


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tability, rapid body clearance, and unwanted immunostimulation.
2 loss by inducing gingival damage followed by immunostimulation.
3 apies that suppress the immune system toward immunostimulation.
4 fied as necessary and sufficient to suppress immunostimulation.
5  of yeast tRNA(Phe) also resulted in blocked immunostimulation.
6 tional modifications as a factor suppressing immunostimulation.
7 roflora elicited age- and cell type-specific immunostimulation.
8 ry effect of these supernatants on normal DC immunostimulation.
9 oss through the induction of host damage and immunostimulation.
10 us to prepare "designer" CRCL, utilizing the immunostimulation activity and the carrying capacity of
11 l responses that are strongly potentiated by immunostimulation (agonist anti-OX40).
12 unosuppressive tumor microenvironment toward immunostimulation and improves drug delivery and therape
13 mune cell factor release can be modulated by immunostimulation and steroid suppression.
14 ts suggest that IMOs induce strong and rapid immunostimulation and that the CpR dinucleotide is recog
15 -inflammatory cytokine responses to systemic immunostimulation and underscore the importance of perfo
16 pid clearance by reticuloendothelial organs, immunostimulation, and coagulopathies, limit their appli
17 nstead of inhibiting it (a phenomenon called immunostimulation), as opposed to active vaccination pro
18 seful means of elucidating the mechanisms of immunostimulation by bacterial DNA and CpG ODN as well a
19               To elucidate the mechanisms of immunostimulation by bacterial DNA and synthetic oligonu
20 uency of CG dinucleotides in the genome, and immunostimulation by DNA occurred in the order E. coli >
21              The enhanced T cell and NK cell immunostimulation by GM-CSF DC was in part dependent on
22                                              Immunostimulation by i.d. LT(G33D) is explained by its a
23 ess sufficient to cause marked inhibition of immunostimulation by normal uninfected moDCs.
24 ed relative to its murine "parent" to permit immunostimulation by repetitive i.v. administration.
25 induction complicates gene function studies, immunostimulation by siRNAs may be beneficial in certain
26 s blocked by bafilomycin A1, indicating that immunostimulation by U1 RNA requires endosomal acidifica
27                                The degree of immunostimulation greatly depended on the size, shape an
28  low IL-6 levels), while other mice die with immunostimulation (high IL-6 levels and bacterial growth
29 ayed in whole-blood spots as an indicator of immunostimulation; (ii) skinfold thickness, to estimate
30  actions, including hematologic recovery and immunostimulation in the face of chemosuppression.
31                                        IL-12 immunostimulation induces a strong immunosuppressive rea
32 er CpG oligonucleotides (ODNs) for sustained immunostimulation is reported.
33 he course of our work that aims at promoting immunostimulation of APCs by inhibition of negative regu
34 s the need for more research focusing on the immunostimulation of different early developmental stage
35                                              Immunostimulation of J774.2 macrophages with endotoxin r
36                                Thus, in vivo immunostimulation of NK cells, a promising therapeutic a
37 e bioterrorism agents that cause diseases by immunostimulation or cytotoxicity.
38 anism for determining whether IL-10 leads to immunostimulation or immunosuppression in vivo.
39                           We show that local immunostimulation performed by injecting cytokines and T
40                             Studies indicate immunostimulation represents a viable therapy for patien
41                                 Experimental immunostimulation using the PHA (phytohaemagglutinin ass
42                      This demonstration that immunostimulation via CD40 can replace CD4 T cell help i
43                                              Immunostimulation was documented at both local and syste
44 ese observations suggest that intrapulmonary immunostimulation with TNF can reverse sepsis-induced im
45  to explore the possible antiviral effect of immunostimulation with ZOL in this context.

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