


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  direct parasite killing agent and as a host immunostimulant.
2 tein combined either with AS02B or with AS15 immunostimulant.
3 onvergent construction of the potent saponin immunostimulant.
4 sing heterodimers of two covalently attached immunostimulants.
5 wards the M1 or M2 states upon activation by immunostimulants.
6  blood, suggesting that this fluid contained immunostimulants.
7  cells and further induced by treatment with immunostimulants.
8 recombinant MAGE-A3 protein combined with an immunostimulant (13 doses over 27 months) in completely
9                                         Many immunostimulants act as vaccine adjuvants via activation
10 ate-limiting for high output NO synthesis by immunostimulant-activated cells and represents a potenti
11 shown to possess antioxidant, antitumor, and immunostimulant activities.
12                             In this way, the immunostimulant activity of monophosphoryl lipid A can s
13                                      General immunostimulants (adjuvants) are essential for generatin
14 osensor system to discover novel DC-targeted immunostimulants and unveil previously unrecognized (and
15  P = .06) and was less strong with the other immunostimulant AS02B (HR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.36 to 1.97; P
16           This effect was strongest when the immunostimulant AS15 was included in the immunotherapy (
17 recombinant MAGE-A3 antigen combined with an immunostimulant (AS15 or AS02B).
18             Combining tumor antigens with an immunostimulant can induce the immune system to specific
19 mized phase II trial evaluated two different immunostimulants combined with the MAGE-A3 protein to in
20 lacement of FP with recombinant GM-CSF as an immunostimulant completely abrogated the selection of RC
21 hat ambient exposures to endotoxin and other immunostimulants during early life influence allergic ri
22 dicinally important glycoprotein, used as an immunostimulant following bone-marrow transplant.
23 tudy confirms that zymosan can be used as an immunostimulant for microneedle vaccination.
24 investigated whether IL-10 could serve as an immunostimulant for specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T cell (CT
25 ation of dendritic cells via heterodimers of immunostimulants formed at a discrete molecular distance
26 carrier/adjuvant in vaccines and nonspecific immunostimulant in cancer.
27                                 These potent immunostimulants, including defensins, cathelicidin, eos
28   Moreover, functional GFRP is expressed and immunostimulant-induced BH4 accumulates in sufficient qu
29  the study of inflammation using traditional immunostimulants is complicated by paracrine and autocri
30 cated in Alzheimer's disease, and the potent immunostimulant KRN7000.
31 amuscular injections of recMAGE-A3 with AS15 immunostimulant (MAGE-A3 immunotherapeutic) or placebo d
32 lated with an oil-in-water emulsion plus the immunostimulants monophosphoryl lipid A and the saponin
33                              BCG is a potent immunostimulant, normally producing a Th1 cytokine respo
34 cy ablation (RFA) with local injection of an immunostimulant, OK-432, resulted in improved survival w
35 unization with Ag in adjuvant, expression of immunostimulants on target tissues, or coexpression of T
36 ion triggered in midpregnancy in mice by the immunostimulant polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid
37 ver a wide range of concentrations, and show immunostimulant properties in human cells, promoting the
38                         We hypothesized that immunostimulants released in vivo from C. albicans durin
39                                              Immunostimulants represent an emerging class of drugs fo
40 opolysaccharide (LPS; endotoxin) is a potent immunostimulant that can induce an acute inflammatory re
41 ltimately may have clinical utility as novel immunostimulants that could bolster the barrier defenses
42 s, such as mercury, are potent environmental immunostimulants that produce a number of immunopatholog
43                                              Immunostimulants trigger vascular smooth muscle cells (V
44                          Therefore, the AS15 immunostimulant was selected for combination with the MA
45 ults suggest that GM-CSF-G250 FP is a potent immunostimulant with the capacity for activating immunom

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