t
46                                              Immunolocalization and Western blot analyses were perfor
47                                              Immunolocalization and Western blot analysis of retinas
48 human RPE and ARPE-19 cells was evaluated by immunolocalization and Western blot analysis with isofor
49                                              Immunolocalization and whole-cell recordings demonstrate
50 and functions of RFPL4 protein, we performed immunolocalizations and used yeast two-hybrid and other
51         Membrane fractionation, fluorescence immunolocalization, and co-immunoprecipitation studies w
52                      Co-immunoprecipitation, immunolocalization, and in vitro binding experiments dem
53                   Subcellular fractionation, immunolocalization, and live imaging results show that N
54                    Complementation analyses, immunolocalization, and rescue data demonstrate that the
55 f GmSBP via sequence homology, cell biology, immunolocalization, and semi-quantitative analysis.
56 AM17 recombinant proteins by immunoblotting, immunolocalization, and solid phase binding assay.
57  and performed time-lapse analysis, confocal immunolocalization, and Western immunoblotting after 24
58                                              Immunolocalization assay indicated that STA1 signals are
59                          Auxin transport and immunolocalization assays demonstrate that ZIFL1.1 indir
60 le 130 kDa band in Western blot and specific immunolocalization at the photoreceptors of the retina.
61 k of specific antisera, which have supported immunolocalizations at odds with analyses at the mRNA le
62                                              Immunolocalization confirmed increased expression of MCP
63                                              Immunolocalization confirmed the association of AtRECQ4A
64 ent of P2Y2 receptor in P2X3 inhibition, and immunolocalization confirms a significant cellular coexp
65                      Here, we demonstrate by immunolocalization/confocal microscopy and subcellular f
66 ised an antibody against SWI1 and showed, by immunolocalization coupled with bromodeoxyuridine incorp
67                                              Immunolocalization data show that Pax9 and 219InsGPax9 p
68              Both the trichome phenotype and immunolocalization data suggest that SPIKE1 also is invo
69                                  Genetic and immunolocalization data suggest that the different DEC-1
70                                              Immunolocalization data were consistent with the hypothe
71                                              Immunolocalization demonstrated fibrillin-3 in extracell
72 probability boutons, whereas freeze-fracture immunolocalization demonstrated only a 15% difference in
73                                              Immunolocalization demonstrated that CCR4 was expressed
74                     Significantly, myosin II immunolocalization demonstrated that it is not associate
75 of AtKTN1 as a microtubule-severing protein, immunolocalization demonstrated that the fra2 mutation c
76                                              Immunolocalization demonstrated that the protein localiz
77          In this study, electron microscopic immunolocalization demonstrated the presence of fibrilli
78                    Coimmunoprecipitation and immunolocalization experiments demonstrate that Gemin7 i
79                                  Whole mount immunolocalization experiments demonstrate that inhibiti
80 t quantification data as well as in situ and immunolocalization experiments demonstrated that at leas
81                                              Immunolocalization experiments demonstrated that K(ATP)
82                                              Immunolocalization experiments demonstrated that Sepp1 p
83  RBP50 transcripts in companion cells, while immunolocalization experiments detected RBP50 in both co
84                                              Immunolocalization experiments detected Y397FAK in a sub
85                                              Immunolocalization experiments on isolated spermatozoa s
86                                              Immunolocalization experiments revealed a co-localizatio
87                        Live-cell imaging and immunolocalization experiments revealed dynamic activiti
88                                           Co-immunolocalization experiments revealed that (1038)AA(10
89                      Two-hybrid analysis and immunolocalization experiments revealed that cRap1 inter
90                                              Immunolocalization experiments revealed that HNF-1 alpha
91                                              Immunolocalization experiments revealed that TgPSD1 resi
92                                              Immunolocalization experiments showed that BGLU45 and BG
93                                              Immunolocalization experiments suggest that CtpA accumul
94                                              Immunolocalization experiments using tissues and de novo
95 showed strong expression in guard cells, and immunolocalization experiments with anti-CHL1 antibody c
96  generally were consistent with results from immunolocalization experiments, suggesting an important
97          Using RT-PCR, Western blotting, and immunolocalization, expression of the longest isoform of
98 ide of human profilaggrin is consistent with immunolocalization findings in normal human skin and in
99 ormed Western blot, immunoprecipitation, and immunolocalization for active c-Src (p-cSrc) post-MI usi
100 lso positive for CAIX immunostaining whereas immunolocalization for copper pumps in the 3 models was
101 , immunofluorescence (thrombospondin 4), and immunolocalization (IFN-gamma, p21).
