


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g, affinity maturation, and the induction of immunological "memory".
2 encounter with a pathogen; an ability termed immunological memory.
3 nst malaria and other pathogens that disrupt immunological memory.
4 This is despite the demonstrable presence of immunological memory.
5  for each subset, reflecting unique roles in immunological memory.
6 , DC subsets can shape adaptive immunity and immunological memory.
7 ta T cells and CD4+ T cells, and (iii) lacks immunological memory.
8 i-CTLA-4 Ab to achieve tumor eradication and immunological memory.
9 , thereby providing the host with long-lived immunological memory.
10 antibody may interfere with the induction of immunological memory.
11 to involve tumor-specific CTL and protective immunological memory.
12 ) response to antigen and the maintenance of immunological memory.
13 tive generation and preservation of specific immunological memory.
14 um IgG and mucosal IgA responses and induced immunological memory.
15 fic CD8+ T cells are central to the study of immunological memory.
16 and humoral immunity as well as long-lasting immunological memory.
17 eriphery and may function as a repository of immunological memory.
18 ective immune response with the induction of immunological memory.
19 potential contributions of B cell subsets to immunological memory.
20 ne responses leading to tumor regression and immunological memory.
21 tical to understanding the cellular basis of immunological memory.
22 isotype switching, T cell costimulation, and immunological memory.
23 ar of life was evaluated for the presence of immunological memory.
24 quent immune responses and to participate in immunological memory.
25 t mean for the generation and maintenance of immunological memory.
26 suggests that they play a role in protective immunological memory.
27  and led to the generation of tumor-specific immunological memory.
28 processes as a form of defense or to promote immunological memory.
29 res of established tumors and development of immunological memory.
30 ic changes are crucial for the generation of immunological memory.
31  the host of virus and builds virus-specific immunological memory.
32 te to tonic cellular activation and maintain immunological memory.
33 partment as a potential major contributor to immunological memory.
34 mune responses resulting in antigen-specific immunological memory.
35 ction for Cas9 in the genesis of prokaryotic immunological memory.
36 om foreign DNAs into CRISPR loci to generate immunological memory.
37 as recently been shown to improve CD8 T cell immunological memory.
38 thogens and provide the host with protective immunological memory.
39 or responses as well as the establishment of immunological memory.
40 ls, demonstrating that Ag-anti-CD180 induces immunological memory.
41 gical functions ranging from inflammation to immunological memory.
42 ion was T cell dependent and elicited potent immunological memory.
43 rsist by exploiting the cellular vehicles of immunological memory.
44 nt T cells in vitro, suggesting long-lasting immunological memory.
45 ts in the formation of adaptive immunity and immunological memory.
46 racterized by the ability to form long-lived immunological memory.
47 lting in antibodies of low affinity and poor immunological memory.
48 mune responses showed the installation of an immunological memory.
49 s well as the development and maintenance of immunological memory.
50 iparum responses, suggesting the presence of immunological memory.
51 ccines, adjuvants play a key role in shaping immunological memory.
52 expansion, and development of virus-specific immunological memory.
53 at was required for the persistence of local immunological memory.
54 ion of innate and adaptive responses and for immunological memory.
55 t of adaptive immunity and the generation of immunological memory.
56 cytes, pathogen clearance, and generation of immunological memory.
57 s spacers, are stored in the CRISPR array as immunological memories.
58           The developmental requirements for immunological memory, a central feature of adaptive immu
59 ne cells might also be capable of developing immunological memory, a trait previously associated with
60                                   Markers of immunological memory, activation, and proliferation were
61 vant novel players in the diversification of immunological memory after allogeneic HSCT.
62   The magnitude, quality, and maintenance of immunological memory after infection or vaccination must
63 ent cell death results in the persistence of immunological memory after TBI and can explain the immun
64 on of complete vaccinees may have lost their immunological memories against HBsAg.
65 f serum anti-toxin activity, and a marker of immunological memory against anthrax.
66 -specific Vgamma4 cells function in adaptive immunological memory against B. pertussis.
67 ting in cure of some mice and development of immunological memory against B78 and wild type B16 tumor
68                         Generation of potent immunological memory against rechallenge in cured mice a
69  conjugate vaccines (PCV10 and PCV13) induce immunological memory against Streptococcus pneumoniae in
70                           No T cell-mediated immunological memory against the parental tumor was gene
71  cure large established tumors and to confer immunological memory against tumor cells, although a con
72     The mice cured from ReACT also developed immunological memory against tumor rechallenge.
73 and the advanced adaptive arm that generates immunological memory, allowing rapid, specific recall re
74               Parasite-induced subversion of immunological memory and expansion of "atypical" memory
75 ctive adaptive immunity are distinguished by immunological memory and high-affinity antigen recogniti
76 derstanding of the duration and magnitude of immunological memory and how it relates to protective im
77 a actively interfere with the development of immunological memory and may account for the evolutionar
78 pulate this process to increase the level of immunological memory and thus, vaccine efficacy.
