


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                              The results are in conformity with a diradical mechamism for the sulfone
2                                              In conformity with cited comparable work on red blood ce
3                                              In conformity with clinical results, strong secondary re
4                       These correlations are in conformity with experimental data for a 32-nucleotide
5 tive impairment and (b) (contrary to TW, but in conformity with my hypothesis) a tendency to produce
6                      The values obtained are in conformity with NIST certified values.
7 ium isotope effect and quenching studies are in conformity with OH-radicals as main oxidant.
8          Cardiologists report practices more in conformity with published guidelines for CHF than do
9 orsion angles in g+ except two trans angles, in conformity with the C3'-endo rigid nucleotide hypothe
10 rformed by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method in conformity with the CLSI guideline.
11                                              In conformity with these findings, mutation of the Grb2-
12                                              In conformity with this loss of binding activity, phosph

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