


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ontal cortex, parietal cortex, and thalamus (in descending order).
2  followed by the liver, kidneys, and spleen, in descending order.
3 te the most potent and selective inhibitors, in descending order.
4 orted the squared PC-coordinates of each row in descending order.
5 ion of Abeta protein was daunomycin followed in descending order by 3-indolepropionic acid, melatonin
6 s were in the spine or sacrum (75%) followed in descending order by the pelvis or sacroiliac joints (
7  exhibited the highest R2* values, followed (in descending order) by SPION-cfos and SPION-Ran.
8 sistently highest among White men, followed (in descending order) by White women, Black men, and Blac
9 st commonly detected bocavirus species were, in descending order, HBoV2, HBoV3, HBoV4, and HBoV1, wit
10 st levels of uptake of (18)F-FES were found (in descending order) in the pituitary, hypothalamus, bed
11 DALYs) predicted by the baseline model were (in descending order): ischaemic heart disease, unipolar
12 leading specific causes of global DALYs are, in descending order, lower respiratory infections, diarr
13 d by monostotic involvement in females were, in descending order, mandibular, maxillary, and sphenoid
14  2 (IC50 322.4 and 5115.3muM, respectively), in descending order of activities.
15                                              In descending order of affinity, YPF1 binds to: specific
16 tective efficacies of anti-C5a preparations (in descending order of efficacy) were anti-C > anti-M >>
17                                              In descending order of frequency of occurrence, cells ex
18 ocations: iliac, obturator, and parametrial (in descending order of frequency).
19 frequent symptoms and signs were as follows (in descending order of frequency): hemiparesis, vertigo/
20 lude a wide spectrum of disorders including, in descending order of frequency, atrial fibrillation, a
21 ainst UL39, UL25, UL27, ICP0, UL46, and UL47 in descending order of frequency.
22      Significant factors entering this model in descending order of importance were cytogenetic group
23 tal structure and implicate PN2KPI residues, in descending order of importance, Arg15, Phe34, Pro13,
24 ore frequent (compared with invasive non-NM; in descending order of odds ratio) symmetrical pigmentat
25 nd four of the six deletions (presented here in descending order of prevalence): gr/gr, b2/b3, b1/b3,
26 t common HPV genotypes detected at baseline, in descending order of prevalence, were 16, 52, 51, 31,
27           All Apos examined were detectable, in descending order of prevalence: ApoE (99.5%), J (99.5
28 GO-At first generates a list of genes ranked in descending order of probability of functional associa
29     Striking preferential loss was observed (in descending order of significance) in specific regions
30 ctivated by multiple NF-kappaB/rel complexes in descending order p65-c-rel-->p65-50-->p50-50.
31  The six most attributable pathogens became, in descending order, Shigella spp, rotavirus, adenovirus
32                                              In descending order, the most important stress MBF chang
33                                              In descending order, the overestimation of estimated MBF
34 binding strength of the three ring analogues in descending order was KAC > ALLO > MAC, with increment
35 ical APs used, HRs relative to nonuse of APs in descending order were 2.79 (95% CI, 1.97-3.96) for ol
36 strated that the most important risk factors in descending order were DR mismatching, non-white recip
37 leading associated findings in VLST patients in descending order were malapposition, neoatheroscleros
38 intraexaminer reliability of a solo examiner in descending order were the weighted kappa coefficient,
39 triggers" for a palliative care consultation in descending order were: family request; futility consi
40 al monovalent cations; the sizes of currents in descending order were: K+ > Cs+ > Na+ for I(HA) and N
41 ciated with affective episodes in pregnancy, in descending order, were younger age at onset, previous
42 tic sequencing gel-based four-enzyme method, in descending order, when 1% or fewer questionable clone

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