


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nsition state sampling in the native enzyme, in accordance with a Born-Oppenheimer-like effect on bon
2  assumes that duplication and deletion occur in accordance with a continuous time Markov Chain along
3 out 72% of the "nonsaturated" ion yields are in accordance with a dependence of the form P proportion
4 A- and hydrogen peroxide-induced senescence, in accordance with a direct regulatory effect on ABA hom
5                                              In accordance with a higher migratory capacity across th
6                           These findings are in accordance with a hypothesized prodromal disease phas
7  neurotransmission before and after RYGB are in accordance with a model wherein the cerebral extracel
8 multiple optical measurements were performed in accordance with a photobiologic safety standard.
9                                              In accordance with a previous life history model and our
10                                              In accordance with a role in cognitive processing, subst
11                                              In accordance with a role of mGlu5-mediated mTOR signali
12 g and oral glucose tolerance tests were done in accordance with a standard protocol.
13 food commodities are generally not collected in accordance with a strict probability design.
14  excluded CAP, and 80% of modifications were in accordance with adjudication committee classification
15 quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine in accordance with Advisory Committee on Immunization Pr
16  set of inclusion criteria; measured FE NO50 in accordance with American Thoracic Society guidelines,
17 did this systematic review and meta-analysis in accordance with an a-priori protocol.
18 re, we show that PGR5/PGRL1-Fd CEF functions in accordance with an ATP/redox control model.
19 contains genes involved in neurogenesis but, in accordance with an earlier study, does not contain th
20           We suggest that these findings are in accordance with an entropy model of uncertainty, in w
21             Experimental and DFT studies are in accordance with an initial [4 + 3] cyclometalation re
22 med in 10 healthy volunteers and 15 patients in accordance with an institutional review board-approve
23              Asthma symptoms were identified in accordance with an International Study of Asthma and
24 onsumption rate is influenced by temperature in accordance with Arrhenius law.
25                                              In accordance with ASTM D4754-11, nanocomposite films we
26 lications arise, surgeons should handle them in accordance with best practices and refer patients app
27 pth of diagnostic steps have to be performed in accordance with both an immunologic and a hematologic
28                                              In accordance with Box-Behnken design, 17 runs with 3 va
29     These models were validated analytically in accordance with Brazilian and international guideline
30 exity, and (3) growth cone filopodia number, in accordance with CD2AP expression levels.
31 proliferation index is significantly reduced in accordance with cell cycle analysis showing dispropor
32                                              In accordance with changes in expression of starch biosy
33                              This finding is in accordance with clinical observations of zoster virus
34               The risk of bias was evaluated in accordance with Cochrane guidance.Twenty-four studies
35 ameters for method validation were achieved, in accordance with Commission Regulation.
36 he risk of late effects in survivors treated in accordance with contemporary protocols could be diffe
37                              Critically, and in accordance with contemporary theoretical approaches t
38 D-AC for group A, whereas for group B BD was in accordance with CTref.
39  that adjusts the final state of the network in accordance with cue reliability (reflected in the con
40 viduals adopt distinct conceptual construals in accordance with culturally infused systems such as la
41 d from human fetal biliary tree by protocols in accordance with current good manufacturing practice (
42 servers with intravascular imaging expertise in accordance with current guidelines to assess the inte
43  of Cx43 without dephosphorylation, which is in accordance with current hypotheses that cells control
44                             In contrast, and in accordance with current models, in vitro Cas9 cleavag
45 tion group) or 1 dose of MV at age 9 months, in accordance with current practice (control group).
46 entification is based on MS/MS data analysis in accordance with defined fragmentation rules for each
47 apeutic sessions over a 1-month period timed in accordance with dermatologic appointments.
48  single quantum dot device failing to behave in accordance with design.
49 ting is common and costly, with most testing in accordance with diagnostic recommendations.
50                                              In accordance with double-exchange, an intense feature i
51 ith two consecutive courses of dexamethasone in accordance with Dutch Childhood Oncology Group ALL pr
52                 The diagnosis of NP was made in accordance with established medical criteria, after p
53 r contamination of these mycotoxins in wheat in accordance with European Commission (EC) limits.
54 nvey trial treatments neutrally to patients (in accordance with existing evidence).
55 n depends upon the frequency of stimulation, in accordance with experimental findings.
56                                      This is in accordance with experimental observations on CYCA2;1
57                                              In accordance with experimental observations, simulated
58 isk stratification and management strategies in accordance with Expert Panel recommendations.
