


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y of spinal afferent nerve endings were CGRP-immunoreactive.
2 ost areas of the nervous system are SIFamide-immunoreactive.
3  cells were choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-immunoreactive.
4 nderneath the inner hair cells were also MOR immunoreactive.
5 eurons were immunoreactive; a subset was non-immunoreactive.
6 e out of five responsive neurons were sst2a -immunoreactive.
7 d in the stomach, and most of them were CGRP immunoreactive.
8 f APP/PSEN1 mice, a model of AD amyloidosis, immunoreactive 7B2 co-localized with aggregation-prone p
9 ked, reactive microglia (CR3/43- and/or CD68-immunoreactive), a pathology not seen in control subject
10   In the human most of the (SG) neurons were immunoreactive; a subset was non-immunoreactive.
11 dicated GABAergic feedback onto RBCs via NOS-immunoreactive ACs.
12 e CC lining and were only rarely found to be immunoreactive against oligodendrocyte progenitor marker
13     Unexpectedly, we also find prominent p62-immunoreactive, alphaS-, NFL-, and peripherin-negative i
14 immobilized salivary agglutinin but remained immunoreactive and were readily aggregated by fluid-phas
15                                We found that immunoreactive APC is transiently induced in the oligode
16                                              Immunoreactive APOBEC2 was localized to the cell nucleus
17 oc analysis showed a difference in the GLAST immunoreactive area of patients with Meniere's disease w
18 ated and human fluids, consisted of the most immunoreactive areas of the protein.
19 as were telencephalic aromatase activity and immunoreactive aromatase (24 hour time point only).
20 pal sclerosis of ageing, smooth muscle actin-immunoreactive arterioles had thicker walls (P < 0.05),
21  and NAAG elicited the expression of a novel immunoreactive ASPA species in select GSC nuclei, sugges
22 ateral ventricle FG injection, and (2) GLP-1-immunoreactive axon terminals were observed adjacent to
23 antified the density of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive axons as a measure of dopaminergic innerv
24 ropathological abnormality, and somatostatin-immunoreactive axons were exuberant in the dentate gyrus
25                                              Immunoreactive B cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) and induced mye
26                                         Four immunoreactive bands at 120, 70, 50, and <30 kDa were de
27 rons included four distinct types of tubulin-immunoreactive bipolar cells (one likely also tyrosine h
28 here is no vesicular glutamate transporter 3-immunoreactive bouton, specific to C-LTMRs, on PKCgamma-
29 Numerous met-enkephalin (mENK) and dynorphin-immunoreactive boutons appeared to contact ARC TH neuron
30 strong, and that a large number of dynorphin-immunoreactive boutons terminate on or near anorexigenic
31  also Abeta40-, Abeta42-, and Abeta oligomer-immunoreactive, but only weakly thioflavine S- or 6-CN-P
32 n human samples, polo-like kinase (PLK)1/2/3-immunoreactive cancer cells were present in the preponde
33                  Unlike the arterioles, CD34-immunoreactive capillaries had dimensions that were unch
34 c plaque demonstrated that RO5444101 reduced immunoreactive cathepsin S (P < 0.05), elastin degradati
35 munoreactive (PV-IR) interneurons, calbindin-immunoreactive (CB-IR) interneurons, and calretinin-immu
36 ody to the alpha(2)delta(3) subunit revealed immunoreactive cell bodies in the ganglion cell layer an
37                                       RFRP-3-immunoreactive cell bodies were found scattered within t
38  present study, only a small number of GLP-1-immunoreactive cell bodies were observed in the nucleus
39 hrenia-1 (DISC1), although no differences in immunoreactive cell numbers were observed.
40  showed a significant reduction in calbindin-immunoreactive cells (range: 36-67% lower), whereas fema
41          Normal liver contained rare COL15A1-immunoreactive cells adjacent to the bile ducts and cana
42                                        RBPMS-immunoreactive cells and RGCs identified by other techni
43 f the caudal preoptic area, whereas LPXRFa-R-immunoreactive cells are distributed widely.
