


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rochimerism may impart an allogeneic edge in immunosurveillance.
2  and the activation of host-dependent cancer immunosurveillance.
3 ng tumor cells with an escape mechanism from immunosurveillance.
4 nting tumor neovascularization and restoring immunosurveillance.
5 astatic lesions and potential sites of tumor immunosurveillance.
6 vating receptor crucially involved in cancer immunosurveillance.
7 owth of some cancers, a process termed tumor immunosurveillance.
8 anifest have managed to subvert or hide from immunosurveillance.
9 re critical for priming efficient anti-tumor immunosurveillance.
10 d probably contributed independently to GIST immunosurveillance.
11 afficking in peripheral nerves during normal immunosurveillance.
12 stent human pathogen in the face of constant immunosurveillance.
13 e broad significance of T(eff) for effective immunosurveillance.
14 llular immune response, thereby facilitating immunosurveillance.
15 maximize the sensitivity and speed of T-cell immunosurveillance.
16 ve while exerting local noncytolytic hepatic immunosurveillance.
17 helial apoptosis that would normally support immunosurveillance.
18 ereby implicating this NKG2D ligand in tumor immunosurveillance.
19 iting lead to a progressive escape from host immunosurveillance.
20 duce even more profound failure in long-term immunosurveillance.
21 nvironmental and systemic processes, such as immunosurveillance.
22 ystemic immune suppression and inhibits host immunosurveillance.
23 to the tumor microenvironment, and providing immunosurveillance.
24 , the cell type thought to provide cutaneous immunosurveillance.
25 c development and growth in a process termed immunosurveillance.
26 osed to promote HRS survival and escape from immunosurveillance.
27 ays robustly contribute to MHC class I-based immunosurveillance.
28 ether such T cells could contribute to tumor immunosurveillance.
29 kine receptors to metastasize and circumvent immunosurveillance.
30  to contribute to tumor development-blocking immunosurveillance.
31  to date for the biological relevance of ARF immunosurveillance.
32 crucial regulators of autoimmunity and tumor immunosurveillance.
33 controlling PI-9 levels and thereby blocking immunosurveillance.
34  with worse outcome, possibly from decreased immunosurveillance.
35 ingly rare, suggesting a failure of cellular immunosurveillance.
36  ligand 1 (PD-L1) to subvert T-cell-mediated immunosurveillance.
37  cells into cerebrospinal fluid supports CNS immunosurveillance.
38  and A to serve a similar function in cancer immunosurveillance.
39  migration, cell survival, angiogenesis, and immunosurveillance.
40 +CD25+ T cells did not induce enhancement of immunosurveillance.
41 nd hence escape natural and therapy-elicited immunosurveillance.
42 by but not predominantly caused by a lack of immunosurveillance.
43 important early source of IFN-gamma in tumor immunosurveillance.
44 m, is necessary for down-regulation of tumor immunosurveillance.
45  for viruses and may also occur during tumor immunosurveillance.
46                 IL-13 can also inhibit tumor immunosurveillance.
47 -like molecules in the context of intestinal immunosurveillance.
48 onses, bone marrow transplantation and tumor immunosurveillance.
49 enables infected cells to evade T lymphocyte immunosurveillance.
50  presenting foreign peptide-a process termed immunosurveillance.
51 ased Ag presentation and escape T lymphocyte immunosurveillance.
52 ociated with mechanisms of tumor escape from immunosurveillance.
53 ion of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated tumor immunosurveillance.
54 , are necessary for down-regulation of tumor immunosurveillance.
55 s-talk between IgE and T cell-mediated tumor immunosurveillance.
56  T lymphocytes and are key targets of cancer immunosurveillance.
57  NK cells and plays a critical role in tumor immunosurveillance.
58 ses in other tissues, possibly via defective immunosurveillance.
59 o coinfection and potentially reducing tumor immunosurveillance.
60 don-based translation initiation in pathogen immunosurveillance.
61 sed by the immune system in a process termed immunosurveillance.
62 ntrol of oncogenic viruses and reduced tumor immunosurveillance.
63 n the glial cells of the CNS and escape from immunosurveillance.
