


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 a strong phylogenetic association of the PAV immunoreactivity.
2 lanoma with different grades of nuclear BAP1 immunoreactivity.
3 of cell-bound virions, thus explaining their immunoreactivity.
4  (DA), revealed by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity.
5 d -9 activity nor decreased sirtuin1 (Sirt1) immunoreactivity.
6 ry levels did not always correlate with high immunoreactivity.
7 stologically normal with no evidence of EBOV immunoreactivity.
8 nd others contained exclusively M2R or VAchT immunoreactivity.
9 s; decidual trophoblasts showed strong CXCR3 immunoreactivity.
10 tatively, providing samples with very low SA immunoreactivity.
11  A reductase mRNA levels and anti-Src-Tyr416 immunoreactivity.
12  not demonstrate a similar extent of amyloid immunoreactivity.
13 oreactive terminals, altered dorsal horn GRP immunoreactivity.
14 also had some degree of creatine transporter immunoreactivity.
15 re to > 60 Gray irradiation severely reduced immunoreactivity.
16 transcript, and elevated mitochondrial Bnip3 immunoreactivity.
17 scent cells in the INL and GCL contained VIP-immunoreactivity.
18 ecreased phosphorylated ribosomal protein S6 immunoreactivity.
19 itive interneurons, which show strong Kv3.1b immunoreactivity.
20 t colocalized GABA and MIP but not AT or ORC immunoreactivity.
21 perisomatic terminals supplying it show GABA immunoreactivity.
22 o understanding the tempo and specificity of immunoreactivity.
23 ation was noted between NPY and TH or DbetaH immunoreactivities.
24 nsporter and GABA(A)-receptor gamma2 subunit immunoreactivities.
25  nerve density as detected with beta-tubulin immunoreactivity 2 hr after stimulation.
26                                         FosB immunoreactivity, 2-deoxyglucose uptake, and firing acti
27  presence of Nav1.8 transcript (95%), Nav1.8-immunoreactivity (70%), and TTX-R INa (100%), although n
28 les from 50 patients positive for PLA2R1 for immunoreactivity against a series of PLA2R1 deletion mut
29              Presence and levels of systemic immunoreactivity against A. actinomycetemcomitans Ltx ar
30   In this study, we show the distribution of immunoreactivity against CART peptides (CARTp-ir) in the
31                                  Presence of immunoreactivity against Ltx was associated with impaire
32 use in mice that correlated with a decreased immunoreactivity against oligomer-specific forms of aSyn
33 d with increased VCAM-1 and phospho-IkBalpha immunoreactivity along the endothelial lining of lesions
34       Statistically significant variation in immunoreactivity among the regions was seen in SNP-conta
35 pses in the lateral complex show AmTAR1-like immunoreactivity (AmTAR1-IR), suggesting a role of this
36 ousand [25th-75th IQR, 0.7-1.3 per thousand] immunoreactivity and 0.3 per thousand [25th-75th IQR, 0.
37             This study aimed to identify the immunoreactivity and allergenicity of stable bovine milk
38  correlation between the PAV content and the immunoreactivity and allowed to rank the relative specie
39 dministered women displayed reduced alphaSMA immunoreactivity and fewer PCNA (+) nuclei among alphaSM
40  growth plate, with decreased phospho-Erk1/2 immunoreactivity and impaired hypertrophic chondrocyte a
41 es showed an increase in phosphorylated PERK immunoreactivity and in the ratio of phosphorylated to t
42 use the accessory medulla displayed SIFamide immunoreactivity and injections of SIFamide delayed loco
43 eurons was sufficient to rescue loss of TPH2 immunoreactivity and largely preserve serotonin innervat
44 nduces a time-dependent increase in IL-1beta immunoreactivity and mRNA expression within the dentate
45 1 receptors, in anesthetized preparation; 2) immunoreactivity and mRNA of TRPV1 receptors of laryngea
46 erotonin-neurons markedly decrease serotonin-immunoreactivity and offspring production, strongly supp
47 was associated with a reduction in brain tau immunoreactivity and phosphorylation.
