


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  oriented, directed at elucidating important immunological mechanisms.
2 e spinal cord--may be caused by a variety of immunological mechanisms.
3 plastic cerebellar degeneration by different immunological mechanisms.
4 ar to act through both immunological and non-immunological mechanisms.
5 cular pathways that overlap neurological and immunological mechanisms.
6 pecific phenomenon and to clarify underlying immunological mechanisms.
7  these viruses are only rarely controlled by immunological mechanisms.
8 l approach that combines both ecological and immunological mechanisms.
9  be mediated in part by antiviral as well as immunological mechanisms.
10 t symptoms rather than addressing underlying immunological mechanisms.
11 lthough most genetic studies have focused on immunological mechanisms, a primary epithelial barrier d
12        These findings offer new insight into immunological mechanisms and local host responses to a n
13            We also elucidated the underlying immunological mechanisms and revealed compensatory roles
14 summarize current concepts of the underlying immunological mechanisms and risk factors for developmen
15 hese studies provide novel insights into the immunological mechanisms and targets that govern the hea
16 g those involved in extracellular processes, immunological mechanisms, and cell regulation.
17                               The underlying immunological mechanisms are incompletely understood.
18                                 The specific immunological mechanisms are not yet defined.
19                                 However, its immunological mechanisms are poorly understood.
20 ase, and type 1 diabetes, but the underlying immunological mechanisms are unknown.
21                                          The immunological mechanism, as shown for GM-CSF-transduced
22 cal and scientific need is to understand the immunological mechanisms associated with remission or fl
23                                          The immunological mechanisms associated with these responses
24 ified in this study constitutes an important immunological mechanism by which MSC-induced myeloid-der
25 is (RA) patients, and to dissect the related immunological mechanisms by using a technology for the d
26     Despite the clinical success of DST, the immunological mechanisms by which blood cells displaying
27                            To understand the immunological mechanisms by which imiquimod augmented an
28 mportant asthma susceptibility gene, but the immunological mechanisms by which TIM-1 functions remain
29  there is presently no information about the immunological mechanisms by which YF-17D acts.
30 e able to analyze the relevance of different immunological mechanisms compared with climatic forcing
31 ghlights the importance in understanding the immunological mechanisms controlling this emerging infec
32                             However, tracing immunological mechanisms discovered at the cellular leve
33                                      Current immunological mechanisms do not explain the basis of cel
34                                          The immunological mechanisms driving delayed hypersensitivit
35  model of human AIH to gain insight into the immunological mechanisms driving this condition.
36                                 Although the immunological mechanisms driving this outcome are in nee
37  of research, the identity of the protective immunological mechanisms elicited by immunization with t
38 il late stages of infection, suggesting that immunological mechanisms exist within the CNS that contr
39                                  The precise immunological mechanisms for the early clinical protecti
40                   Further exploration of the immunological mechanisms for these CD4 recovery profiles
41 parasite density are influenced by different immunological mechanisms from infection and anaemia.
42  by lymphoid follicles, drawing attention to immunological mechanisms in COPD.
43 c glomerular disease, but the involvement of immunological mechanisms in hypertensive renal injury is
44 ulation of some bacterial infections through immunological mechanisms in macrophages.
45  underlying this phenomenon by analyzing the immunological mechanisms in patient serum, peripheral bl
46 tment, but includes strong interactions with immunological mechanisms in the brain.
47 ed products can powerfully induce regulatory immunological mechanisms in the presence of a fully allo
48 atients with IPAH, providing new evidence of immunological mechanisms in this severe condition.
49    Placing the ever-growing understanding of immunological mechanisms in wider real-world contexts is
50                                              Immunological mechanisms involved activation of T, natur
51 be similar, but potential differences in the immunological mechanisms involved have not been fully ex
52                                              Immunological mechanisms involved in sensitization were
53            A better understanding of the key immunological mechanisms involved in such responses like
54 ht about a better understanding of the basic immunological mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of
55           In this study, we investigated the immunological mechanisms involved in the pathological ch
56                                          The immunological mechanisms involved in this antitumor effe
57 lammation to subtilisin and to determine the immunological mechanisms involved in type 2 responses.
58 e stage in the host is evident; however, the immunological mechanisms involved remain to be establish
59 susceptible to transplant tolerance, but the immunological mechanisms involved remain to be fully elu
60  were employed to investigate the protective immunological mechanisms involved.