64 uggesting that it is a poor target for early immunosurveillance.
65 cells and eliminate them in a process termed immunosurveillance.
66  another defensive strategy for human cancer immunosurveillance.
67 OR is also critical in T cells implicated in immunosurveillance.
68 autophagy is required for optimal anticancer immunosurveillance.
69 elping protect the infected tumor cells from immunosurveillance.
70 elf-tolerance, immune suppression, and tumor immunosurveillance.
71 serum IgMs interplay with ficolins in cancer immunosurveillance.
72 on that may serve as a means for cancer cell immunosurveillance.
73  cells contribute to antitumor and antiviral immunosurveillance.
74 using chronic immune stimulation or impaired immunosurveillance.
75 nhibitory receptor Siglec-9, thereby evading immunosurveillance.
76 ducts are microbial signatures for MAIT-cell immunosurveillance.
77 umor cell growth and thus counteracts cancer immunosurveillance.
78  cells harnesses their natural role in tumor immunosurveillance.
79 SC toward immune cells, thereby compromising immunosurveillance against cancer.
80 gammadelta T cells provide protective innate immunosurveillance against certain malignancies, particu
81 , suggesting that primary responsibility for immunosurveillance against CMV reactivation rests with a
82  Compelling evidence for naturally occurring immunosurveillance against malignancies informs and just
83 potential to be used clinically to reinstate immunosurveillance against MHC class I-deficient tumors.
84  that mDF2beta may play an important role in immunosurveillance against pathogens and, possibly, self
85                 CD8(+) T lymphocytes mediate immunosurveillance against persistent virus infections a
86 e STAT6 gene (STAT6(-/-) mice) have enhanced immunosurveillance against primary and metastatic tumors
87 adelta T cells can indeed provide protective immunosurveillance against spontaneously arising mouse p
88         NK cells play important roles during immunosurveillance against tumors and viruses as they tr
89 nd NK cells and, hence, may be essential for immunosurveillance against tumors and/or viruses that ev
90 ave seen a reemergence of interest in cancer immunosurveillance and a broadening of this concept into
91 id tissues and sites of infection, providing immunosurveillance and a first line of defense against i
92 that phenotypically divergent DCs drive both immunosurveillance and accelerated malignant growth.
93 owever, clearly show the existence of cancer immunosurveillance and also indicate that it may functio
94  of IFN-gamma that promotes successful tumor immunosurveillance and antimicrobial immunity.
95 l, noninflamed skin that most likely conduct immunosurveillance and are implicated in the development
96 cells resident in normal skin likely conduct immunosurveillance and are implicated in the development
97         Human TRAIL-R1 and R2 play a role in immunosurveillance and are targets for cancer therapy, b
98 ors, as well as extracellular roles in tumor immunosurveillance and autoimmunity.
99 with mutations that reduce HLA class I avoid immunosurveillance and continue to proliferate.
100 tumor sites during therapy, and aid in tumor immunosurveillance and destruction.
101 mportant to understand the interplay between immunosurveillance and disease transformation, but also
102 e mechanisms underlying NKG2D-mediated tumor immunosurveillance and escape.
103 inflammatory lesions and have been linked to immunosurveillance and graft rejection.
104 and the lymphoid compartment is critical for immunosurveillance and host defense.
105 neck cancer, including the concept of cancer immunosurveillance and immune escape.
106    The protective role of NKT cells in tumor immunosurveillance and immunity has been well documented
107 understanding of the immunobiology of cancer immunosurveillance and immunoediting will hopefully stim
108 derstanding the mechanisms leading to cancer immunosurveillance and immunoediting.
109  mechanisms underlying the concepts of tumor immunosurveillance and immunoevasion has opened new oppo
110  induced by such cells unmasks natural tumor immunosurveillance and improves responses to cancer vacc
111 ique insight into the early phases of tissue immunosurveillance and indicate that acute changes in NK
112 vivo evidence that CD226 is important for MM immunosurveillance and indicate that specific immune com
113 ure suggests that malignant HRS cells escape immunosurveillance and interact with immune cells in the
114               Thus, PMo contribute to cancer immunosurveillance and may be targets for cancer immunot
115 cating that NK cells alone can conduct tumor immunosurveillance and mediate protection.