48  the delta-frequency range decreases the APP-immunoreactivity and preserves cognitive abilities after
49                                              Immunoreactivity and tracer kinetics were evaluated by u
50 pyramidal and stellate, based on morphology, immunoreactivity, and functional properties.
51 tated profile), exhibited high levels of p53 immunoreactivity, and harboured a TP53 mutation, deletio
52 negative affective-like behavior, DYN A-like immunoreactivity, and KOR signaling in the amygdala comp
53             Expression of AQP4 protein, AQP4 immunoreactivity, and perivascular AQP4 localization in
54 nd Il1beta, increased intracellular TNFalpha immunoreactivity, and reduced expression levels of macro
55    Cellular studies determined the affinity, immunoreactivity, and specificity of [(89)Zr]Zr-DFO-dara
56 on of the RPE, as identified by cytochrome C immunoreactivity, and that the hyporeflective band betwe
57 terns of calbindin-like and substance P-like immunoreactivity, and the organization of afferents from
58 evealed by changes in expression of Fos-like immunoreactivity; and (3) regulation of spinal reflex ci
59 isomatic inhibition indicated by parvalbumin immunoreactivity appears to be largely resilient to the
60  spines, and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity are sexually dimorphic or affected by g
61  of hydrolysis (DH) and percent reduction in immunoreactivity as response variables.
62 vely and quantitatively c-Fos and Arc/Arg3.1 immunoreactivity at 15 and 90 days after cochlea removal
63 ayer culture, showed markedly increased Cx43 immunoreactivity at areas of invasion in orthotopic xeno
64               Fluoxetine increases serotonin-immunoreactivity at low food conditions to similar maxim
65 osa patients display an increase in Brevican immunoreactivity at sites of MG aggregation, linking the
66 and P2 was found to have reduced collagen IV immunoreactivity at the muscle basement membrane.
67 e presence of phosphorylated alpha-synuclein immunoreactivity at the synapse and their relationship w
68 ainst InvD1L revealed two different types of immunoreactivities: basally located axon terminals that
69 m increased proliferation, as judged by Ki67-immunoreactivity, but did not alter the number of double
70 , but FACS revealed significantly reduced TH immunoreactivity compared to the control parent line.
71      Non-human-derived PAbs can have serious immunoreactivity complications, and when "humanized," th
72                  Quantitative PCR and Nav1.8-immunoreactivity confirmed Nav1.8 expression in the amyg
73 ions during infection as well as broad cross-immunoreactivity (CR) among variants are inconsistent wi
74 bumin (PAV) contents and their corresponding immunoreactivity (detectability) in southern hemisphere
75                 At the cellular level, GLT-1 immunoreactivity did not entirely cover astrocyte somata
76 ecruitment of PVINs (measured by their c-Fos immunoreactivity) during fear.
77  altered by reproductive status, with RFRP-3 immunoreactivity enhanced in the paraventricular nucleus
78                                Thus, insulin immunoreactivity extends beyond the pancreatic lymph nod
79 central nucleus of the amygdala [CeA]) PACAP immunoreactivity, extracellular signal-regulated kinase
80     Instead, we found only FMRFamide- and HA immunoreactivity (FMRFamide: 4 optic ganglion cells, 4-5
81 tic densities associated with high levels of immunoreactivity for activated forms of the BDNF recepto
82 ssociated epiretinal proliferation, positive immunoreactivity for anti-glial fibrillary acidic protei
83 dely considered cholinergic because of their immunoreactivity for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), c
84 GAT.Nerve ligation was followed by increased immunoreactivity for D1 in synaptic compartment (P3) in
85                              At 6 m post-PH, immunoreactivity for GAP-43 was not detectable.
86      Putative pacemaker cells, identified by immunoreactivity for hyperpolarization activated, cyclic
87 ative pacemaker cells near the plexus showed immunoreactivity for hyperpolarization-activated cyclic
88                         SNL led to increased immunoreactivity for met-enkephalin in dorsal horn homog
89  ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule 1+ immunoreactivity for microglia, suggesting chronic infla
90  cases of archived human OSCC tissues showed immunoreactivity for MMP-20 in 18 (86%) and coexpression
91                                              Immunoreactivity for Na/K-ATPase revealed basal infoldin
92                                              Immunoreactivity for native AVP04-07 was similar to that
93 elop from a Math1/Atoh1 lineage, and exhibit immunoreactivity for NeuN.
