


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rocytes with abnormal enzyme expression were immunolocalized.
2 expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells and immunolocalized.
3                                           We immunolocalized a broad range of these regulators in tis
4 s are infiltrated by IgA PCs, the cells were immunolocalized and quantitated in tissue sections taken
5            In wild type mice, claudin 14 was immunolocalized at hair cell and supporting cell TJs.
6                                     PRG4 was immunolocalized at the articular cartilage surface, but
7             Similarly, the GS holoprotein is immunolocalized exclusively to the uninfected nodule tis
8     In aspen stem primary tissues, PtCAD was immunolocalized exclusively to xylem elements in which o
9                                           We immunolocalized FGF receptors and analyzed changes in FG
10                                           We immunolocalized Fkn to RA ST macrophages, fibroblasts, e
11                                      We have immunolocalized HA-tagged Kar3p to the spindle pole body
12 ice against the isolated recombinant protein immunolocalized HSP60 in the cytoplasm and wall of paras
13 ocytes expressed Fras1 transcripts and Fras1 immunolocalized in a glomerular BM-like pattern.
14                   Immunoglobulin G (IgG) was immunolocalized in adjacent sections to demonstrate area
15                           Both isoforms were immunolocalized in ameloblasts, principally at maturatio
16 human RA synovial tissue confirmed that PBEF immunolocalized in apical synovial membrane cells, endot
17                                 Aedae-KR was immunolocalized in contact chemosensory neurons in proth
18 lpha SMA, desmin, and PDGFR beta prominently immunolocalized in cortical peritubular locations.
19                                     HO-1 was immunolocalized in fixed sections of brain 24 h to 7 day
20                                     HO-1 was immunolocalized in fixed sections of brain 3 h to 5 days
21                         We show that MENT is immunolocalized in granulocyte heterochromatin, where it
22                                     NTs were immunolocalized in HTM tissues and cultured HTM cells ar
23          The Menkes and Wilson proteins were immunolocalized in human and mouse retinas and in the AR
24                                 ADAMTS-5 was immunolocalized in human arthritic synovium, where stain
25 lin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) was readily immunolocalized in islet beta-cells.
26                                     HO-2 was immunolocalized in neurons both before and after TBI, wh
27  sequenced, chromosome-mapped, expressed and immunolocalized in parasitic cells.
28                             CTGF protein was immunolocalized in rat corneas after photorefractive ker
29 etween 7 and 14 d after injury, where it was immunolocalized in reactive astrocytes bordering the les
30                                      PP1 was immunolocalized in slime plugs and P-protein bodies in s
31 F in human corneal fibroblasts, and CTGF was immunolocalized in the cells.
32 70), a marker of neuronal stress/injury, was immunolocalized in the cortex.
33 beta-catenin, and focal adhesion kinase were immunolocalized in the cultured epithelial cells, and hi
34                                     CTGF was immunolocalized in the cultured fibroblasts by using a s
35                 Although native galectin was immunolocalized in the cytoplasm of Bge cells and the pl
36                                     Zic1 was immunolocalized in the cytosol and nucleus of the murine
37 th factor (TGF) beta1, a fibrogenic cytokine immunolocalized in the endomysial connective tissue of p
38 in 1 hour after wounding, EGFR was no longer immunolocalized in the membranes of cells migrating into
39                                     HO-1 was immunolocalized in the normal cord and along the axis of
40                                     MYH9 was immunolocalized in the organ of Corti, the subcentral re
41                         Type IX collagen was immunolocalized in the preliminary matrix organized in g
42 of hippocampal neurons by microinjection and immunolocalized it to the dendrites.
43 d P2Y12-R mRNA expression in rat kidney, and immunolocalized its protein and aquaporin-2 (AQP2) in CD
44 luorescent staining with specific antibodies immunolocalized MMP proteins in situ.
45 istochemical studies of normal human tissues immunolocalized NEU1 and NEU3 proteins to both pulmonary
46             Notch receptors and ligands were immunolocalized on conjunctival biopsies by confocal mic
47   In acute MS lesions both AIIt and LRP were immunolocalized on macrophages and astrocytes while LRP
48                                     BAMT was immunolocalized predominantly in the conical cells of th
49 ne are affected, phosphorylated Smad1/5/8 is immunolocalized predominantly to granule cell precursors
50           TBC1D24 in the mouse inner ear was immunolocalized predominantly to spiral ganglion neurons
51 d in cystathionine beta-synthase expression, immunolocalized principally to the trophoblast, in patho
52             To test this hypothesis, we have immunolocalized the CFTR and Na,K-ATPase proteins in int
53                                      We have immunolocalized the InsP3 receptor to the inner nuclear
54                                  Now we have immunolocalized the Shh protein and the Patched receptor
55             Notch1, Notch3, and Jagged1 were immunolocalized throughout the conjunctival epithelium,
56                       Both Fas and FasL were immunolocalized to a greater extent in the patients who
57                  In wild-type mice, Cx43 was immunolocalized to apical and lateral regions of lens ep
58                        Although NOX4 protein immunolocalized to both nuclear membranes and intranucle
59 ocal microscopy and flow cytometry, NEU1 was immunolocalized to both the plasma membrane and the peri
60 r and outer hair cells, and HCN1 protein was immunolocalized to cochlear hair cell stereocilia.
