


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  an antigen-specific nonresponsiveness (i.e. immunological tolerance).
2 regnancy is one of the strongest inducers of immunological tolerance.
3 mbrane protein involved in the regulation of immunological tolerance.
4 c medullary epithelial cells, which promotes immunological tolerance.
5  response and is instrumental in maintaining immunological tolerance.
6 y T cells (Tregs) in the dominant control of immunological tolerance.
7 beta cells as well as the reestablishment of immunological tolerance.
8 e secretion in DCs and macrophages to induce immunological tolerance.
9 erentially contributes to the maintenance of immunological tolerance.
10 tory DCs and TGF-beta+ macrophages to induce immunological tolerance.
11 ing alone without exogenous insult can break immunological tolerance.
12 play an important role in the maintenance of immunological tolerance.
13 sponses and to facilitate the development of immunological tolerance.
14 Treg) are instrumental in the maintenance of immunological tolerance.
15  and suggests a role for plasmacytoid DC2 in immunological tolerance.
16 ory T cells (Tregs) are a central element of immunological tolerance.
17 e in peripheral B-cell anergy, one aspect of immunological tolerance.
18 SK can be prevented by establishing specific immunological tolerance.
19  is a disorder of lymphocyte homeostasis and immunological tolerance.
20 s the others can lead to partial or complete immunological tolerance.
21 y, allograft rejection, and the induction of immunological tolerance.
22 apoptosis and may be critical for peripheral immunological tolerance.
23 tical for the development and maintenance of immunological tolerance.
24 rine retrovirus, under conditions leading to immunological tolerance.
25 onses and, therefore, uniquely necessary for immunological tolerance.
26 lls are immunosuppressive cells that support immunological tolerance.
27 d rapamycin, not the free form, could induce immunological tolerance.
28 ecific for the 2F5 epitope is constrained by immunological tolerance.
29  organs that should be targeted to reinstate immunological tolerance.
30  of B cell activation and the maintenance of immunological tolerance.
31 -27 is pivotal to safeguarding Treg-mediated immunological tolerance.
32 eported to participate in the maintenance of immunological tolerance.
33 ct roles in the scenario by which it assures immunological tolerance.
34  protein expression and may help to maintain immunological tolerance.
35  and produce IL-10 are required for systemic immunological tolerance.
36 ral role in the induction and maintenance of immunological tolerance.
37 heral tissue Ag expression to prompt central immunological tolerance.
38  responses and allowing the establishment of immunological tolerance.
39 , but also their impact on the regulation of immunological tolerance.
40 ional heterogeneity is a critical feature of immunological tolerance.
41 proposed to participate in the regulation of immunological tolerance.
42 es against pathogens and tumours, as well as immunological tolerance.
43 tor Foxp3 have a pivotal role in maintaining immunological tolerance.
44 ant role in the induction and maintenance of immunological tolerance.
45 ponse that later subsided suggested acquired immunological tolerance.
46  cells play an essential role in maintaining immunological tolerance.
47  controls B cell development, signaling, and immunological tolerance.
48 has a fundamental role in the achievement of immunological tolerance after transplantation.
49  central role of T cells in the induction of immunological tolerance against i.v. Ags has been well d
50       Hepatic induction of tissue-protective immunological tolerance against particulate antigens is
51 efore to design interventions that can break immunological tolerance and halt cancer progression, whe
52 vide an effective means of inducing longterm immunological tolerance and has been documented in a mon
53           This crosstalk is likely to affect immunological tolerance and homeostasis within the gut a
54 th mild symptoms may harm the development of immunological tolerance and impose a burden on families
55 l drugs and therapeutic vaccines to overcome immunological tolerance and induce the recovery phenotyp
56 mensal and pathogenic bacteria, may regulate immunological tolerance and inflammation.
57 this feat is managed is key to understanding immunological tolerance and intervention in treating dis
58 as a central role in the dominant control of immunological tolerance and maintenance of immune homeos
59 esponse, occupying a key role in maintaining immunological tolerance and present an attractive therap
60 rotective immune responses while maintaining immunological tolerance and preventing autoimmunity.
