


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 a expected from the line-active nanodomains, in analogy to 3D emulsions.
2 lar and an intracellular gate, respectively, in analogy to a hypothetical model proposed previously o
3 peak potential serves as the readout signal, in analogy to a potentiometric sensor.
4                                              In analogy with a bacterial homologue, LRRK2 was propose
5 l use of the information in the genetic cue, in analogy with a Bayesian decision maker.
6 egree of isohydricity at the ecosystem scale in analogy with a recent metric introduced at the specie
7    To eliminate rapidly the malignant clone, in analogy with aggressive chemotherapy, the combination
8                                              In analogy with allosteric models in proteins, we propos
9 utes to diversification of protein function, in analogy to alternative splicing.
10 ter to measure Berry flux in momentum space, in analogy to an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer that measu
11                                              In analogy to anabolic and catabolic pathways in metabol
12                                              In analogy to ANP cross-linking of actin, pPDM and ABP c
13                                              In analogy to apoptosis of nucleated cells, suicidal ery
14 dergoes a protonation reaction and functions in analogy to Asp85 in BR as a Schiff base proton accept
15      These data support the hypothesis that, in analogy to Bacillus beta-glucanases, this region may
16                    We point out that this is in analogy to canonical food chains where introduction o
17                                              In analogy to chemokine/glycosaminoglycan (GAG) interact
18                                              In analogy to classical descriptions of amphibian nuclea
19 ves the way to 'untouchable' quantum systems in analogy to cloaking devices for electromagnetic waves
20                                              In analogy with codons for amino acids, a long-lasting m
21                                              In analogy with conventional magnetic resonance imaging
22 pace refinement against cryo-EM density maps in analogy to cross-validation typically used in crystal
23 a head-centred map guiding whisker movement, in analogy to current models of visual attention.
24 with cyclic cyanoguanidine demonstrated that in analogy to cyclic urea, cyclic cyanoguanidines also d
25                                              In analogy with dendritic macromolecules, a significant
26                                              In analogy with devices based on excitonic coherence, th
27 variations in Alzheimer's disease phenotype, in analogy to distinct prion strains that are associated
28  accumulate over the lifetime of an organism in analogy to DNA mutations.
29 ir conformation from one molecule to another in analogy to DNA templating its sequence.
30 defined antioxidants could act as inhibitors in analogy to DOM.
31                                              In analogy to dressed particles in many-body systems we
32 r stem cells should be regulated as drugs or in analogy to drugs, and if there is to be regulation, t
33                                              In analogy to earlier studies by other groups, we found
34 A mechanism for this influence is suggested, in analogy to earlier work on the effects of changes in
35 while the N-terminal part binds GTP and tRNA in analogy with elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu).
36                         Here we report that, in analogy to embryonic mammary epithelial biology, estr
37                                              In analogy with epidemic models, we define basic and abs
38                                              In analogy to existing inhibitors that bind to the CCR5
39 virus infection are not well understood, but in analogy to Gardia lamblia and rotavirus infections, s
40 ially on the mucosa (inherent patterns); (2) in analogy to gas chromatography, as odorants are drawn
41 k furthermore permits the estimation of time in analogy to genetics, and we obtain tentative dates fo
42                                              In analogy to hereditary sarcoglycanopathies, this disin
43 n widely separated modes to be characterized in analogy with heteronuclear NMR.
44                                              In analogy with histo-blood group A antigen, Forssman (F
45 sPten) Tg mice triggers ovarian tumors that, in analogy to human ovarian cancer, express strongly ele
46                                              In analogy to imatinib mesylate in BCR-ABL-positive acut
47 h functions are hereby termed "glycosynapse" in analogy to "immunological synapse," the membrane asse
48                                              In analogy to its physiological function in brain develo
49 d raft-associated protein caveolin-1 (CAV1), in analogy with its previously described role in virus u
50                                              In analogy to known hyaluronan synthases, a single polyp
51                                              In analogy to mammalian SINEs, the level of the Bm1 tran
52  energy cost to form reaction intermediates, in analogy with metal-oxide catalysts, thus providing a
53                                              In analogy to models in quantitative genetics, we model
54                                              In analogy with molecular vibrations, the radii of adher
55                                              In analogy to MRI in which magnetic field gradients are
56 ding was abrogated by increased tissue iron, in analogy to mRNA (IRE)/iron regulatory protein in anim
57 pshots of molecular structural fluctuations, in analogy with multidimensional NMR.