59 otein kinase balances cellular energy levels in accordance with extracellular conditions and is there
60 fe cycles of apicomplexan parasites progress in accordance with fluxes in cytosolic Ca(2+) Such fluxe
61 hibited quantitative repression in human AML in accordance with FOXC1 expression, and FOXC1(high) hum
62 ed topological connections between particles in accordance with frame geometry.
63                                              In accordance with frequently accelerated meiotic entry,
64 ephone by 26 ophthalmic residents or fellows in accordance with German and European laws and guidelin
65             We performed a systematic review in accordance with guidelines from the Preferred Reporti
66 all private health information was protected in accordance with HIPAA.
67                            (18)F-FES PET was in accordance with histology at debulking surgery but no
68                 Blood glucose levels changed in accordance with how much time they believed had passe
69          Population of this orbital manifold in accordance with Hund's rules could potentially yield
70 uced in the Piedmont area (North West Italy) in accordance with i) grape varieties, ii) production ar
71 l estimates of the coverage of interventions in accordance with indicators defined by WHO, UNAIDS, an
72                       RapidBac was performed in accordance with instructions, providing a positive or
73            The LC-MS/MS method was validated in accordance with international bioanalytical guideline
74 at provided an incorrect attribution for KB, in accordance with its false identity as oral epidermoid
75 sting, AYB exhibited a low peak of viscosity in accordance with its low granules swelling and disinte
76                                              In accordance with its pathogenic profile, vaccination w
77 he root membrane and also in the chloroplast in accordance with its proposed function related to phot
78                                              In accordance with its role as a modifier of the human r
79 gene-induced ER stress to promote senescence in accordance with its role as a tumor modifier that sup
80                                              In accordance with its substrate spectrum, the enzyme is
81 sponsiveness test with SK-1211 was conducted in accordance with Japanese Society of Allergology Stand
82                          Prescribing therapy in accordance with local hospital guidelines was associa
83                                              In accordance with looking-time paradigms, increased loo
84 were performed in 30 asymptomatic volunteers in accordance with manufacturer-recommended guidelines f
85                           Here we show that, in accordance with metabolic theory of ecology, taxonomi
86 3 circuits can adjust the salience of output in accordance with momentary behavioral demands while ma
87  VvGT7 gene was expressed in various tissues in accordance with monoterpenyl glucoside accumulation i
88                                     Finally, in accordance with much evidence indicating that DDR and
89 sed risk for receiving treatment that is not in accordance with national guidelines and for poorer su
90 own sexual abuse; and use of HPV vaccination in accordance with national immunization guidelines as a
91 esulted in the permission to use bevacizumab in accordance with new safety guidelines.
92 h enables improved ligandability assessments in accordance with NMR-based assessments and more import
93  experiments with oral gavage doses selected in accordance with no observed adverse effect levels (NO
94 idence angle is also experimentally observed in accordance with numerical simulations.
95                                              In accordance with our findings, these reported decrease
96                                              In accordance with our hypothesis, insufficient MBD3 ind
97  of iron-aqua and oxalate complexes, are not in accordance with our results.
98 et medications during and after PCI, defined in accordance with package inserts.
99 s allow animals to modulate feeding behavior in accordance with past experience and avoid the consump
100                                              In accordance with pathological increases or decreases i
101                                      This is in accordance with patterns expected for capital breeder
102               Cholinergic transients, evoked in accordance with photostimulation parameters determine
103 with a fixed-effects model and were reported in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systema
104               The meta-analysis was prepared in accordance with Preferred Reporting of Systematic Rev
105 cortex in vitro, achieving stimulated pulses in accordance with pressure levels.
106                                              In accordance with previous biochemical data, the majori
107 asing concentrations down to 2500 m depth is in accordance with previous findings for PCBs and PBDEs.
108                            These results are in accordance with previous observations relating the ty
109                                              In accordance with previous reports demonstrating that a
110  the area postrema of mouse, rat and monkey, in accordance with previous reports implicating this reg
111 the five AAs in Chinese populations are well in accordance with previous reports.
112 fected by the interaction with the membrane, in accordance with previous results using different meth
113  a poor predictor of ecosystem isohydricity, in accordance with previous species-scale observations.