61                                     HCN1 was immunolocalized to discrete sites on saccular hair cell
62 nin biosynthetic enzymes but TKPR2 have been immunolocalized to endoplasmic reticulum of anther tapet
63                                     FFA3 was immunolocalized to enteroendocrine cells and to the ente
64 CN1 transcript, and HCN1 and HCN2 protein is immunolocalized to hair-cell stereocilia by both z-stack
65                                    EphA2 was immunolocalized to human corneal epithelial cells in viv
66       All cathepsins, except for cat K, were immunolocalized to macrophages in BPD.
67              All of these proteins have been immunolocalized to microfibrils.
68                      All three proteins were immunolocalized to mononuclear cells in perivascular cuf
69 triene C4 synthase, and cyclooxygenase, were immunolocalized to native as well as newly induced lipid
70 cted protoplasts, the CP66:6G:g5 protein was immunolocalized to nuclei.
71 pared with NOF cartilage, and matriptase was immunolocalized to OA chondrocytes.
72                                   VEGF-A was immunolocalized to peritoneal mesothelium and TGF-beta1
73                                      Zyme is immunolocalized to perivascular cells in monkey cortex a
74                              MMP-2 and MMP-9 immunolocalized to punctate structures within the neurop
75                                        VLA-4 immunolocalized to RA ST, SF, or PB, monocytes, macropha
76 e development, SUTs, other than SbSUT4, were immunolocalized to sieve elements, while for elongating
77                  The mouse DACH1 protein was immunolocalized to specific cell types within the develo
78                    Both HGF and its receptor immunolocalized to subsynovial macrophages as well.
79 d PRG4 secretion, and the source of PRG4 was immunolocalized to superficial cells.
80 e developing tooth organ, TIP39 and tuftelin immunolocalized to the apical pole of secretory amelobla
81 ue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 was also immunolocalized to the basement membrane zone and superf
82                             Gelatinase B was immunolocalized to the basement membrane zone and superf
83                                TNF-alpha was immunolocalized to the cardiac myocyte, suggesting that
84 epitope-tagged receptor (C-Tag-hPTH1-Rc) was immunolocalized to the cell membrane and, to a lesser ex
85                       Pir proteins have been immunolocalized to the cell wall.
86            At the subcellular level, LeAGP-1 immunolocalized to the cell walls of these particular ce
87  in COS-7 cells as a FLAG fusion protein and immunolocalized to the cytoplasm.
88                             Gelatinase A was immunolocalized to the epithelium and stroma of normal c
89  Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 was immunolocalized to the epithelium in normal and wounded
90                           Collagen XVIII was immunolocalized to the human corneal epithelium, epithel
91                              Vps10p has been immunolocalized to the late-Golgi compartment where CPY
92 odulin-dependent protein kinase type IV-were immunolocalized to the lateral wall of the OHC.
93 s, where, surprisingly, it was predominantly immunolocalized to the lumenal surface of dysplastic gla
94               In normal human embryos, OFD1a immunolocalized to the metanephric mesenchyme, oral muco
95                      Type XVIII collagen was immunolocalized to the mouse corneal epithelium, epithel
96      To address these hypotheses, STELLA was immunolocalized to the mouse gastrula between Early Stre
97                 In addition, the protein was immunolocalized to the Muller cells in the retina as wel
98 rum to the recombinant protein, Ac-GST-1 was immunolocalized to the parasite hypodermis and muscle ti
99     Anti-E-cadherin antibodies injected i.v. immunolocalized to the pulmonary lymphovascular emboli o
100  parasitic cycle, and the mature protein was immunolocalized to the surface of endospores.
101 vation of caspase-3 on Western blotting, and immunolocalized to the syncytiotrophoblast; necrosis was
102 tite geminivirus squash leaf curl virus, was immunolocalized to unique approximately 40-nm tubules th
103                                In situ, pVHL immunolocalized to villous cytotrophoblast stem cells, a
104                                           We immunolocalized two of the minicell-enriched proteins, O
105                               Connexins were immunolocalized using specific antibodies.
106 anted human hearts with advanced CAV, RANTES immunolocalized with graft-infiltrating mononuclear cell
107 alpha1-antitrypsin, transgene expression was immunolocalized within keratinocytes of the stratum gran

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