58                                              In analogy with NMR, the chemical exchange is seen in bo
59                                              In analogy to non-neuronal cells, metalloproteinases (AD
60 de NCs (Cu(2-x)Te, x > 0) display a NIR LSP, in analogy to nonstoichiometric copper sulfide and selen
61                                              In analogy with optical lattices used in ultra-cold atom
62                     Our results reveal that, in analogy to other classes of macromolecular templates
63 three metals could be required for catalysis in analogy to other nucleases.
64                                              In analogy with other ATPases, a photochemical peptide b
65 he N-terminal arm binds in the minor groove, in analogy with other homeodomain-DNA complexes whose st
66                                              In analogy with other models for networked oscillators,
67 Although the role of PLP can be rationalized in analogy with other PLP-dependent enzymes that catalyz
68 etramer surrounding a Ca(2+)-selective pore, in analogy with other six-transmembrane ion channel alph
69              The proposed chemical mechanism in analogy with other ThDP-dependent carboligases involv
70                                              In analogy to our previous study of A3G, we produced sta
71                                              In analogy to P22 gp26, we suggest the tail needle of ph
72 uire multi-ion information about the sample, in analogy to performing multiple potentiometric measure
73 of K, L, M, O, and P molecular states, named in analogy to photointermediates in the bacteriorhodopsi
74                                              In analogy to photons, they exhibit wave-particle dualit
75 nd of 9R-HPODE with formation of compound II in analogy with plant AOS (CYP74) and prostacyclin synth
76                                              In analogy to plate tectonics, smooth macroscopic-scale
77                                              In analogy with poliovirus, a hypervariable 5' untransla
78                We propose that RNA function, in analogy with protein function, can be understood full
79                                              In analogy to proton-induced unfolding, it is likely tha
80                                              In analogy to radio-frequency fields used in traditional
81 s, behaving as "billiard balls" in a liquid, in analogy with regular packings of macroscopic spheres.
82                                              In analogy to renal parenchyma and selected topographica
83                                              In analogy to scanning tunneling microscopy measurements
84 e correlated with structure-specific binding in analogy to sequence- specific binding, or may be a ge
85 volved in the H-bonding between D99 and H48, in analogy with serine proteases.
86 ng between pairs of single-molecule magnets, in analogy with several recently proposed quantum device
87                                              In analogy to SH1-labeled myosin subfragment 1 (SH1-S1),
88 lated by local acidification and propagate - in analogy to sound - at velocities controlled by the in
89 ides by hydrogen abstraction and oxygenation in analogy with soybean LOX-1.
90                                              In analogy with static systems, periodically driven quan
91 nized on the principles of a fullerene cone, in analogy to structures recently observed for elemental
92              Therefore, we hypothesize that, in analogy to substrate-specific channels that evolved t
93                                   Therefore, in analogy to synaptic vesicle tethering, we propose tha
94 al assignments of the aldol adducts are made in analogy to that determined for the 5-bromophthalimido
95 ports an oxidative cross-coupling mechanism, in analogy to that proposed for Chan-Lam arylation.
96                                              In analogy to the actomyosin-based force production mech
97 TLR5 function protects from weight gain, but in analogy to the animal model, the nonsense allele pred
98 t cleave N-acyl-PS to generate N-acylserine, in analogy to the biosynthesis of the endocannabinoid N-
99 hat are made of large numbers of components, in analogy to the brain being made of a large number of
100 iquor or cryo-solution with native crystals, in analogy to the classic procedure of heavy-atom deriva
101 regime, which we term a spin relaxation boom in analogy to the classical sonic boom.