61 RE) gene is crucial for establishing central immunological tolerance and preventing autoimmunity.
62 die perinatally, the roles of Bax and Bak in immunological tolerance and prevention of autoimmune dis
63 nd an ancillary role for Bax in safeguarding immunological tolerance and prevention of autoimmune dis
64  discuss how metabolic workload can modulate immunological tolerance and review the molecular mechani
65 sing the crucial contributions of RA to both immunological tolerance and the elicitation of adaptive
66 is not known whether these serpins influence immunological tolerance and the risk for autoimmune dise
67                                Tim-3 induces immunological tolerance, and engagement of the Tim-3 imm
68 ective and safe treatment in LAR, increasing immunological tolerance, and reducing the clinical sympt
69 ) regulatory T cells (T(reg) cells) maintain immunological tolerance, and their deficiency results in
70 aches based on induction of antigen-specific immunological tolerance are being explored for treatment
71 t may also be important for the induction of immunological tolerance, as well as for the regulation o
72  likely depend, in part, on the induction of immunological tolerance, because the high levels of immu
73                                         When immunological tolerance breaks down, autoimmune destruct
74 ells) are critically involved in maintaining immunological tolerance, but this potent suppression mus
75 opoietic chimerism results in donor-specific immunological tolerance by apoptosis-mediated deletion o
76 cting (Bcl2-interacting) mediator, maintains immunological tolerance by deleting autoreactive lymphoc
77       The transcription factor Aire controls immunological tolerance by inducing the ectopic thymic e
78                                 Induction of immunological tolerance by MBP(89-101) therefore inactiv
79 ive regulator of mucosal immunity, promoting immunological tolerance by preventing excessive T cell r
80                                 Aire impacts immunological tolerance by regulating the expression of
81 tocols constitute important tools to achieve immunological tolerance by Treg vaccination.
82 vity, independent of their predicted role in immunological tolerance, by regulating tissue remodeling
83                                        Thus, immunological tolerance can be achieved by direct modula
84                                              Immunological tolerance can be mediated by anergy, in wh
85 ates and HIV-1 provides direct evidence that immunological tolerance can impair humoral responses to
86  paucity of T(R) cells and a fatal breach in immunological tolerance, causing highly aggressive multi
87 eg cells develop and how they participate in immunological tolerance, contrasting, when possible, iTr
88 he role of hepatitis B e-antigen in creating immunological tolerance during hepatitis B virus infecti
89  which argues against a failure to establish immunological tolerance during implantation.
90         The establishment and maintenance of immunological tolerance entails both central and periphe
91    To analyze efficacy and better understand immunological tolerance, escape mechanisms, and side eff
92 resents an important mechanism of peripheral immunological tolerance for mature autoreactive B cells
93                                              Immunological tolerance guards against spurious immune r
94  critically important for the maintenance of immunological tolerance, immune homeostasis, and prevent
95 ow 60 years since the first demonstration of immunological tolerance in animal models of transplantat
96  both natural and therapeutic acquisition of immunological tolerance in childhood will provide insigh
97  of autoantigen genes in the thymus, driving immunological tolerance in maturing T cells.
98 lling and is required for the maintenance of immunological tolerance in mice.
99 have been used in vivo to induce Ag-specific immunological tolerance in Th1 responses, including tiss
100 f inhibitory signaling in the maintenance of immunological tolerance in the B lineage.
101                                 Induction of immunological tolerance in utero has potential applicati
102        Importantly, experimentally breaching immunological tolerance in wild-type mice also leads to
103 onditioning regimen (NMCR) aimed at inducing immunological tolerance, including splenectomy, whole bo
104 eral lymphocytes-a new approach to translate immunological tolerance into clinically applicable proto
105                               The concept of immunological tolerance is central to our understanding
106                                              Immunological tolerance is constantly being maintained i
107                                              Immunological tolerance is crucial to avoid autoimmune a
108 ft is stably accepted, rejected, or achieves immunological tolerance is dependent on the frequency an
109 tion apply as to non-tolerant hosts and that immunological tolerance is permanently lost.
110 o far described that achieves organ-specific immunological tolerance is that which controls periphera
111                               Achievement of immunological tolerance (long-term antigen unresponsiven
112 46a in Treg cells resulted in a breakdown of immunological tolerance manifested in fatal IFNgamma-dep
113 are potentially useful in immunotherapy, but immunological tolerance may block their function.