116                          A link between host immunosurveillance and neoplastic progression is reveale
117 e that this effect of FLT3-ITD might subvert immunosurveillance and promote leukemogenesis in a cell-
118 eas early initiation of HAART should improve immunosurveillance and reduce the incidence of LMP1-posi
119 ancers in mice, thereby improving anticancer immunosurveillance and reducing tumor mass.
120  tumor cells is important for efficient host immunosurveillance and response to apoptotic stimuli.
121 uggesting therapeutic approaches to reviving immunosurveillance and sensitivity to immunotherapies.
122 h the tumor and blood that leads to impaired immunosurveillance and suboptimal efficacy of immunother
123 une sensor, NOD2, limited CTX-induced cancer immunosurveillance and the bioactivity of these microbes
124 ng support for the physiologic role of tumor immunosurveillance and the increasing success of strateg
125 through the induction of MDSC, which inhibit immunosurveillance and thereby allow the unchecked persi
126     T cells play an important role in cancer immunosurveillance and tumor destruction.
127 hese studies establish that the processes of immunosurveillance and tumor editing coexist with a proc
128 aturation is an important correlate of tumor immunosurveillance and vaccine efficacy, we sought to de
129 d cells that play a major role in both tumor immunosurveillance and viral clearance via their effecto
130 nctional maturation to potentiate both tumor immunosurveillance and viral clearance.
131  considered important for cancer prevention, immunosurveillance, and control of cancer progression.
132 -associated carcinogenesis, models of cancer immunosurveillance, and immunotherapeutic strategies.
133 +) T cells play important functions in tumor immunosurveillance, and in certain cases they can direct
134 premetastatic lung environment, improve host immunosurveillance, and inhibit tumor metastasis.
135 on of tumorigenesis, protection by providing immunosurveillance, and participation in tissue repair.
136 are critical regulators of skin homeostasis, immunosurveillance, and the induction of T and B cell-me
137 r acquisition by tumors may cause failure of immunosurveillance, and their alteration in normal tissu
138 vant bacterial species are involved in tumor immunosurveillance, and their mechanism of action are un
139                     The role of pfp-mediated immunosurveillance appeared to be of even more dramatic
140            As IL-13 plays key roles in tumor immunosurveillance, asthma, and central nervous system i
141 , ILC1 contribute an essential role in viral immunosurveillance at sites of initial infection in resp
142 hat in order to understand the complexity of immunosurveillance at the cell-cell junction, quantitati
143 ne candidates with properties to exert local immunosurveillance at the mucosal surfaces.
144 ic areas have diminished EBV-specific T cell immunosurveillance between the ages of 5 and 9 years, wh
145 plexus epithelium which regulates lymphocyte immunosurveillance between the blood and cerebrospinal f
146 NK) cells have important functions in cancer immunosurveillance, BM allograft rejection, fighting inf
147 l that B7-H6 is not only implicated in tumor immunosurveillance but also participates in the inflamma
148 cting disseminating tumor cells from NK cell immunosurveillance, but the underlying mechanisms are no
149 -cell receptors perform an important role in immunosurveillance by binding to HLA-E complexes that ex
150 t that CD47 blockade directly enhances tumor immunosurveillance by CD8(+) T cells.
151 pose that most of these events affect cancer immunosurveillance by changing the balance between an ef
152 hology to evaluate the role of pfp-dependent immunosurveillance by comparing tumor progression in rat
153                                              Immunosurveillance by cytotoxic T cells requires that ce
154 tides from endogenous and viral proteins for immunosurveillance by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL).
155 t establish persistent infection, continuous immunosurveillance by effector-competent antiviral CD8(+
156 ed cytokines may therefore lead to defective immunosurveillance by memory T cells.
157 L40 polymorphisms may aid evasion of NK cell immunosurveillance by modulating the affinity of the int
158 igand ULBP2 from their cell surface to evade immunosurveillance by NK cells and CD8 T cells.
159 hts provide an access point to restore tumor immunosurveillance by NK cells and to increase the effic
160                                   Self-MHC-I immunosurveillance by NK cells in NKC(KD) mice can be re
161 ds to loss of MHC-I-dependent "missing-self" immunosurveillance by NK cells.
