


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 on drug potency and cause highly undesirable immunological effects.
2  been designed, synthesized, and studied for immunological effects.
3 uch as AIDS and genital herpes, and may have immunological effects.
4 centrations of >/=20 000 AUeq/ml showed both immunological effects and clinical efficacy in the TNPT
5  allergen/adjuvant ratio induced significant immunological effects and had an acceptable safety profi
6 , 'well days,' global improvement as well as immunological effects and nasal allergen challenge.
7 s of EGCg have been extensively studied, its immunological effects are not well known.
8 harmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles (immunological effects), best overall response by Respons
9                               The cascade of immunological effects brought about by donor bone marrow
10                               The cascade of immunological effects brought about by donor bone marrow
11 n A metabolism is able to generate different immunological effects, including altered response to inf
12 he common roundworm Ascaris or its bystander immunological effects influence the prevalence and patho
13 ledge on the basic mechanisms underlying the immunological effect of AIT is vast, the specific mechan
14                               To address the immunological effect of O-linked glycosylation, we compa
15 ere was clear evidence of a disease-relevant immunological effect of statins in vivo, since short-ter
16 ls seen during MVC treatment point to unique immunological effects of CCR5 inhibition by MVC.
17  controlling B-cell migration, and the known immunological effects of certain oxysterols, thus uncove
18                 Further understanding of the immunological effects of coinfection should provide oppo
19                We provide an overview of the immunological effects of commonly used anesthetic drugs
20 thus allowing for long-term evolutionary and immunological effects of decreased dengue transmission.
21                                 To study the immunological effects of deworming, we conducted a clust
22 r delivery strategies to further enhance the immunological effects of doxorubicin has not been adequa
23             Once engulfed by phagocytes, the immunological effects of GNPs are still of concern and r
24        These findings suggest that the early immunological effects of HAART may not provide sufficien
25                  We show that these opposing immunological effects of IFN-alphabeta and IFN-gamma occ
26 thin polymerase and used them to analyze the immunological effects of long-term antiviral therapy as
27 tudies were designed to understand the early immunological effects of RT in the tumor microenvironmen
28 itative PCR will expand our knowledge of the immunological effects of such pleiotropic agents as IFN-
29 ifferences between rodents and humans in the immunological effects of superagonistic anti-CD28 antibo
30                                 However, the immunological effects of this cavity-altering replacemen
31 on is whether vitamin D is a mediator of the immunological effects of UVB.
32 scape from antibody recognition and identify immunological effects of variant mosaic structure.
33 DC express VIP receptors and whether VIP has immunological effects on PDC.
34                    The implications of these immunological effects on PrEP with MVC require further e
35 long period of time, probably because of its immunological effects on the spleen.
36                             The magnitude of immunological effects precisely corresponded to the leve
37                                          The immunological effects (primary endpoint) and tolerabilit
38 e centrality of this observation for diverse immunological effects such as vaccine responses, isotype
39            Collectively, these data indicate immunological effects that could account for heterologou
40 a naturally high progestin state had similar immunological effects to injectable progestin-only contr
41                                   Beneficial immunological effects were also observed because niclosa
42                                      Overall immunological effects were assessed by comparing respons

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