94 ributions that correlated closely with their immunoreactivity for nitric oxide synthase and choline a
95                                              Immunoreactivity for PGP9.5 was positive in all groups.
96 l system in the inner plexiform layer and in immunoreactivity for recoverin and/or CD15.
97 nsity of axon initial segments detectable by immunoreactivity for the alpha2 subunit of the GABAA rec
98   Immunohistochemical analyses revealed that immunoreactivity for the GABAAR gamma (gamma) 2 and alph
99  showed a very low to almost absent level of immunoreactivity for the transporter.
100      We identified thalamic boutons by their immunoreactivity for the vesicular glutamate transporter
101 s form unimodal distributions based on their immunoreactivity for these subunits.
102                                              Immunoreactivity for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide,
103 , where a higher number of fibers containing immunoreactivity for VIP, CGRP, SP, or nNOS were found.
104           Both time points showed widespread immunoreactivity for ZIKV and cleaved caspase 3 (CC3, a
105 logic features, nuclear and cytoplasmic BAP1 immunoreactivity grade, and patient outcome, including d
106                                         5-HT immunoreactivity had nearly complete overlap with PNs an
107                                    Serotonin immunoreactivity has been investigated in numerous tetra
108 ssessed the co-localization of GFAP and AQP4 immunoreactivities in post-mortem brains from adult babo
109 owed that CDP-choline increased COX-1 and -2 immunoreactivities in the posterior hypothalamic area.
110                                     The GABA immunoreactivity in a sister group to the nudibranchs, P
111 ociated with terminal boutons expressing GAD-immunoreactivity in addition.
112                   We observed loss of NDUFB8 immunoreactivity in all patients with mutations affectin
113 ies display strikingly different patterns of immunoreactivity in Alzheimer disease and transgenic mou
114                           We assessed KIR4.1 immunoreactivity in archival brain samples from 15 patie
115 A history showed an increase in prodynorphin immunoreactivity in both the nucleus accumbens (NAc) cor
116  however, the fluorescence intensities of PV immunoreactivity in cell bodies and of WFA labeling and
117 ens in our screening, 59 of which had higher immunoreactivity in convalescent compared with acute-sta
118 r finding was a loss of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in gut neurons with aggregated aSyn, co
119    Interestingly, we also observed dim ORF1p immunoreactivity in histologically NE of all patients.
120 I fluoxetine selectively increases serotonin-immunoreactivity in identified brain neurons under limit
121 cell bodies and of WFA labeling and aggrecan immunoreactivity in individual PNNs around PV cells were
122 n postmortem brains, we found that ubiquitin immunoreactivity in Lewy bodies is largely due to K63-li
123 -467, Asn-473, and Asn-494) was required for immunoreactivity in one patient.
124 ved PrP(CWD) seeding activity and follicular immunoreactivity in oropharyngeal lymphoid tissues at 1
125  lamprey brainstem (Muller cells) showed ASP immunoreactivity in perikarya and processes, in contrast
126 resilience to social defeat stress and c-fos immunoreactivity in the BLA.