44 t there was a notable reduction in calbindin-immunoreactive cells in midline/intralaminar/posterior d
45               The presence of 5HT- and VAChT-immunoreactive cells in segments of the common carotid a
46 o analyze the distribution of chromogranin A immunoreactive cells in serial sections of human fetal p
47                  The presence of 5HT- and TH-immunoreactive cells in the aorta, pulmocutaneous artery
48 he spatial distribution pattern of calbindin-immunoreactive cells in the dorsal thalamus was similar
49 d RBPMS is not expressed in syntaxin (HPC-1)-immunoreactive cells in the inner nuclear layer (INL) an
50 with the number of choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive cells in the NBM.
51                        The majority of GLP-1-immunoreactive cells in the NTS were not FOS-positive.
52  hormone, and corticotropin-releasing factor immunoreactive cells in the paraventricular nucleus.
53                    In addition to four large immunoreactive cells in the pars intercerebralis (group
54  The large majority (over 80%) of calretinin-immunoreactive cells is located in the inner nuclear lay
55                  Notably, almost all ERalpha-immunoreactive cells of the OV/MEPO also expressed nNOS.
56 n into glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFAP)-immunoreactive cells over neurons, while overexpression
57 The staining intensity and the percentage of immunoreactive cells varied among the studied cases.
58                     The number of calretinin-immunoreactive cells was similar for all experimental gr
59 but not P0 or P4, mice, in which ERbeta-EGFP-immunoreactive cells were densely clustered near the thi
60                       Distinct groups of NOS-immunoreactive cells were observed in pallial and subpal
61                             Conspicuous CART-immunoreactive cells were observed in the bed nucleus of
62                                          The immunoreactive cells were quantified by computerized ima
63 tral nerve cord, we identified several other immunoreactive cells, which seem to have no corresponden
64                                              Immunoreactive cholinergic boutons were found to be colo
65 o showed a reduction in major myelin protein immunoreactive clusters 7 and 14 days postinjury, as com
66 ompare CM formulas regarding the presence of immunoreactive CM components, IgE reactivity, allergenic
67 eactive (CB-IR) interneurons, and calretinin-immunoreactive (CR-IR) interneurons.
68   TAMs were the predominant cells expressing immunoreactive CXCR4 in chemotherapy-treated mouse tumor
69                           Strong to moderate immunoreactive D1R expression was found in 30% of 751 pr
70                  Both round and fusiform DCX-immunoreactive (DCX-ir) cells were found in area X and H
71                                      The M5R-immunoreactive dendrites received a balanced input from
72 to the extrasynaptic membrane of parvalbumin-immunoreactive dendrites.
73 n due to tau, and TAR DNA-binding protein 43 immunoreactive deposits, alpha-synucleinopathies, hippoc
74 e-label experiments showed that the SIFamide-immunoreactive descending neurons are identical to previ
75 , the "contralaterally projecting, serotonin-immunoreactive deutocerebral neurons" (CSDns), within th
76 esize TH in the dorsomedial ARC also contain immunoreactive dopamine, and show either bursting or non
77 medial ARC where 94% of TH neurons contained immunoreactive dopamine: bursting and nonbursting neuron
78                       Half (50%) of the CGRP-immunoreactive DRG neurons lacked detectable SP and had
79 njury markedly increased the number of Panx1-immunoreactive DRG neurons.
80                                    alpha-Syn immunoreactive dystrophic neurites contained numerous el
81 ing and memory showed the occurrence of RTN3-immunoreactive dystrophic neurites in the cortex.