102                                              In analogy to the conditional glutaminase activity seen
103             The capability to manipulate it, in analogy to the control of spin in spintronics, can op
104  a second parameter (beta = 2) and is chosen in analogy to the definition of the detection limit for
105 c system compared to the underlying lattice, in analogy to the directional alignment without translat
106 ogenic oxidoreductive enzymes and cofactors, in analogy to the electron transfer chain in mitochondri
107               They likely form a heterodimer in analogy to the EmrE homodimer.
108 come close, making the protein more compact, in analogy to the enzyme in the crystals from Leishmania
109 hey allow another set of oxidative reactions in analogy to the Fenton reaction, thus widening the sco
110                                              In analogy to the function of linker histones in chromat
111  donating and accepting nature of phosphate, in analogy to the Grotthuss mechanism for proton transfe
112 ther modulated by the phytotoxin fusicoccin, in analogy to the H(+)-ATPase.
113 t U-shaped conformation with a central turn, in analogy to the initial collapse with simultaneous nuc
114 hed as the first 'mirror' site to PMC, which in analogy to the International Nucleotide Sequence Data
115 es as substrates and as DNA sequence models, in analogy to the known CpG sequence specificity of MC-i
116 actions might strongly inhibit tumor growth, in analogy to the mechanism of action of anti-EGFR antib
117  torque that stems from the Berry curvature, in analogy to the origin of the intrinsic spin Hall effe
118                                              In analogy to the parent compound, crystals grown from b
119  formation of a metastable form was observed in analogy to the phenomenon of additive-induced polymor
120                                              In analogy to the previously reported properties of the
121 tamer complexation as "DNAzyme footprinting" in analogy to the process of DNase footprinting for the
122                                              In analogy to the regulation of gene expression by miRNA
123 ntative substrate binding mode was concluded in analogy to the related DPOR system.
124 s shown that, in contrast to K-channels, and in analogy to the SBP/PBP sulfate/phosphate-binding prot
125 e bromine atom in 19, previously conjectured in analogy to the structurally characterized tetramethyl
126  Dp1), collectively called SI/II neuroblasts in analogy to the subpopulation of ventral neuroblasts w
127 n be termed as "amine reforming of methanol" in analogy to the traditional steam reforming.
128                                              In analogy to the vascular system, NO might directly ind
129 sion is harnessed by the brain for learning, in analogy to the way that genetic mutation is utilized
130                                              In analogy to the wide morphological spectrum of lesions
131                                              In analogy to the Winstein scheme, it was proposed that
132  to simulations of polymerization processes, in analogy to the work performed on molar mass distribut
133  generation), the color of its emission, and in analogy with the "fruit" names, we propose SHardonnay
134  fine-tune AMPA receptor-mediated responses, in analogy with the allosteric regulatory role demonstra
135                                              In analogy with the C2 domains of factors V and VIII, so
136                                              In analogy with the classical destabilising influence of
137 idized states of strongly coupled QD solids, in analogy with the construction of solids from atoms.
138 orporate other flavonoids) in the cell wall, in analogy with the existing term flavonolignan that is
139                                              In analogy with the failed transition in gene expression
140                                              In analogy with the history of perpetual-motion machines
141                                        Here, in analogy with the Lindemann criterion for the melting
142  between two or more 22-nm-diameter capsids, in analogy with the multiplets of 28-nm-diameter particl
143                                              In analogy to their human counterparts, mouse DC1s exhib
144 temperatures of approximately 230 degrees C, in analogy with thermal stabilization of polyacrylonitri
145                                              In analogy with these systems, the distribution of activ
146  be concluded that the His-509-Glu-514 dyad, in analogy to those in related oxidoreductases, acts as
147                                              In analogy to three eyed-frogs, we generated three-eared
148 ngage multielectron reactivity at this metal in analogy to transition metals.
149                                   Amazingly, in analogy to TRPM6-deficient patients who can live a no
150                                              In analogy to two-dimensional analysis, the mobility shi
151                                       Hence, in analogy to vertebrate hair cells, the mechanosensory
152 n of cognitive and emotional brain circuits, in analogy to visual and auditory brain systems.
153                      These data suggest that in analogy to what was previously described for HLA-DR m
154 bate by a microporous metalloporphyrin solid in analogy to zeolites.

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