79  for the generation of high-affinity Abs and immunological memory and, therefore, are critical for th
80  of a T-cell-dependent response that elicits immunological memory and, therefore, primes the immune s
81 une compartments critical for hematopoiesis, immunological memory, and bone regeneration.
82 ork on our understanding of the formation of immunological memory, and describe a number of unresolve
83 mple explanation for lymphocyte specificity, immunological memory, and elimination of self-reactive c
84 lular signals involved in the development of immunological memory, and the relative contributions of
85   Because tumor destruction and formation of immunological memory are ultimately T-cell-mediated effe
86           This is the first demonstration of immunological memory at 4 years of age in children recei
87 echanisms responsible for the development of immunological memory at the cellular level, however.
88 t is not known whether these vaccines induce immunological memory at the mucosal level, which may be
89 adaptive Q9-restricted CTL response leads to immunological memory, because mice that resist the initi
90                    A separate study explored immunological memory both in subjects who had received C
91 rapy and further suggest that maintenance of immunological memory by MHC class II-expressing ECs via
92 nriched further by studies on whether recent immunological memory can 'overfill' and/or constrict pri
93                                              Immunological memory can be defined as the faster and st
94                                     Finally, immunological memory can be generated, allowing for erad
95                                     How long immunological memory can be maintained in the absence of
96 s well as the determinants of recruitment to immunological memory, can greatly contribute to our basi
97 patient's own individual tumor, that through immunological memory, can result in long-lasting systemi
98 ttle between reemergent infectious virus and immunological memory cells provides an essential virus-h
99  of high-affinity, isotype-switched Abs, and immunological memory; consequently, many infections requ
100                        Although B and T cell immunological memory contribute to protective immunity t
101                                              Immunological memory crucially depends on CD4 T cells.
102 lood can provide important information about immunological memory, CTL responses against tumour antig
103 munity, associated with long-term protective immunological memory, defines the efficacy of a given va
104                                              Immunological memory depends on a self-renewing pool of
105                                              Immunological memory depends on the long-term maintenanc
106 meostasis, the germinal center reaction, and immunological memory, developing recombinase-assisted an
107 re are many gaps in our understanding of how immunological memory develops following M. tuberculosis
108                   Little is known on whether immunological memory develops following pH1N1 infection
109                                 Furthermore, immunological memory develops under cover of CD40L block
110        The prevailing evidence suggests that immunological memory does not require antigenic re-stimu
111 gical factors that govern the maintenance of immunological memory following exposure to M. tuberculos
112                                Understanding immunological memory formation depends on elucidating ho
113                        Our studies show that immunological memory generated during youth functions we
114                        The cellular basis of immunological memory has been a debated issue.
115 ing effects on priming versus development of immunological memory has been challenging.
116                               Maintenance of immunological memory has been proposed to rely on stem-c
117                             The existence of immunological memory has been recognized for over 2,000
118                                              Immunological memory has long considered to be harbored
119 l view that only adaptive immunity can build immunological memory has recently been challenged.
120                                              Immunological memory has traditionally been regarded as
121                                              Immunological memory has traditionally been regarded as
122       Unfortunately, owing to an inefficient immunological memory, hMPV infection provides limited im
123 ptive immunity leads to the establishment of immunological memory; however, how innate immunity regul
124                             Specific Abs and immunological memory imply that Ab diversification and c
125  traits of adaptive immunity and can acquire immunological memory in a manner similar to that of T an
126  signatures could facilitate surveillance of immunological memory in communities.
127 y avidity maturation, isotype switching, and immunological memory in immunized neonates.
128 this review is to summarize the evidence for immunological memory in lower organisms (which are not t
129           Nevertheless, there is evidence of immunological memory in lower organisms and invertebrate
130 ceptibility is due to the virtual absence of immunological memory in newborns.
131 ed the long-term persistence of antibody and immunological memory in primary-school children followin
132 nisms governing the long-term persistence of immunological memory in response to vaccines remain uncl
133 K and Ad-Flt3L) elicits tumor regression and immunological memory in rodent GBM models.
134 hat this priming mechanism may contribute to immunological memory in T cells by facilitating the indu
135 cribed to have the unique capacity to confer immunological memory in the form of hapten-specific cont
136 brates, insects use immune cells to generate immunological memory in the form of stable vDNAs that ge
137                                              Immunological memory in vertebrates is often exclusively
138 + T cells that underlie antiviral protective immunological memory in vivo is unclear.