82  of numerous choline acetyl transferase-like immunoreactive en plaque motor endplates and substance P
83 ally, we observed persistent levels of Abeta-immunoreactive entities that were of a size consistent w
84 inous peritrophic matrix (PM) that separates immunoreactive epithelial cells from microbes present wi
85 increased extractability of pectin and xylan immunoreactive epitopes in apap1 mutant aerial biomass s
86 reactive projections; we also quantified AVP-immunoreactive fiber density in gonadectomized and sham-
87 d cells per side with normalized striatal TH-immunoreactive fiber innervation and bidirectional synap
88 mmunoreactive neurons were contacted by CART-immunoreactive fibers and 96 +/- 2.8% NPY-immunoreactive
89                                         CART-immunoreactive fibers in IN showed a significant reducti
90 mmunofluorescence showed that neither LPXRFa-immunoreactive fibers nor LPXRFa-R is closely associated
91                     Portal tracts (PTs) with immunoreactive fibers were counted in each section and c
92                                         CART-immunoreactive fibers were found in the subpallium, hypo
93 -melanocortin stimulating hormone (alphaMSH)-immunoreactive fibers were significantly reduced in neur
94 e spinal cords of this new model showed SOD1 immunoreactive fibrillar inclusions.
95 ow that nearly half of all human cancers are immunoreactive for a LINE-1-encoded protein.
96 -sensitive dorsal root ganglion neurons were immunoreactive for an antibody to TRPV4, as assessed by
97 ntial innervation by trigeminal nerve fibers immunoreactive for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP
98 they, like extraocular motoneurons, are also immunoreactive for calcitonin gene-related peptide.
99          The proportion of GABAergic neurons immunoreactive for CB or CR varied depending on the subd
100 sent study quantified axons and interneurons immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in r
101 tress to activate hindbrain neurons that are immunoreactive for either prolactin-releasing peptide or
102 pecimens, and showed that reversal cells are immunoreactive for factors typically expressed by osteob
103                      Syt2-labeled cells were immunoreactive for glycine but lacked immunoreactivity f
104 ly approximately 25% of the PV population is immunoreactive for m1AChRs.
105                       Cortical interneurons, immunoreactive for neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)
106 ation is little understood, cortical neurons immunoreactive for neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)
107                      CCA cells were strongly immunoreactive for PDGF-A and -D, whereas CAFs expressed
108  Most ChR2-expressing VLM neurons (75%) were immunoreactive for phenylethanolamine N-methyl transfere
109 of the striatum and ubiquitinated inclusions immunoreactive for polyglutamine (polyQ) antibodies.
110 se multicentric amyloid plaques, selectively immunoreactive for prion protein, within the cerebral an
111 ease groups, marked decreases of PV neurons (immunoreactive for PV) and WFA/PNNs were observed in the
112 we identified a novel variant of INR that is immunoreactive for the 40 kDa huntingtin associated prot
113 s of PV neurons and PNNs labeled with WFA or immunoreactive for the major PNN protein, aggrecan, in t
114 e quantified the densities of ChC cartridges immunoreactive for vesicular GABA transporter (vGAT+), w
115 f the ChR2-positive axonal varicosities were immunoreactive for vesicular glutamate transporter-2 (78
116  neurons are innervated by primary afferents immunoreactive for vesicular glutamate transporters 1 an
117  (177)Lu-octapa-trastuzumab constructs, with immunoreactive fractions of 0.99 for each compared to 0.
118                             Substance P-like immunoreactive free nerve endings were also present in t
119 the distribution of gamma-aminobutyric-acid;-immunoreactive (GABA-ir) neurons in four species of sea
120 describes the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-immunoreactive (GABA-ir) neurons in the buccal ganglia o
121                             Numerous glycine-immunoreactive (Gly-ir) neurons were observed in differe
122             Because the total number of NeuN-immunoreactive hilar neurons was unaffected, the decline
123  photoreceptor-associated proteins, and Iba1-immunoreactive immune cells.
124                   TAR DNA-binding protein 43 immunoreactive inclusions and neurites were also found i
125                                    Large FUS-immunoreactive inclusions fill the perikaryon of survivi
126 rontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 immunoreactive inclusions have been described (types A-D
127 rons as well as a significant increase in SP-immunoreactive innervation onto these neurons.
128 ous regions in which males have a denser AVP-immunoreactive innervation than females.
129 ons in the Botzinger Complex (BotC) and NK1R-immunoreactive/inspiratory neurons in the preBotC.