127          We studied the distribution of CART-immunoreactivity in the brain of zebra finch, Taeniopygi
128                   We found a decline in Map2 immunoreactivity in the CA1 area that reached minimal le
129 itory postsynaptic current and reduced c-Fos immunoreactivity in the CeA of IP3K-A KO mice suggest th
130 RF-amide, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) immunoreactivity in the central nervous system (CNS), ey
131                                   The alpha3-immunoreactivity in the cerebellar cortex was relatively
132      We also noted minor differences in GABA immunoreactivity in the CNS compared to previous work on
133     We found a significant increase of TREM2 immunoreactivity in the cortex in response to HFD, most
134 olecule 1 (Iba1) and phosphorylated p38 MAPK immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn and Iba1 and cluster
135                    We observed greater c-Fos immunoreactivity in the dorsolateral striatum (DLS) and
136 radication restores p53, cyclin D1, and ki67 immunoreactivity in the gastric mucosa to the level of c
137  APP/PS1 mice had significantly greater CART immunoreactivity in the hippocampus and cortex.
138                                        Hsp60 immunoreactivity in the hippocampus, measured by Western
139 was associated with decreased phospho-ERK1/2 immunoreactivity in the hypertrophic chondrocyte layer a
140                        However, VEGF (Vegfa) immunoreactivity in the hypertrophic chondrocytes of c-R
141 Fasting dramatically increased cFos- and NPY-immunoreactivity in the IN, followed by rapid reduction
142 d a significant reduction (P < 0.001) in NPY-immunoreactivity in the IN.
143 e observed mannose-binding lectin-C-positive immunoreactivity in the injured cortex beginning 30 minu
144 n binding proteins, reduced 5-methylcytosine immunoreactivity in the molecular and Purkinje cell laye
145 ce, increased early growth response factor 1 immunoreactivity in the nucleus accumbens core and anter
146                                              Immunoreactivity in the nucleus and cytoplasm were grade
147 ed microglia cell numbers and decreased 5-HT immunoreactivity in the nucleus of the solitary tract (n
148 revealed high levels of microvascular nestin immunoreactivity in the same region.
149    Immunohistochemistry assays showed VGluT2 immunoreactivity in the TeO codistributing with anterogr
150 h microglia/macrophage infiltration and CD68 immunoreactivity in the tumor mass; (3) decreases astrog
151 und maximal Fos (a neuronal activity marker) immunoreactivity in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex
152                        Due to the lack of TH immunoreactivity in this region, the hypothalamic CSF-c
153 thetic neurons and vesicular ACh transporter immunoreactivity in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cardia
154       We demonstrated extensive positive RD3 immunoreactivity in various normal tissues and particula
155 2%) with areas of both positive and negative immunoreactivity, in only four of which a potentially fu
156    At later stages, more neurons showed ZIKV immunoreactivity, in part potentially due to ZIKV releas
157                                          TNC immunoreactivity increased 10.8-fold following B1, was a
158                                The resulting immunoreactivity index (IR) if greater than 1 implies in
159                             Furthermore, DCX immunoreactivity indicated participation of the cortical
160 rescent cells expressed syntaxin 1A and GABA-immunoreactivity indicating they were amacrine cells.
161 labeled varicosities displayed synaptophysin immunoreactivity, indicating septal inputs form synapses
162 and their spinal cords were examined for the immunoreactivities (ir) of the IGF-I, IGF binding protei
163                                Unexpectedly, immunoreactivity (ir) for the VT4R was found not only in
164 dies have revealed that the typically robust immunoreactivity (IR) of MAP2 is significantly reduced a
165                   By light microscopy, GPER1-immunoreactivity (IR) was most noticeable in the pyramid
166 d by BAT SNS stimulation, indicated by c-Fos immunoreactivity (IR), we prelabeled IBAT DRG innervatin
167 ohistochemistry, we found that 90% of ERbeta-immunoreactivity (-ir) colocalized with EGFP.