162                      We recently showed that immunosurveillance by pre-existing CD44(high)CD62L(low)
163 a suggest that established tumors may escape immunosurveillance by preventing clonal expansion of tum
164  DCs may provide insight into the evasion of immunosurveillance by SCC.
165         It is thought that tumor cells evade immunosurveillance by shedding membrane ligands that bin
166 oting inflammatory changes or variability in immunosurveillance by the adaptive immune system but res
167             Although cancer cells can escape immunosurveillance by tuning down autophagy, certain che
168  inducer Snail and the metastasis suppressor/immunosurveillance cancer gene product Raf-1 kinase inhi
169              During natural killer (NK) cell immunosurveillance, clustering and transfer of receptor
170                                      Careful immunosurveillance conducted as part of ongoing clinical
171                                              Immunosurveillance constitutes the first step of cancer
172 whether strain-specific variability in tumor immunosurveillance contributes to differences in lung ca
173 view, we summarize the history of the cancer immunosurveillance controversy and discuss its resolutio
174 ated apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is an immunosurveillance cytokine that kills cancer cells but
175 l bone marrow chimeras do not have increased immunosurveillance, demonstrating that immunity requires
176 refore reveal unique potential as artificial immunosurveillance devices.
177 , immunogenic epitopes in expanding relevant immunosurveillance effectors to block tumor formation, r
178 ibosomal products to contribute peptides for immunosurveillance, enabling quantitation of peptide gen
179 r role in oncogenesis by both impairement of immunosurveillance, enhancement of chronic viral infecti
180 g of three phases: elimination (i.e., cancer immunosurveillance), equilibrium, and escape.
181 tivation of PPARgamma/RXRalpha and result in immunosurveillance escape by inhibiting CD8+ T-cell recr
182                                       Cancer immunosurveillance failure is largely attributed to insu
183  in the natural killer gene complex (NKC) in immunosurveillance for carcinogen-induced lung cancer.
184 ting the immune response to viral infection, immunosurveillance for malignant cells, and liver regene
185 little is known about the role of T cells in immunosurveillance for mtDNA aberrations.
186 supporting the hypothesis that loss of tumor immunosurveillance has a devastating effect on patient o
187                                    The tumor immunosurveillance hypothesis describes a process by whi
188 the host prompted a refinement of the cancer immunosurveillance hypothesis into one termed "cancer im
189  cells was originally embodied in the cancer immunosurveillance hypothesis of Burnet and Thomas.
190                                   The cancer immunosurveillance hypothesis posits that recognition of
191  that retroviral genes contribute to tumoral immunosurveillance in a process that can be generally bo
192 ffects of TAM, raloxifene and ICI 182,780 on immunosurveillance in breast cancer.
193  was to characterize the physiology of tumor immunosurveillance in children with high-risk neuroblast
194 HIV(+) individuals may influence NK-mediated immunosurveillance in patients receiving cART.
195 indings that are in support of tumor-induced immunosurveillance in regulating metastatic spread, incl
196                                   Therefore, immunosurveillance in STAT6(-/-) mice facilitates surviv
197 hat EBV latency proteins are under increased immunosurveillance in the post-combined antiretroviral t
198 st that IR exposure may result in diminished immunosurveillance in the skin, which could render the h
199 n of MARCO, leading to compromised bacterial immunosurveillance in vivo.
200 he post septic immune system obstructs tumor immunosurveillance, in part, by augmented Treg expansion
201 endently or in sequence: elimination (cancer immunosurveillance, in which immunity functions as an ex
202 an essential requirement for tumors to evade immunosurveillance independent of TGF-beta produced by t
203                                        Tumor immunosurveillance influences oncogenesis and tumor grow
204 dentification of this stepwise regulation of immunosurveillance, involving CD1-restricted T cells, IL
205 ns controversial whether clinical failure of immunosurveillance is a result of lymphocyte dysfunction
206                                        Tumor immunosurveillance is a well-established mechanism for r
207 entiated tumor, indicating that pfp-mediated immunosurveillance is able not only to delay the growth
208                                CD8(+) T cell immunosurveillance is based on recognizing oligopeptides
209  that an early "elimination phase" of cancer immunosurveillance is eventually overwhelmed by a growin
210 preneoplastic skin cells, demonstrating that immunosurveillance is normally induced but may be ineffe
211 ws that the contribution of T cells to tumor immunosurveillance is regulated by modifier genes.