130 , associated with increased plasma levels of immunoreactive insulin and proinsulin.
131                Individuals with more galanin-immunoreactive intermediate nucleus neurons had less fra
132 stereology to quantify the number of galanin-immunoreactive intermediate nucleus neurons in each indi
133 , they demonstrate that a paucity of galanin-immunoreactive intermediate nucleus neurons is accompani
134 er spiking in pyramidal cells or parvalbumin immunoreactive interneurons (PV) in the hippocampus and
135 ivation of parvalbumin- (PV) or somatostatin-immunoreactive interneurons aborted spontaneously occurr
136                                     PKCgamma-immunoreactive interneurons appear to receive exclusivel
137         The majority of synapses on PKCgamma-immunoreactive interneurons are asymmetric (likely excit
138                                     PKCgamma-immunoreactive interneurons contain GABAA ergic and glyc
139 ary afferents were found to contact PKCgamma-immunoreactive interneurons suggests that myelinated, bu
140 ion imbalances involving loss of parvalbumin immunoreactive interneurons.
141 ive bouton, specific to C-LTMRs, on PKCgamma-immunoreactive interneurons.
142 lm KO mice reduces the number of parvalbumin-immunoreactive interneurons.
143 ving hippocampal neurons contained ubiquitin-immunoreactive intranuclear inclusions.
144 y were mostly gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-immunoreactive (IR) and located in the GC layer.
145 coverage of blood vessels by endfeet of AQP4-immunoreactive (IR) astrocytes was significantly reduced
146 lretinin- and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-immunoreactive (IR) cells were highly vulnerable to glau
147 r, a thorough characterization of AVP and OT-immunoreactive (ir) fibers and cell bodies across age an
148  and sacral DRG neuronal subpopulations were immunoreactive (IR) for CGRP (30 +/- 3% and 29 +/- 3%, r
149                        We also compared ChAT-immunoreactive (ir) interneuron morphological types amon
150  a subset of calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive (IR) myenteric plexus neurons thought to
151            We tested the hypothesis that SST-immunoreactive (IR) neurons are decreased in the amygdal
152  gonadal steroids and GnRH-1- and kisspeptin-immunoreactive (ir) neurons in subordinate adults and in
153                               In general, CB-immunoreactive (ir) neurons were less abundant than CR-i
154 m against sbLPXRFa2, which revealed sbLPXRFa-immunoreactive (ir) perikarya in the olfactory bulbs-ter
155 y to adult levels, whereas the density of PV-immunoreactive (IR) puncta (presumed PVBC boutons) incre
156             In contrast, individual gephyrin-immunoreactive (IR) puncta, a postsynaptic scaffolding p
157                               Most calbindin-immunoreactive (IR) Renshaw cells survive to end stage b
158 other markers, to characterize the Galphat-S-immunoreactive (ir) system in the CNS of the sea lamprey
159 present in 24 +/- 0.7% of somatostatin (SOM)-immunoreactive (IR) varicosities; 20 +/- 4.3% of substan
160 aim was to map the distribution of GFRalpha3-immunoreactive (-IR) axons in the female rat bladder, us
161 ndicated by a greater number of somatostatin-immunoreactive (-ir) cells in the CA1 pyramidal layer an
162                                         ChAT-immunoreactive (-ir) perikarya were seen in the olfactor
163 vious studies and the distribution of VGluT2-immunoreactive (-ir) puncta.
164 croscopy and 3D reconstruction of melanopsin immunoreactive (-ir) RGCs, we applied the criteria used
165                                    Corazonin-immunoreactive (-ir) terminals overlapped with projectio
166 y non-calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-immunoreactive (-IR), medium- to large-sized neurons tha
167                  Within the DMV >95% mCherry-immunoreactive(ir) axonal varicosities were tyrosine hyd
168 SGCs, which were identified by expression of immunoreactive Kir4.1 and glutamine synthetase, were clo
169 dicate cultured APCs release high amounts of immunoreactive LEP following exposure to hypoxia, contin
170 t amino acid position 100 (p.D100Y) and high immunoreactive levels of leptin.