102                     Fluorescence microscopy, immunolocalization, immunoprecipitation, and the actin d
103  caudal vestibular nuclei confirm the IAA-RP immunolocalization in cell bodies and dendritic processe
104 trium increased protein expression and NOS-1 immunolocalization in cholinergic ganglia.
105 oscopy and confocal microscopy were used for immunolocalization in cultured cells and the native lens
106  lesions (47/50, 94%), whereas PEDF and SOD2 immunolocalization in high-grade human PanIN-2/3 was unc
107 combines scanning electron microscopy and 3D immunolocalization in intact leaf tissues to compare PD
108 monstrated by cell surface biotinylation and immunolocalization in nonpermeabilized cells.
109                                              Immunolocalization in normal kidney tissue sections and
110                                              Immunolocalization in oocytes and cell surface biotinyla
111                               However, BMP-7 immunolocalization in other tissues known to be active s
112                                        Using immunolocalization in Pygsuia and heterologous expressio
113                                      Refined immunolocalization in rat and chicken vestibular hair ce
114                                 However, TNC immunolocalization in the JCT of adult human eyes sugges
115                  We also determined the WARP immunolocalization in the mouse inner ear.
116                                              Immunolocalization indicated expression of P2X7Rs in the
117                                              Immunolocalization indicated stronger alpha-tubulin sign
118                                              Immunolocalization indicated that Ee-BAM1 is in the cyto
119                                              Immunolocalization indicates that ALS3 predominantly acc
120 oplasmic poly(A) polymerase (PAP), which, in immunolocalizations, is abundant in spermatogenous cells
121                                           By immunolocalization, MAC1 protein accumulates preferentia
122                   In this study, we improved immunolocalization methods in Xenopus embryos and analyz
123 ues where it has been previously detected by immunolocalization methods.
124                             However, neither immunolocalization nor biochemical approaches revealed s
125 c characterization, partial purification and immunolocalization of a classical AGP (PtaAGP6, accessio
126  via promoter-beta-glucuronidase fusions and immunolocalization of a Fuc-containing epitope.
127                           Here we report the immunolocalization of a GABA transporter in the tobacco
128                                              Immunolocalization of actin in leaf cells from transgeni
129   Using confocal microscopy, we followed the immunolocalization of alpha2/delta1 and alpha1 subunits
130 es, neurite degeneration, expression, and/or immunolocalization of amyloid precursor protein (APP), b
131                                              Immunolocalization of bleomycin-treated lung tissue and
132                                              Immunolocalization of BMP-4 demonstrated fibrillar stain
133 7 signaling is not apparent, suggesting that immunolocalization of BMP-7 in certain tissues represent
134                                              Immunolocalization of BMP-7 in tissues like the kidney c
135                              Ultrastructural immunolocalization of bone acidic glycoprotein-75 does n
136                                              Immunolocalization of c92 shows that the protein is loca
137                                           3D immunolocalization of callose at pitfields using confoca
138                      Several antibodies show immunolocalization of caveolin-1 in the basal layer of h
139 ndia ink perfusion, electron microscopy, and immunolocalization of CD31 and type IV collagen.
140                     We, therefore, performed immunolocalization of CD74 and compared it with the loca
141 ities, transmission electron microscopy, and immunolocalization of cell wall components.