168        Strong evidence shows that in AD, p62 immunoreactivity is associated with neurofibrillary tang
169 ine granular proteinase K digestion (PrPres) immunoreactivity is found in the entorhinal cortex but n
170                                        RBPMS immunoreactivity is localized to cyan fluorescent protei
171 nobutyric acid (GABA) membrane transporter 1 immunoreactivity is lower, whereas the density of axon i
172  antibody, we demonstrate that RGS14 protein immunoreactivity is undetectable at birth (P0), with ver
173                                       Piezo2 immunoreactivity localized specifically within EC cells
174 the optic cup from which RPE arises, and Yap immunoreactivity localizes to the nuclei of prospective
175                                          M2R immunoreactivity (M2R-ir) was absent from the perikarya
176                  Using the AlphaScreen-based immunoreactivity measurements, antibody reactivity again
177 ts, colocalization of SIFamide and histamine immunoreactivity occurred not in group 1, but in group 4
178 tivated, as in cases with dysplasia, but the immunoreactivities of nucleoporin p62, DEP-domain contai
179 the shape, distribution, and synapse-related immunoreactivity of adult rat TH cells.
180 I-MORAb-004 and (124)I-MORAb-004 both had an immunoreactivity of approximately 90%.
181        In NB tissues from TH-MYCN mice, high immunoreactivity of both NPY and Y5R marked angioinvasiv
182                                              Immunoreactivity of bovine milk proteins, beta-lactoglob
183 J mice, analysing mRNA expression levels and immunoreactivity of GlyR subunits, as well as ethanol se
184  there is a marked species difference in the immunoreactivity of Kv3.1b in pyramidal neurons, and thi
185 ion of W50R into residues 44-65 restored the immunoreactivity of mAbs whose epitope being within resi
186 stable after 24 hours in human serum, had an immunoreactivity of more than 70%, and allowed different
187 aptic proteins, (3) soluble Abeta levels and immunoreactivity of mutant APP and Abeta levels and (4)
188                Consistent with this finding, immunoreactivity of NEP was increased in the hippocampus
189  STZ-induced diabetes-associated increase of immunoreactivity of neuropeptide Y, tyrosine hydroxylase
190                              We assessed the immunoreactivity of onchocerciasis patient sera (n = 152
191 immunofluorescence staining, we demonstrated immunoreactivity of pannexin 1 and 2 in odontoblasts and
192                                              Immunoreactivity of paraffin sections for CRX (cone-rod
193 say (ELISA) was formatted to assess relative immunoreactivity of PAV.
194 tractability from and immunoglobulin E (IgE) immunoreactivity of peanut, almond, hazelnut, and pistac
195 ound that basal protein synthesis levels and immunoreactivity of phosphorylated S6 ribosomal protein
196              Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) immunoreactivity of plasma collected immediately before
197  to analyze the correlation between the BAP1 immunoreactivity of primary uveal melanoma and other cli
198 ced glycation was investigated to reduce the immunoreactivity of soy protein.
199                                          The immunoreactivity of the anti-PSMA antibody was preserved
200                          Preservation of the immunoreactivity of the antibody on site-specific conjug
201 tantly, after successful HP eradication, the immunoreactivity of the studied parameters was similar t
202 MSP and DBLMSP2 to IgM inhibited the overall immunoreactivity of these proteins to IgG from patients
203 immunohistochemical analysis, which included immunoreactivity of vascular endothelial growth factor (
204 C for 5, 10, or 20min) on the solubility and immunoreactivity of walnut proteins.
205          There was a linear increase in pERK immunoreactivity on both sides with an increase in tempe
206  sex differences in either the pattern of AR immunoreactivity or of the afferent projections to the A
207                                           TH immunoreactivity overlapped with PNs, LNs, and ORNs, sug
208 ousand [25th-75th IQR, 0.1-0.5 per thousand] immunoreactivity, P < .001), ASM-associated nerves (452.
209 a pruritogen-like but not algogen-like c-Fos immunoreactivity pattern in the cervical spinal cord.