171                   About 50% of the GABA-like immunoreactive (-lir) spiking type I local interneurons
172 c shafts and 60% of dendritic spines were M2 immunoreactive (M2R(+) ).
173 nd decreased peritoneal proinflammatory CD86 immunoreactive macrophage number.
174 munoreactivity was present in some Aif1/Iba1-immunoreactive macrophages.
175  human tears or saliva surprisingly detected immunoreactive material with a higher molecular weight a
176                                              Immunoreactive materials were localized in neuronal peri
177  and CLOVAR subtypes (CLOVAR differentiated, immunoreactive, mesenchymal, and proliferative).
178 plant, we found host-derived synapses on GFP-immunoreactive MGE cells bodies and dendrites.
179 pinal-projecting groups were often glutamate-immunoreactive, mostly in the hindbrain.
180                                    Most FFA3-immunoreactive nerve fibres and nerve endings were choli
181 in response to mucosal stroking, reduces MET-immunoreactive neurites, and increases susceptibility to
182 r's disease are amyloid-beta plaques and tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles.
183 related decreases in GAD67- and somatostatin-immunoreactive neuron number beyond the hilus were regio
184                                          ASP-immunoreactive neuronal populations were rather similar
185 t not parvalbumin (PV); almost all CB- or CR-immunoreactive neurons (98-100%) were GABAergic.
186                    More tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons and significant behavioral improv
187 n of E2 BSA alone increases the number of PR-immunoreactive neurons and the expression level of PR pr
188 RT-immunoreactive fibers and 96 +/- 2.8% NPY-immunoreactive neurons expressed cFos during fasting.
189 antibody, enhanced migration of doublecortin-immunoreactive neurons in 1 d differentiated FMRP-defici
190                         The density of c-Fos immunoreactive neurons in other brain regions that recei
191 tensive, global loss of c-Fos and Arc/Arg3.1 immunoreactive neurons in the auditory cortex 15 days af
192 he locus ceruleus nor tryptophan hydroxlyase-immunoreactive neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus were
193  Moreover, MHFD offspring had fewer oxytocin immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus.
194                 Neither tyrosine hydroxlyase-immunoreactive neurons in the locus ceruleus nor tryptop
195                   A great proportion of nNOS-immunoreactive neurons in the OV/MEPO and ARH were seen
196 ter ipl injection of CFA, the number of NK1R-immunoreactive neurons in the RVM was increased by 30%,
197 creased preservation of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons in the substantia nigra (p<0.05).
198  melanin-containing and tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons in the substantia nigra pars comp
199 increased the number of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons in the substantia nigra pars comp
200 ology of individually identifiable serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the ventral nerve cord of Zyge
201        Lower density of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons in the ventral tegmental area was
202 were used to estimate the total number of PR-immunoreactive neurons in the VMN and the PR protein con
203 , the distribution of quinine-stimulated Fos-immunoreactive neurons in two taste-associated forebrain
204                               Tilapia LPXRFa-immunoreactive neurons lie in the posterior ventricular
205 ating hormone (MCH) and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons of the hypothalamus and the locus
206 he data suggest that the descending SIFamide-immunoreactive neurons play a developmental role in orga
207            Furthermore, we show that not all immunoreactive neurons produce serotonin, but have the c
208  labeling intensity of c-Fos- and Arc/Arg3.1-immunoreactive neurons progressively increase in neighbo
209                 In the preBotC 54% of sst2a -immunoreactive neurons were also positive for NK1R.
210 luorescence revealed that 94 +/- 2.1% of NPY-immunoreactive neurons were contacted by CART-immunoreac
211                      The majority of TH-like immunoreactive neurons were detected in the peripheral n
212 onversely, the total numbers of NPY- and VIP-immunoreactive neurons were reduced by 55% and 30%, resp
213                    No differences in ZNF804A-immunoreactive neurons were seen in schizophrenia or rel
214                            The first tubulin-immunoreactive neurons, a small group of four to six cel
215 ontains a comparably low number of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons, facilitating individual identifi
216 pathways of uptake and release of ASP by ASP-immunoreactive neurons.