142 idneys based on picrosirius red staining and immunolocalization of cellular fibronectin, collagen III
143 eleost vestibular hair cell preparation with immunolocalization of CNGA3 protein to stereocilia of te
144                                              Immunolocalization of co-transfected AR and FLAG-beta-ca
145                                          The immunolocalization of Cx36 to the olfactory and vomerona
146                                              Immunolocalization of ENA-78 demonstrated that hyperplas
147                                              Immunolocalization of endo-beta-1,4-glucanases (EGases)
148 The purpose of this study was to examine the immunolocalization of endostatin and coll XVIII in the r
149     As predicted by the transcriptomic data, immunolocalization of EOMES, T brachyury, GDF15 and acti
150 ) muscle biopsies, we studied expression and immunolocalization of five ER chaperones, calnexin, calr
151 le-strand break (DSB) formation in DNA using immunolocalization of gamma-H2AX foci and the COMET assa
152          We examined Hcn mRNA expression and immunolocalization of HCN protein in the mouse utricle,
153 lytic role of IrCD1 was further supported by immunolocalization of IrCD1 in the vesicles of tick gut
154  for systemic proinflammatory mediators, and immunolocalization of macrophages in the proximal aorta
155 combination of cytological methods including immunolocalization of meiotic chromosome-associated prot
156 ombination along individual autosomes, using immunolocalization of MLH1, a mismatch repair protein th
157                                              Immunolocalization of Notch1 was performed during epithe
158                                          The immunolocalization of NRG1 (III) suggests that it plays
159                                              Immunolocalization of osteopontin showed that tissue sam
160 ls in vivo and define a molecular marker for immunolocalization of other presynaptic proteins relativ
161                                          The immunolocalization of p-ERK at the membrane surface, a s
162                                              Immunolocalization of PDE5 in tubule confirmed specifici
163                                              Immunolocalization of PDF-like peptides in six onychopho
164                                              Immunolocalization of PI(4,5)P(2), PLCzeta, and catalyti
165                                          The immunolocalization of PrBP/delta in frog and bovine reti
166                                              Immunolocalization of PRG4 on cartilage surfaces was per
167                                      Precise immunolocalization of proteins within a cell is central
168                            Historically, the immunolocalization of PrP(C) has proved to be notoriousl
169                                              Immunolocalization of R-cadherin and intravitreous injec
170                                              Immunolocalization of RAGE in RPE and photoreceptors coi
171 focal images of rat kidney revealed specific immunolocalization of sAC in collecting duct cells, and
172                                              Immunolocalization of Sad1, a protein associated with th
173                                              Immunolocalization of silenced tissue showed that the PC
174                      Here we provide precise immunolocalization of Slo1 in rat brain with one of thes
175                                              Immunolocalization of spinophilin, a spine-associated pr
176  synthase localization, electron microscopic immunolocalization of sucrose synthase in cotton fibers,
177 of miniature IPSCs (mIPSCs) and quantitative immunolocalization of synaptic GABA(A)R subunits.
178                           By high-throughput immunolocalization of tagged gene products, we have dete
179  mice treated with DMP-777 were examined for immunolocalization of TFF2, intrinsic factor, and Mist1,
180                                              Immunolocalization of TGase indicated that the enzyme wa
181             These results correlate with the immunolocalization of TGF-beta observed in livers of inf
182                                              Immunolocalization of the 50-kD gamma-zein showed this p
183                                The increased immunolocalization of the activated kinase is more prono
184                                      Through immunolocalization of the axis component HIM-3, we demon
185                                              Immunolocalization of the cytokeratins in adult cardiac
186                    We therefore examined the immunolocalization of the EP(1) and EP(2) receptors in h
187                                              Immunolocalization of the membrane-associated mucins MUC
188                                              Immunolocalization of the MS-identified components were
189                                        Using immunolocalization of the nucleotide analogue bromodeoxy
190                                              Immunolocalization of the Ov-SPI proteins demonstrates t
191                                              Immunolocalization of the PINFORMED1 (PIN1) polar auxin
192  Although TPRN is expressed in many tissues, immunolocalization of the protein product in the mouse c
193 r 568-labeled LDL and AlexaFluor 488 for the immunolocalization of the receptors showed colocalizatio
194  either cultured or immediately prepared for immunolocalization of their microtubules.