139                                              Immunological memory is a cardinal feature of adaptive i
140                                              Immunological memory is a defining feature of vertebrate
141                                              Immunological memory is a fundamental function of vaccin
142                                              Immunological memory is a hallmark of adaptive immunity,
143                                              Immunological memory is a hallmark of the adaptive immun
144                                              Immunological memory is an exclusive property of the acq
145                                              Immunological memory is characterized by the ability to
146                                              Immunological memory is defined by the ability of a host
147 of patients could be improved, assuming that immunological memory is effectively controlled with immu
148                      The mechanisms by which immunological memory is maintained after infection or va
149 Mathematical modeling reveals that long-term immunological memory is maintained in a manner that is e
150 nd regulated, its role in pathology, and how immunological memory is maintained.
151  promoting autophagy to improve Ab-dependent immunological memory is more effective during memory B c
152 ts with a current infection, suggesting that immunological memory is not induced by uncomplicated gon
153                                              Immunological memory is one of the central features of t
154 ism by which B. melitensis subverts adaptive immunological memory is poorly understood.
155                             The evolution of immunological memory is subject to debate.
156                                A hallmark of immunological memory is the ability of previously primed
157                                              Immunological memory is the ability of the immune system
158     Generation and maintenance of protective immunological memory is the goal of vaccination programs
159                                              Immunological memory is thought to depend on a stem cell
160                               The purpose of immunological memory is to protect the host from reinfec
161                                              Immunological memory (MEM) development is affected by st
162      Priming is a major mechanism behind the immunological 'memory' observed during two key plant sys
163 nition of specific protein antigens leads to immunological memory of antigen, whereas recognition of
164 egulation is proposed in which a nonspecific immunological memory of danger accumulates during matura
165               Our observations indicate that immunological memory of dengue serotypes occurs at the n
166                       The utility of probing immunological memory of infections is demonstrated by de
167 ific desensitization and result in a form of immunological memory of prior stimulation.
168 e immune responses and, although lacking the immunological memory of vertebrate adaptive immunity, sh
169 cularly in those where there is pre-existing immunological memory or in those receiving T-cell deplet
170 n is currently available regarding prolonged immunological memory post-RABV vaccination.
171              Characterising the longevity of immunological memory requires establishing the rules und
172            The generation and maintenance of immunological memory requires the activation, expansion,
173                       Generation of a robust immunological memory response is essential for protectio
174 pt to understand the molecular basis for the immunological memory response, we have used cDNA microar
175 e propose a model of T cell memory, in which immunological memory state is encoded epigenetically, th
176 ysis of metabolic transcriptome confirms the immunological memory status of KIR(+)CD56(+) T cells in
177          Our model offers a new insight into immunological memory that could assist the development o
178 ssing 3LLA9F1 or RMA tumor cells established immunological memory that enhanced protection against su
179                                  To generate immunological memory, the Cas1-Cas2 protein complex capt
180  contribute to the maintenance and waning of immunological memory, the following study examined the f
181  a new force that can drive the evolution of immunological memory: the duration of memory can regulat
182  the immune system is to maintain protective immunological memory to a wide variety of pathogens enco
183                         These data show that immunological memory to DryVax vaccine is long-lived and
184 Y just after thymectomy continued to display immunological memory to H-Y for >1 year.
185     Most children vaccinated at birth retain immunological memory to hepatitis B vaccine for 15 years
186 erated significant interest in understanding immunological memory to influenza and how previous encou
187 tive costimulatory pathways for induction of immunological memory to influenza virus.
188                                              Immunological memory to pathogens is associated with clo
189  the concept that stimulation of preexisting immunological memory to Pneumocystis with a recombinant
190 fluenza virus strain was so virulent and how immunological memory to the 1918 virus may have shaped t
191 uality of humoral immunity and generation of immunological memory to vaccines is critical for protect
192 d immunosuppression, and to induce long-term immunological memory, understanding of the multiple regu
193  TLR7(-/-) mice failed to develop protective immunological memory upon challenge.
194 emingly essential for high-affinity, cognate immunological memory, whereas gammadelta cells contribut
195 vailable regarding the mechanisms underlying immunological memory, which can broaden humoral response
196 of vertebrate immunity is the acquisition of immunological memory, which confers enhanced protection
197 he absence of dendritic cells and results in immunological memory with protective effector functions.

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