217 ve fibers and a trend toward decreased c-Fos immunoreactive neurons.
218 ated cells differentiate into N-beta-tubulin-immunoreactive neurons.
219 d by highly similar morphologies of SIFamide-immunoreactive neurons: immunolabeling in various insect
220  bipolar neuron type (tubulin- and FMRFamide-immunoreactive) occurred deeper in the tissue, associate
221 H), but JH tumors were significantly more ER-immunoreactive (P = 0.0001) than AH tumors.
222                     To identify the specific immunoreactive peptides in apoA-I, we have developed a s
223                                          The immunoreactive peptides were further sequenced by mass s
224 r approach successfully identified two novel immunoreactive peptides, recognized by autoantibodies fr
225 e major complexes contained or could contain immunoreactive peptides.
226 ed consistent results and showed that ssGnih-immunoreactive perikarya were present in the olfactory b
227 aused a 50-70% reduction in Golgi-associated immunoreactive PI-4P that correlated with Golgi localiza
228 d nerves (452.6 [25th-75th IQR, 196.0-811.2] immunoreactive pixels per mm(2) and 62.7 [25th-75th IQR,
229 er mm(2) and 62.7 [25th-75th IQR, 0.0-230.3] immunoreactive pixels per mm(2), P = .02), and epithelia
230 , leading ultimately to a two-part FMRFamide-immunoreactive plexus and an apparently separate tyrosin
231 issue, associated with part of the FMRFamide-immunoreactive plexus.
232  an apparently separate tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive plexus.
233      Phenylethanolamine N-methyl transferase-immunoreactive (PNMT-ir) axons were detected among orexi
234  revealed near-equivalent proportions of Met-immunoreactive pre- (axons and terminals) and postsynapt
235                                              Immunoreactive preparations of the radiolabeled antibodi
236                           Der p 1 in milk is immunoreactive, present in similar amounts as dietary eg
237                                  By P21, Met-immunoreactive presynaptic profiles predominated and ~20
238                              Strikingly, Met-immunoreactive presynaptic profiles predominated over po
239 1) YAP was mainly expressed on CGRP- and IB4-immunoreactive primary afferent nerve terminals without
240 and there was a concomitant increase in NK1R-immunoreactive processes in CFA-treated rats.
241 glion cell layer and inner nuclear layer and immunoreactive processes in the inner plexiform layer an
242 terns of both 5-HT- and tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive processes relative to each other, to olfa
243 was filled with a beaded network of SIFamide-immunoreactive processes that especially strongly invade
244              A different distribution of Met-immunoreactive profiles was observed in layer V of somat
245                         In conclusion, PACAP-immunoreactive projections with colocalized CtB represen
246 e the SCN, effectively eliminating those AVP-immunoreactive projections; we also quantified AVP-immun
247                              To identify the immunoreactive proteins, we performed Western blots of 2
248 sing Mimivirus strains, to identify specific immunoreactive proteins.
249  reduction in the density of alpha-synuclein immunoreactive puncta in dendritic processes of cultured
250 ndrites express postsynaptic density (PSD95) immunoreactive puncta suggesting that they receive synap
251                    In the mouse retina, Cx50-immunoreactive puncta were predominantly localized on la
252 Previously, it was reported that parvalbumin immunoreactive (PV(+) ) interneurons receive strong exci
253 icular that the vast majority of parvalbumin-immunoreactive (PV) neurons in macaque V1 express the m1
254 ions of inhibitory interneurons: parvalbumin-immunoreactive (PV-IR) interneurons, calbindin-immunorea
255 SAXS) to determine the structure of the main immunoreactive region from a major antigen from Leptospi
256                    To evaluate whether PACAP-immunoreactive retinal projections are useful as a marke
257                                              Immunoreactive RFRP-3 fibers were distributed throughout
258 eks, and all Brn3a-, SMI-32-, and melanopsin-immunoreactive RGCs also express RBPMS immunoreactivity.