195  we prove this concept with live imaging and immunolocalization of two dual, N- and C-termini-tagged
196                                              Immunolocalization of UB2 and UB3 proteins revealed accu
197                                              Immunolocalization of UCH-L1 by confocal microscopy reve
198                                              Immunolocalization of VCP showed fluorescent staining in
199                          Viral pneumonia and immunolocalization of viral antigen in association with
200                    To validate this finding, immunolocalization of Von Willebrandt's factor (VWF), an
201                                              Immunolocalization of ZO-1 and VE-cadherin demonstrated
202                               Analyses using immunolocalization on polytene chromosomes confirm the i
203 d liver enzymes, and low platelets syndrome, immunolocalization on tissue sections showed that cytotr
204 pitope tags allow the affinity purification, immunolocalization or immunoprecipitation of recombinant
205 alized to the cell wall and cytosol based on immunolocalization results.
206                                              Immunolocalization revealed that both CI and CII sHSPs w
207                                              Immunolocalization revealed that expression of GPCRs in
208                                              Immunolocalization revealed that HEF1 colocalized to inv
209                                              Immunolocalization revealed that KH1 is located at the b
210                                              Immunolocalization revealed that Mpg1 hydrophobin varian
211  membrane fraction of mycorrhizal roots, and immunolocalization revealed that MtPT4 colocalizes with
212          Immunoblots and electron microscopy immunolocalization revealed that resistance-type alpha-S
213      Further cellular investigation of their immunolocalization revealed their dynamic protein expres
214                                              Immunolocalization revealed wild-type fragments bound ne
215                                              Immunolocalization reveals that Tsunagi protein is local
216 ls, and using qFSM, electron microscopy, and immunolocalization show that this inhibits functional la
217                                              Immunolocalization showed Myo10 to be associated with th
218            Western blot analysis and in situ immunolocalization showed NtPDR1 to be localized in the
219 regulation of auxin-dependent processes, and immunolocalization showed reduced membrane association o
220 ay of cell surface localization and confocal immunolocalization showed that missense proteins encoded
221            In situ hybridization and protein immunolocalization showed that, in addition to the compa
222                                              Immunolocalization shows that early in oogenesis Dlar is
223                                              Immunolocalization shows that hSmp3p resides in the endo
224                          An increase in BMP2 immunolocalization, Sox9 expression and mesenchymal cell
225                                              Immunolocalization studies combined with the expression
226 s during early phases of SMG development and immunolocalization studies confirmed abundant expression
227                                              Immunolocalization studies confirmed that the enzyme was
228                                              Immunolocalization studies confirmed the retention of th
229                                              Immunolocalization studies demonstrate that Gemin5 is fo
230                                  Whole-mount immunolocalization studies demonstrate that p160 is on t
231                                              Immunolocalization studies demonstrated that NTPDase2 al
232                                              Immunolocalization studies detected the majority of the
233 itative PCR, and protein studies, as well as immunolocalization studies during the course of the tran
234 resulting cladogram were further verified by immunolocalization studies in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis t
235                                              Immunolocalization studies in COS-1 cells transfected wi
236                                              Immunolocalization studies in epithelial cells revealed
237                                              Immunolocalization studies in human muscle and zebrafish
238                                              Immunolocalization studies indicate that MtNramp1 is mai
239                                     Confocal immunolocalization studies indicated that Cbl-dependent
240 ysis of mitochondrial proteins, and cellular immunolocalization studies indicated that Glut1 localize
241                                              Immunolocalization studies indicated that, although ecto
242                                              Immunolocalization studies of CT694 ectopically expresse
243                                              Immunolocalization studies of p85 show that it colocaliz
244                                              Immunolocalization studies on tissue sections showed tha
245             Human corneas were processed for immunolocalization studies or separated into epithelial,
246                                              Immunolocalization studies revealed colocalization of BA
247                                              Immunolocalization studies revealed expression of TMC1 p