210                In this study, we compare the immunoreactivity patterns of 14 neuropeptides in three c
211 cerevisiae, Lactobacillus helveticus) on the immunoreactivity, physicochemical and sensory properties
212                 In lung nodules, cathepsin K immunoreactivity predominantly co-localized with LAM-ass
213                              The present MMP immunoreactivity profiles in the mouse retina and valida
214 etina via immunohistochemical stainings, and immunoreactivity profiles were compared to existing lite
215 nerve volumes, glial fibrillary acid protein immunoreactivity, proliferation and retinal ganglion cel
216 tions had 7.8% DH and a percent reduction in immunoreactivity ranging from 20% to 52%, depending on t
217 pite this nucleus having remarkably low KCC2 immunoreactivity relative to other regions of the adult
218 n contrast to the absence or faint glutamate immunoreactivity reported in these perikarya.
219  show cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 (COX-1 and -2) immunoreactivities, respectively, in the posterior hypot
220 were used to determine protein stability and immunoreactivity, respectively.
221                             Analysis of SynI immunoreactivity showed that exposure to microglial MVs
222 and comprehensive analysis of peptide-MHC II immunoreactivity showed the population possessed lower a
223                               Similarly, p53 immunoreactivity significantly decreased in the corpus (
224 or 28 d had preserved SMI31(+) neurofilament immunoreactivity, significantly fewer SMI32(+) axonal sw
225 nic stress decreases glucocorticoid receptor immunoreactivity specifically in a subset of inhibitory
226                              K(v)7.2 and 7.3 immunoreactivity steeply increased within the distal two
227 re associated with a significant decrease in immunoreactivity, suggesting that pulsed light could be
228 limus exhibit a predominant decrease in AMD1 immunoreactivity that is associated with a decrease in p
229  non EAE spinal cords did not show the IGF-I immunoreactivity, they were numerously positive for the
230 atecholaminergic neurons which express c-Fos immunoreactivity throughout the rostrocaudal extent of t
231 ent study is to examine presence of systemic immunoreactivity to A. actionmycetemcomitans Ltx with re
232 er removed, then fresh-fixed and stained for immunoreactivity to calcitonin-gene-related-peptide (CGR
233                                        Using immunoreactivity to cFos, we documented neuronal activat
234 ion of the EhV major capsid protein gene and immunoreactivity to flotillin antisera served as respect
235 lammatory biomarkers, ex vivo blood tests on immunoreactivity to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation
236                                              Immunoreactivity to Ltx is a marker for presence of leuk
237            Our data show that differences in immunoreactivity to variant antigenic peptides may be us
238                   Approximately 50% of serum immunoreactivities toward ZnT8 were mapped to its transm
239 e functionalized with TCO tags, and in vitro immunoreactivity toward bovine submaxillary mucin and te
240 le in mouse and human sera and preserved the immunoreactivity toward CD30.
241 n the SON and the translocation of alphaENaC immunoreactivity towards the plasma membrane.
242 estern blots and ELISA were used to evaluate immunoreactivity using human sera.
243 alnuts maintained substantial amounts of IgG immunoreactivity (using anti-raw and anti-roasted walnut
244  metastasis, and relapse, whereas strong Y5R immunoreactivity was a marker of angioinvasive tumor cel
245                                        TDP-O immunoreactivity was absent in the hippocampus of HS pat
246                      The distribution of 3D5 immunoreactivity was also compared with that of choline
247                      Moreover, tyramine-like immunoreactivity was also found in brain regions without
248                                         This immunoreactivity was also significantly associated with
249 of human mammary carcinoma showed that WNT7B immunoreactivity was associated with both tumor cells an
250 led that the highest intensity of fibrinogen immunoreactivity was at 14 days.
251 ack of Api m 10, whereas Api m 1 and Api m 3 immunoreactivity was comparable to that of crude HBV.
252                     In neuronal somas, KCC2b immunoreactivity was concentrated at the plasma membrane
253                Furthermore, parvalbumin (PV) immunoreactivity was decreased in the OFC of ketamine-tr
254                                         eGFP immunoreactivity was detected in several areas, includin
255                                 Neuropeptide immunoreactivity was detected in the brain, the ventral
256         Within most plaques, strong gephyrin immunoreactivity was detected, partially colocalizing wi
257                In the absence of serum, FGF2 immunoreactivity was distributed diffusely in cytoplasmi
258                                              Immunoreactivity was evaluated by means of immunoblot or
259 f polySia, both in vitro and in vivo polySia immunoreactivity was found throughout the adult rat NTS.