212 n disease especially favored by insufficient immunosurveillance, late PTLD often resembles tumors wit
213          Accumulating evidence suggests that immunosurveillance may also be critical for regulating m
214 own previously that the suppression of tumor immunosurveillance may be a mechanism by which tumors re
215                                Evasion of NK immunosurveillance may have importance for MDS disease p
216          Importantly, this is also a natural immunosurveillance mechanism against cancer development.
217       These findings reveal a tumor-elicited immunosurveillance mechanism that engages unconventional
218 targeting multiple immune evasion as well as immunosurveillance mechanisms for the generation of a pr
219 tably begins to elucidate the impact of host immunosurveillance mechanisms in response to the normal
220 l tissues is affected by innate and adaptive immunosurveillance mechanisms in response to the normal
221  (SPF) mice have revealed the impact of host immunosurveillance mechanisms in response to the normal
222 ediated cytotoxicity is one of the principal immunosurveillance mechanisms involved in the fight agai
223 ard genetic screen designed to examine tumor immunosurveillance mechanisms.
224 one of the molecular targets that allows the immunosurveillance network to distinguish tumor cells fr
225                      However, to what extent immunosurveillance occurs in spontaneous cancers and the
226 f RANK-RANKL interaction in NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance of acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
227 antigen presentation makes perfect sense for immunosurveillance of acute virus infections, in which s
228 Siglec-E-deficient mice also showed enhanced immunosurveillance of autologous tumors.
229 dy the role of CD70 reverse signaling in the immunosurveillance of B-cell malignancies in vivo.
230 ERT-specific T cells could contribute to the immunosurveillance of breast cancer and suggest novel op
231 unity to cyclin B1 might be important in the immunosurveillance of cyclin B1+ tumors.
232 for NK cell development but was critical for immunosurveillance of epithelial and lymphoid malignanci
233   These results implicate macrophages in the immunosurveillance of hematopoietic cells and leukemias.
234 nd phenotype of CD8(+) T cells during active immunosurveillance of HSV-1 latency.
235 HSV-specific CD8(+) T cells provide constant immunosurveillance of HSV-1 latently infected neurons in
236 R) NKp30 (CD337) is a key player for NK cell immunosurveillance of infections and cancer.
237 hreshold levels may be sufficient to restore immunosurveillance of mesenchymal-like cancer cells that
238 ells and therefore have implications for the immunosurveillance of mitochondrial aberrations in cance
239 We found that macrophages participate in the immunosurveillance of myocardial tissue.
240  been shown to play an important role in the immunosurveillance of neoplasia, apoptotic factors that
241  multifactorial and likely involves impaired immunosurveillance of neoplastic cells as well as depres
242 C class I presentation pathway, allowing for immunosurveillance of newly synthesized proteins by cyto
243 tural killer T (NKT) cells in the biology of immunosurveillance of osteosarcoma.
244 ng a model in which NK cells are involved in immunosurveillance of pediatric B-ALL via interaction of
245 ic pathways necessary for the metabolism and immunosurveillance of prematurely terminated polypeptide
246                    We propose that effective immunosurveillance of senescent cells in salamanders sup
247 65, an activating receptor implicated in the immunosurveillance of skin, bound to its NKC-encoded lig
248 nd are thought to allow for NK cell-mediated immunosurveillance of stressed or infected tissues.
249  cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)-mediated tumor immunosurveillance of the 15-12RM tumor could be suppres
250 erapies could well interfere with protective immunosurveillance of the central nervous system.
251 pe 1 (HSV-1)-specific CD8(+) T cells provide immunosurveillance of trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons t
252                                              Immunosurveillance of tumor cells depends on NKp30, a ma
253  class I antigen processing pathway, linking immunosurveillance of viruses and tumors to mechanisms o
254 s I molecules, enable CD8(+) T cell mediated immunosurveillance of viruses, other intracellular patho
255 mplications for antigen presentation by, and immunosurveillance of, virally infected cells.