248  contributes to CD1d surface regulation, and immunolocalization studies revealed Hsp110 expression in
249                                              Immunolocalization studies revealed multiple foci of bio
250                                              Immunolocalization studies revealed NHE1 and -4 in nativ
251                                              Immunolocalization studies revealed that 80.8% of plus-e
252                                              Immunolocalization studies revealed that a much greater
253                                     However, immunolocalization studies revealed that a number of the
254                                              Immunolocalization studies revealed that MtMOT1.3 is loc
255   Biochemical subcellular fractionations and immunolocalization studies revealed that several isoform
256                                              Immunolocalization studies revealed that SHP2 was absent
257        Gene disruption, cell biological, and immunolocalization studies show that CrGEX1 functions in
258                                              Immunolocalization studies show that Kar3Cik1 binds pref
259                                              Immunolocalization studies show that the PF2 protein is
260                                              Immunolocalization studies showed intracellular accumula
261                                     Although immunolocalization studies showed that AtRECQ4A associat
262                                              Immunolocalization studies showed that co-expression was
263                                              Immunolocalization studies showed that PAT1 was expresse
264                                              Immunolocalization studies showed that the PtaAGP6 epito
265 in the release of sister chromatid cohesion, immunolocalization studies showed that the removal of SY
266                                              Immunolocalization studies suggest that one or more SpSF
267 e, derived from noise analysis, and previous immunolocalization studies suggest that synaptically rel
268                         Because quantitative immunolocalization studies suggest this is not mediated
269                                              Immunolocalization studies suggested that fibronectin pr
270 idopsis thaliana 14-3-3s and present initial immunolocalization studies that suggest biologically rel
271 formed a series of in situ hybridization and immunolocalization studies to determine the distribution
272                                              Immunolocalization studies using a recently developed sp
273    Results from in vitro growth analysis and immunolocalization studies using antipectin antibodies (
274                                              Immunolocalization studies were performed using anti-pen
275                                              Immunolocalization studies with an antibody that recogni
276                                              Immunolocalization studies with anti-UTMP16 show it to c
277               Retinal damage was assessed by immunolocalization studies with antibodies against neuro
278                                              Immunolocalization studies with this antibody revealed t
279 mone secretion assays, behavioral bioassays, immunolocalization studies, and comparative genomics.
280                               Western blots, immunolocalization studies, and northern blots collectiv
281              Through a series of fluorescent immunolocalization studies, lethality was observed to be
282 I, III, IV, V, VI; fibronectin; and elastin) immunolocalization studies.
283 oate biosynthesis, we conducted an extensive immunolocalization study by light and electron microscop
284 on of an insect neurotransmitter transporter immunolocalization study.
285  RA biosynthesis and signaling identified by immunolocalization suggests that endogenous RA regulates
286 reatment, molecular modeling and comparative immunolocalization that NAT8L is the NAA biosynthetic en
287                                      We used immunolocalization to show that all three LePRKs localiz
288 ter-beta-glucuronidase transgenic plants and immunolocalization to show that Arabidopsis plantacyanin
289                          Type XVIII collagen immunolocalization to the subepithelial stromal wound re
290         Cultures were also prepared for ZO-1 immunolocalization, to assess the effect of transfection
291                                              Immunolocalization using a general antibody against the
292  of nuclear proteins was further analyzed by immunolocalization using surface-spread preparations of
293                                     However, immunolocalization using this antibody on human and mous
294                                         CFTR immunolocalization was evaluated in vivo in rabbit corne
295                                         BMP1 immunolocalization was performed in TM tissues.
296                           Using light and EM immunolocalization, we determined that mammalian Tpr is
297                                              Immunolocalization with a C-terminal SRC kinase antibody
298 g plants containing the Mak1 cDNA construct, immunolocalization with a Mak1-specific antibody togethe
299                                              Immunolocalization with antibodies directed against eith
300                                              Immunolocalization with specific antibodies revealed str

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