259 gested that the raised P dimers might expose immunoreactive S/P1-1 subdomain epitopes.
260 stained cells was 20% +/- 14.24%, and median immunoreactive score (IRS) was 1.
261                                              Immunoreactive secretin and its mRNA were predominantly
262              Calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive sensory innervation is distributed primar
263                                              Immunoreactive signals for the desmosomal protein plakog
264 ns of both viruses, indicating that a common immunoreactive site exists in this region.
265                         The lack of PDF-like-immunoreactive somata associated with the onychophoran o
266                   We visualize PV- and mAChR-immunoreactive somata by dual-immunofluorescence confoca
267 neral rule, at least four prominent SIFamide-immunoreactive somata occur in the pars intercerebralis.
268  intercerebralis (group 1), smaller SIFamide-immunoreactive somata were detected in the pars intercer
269                Immunoblotting revealed rab17 immunoreactive species at 25 kDa (the predicted rab17 mo
270    On the other hand, a approximately 70-kDa immunoreactive species of Panx3, likely glycosylated, si
271                                The GABA-like immunoreactive, spiking type I local interneurons had no
272                                              Immunoreactive spots stained by sera collected at the ti
273                                Surprisingly, immunoreactive SQSTM1 also accumulated in the olfactory
274 n of calbindin-D28k (CB) and calretinin (CR) immunoreactive structures in the brain of Xenopus laevis
275                  Although counts of p-ERK1/2 immunoreactive synapses did not correlate with OLM perfo
276 (C) correlating with the formation of UCH-L1-immunoreactive tau tangles, whereas UCH-L1(M) has been i
277 hich completely eliminated spinal cord TRPV1-immunoreactive terminals, altered dorsal horn GRP immuno
278 rom symmetric gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-immunoreactive terminals, whereas 3.6% received two syna
279 inal field measures correlate with nigral TH immunoreactive (TH-ir) cell counts only when nigral TH-i
280 ty, also enabled us to relate activity in TH-immunoreactive (TH-ir) neurons to appetitive and consumm
281  cells (one likely also tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive) that bore ciliated dendrites penetrating
282  plaque motor endplates and substance P-like immunoreactive, thin and varicose free nerve endings.
283  significant sparing of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (THir) neurons in the substantia nigra pa
284                                      TH-like immunoreactive (THli) neurons were distributed throughou
285                             The gliomas were immunoreactive to BRAF V600E antibody.
286 ed or those with no documented infection but immunoreactive to ebolavirus did not neutralize.
287            A subpopulation of SGCs expressed immunoreactive TRP vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) and responded to
288 ting hormone (h(2)=0.58, P=2 x 10(-)(5)) and immunoreactive trypsinogen (h(2)=0.52, P=3 x 10(-)(9)) a
289                                  Circulating immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT), a biomarker of exocrin
290 nce the late 1970s when the potential of the immunoreactive trypsinogen assay for early identificatio
291  the composition of the epitope, we isolated immunoreactive tryptic fragments by Western blotting and
292 ot exposed on free particles, rapidly become immunoreactive upon virus-cell binding.
293                   Overall, we identified 608 immunoreactive V. cholerae antigens in our screening, 59
294 effective method for generating safe, highly immunoreactive vaccines.
295 rtion of vesicular acetylcholine transporter-immunoreactive (VAChT-IR) varicosities (80% +/- 1.7%, n
296                                Nearly 72% of immunoreactive VEGF was similarly released over 42 days,
297                Finally, the density of FABP4-immunoreactive vessels in endobronchial biopsy specimens
298 ns were composed only of mouse tau, and were immunoreactive with antibodies to 4R tau, phosphotau, mi
299   In the present study we identified neurons immunoreactive with antisera against octopamine, tyramin
300 0-60 min), but some proteins were stable and immunoreactive with simulated intestinal digestive condi

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