114 s in growth rate were in fact much lower and in accordance with previous studies from temperate zones
115                                              In accordance with previous studies our results showed t
116                    The derived emissions are in accordance with previous studies performed at the sam
117                                              In accordance with previous studies showing that the zin
118                           Results show that, in accordance with previous studies, both SrtC-1 and Srt
119                                              In accordance with previous studies, freezing meat prior
120                                              In accordance with previous studies, we find that the ca
121 ptical spectroscopy in the range 400-1100 nm in accordance with previously developed scatter-based te
122 antly altered PUFA and inflammatory profiles in accordance with previously published studies as well
123 ous media without use of any toxic solvents, in accordance with principle 5 of "green chemistry".
124  specificities of these tests were estimated in accordance with prior information and were close to 1
125        Selection of of studies was performed in accordance with PRISMA guidelines and evaluated by 2
126 ndomized to usual care (n = 448) had HF care in accordance with published guidelines, with emphasis o
127 cations for human health is rapidly evolving in accordance with recent events, such as discoveries of
128 the ability to reduce reflection below 0.05% in accordance with recent experimental data while simult
129                                              In accordance with recent studies acknowledging the pote
130  neuroblastoma should therefore be evaluated in accordance with RECIST criteria, using the single lon
131 s of juices analysis performed with SBs were in accordance with reference methods.
132                    The obtained results were in accordance with reference methods.
133                                              In accordance with regulation by a stabilized XBAT35.2,
134          Response was assessed every 8 weeks in accordance with Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid
135                                              In accordance with rodent and human studies, the serum m
136 RF in behaving NHPs under normal conditions, in accordance with several studies done in different exp
137 l circuits whose activation thresholds shift in accordance with social status.
138                    The PLS models were built in accordance with standard method ASTM E1655-05 and the
139                                              In accordance with strong CXCR4 expression in the formin
140               PBDE isoforms vary in toxicity in accordance with structural differences, primarily in
141                                              In accordance with studies in animal models of MS, high
142                                      This is in accordance with studies that report no association be
143 carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in accordance with surveillance cultures on the subseque
144 ects triggered by BCL11B downregulation were in accordance with that triggered by gga-miR-219b overex
145                                              In accordance with the 2007 American College of Cardiolo
146 distress syndrome adjudication was performed in accordance with the 2012 Berlin criteria.
147         Eligibility for treatment was judged in accordance with the 2012 European Association for the
148 at brain sections with this radiotracer were in accordance with the 5-HT6 distribution pattern.
149 duration for electrocardiographic monitoring in accordance with the American Heart Association Level
150 B) bind to TACI and BCMA and weakly to BAFFR in accordance with the analysis of the receptor interact
151                                              In accordance with the association of rapid response tra
152 fibers are largely noninteracting and deform in accordance with the bulk tissue.
153 pproved by the Animal Care Committee and are in accordance with the Canadian Council on Animal Care.
154                                              In accordance with the cell type-specific expression of
155  expressed in terms of L*, a*, and b* values in accordance with the CIELAB color space.
156                          The methodology was in accordance with the Cochrane Handbook for Interventio
157                       While this finding was in accordance with the concept of a network of functiona
158 easing Rh concentration (x in Sr2Ir1-xRhxO4) in accordance with the concept of hole doping.
159 , or absent clinical and biochemical success in accordance with the consensus.
160  springtime GPP to the spring recovery to be in accordance with the corresponding sensitivity derived
161 nd two malaxation times (30/90 min) selected in accordance with the customs of the area producers wer
162        The loss of caveolae and caveolin was in accordance with the decrease in HCN channels.
163 ere was a tendency to describe the cell line in accordance with the description in the cited paper.
164                                              In accordance with the domain-general perspective, we ob
165 f electrolyte dielectric on energetic spread in accordance with the electron-transfer models proposed
166                                              In accordance with the environmental disturbance hypothe
167 dily releasable vesicles remained unchanged, in accordance with the estimated tight spatial coupling
168 cted using Good Clinical Practices (GCP) and in accordance with the ethical principles that have thei
169                                              In accordance with the European guidelines on rhinosinus
170 y used for melamine detection in milk matrix in accordance with the European law limits.
171                                      This is in accordance with the expanded divacancy model, which p
172 oss of T cell persistence or antigen escape, in accordance with the expected mechanism of action of t
173                            These results are in accordance with the findings that whereas over half o
174                         Fluopyram dissipated in accordance with the first-order rate dynamics equatio
175            Each material behaves differently in accordance with the frequency of an incoming electrom
176 delines, this technical review was developed in accordance with the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations
177 , the current technical review was developed in accordance with the Grading of Recommendations Assess
178 otide metabolism, which is tightly regulated in accordance with the growth rate, provides L. lactis c
179 mal care and use committee and was performed in accordance with the Guide for Care and Use of Laborat
180 s were approved by the Animal Care Committee in accordance with the guidelines of the Canadian Counci
181              The present study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Preferred Repor
182              The present study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Preferred Repor
183                All procedures were performed in accordance with the guidelines on the use of animals
184                                Specifically, in accordance with the heart failure literature, we modi
185 , abnormal social behavior, and microcephaly in accordance with the human phenotype.