114 s for self-antigens and it has been proposed immunological tolerance may present a barrier to their p
115 hough common genetic pathways affect general immunological tolerance mechanisms in autoimmunity, the
116 t that intranasal exposure to Ags results in immunological tolerance mediated by functionally impaire
117                                     Maternal immunological tolerance of the semiallogeneic fetus invo
118  results have implications for mechanisms of immunological tolerance operating in chronic HBV infecti
119            Aire is an important regulator of immunological tolerance, operating in a minute subset of
120 sponse may open the way for the induction of immunological tolerance (or unresponsiveness in the abse
121 recipient strains), resulting in "classical" immunological tolerance, or by bone marrow infusion to s
122 abetes involves a number of steps: defective immunological tolerance, priming of anti-islet autoimmun
123 The liver is known to favor the induction of immunological tolerance rather than immunity.
124                         Autoantigen-specific immunological tolerance represents a central objective f
125                           The maintenance of immunological tolerance requires the deletion of self-re
126 e a better therapeutic strategy for inducing immunological tolerance than blocking the ligands for bo
127    New approaches to induce antigen-specific immunological tolerance that control both cellular and h
128                            It is the loss of immunological tolerance that leads to autoimmunity.
129 ogy of these cells, including maintenance of immunological tolerance to "self" and regulation of immu
130 y approaches may facilitate the induction of immunological tolerance to a donor organ or protect it l
131 the lungs for many weeks, does not result in immunological tolerance to a yeast challenge in adult mi
132                                     Systemic immunological tolerance to Ag encountered in the eye res
133 ions that the microbiota plays in regulating immunological tolerance to allergen exposure outside the
134 e rapamycin, are capable of inducing durable immunological tolerance to co-administered proteins that
135 nditioned) recipients can produce a state of immunological tolerance to donor and host.
136 epatitis (AIH) is characterized by a loss of immunological tolerance to hepatocytes.
137 show that anti-TNF-alpha-treated mice showed immunological tolerance to islet cell proteins.
138 utoimmune hepatitis and attempted to restore immunological tolerance to liver autoantigens.
139 transforming rat proto-oncogene, demonstrate immunological tolerance to neu that is similar to what i
140                          Attempts to achieve immunological tolerance to porcine tissues in nonhuman p
141                                     Although immunological tolerance to self Ags represents an import
142 dentifies T(reg) cells as vital mediators of immunological tolerance to self and Foxp3 as the mediato
143 ity against pathogens as well as maintaining immunological tolerance to self antigens.
144  B cells, is important in the maintenance of immunological tolerance to self-Ags.
145 utoreactive anergic B cell as an enforcer of immunological tolerance to self-Ags.
146 ated disease that is associated with loss of immunological tolerance to self-antigens.
147 f T cells that are essential for maintaining immunological tolerance to self.
148     To understand the mechanisms involved in immunological tolerance to skin-associated antigens, we
149 roclimate is critical for maternal and fetal immunological tolerance to sustain viable pregnancy, but
150 mbats autoimmunity or allergy by reinstating immunological tolerance to target antigens without compr
151 We examined, therefore, whether induction of immunological tolerance to the adhesion molecule that is
152 on their normal tissues do, in fact, exhibit immunological tolerance to the Ag, recapitulating the co
153 t tumors can be hindered by the induction of immunological tolerance to the target Ag as a result of
154 ed research in high school, experimenting on immunological tolerance to transplantation antigens.
155  to investigate the mechanisms that regulate immunological tolerance to tumor antigens and will facil
156                   In an attempt to establish immunological tolerance toward GAD65 in NOD mice, and th
157          The liver is essential for inducing immunological tolerance toward harmless antigens to main
158 gp41-specific BnAb, 2F5, to demonstrate that immunological tolerance triggered by self-reactivity of
159          Lastly, peripheral signs of altered immunological tolerance unfold in mutant mice and in imm
160                           The achievement of immunological tolerance using helminth-derived products
161                               Donor-specific immunological tolerance using high doses of bone marrow
162 ation is also critical to the development of immunological tolerance via both deletional and regulato
163  cells play an essential role in maintaining immunological tolerance via their suppressive function o
164 atitis B surface antigen, indicating that no immunological tolerance was induced by prior fetal immun
165 s important for induction and maintenance of immunological tolerance, we engineered two retroviral co
166 rough BDCA2 is an effective method to induce immunological tolerance, which may be useful for treatin
167 ro with Ag/CTB conjugate induced Ag-specific immunological tolerance, which was further enhanced by a
168  early young adulthood, while an increase in immunological tolerance with aging suppresses disease on
169 rom a resistant strain coexist in a state of immunological tolerance with cells from a susceptible st
170 pressive macrophages as crucial mediators of immunological tolerance with the concomitant therapeutic
171 tory (Treg) cells have a fundamental role in immunological tolerance, with transcriptional and functi

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