256 ion is expected to play an important role in immunosurveillance or immunosuppression mediated by vari
257 esults in either tumor destruction by way of immunosurveillance or tumor outgrowth.
258  with overlapping mutations at every step of immunosurveillance, particularly self-antigen presentati
259 n the cytosol of mammalian cells via a novel immunosurveillance pathway.
260 sol, L. pneumophila also activates cytosolic immunosurveillance pathways, thereby triggering robust p
261  and resident subsets, ostensibly defined by immunosurveillance patterns but in practice identified b
262 hocytes that play an important role in tumor immunosurveillance, preferentially eliminating targets w
263  patients--indicate that a functional cancer immunosurveillance process indeed exists that acts as an
264 nally thought to form the basis of a 'cancer immunosurveillance' process that protects immunocompeten
265                              An occupational immunosurveillance program (OISP) has been implemented t
266 nhibitory strategies that may reactivate the immunosurveillance program.
267 lationships: these are chronic inflammation, immunosurveillance, prophylaxis, and we propose adding a
268 nstrate that cocaine also interacts with the immunosurveillance receptor complex, Toll-like receptor
269                        NKG2D is an important immunosurveillance receptor that responds to stress-indu
270                                       Cancer immunosurveillance relies on effector/memory tumor-infil
271                       The dynamics of cancer immunosurveillance remain incompletely understood, hampe
272                                      Myeloma immunosurveillance remains incompletely understood.
273 pha double KO mice showed that inhibition of immunosurveillance requires IL-13 responsiveness by a no
274 nds may alone initiate a rapid, multifaceted immunosurveillance response in vivo.
275 ls employ mechanisms to evade NKG2D-mediated immunosurveillance, such as NKG2D ligand (NKG2DL) sheddi
276 lications for the development of a synthetic immunosurveillance system (SIS).
277  provides the basis for a model of cutaneous immunosurveillance system active in the absence of patho
278 y, an essential component of the host cancer immunosurveillance system, STAT1 is also overexpressed i
279 g as a critical component of the host cancer immunosurveillance system.
280 ue microenvironments with finely tuned local immunosurveillance systems, many of which are in close a
281 tant and previously unappreciated element of immunosurveillance that needs to be taken into account i
282 nical implications, implicitly linked to the immunosurveillance theory.
283  used by this particular bacterium to escape immunosurveillance, thereby favoring its colonization an
284 eristics of tumors is their ability to evade immunosurveillance through altering the properties and f
285 arcoma model and that NKT cells can regulate immunosurveillance through more than one pathway.
286 ibitor (SPI) in the escape of MSCs from host immunosurveillance through the inhibition of granzyme B
287 l for competent immunization-mediated cancer immunosurveillance, unmanipulated CD4 T cell responses t
288 xia in solid tumors contributes to decreased immunosurveillance via down-regulation of Kv1.3 channels
289                  Thus, the dualistic role of immunosurveillance vs. inflammation in modulating tumor
290 her the immune responses that mediate cancer immunosurveillance vs. those responsible for inflammator
291 KT-deficient mice, suggesting that antitumor immunosurveillance was inhibited by CD11b(+)Gr1(+) cells
292 ore a direct role of endogenous IgE in tumor immunosurveillance was investigated.
293  stimulation of type II NKT cells suppressed immunosurveillance, whereas stimulation of type I NKT ce
294 highlights a novel function for A20 in local immunosurveillance, which added to its vasculoprotective
295 s, NKG2D engagement is a natural mediator of immunosurveillance, which can be compromised by locally
296 scent tumor cells in a process termed cancer immunosurveillance, which functions as an important defe
297 as prompted the immunoribosome hypothesis of immunosurveillance, which posits that MHC class I peptid
298 biting early stages of tumor growth, through immunosurveillance while facilitating later stages of tu
299 n "one protein, one peptide" representation, immunosurveillance would be heavily biased toward the mo
300 a unique role for CD57(+) NK cells in cancer immunosurveillance, yet there is scant information about

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