186                               These data are in accordance with the hypothesis derived from human dat
187 say validation and experimental results were in accordance with the in silico prediction of SULT1E1 i
188 regulated in leaves of water deficit plants, in accordance with the increase in C export from the lea
189 ages of correct classification were achieved in accordance with the increase in the proportion of whe
190 lar component increase significantly and are in accordance with the increase of wettability.
191 er mitochondrial complexes are also affected in accordance with the increased NO production.
192 fficacy in scavenging DPPH and ABTS radicals in accordance with the increasing browning intensity.
193 d control subjects provided informed consent in accordance with the institutional review board and HI
194                        Materials and Methods In accordance with the institutional review board approv
195                       The analyses were done in accordance with the intention-to-treat principle.
196  codes corresponding to "legal intervention" in accordance with the International Classification of D
197 an who achieved stringent complete remission in accordance with the International Myeloma Working Gro
198 t of materials that exhibit biocompatibility in accordance with the international standard ISO10993-5
199 itro and in an orthotopic brain tumor model, in accordance with the known regulatory function of the
200 nd their disulfide connectivity is confirmed in accordance with the latest published results.
201 ting accumulation of FRQ in the nucleus were in accordance with the longer period and the less robust
202 otes an asymmetric, semi-closed conformation in accordance with the low ATPase activity of MalFGK2 In
203 he simulation results show that the model is in accordance with the memory phenomena from information
204              Study procedures were conducted in accordance with the Meta-analysis of Observational St
205            Vectorial analyses were conducted in accordance with the method proposed by Thibos.
206 sis classified 100% of the samples correctly in accordance with the microorganism involved.
207                           These features are in accordance with the modulatory capacity of G-Neutroph
208                                              In accordance with the mortality pattern, early producti
209            Metabolic (PET-based) grading was in accordance with the most prominent (18)F-FDG uptake (
210                                              In accordance with the necessity of a GEF to promote GTP
211             Quality assessment was performed in accordance with the Newland Ottawa Scale, and random
212 mperfectly, then used them to make decisions in accordance with the normative model.
213 hylfurfural content in honeys were presented in accordance with the official methods.
214 howed the low affinity of this public TCR is in accordance with the only other 8-mer interaction stud
215  rats in both groups demonstrated responding in accordance with the original contingencies, providing
216  of the bioluminescent strains was performed in accordance with the pharmacopoeia, Parenteral Drug As
217                 Case definitions were chosen in accordance with the Phase III trials.
218 and their likelihood of choosing a treatment in accordance with the physicians' specialty.
219  very cold or otherwise desiccated climates, in accordance with the physiologically based predictions
220 function compared with neuronal cell bodies, in accordance with the post-mortem literature.
221 or 30 min; the measured parameters was found in accordance with the predicted values.
222        This study was conducted and reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Sys
223 ly screened, and had the device reprogrammed in accordance with the prespecified protocol.
224                                              In accordance with the previous study, the delivered suP
225  was regulated in response to iron and zinc, in accordance with the previously described transcriptio
226 s participate in such coding schemes and are in accordance with the principle that ventral striatum s
227                    All animal protocols were in accordance with the Principles for the Utilization an
228  the azastilbene monomers and is shown to be in accordance with the principles of Schmidt's topochemi
229                     This study was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of
230                      This review is prepared in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items
231 at PROSPERO (CRD42016049158) and is reported in accordance with the PRISMA and MOOSE guidelines.
232 omprehensive literature review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines.