61                                              Immunological mechanisms leading to increased asthma sus
62                   Here, we demonstrate a key immunological mechanism, linked epitope suppression, ass
63 erebellar degeneration suggests that several immunological mechanisms may result in the same neurolog
64 f hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, but the immunological mechanisms mitigating or suppressing HBV-s
65 together, these results identify some of the immunological mechanisms necessary for effective control
66 identified with AMAN, suggesting a different immunological mechanism of disease induction in the two
67                                              Immunological mechanisms of action of IL-10 can be ultim
68 moting complement (C) activation may enhance immunological mechanisms of anti-tumor Abs for tumor des
69                                 However, the immunological mechanisms of CD154 blockade that result i
70                                          The immunological mechanisms of disease are largely unexplor
71 ical approach that integrates ecological and immunological mechanisms of disease interactions.
72 in averting autoimmune responses, as well as immunological mechanisms of Hopx, remain unknown.
73   An in depth understanding of these complex immunological mechanisms of protection against HIV-1 wil
74                                          The immunological mechanisms of protection are mediated thro
75                                 However, the immunological mechanisms of the graft-versus-myeloma (GV
76 l profiles offers a means to investigate the immunological mechanisms relevant to human diseases on a
77 tiple transplantation models, the underlying immunological mechanisms remain to be elucidated.
78 lammatory arthritis; however, the underlying immunological mechanism remains unknown.
79                                              Immunological mechanisms responsible for eliminating par
80  the relevant donor strain Ags; however, the immunological mechanisms responsible for the induction a
81 g HIV-1 infection, but little is known about immunological mechanisms responsible for their developme
82 h non-viral intracellular organisms, but the immunological mechanisms responsible for this susceptibi
83 an be induced by several treatments, but the immunological mechanism(s) of these effects remain uncle
84  knowledge on the vectors, immune responses, immunological mechanisms, safety considerations, and pot
85                                          The immunological mechanisms sustaining this response in the
86 culosis activation, allowing for a potential immunological mechanism that could account for the incre
87                      However, the underlying immunological mechanisms that are induced by immunothera
88 gress has been made in the definition of key immunological mechanisms that are involved in determinin
89 sults of this study provide new insight into immunological mechanisms that can offer protection again
90                                 However, the immunological mechanisms that downmodulate and protect a
91                                  To identify immunological mechanisms that govern distinct clinical p
92  the pathogenesis of asthma, but the precise immunological mechanisms that inhibit Th2 cell function
93  in asthma and allergic airway diseases, the immunological mechanisms that initiate the responses are
94 studies are providing novel hypotheses about immunological mechanisms that may be responsible for pre
95  for antibody determination and describe the immunological mechanisms that may mediate antibody-induc
96                  To examine the hormonal and immunological mechanisms that mediate sex differences in
97 , there is presently little knowledge of the immunological mechanisms that mediate their efficacy.
98 into host defenses against pathogens and the immunological mechanisms that most effectively fight inf
99 s a reminder of our lack of understanding of immunological mechanisms that normally control opportuni
100                     To better understand the immunological mechanisms that permit prolonged shedding
101 cluding the insights gained about the varied immunological mechanisms that play a role in their abili
102 ' vaccines has been unsuccessful because the immunological mechanisms that promote heterosubtypic imm
103 ell 2 (Th2)-driven immune responses, but the immunological mechanisms that protect against asthma dev
104 questions are: what epitopes to target, what immunological mechanisms to seek, whether species-specif
105                                          The immunological mechanisms underlying C-IRIS are incomplet
106                       We sought to elucidate immunological mechanisms underlying noninvasive pneumoco
107                                              Immunological mechanisms underlying OR differ according
108            Here, we aimed to investigate the immunological mechanisms underlying pegylated IFN-alpha-
109 OD mice; yet, the therapeutic parameters and immunological mechanisms underlying the ability for this
110                               To investigate immunological mechanisms underlying the boosting of alle
111              To determine the host-dependent immunological mechanisms underlying the differences in s
112 erms of recent progress in understanding the immunological mechanisms underlying the disorder, and ad
113 s in our understanding of the structural and immunological mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of
114                                          The immunological mechanisms underlying the protective respo
115                                          The immunological mechanisms underlying the tolerant state r
116                However, understanding of the immunological mechanisms underlying their diagnostic use
117  active pulmonary tuberculosis, although the immunological mechanisms underlying this interaction rem
118  To determine the therapeutic parameters and immunological mechanisms underlying this observation, fe
119 This case report sheds light on the possible immunological mechanisms underlying this phenomenon by a
120                             To determine the immunological mechanisms, we evaluated intraocular infla
121 -2 alone could provide resistance or whether immunological mechanisms were also required to bring inf
122                               We explore the immunological mechanisms which underpin tolerance and pe
123 AllergoOncology that aims to delineate these immunological mechanisms with juxtaposed clinical conseq

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