260    In cultured rat spinal cord neurons, SdpI immunoreactivity was found to partially colocalize with
261                              Upon glycation, immunoreactivity was further reduced only when using ser
262                                Although NK1R immunoreactivity was increased, tachykinin-1 receptor (T
263 ed the enhanced excitability, and (v) Cav1.2-immunoreactivity was increased.
264                             alpha(2)delta(3) immunoreactivity was localized to multiple cell types, i
265 A-treated rats, neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1R) immunoreactivity was localized to neurons in the RVM.
266                                        KCC2a immunoreactivity was low or absent in most parts of the
267 , (ss)FL-5B1, and (ss)dual-5B1) in which the immunoreactivity was not affected by the conjugation of
268                                  The protein immunoreactivity was observed in 12 tumor samples.
269              In human TB granulomas, MT1-MMP immunoreactivity was observed in macrophages throughout
270                        Intense Slick channel immunoreactivity was observed in processes, varicosities
271                                    Galphat-S immunoreactivity was observed in some neuronal populatio
272 ilar pattern of Abeta plaque-associated CART immunoreactivity was observed in the cortex of AD cases.
273                             Amyloid-beta1-42 immunoreactivity was observed in the entire cholinergic
274 Significantly lower (P = 0.025) nuclear BAP1 immunoreactivity was observed in the metastatic melanoma
275                                     Enhanced immunoreactivity was observed on the neurovascular struc
276                              No pathological immunoreactivity was observed outside the FCD-II or in c
277                                       TDP-43 immunoreactivity was performed in multiple brain regions
278                          Nav 1.1 and Nav 1.2 immunoreactivity was preferentially localized to CH axon
279  HVR, mortality, and changes in nTS and DMNV immunoreactivity was prevented by minocycline (25 mg kg(
280                          In addition, TM6SF2 immunoreactivity was reduced in subjects carrying at lea
281 higher order integration centers, whereas AT immunoreactivity was restricted to the central complex,
282                             Higher NF plasma immunoreactivity was seen in advanced ALS cases (stage I
283 ral hilus (CH) of the dentate gyrus, Nav 1.1 immunoreactivity was selectively expressed in presynapti
284 ctions, protein electrophoretic mobility and immunoreactivity) was investigated.
285                                       For HA immunoreactivity, we documented both consistently and va
286 e-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling, and Ki-67 immunoreactivity were evaluated.
287                    No differences in Nav 1.6 immunoreactivity were found between axon terminals of CH
288 ide 1 (GLP-1), peptide YY (PYY), and ghrelin immunoreactivity were measured.
289 l insulin content and insulin:chromogranin A immunoreactivity were reduced by approximately 60%, and
290 ke and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-like immunoreactivity were used as markers for GABAergic and
291 large pallidal neurons labeled by calretinin immunoreactivity, which could be co-localized to the sam
292                                         pERK immunoreactivity, which is not detectable in the normal
293                Partial co-localization of JN immunoreactivity with F-actin (labeled with phalloidin)
294  of two neoantigens that demonstrated strong immunoreactivity with patient T cells in vitro, suggesti
295 revealed tissue vacuolation and loss of AQP4 immunoreactivity with preserved axons.
296 ities, (2) tight integration and low chronic immunoreactivity with several distinct regions of the br
297 aled the most abundant reduction in terms of immunoreactivity within soluble protein fractions, up to
298 copic analysis of (1) the distribution of PV immunoreactivity within the neuropil, (2) the properties
299        Finally, suvorexant did not alter Fos-immunoreactivity within tyrosine hydroxylase-immunolabel
300 d their content of GM2 ganglioside and Abeta-immunoreactivity without detectably altering amyloid pre

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