233             We conducted a systematic review in accordance with the PRISMA statement in 6 major journ
234        The review was conducted and reported in accordance with the PRISMA statement, and the evidenc
235                            These results are in accordance with the proposed dual-route model of cons
236 evelopmental expression pattern of SorCS3 is in accordance with the proposed function as a receptor f
237                                              In accordance with the published protocol (CRD4201502216
238                                              In accordance with the reduction of Ito, both Kcnd3 tran
239 2 and SD3 modulated IFN binding and activity in accordance with the relative attenuation of cooperati
240  intestinal tissues of each particular host, in accordance with the reported pathogenicity of these v
241 ations retained their anti-lymphoma activity in accordance with the requirement that both the T cell
242 nucleotides at lengths of 15, 19, 23, and 27 in accordance with the results obtained for the dCn stra
243 agenesis and antibody inhibition studies are in accordance with the results obtained from epitope map
244                                              In accordance with the results seen in suPAR-associated
245                                              In accordance with the retrospective study protocol appr
246                             In addition, and in accordance with the role of glypicans in multiple sig
247                                              In accordance with the sensitivity of these viruses to n
248 , 0.13; P = .007) but was absent for DENV-1, in accordance with the serotype-dependent OAS3 activity
249                              Our results are in accordance with the social brain and cultural intelli
250 ART and 84% of those with T1 KS were treated in accordance with the stage-stratified approach.
251 is of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign database in accordance with the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guideli
252  find the measured scaling of excitations is in accordance with the theoretical prediction.
253 ides was lower than 0.01mmol.L(-1), which is in accordance with the tolerable limits for coffee.
254                                              In accordance with the trophic rank hypothesis, both hab
255 e diagnosed by movement disorder specialists in accordance with the UK Parkinson's Disease Society Br
256 neurologist with movement disorder training, in accordance with the UK Parkinson's Disease Society Br
257  the establishment of nine different groups, in accordance with the wine types obtained.
258 pR promoter DksA reduces the effect of ppGpp in accordance with their antagonistic role.
259 re decreased in islets of IRS2(5A)-beta mice in accordance with their decreased insulin secretion.
260 delivery of blood flow to its active regions in accordance with their dynamic metabolic needs.
261 the camp physicians and other clinical staff in accordance with their established protocols; particip
262 rresponding singly charged species, which is in accordance with their generally higher bond dissociat
263 native pathway C3 convertase C3bBb, which is in accordance with their identical functions in cleaving
264 dients of only 5 tested samples (26.3%) were in accordance with their labels, which suggested the qua
265 mmune system, acquiring different phenotypes in accordance with their localization during the immune
266 s that a number of conditions need to be met in accordance with their more specialized life histories
267 S. bayanus proteins are influenced by anions in accordance with their positions in the Hofmeister ser
268 rd, the loop regions are compared one-to-one in accordance with their relative positions in the conse
269 and the lateral diffusion of the channels is in accordance with their relative protein mass.
270 ere detected (90% efficiency) and classified in accordance with their respective surface marker expre
271 h (100) planes within the SnS nanoplatelets, in accordance with their slightly S-rich composition obs
272 had lower maximal birth weight, and this was in accordance with their somewhat lower pelvic diameters
273 2 defined functional groups, eight are fully in accordance with theoretical predictions while 14 show
274                                              In accordance with theoretical studies, the detection of
275                   In addition, we have shown in accordance with theory, that polarized light has a st
276                                              In accordance with theory, the photons arising from spec
277                                              In accordance with these data, immunohistochemical analy
278                                              In accordance with these deficits, beta-catenin stabiliz
279                                              In accordance with these differential effects, the insul
280                                              In accordance with these findings, analysis of the (15)N
281                                              In accordance with these findings, inhibition of STAT3 c
282 youths with diabetes obtain eye examinations in accordance with these guidelines.
283                                              In accordance with these rich experimental data, we have
284 ts conducted with deuterated substrates were in accordance with this mechanism.
285                                              In accordance with this model trajectory, shapes for sca
286                                              In accordance with this principle, we reduced the defaul
287 racticed in performing mouse transplantation in accordance with this protocol.
288                                              In accordance with this result, deficits in the ability
289                                              In accordance with this theory, aging phenotypes have be
290                                              In accordance with this trend, three recently compiled d
291                                              In accordance with this, an in trans complementation res
292                                              In accordance with this, calpains, which are calcium-dep
293                                              In accordance with this, we observed impaired insulin gr
294                  The experimental values are in accordance with those predicted, indicating the suita
295                                              In accordance with transcriptional responses, we found p
296 ze fatty acids and dissipate energy as heat, in accordance with upregulation of thermogenic genes UCP
297 ified intention-to-treat (mMITT) population (in accordance with US Food and Drug Administration guida
298              The growth of the nanowires was in accordance with vapour-liquid-solid mechanism, follow
299 tcome was the proportion of patients treated in accordance with WHO malaria treatment guidelines, whi
300 cted from each participant and was processed in accordance with WHO recommendations.

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