


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                                                             In summary, although modest declines in neurocognitive perfor
2                                                             In summary, ARID1A has context-dependent tumor-suppressive an
3                                                             In summary, basal transmission can be sustained by glycolysis
4                                                             In summary, C. neoformans harvests lipids from macrophages, a
5                                                             In summary, Chinese FFI patients are typically characterized
6                                                             In summary, compared to TASC, the proportion of cardiovascula
7                                                             In summary, despite their reciprocal relationship, periodonta
8                                                             In summary, DOMINO is a robust and reliable tool that can inf
9                                                             In summary, GBAi is a selective, efficient, and convenient to
10                                                             In summary, hepatic ILC2s are poised to respond to the releas
11                                                             In summary, JB12 is a stress-sensitive Hsp40 whose degradatio
12                                                             In summary, lipoprotein levels and function are altered in RR
13                                                             In summary, miR-193b not only functions as a tumor suppressor
14                                                             In summary, our findings indicate that Rheb-Y35N is a dominan
15                                                             In summary, our findings suggest a tight interdependency betw
16                                                             In summary, our results provide evidence that Atf1 phosphoryl
17                                                             In summary, our results show that HIF-1alpha activates INSIG-
18                                                             In summary, our results show that TCF19 interacts with an act
19                                                             In summary, our results showed how rubone acts as an efficien
20                                                             In summary, our study provides evidence that PFN1 is importan
21                                                             In summary, PAI enables the detection of placental and fetal
22                                                             In summary, PM2.5 noticeably impacts UHI intensity, which sho
23                                                             In summary, redistribution of 5-hmC and preferential enrichme
24                                                             In summary, somatic mutations in MAP2K1 are a common cause of
25                                                             In summary, the additional recruitment of cross-hemispheric c
26                                                             In summary, the BBB is disrupted by downregulation of the Shh
27                                                             In summary, the data presented here show that compartmentaliz
28                                                             In summary, the inferred BRCAness from our framework can be u
29                                                             In summary, the NBG-BOLD relationship strongly depends on the
30                                                             In summary, the piRNA-rich nict-1 locus could define a novel
31                                                             In summary, these findings suggest a new paradigm where IL-4-
32                                                             In summary, these results reveal a new role for the helicase
33                                                             In summary, TSP-1 appears to play an accessory role in modula
34                                                             In summary, using recombinant FplA constructs, we have identi
35                                                             In summary, we demonstrate that the ability of Lon to bind DN
36                                                             In summary, we demonstrated that both colorectal adenoma and
37                                                             In summary, we demonstrated that inducible lentiviral-mediate
38                                                             In summary, we describe a mechanism by which increased cytoso
39                                                             In summary, we found no evidence that ERG is an effector of S
40                                                             In summary, we have demonstrated that the horizontal transfer
41                                                             In summary, we have implemented, validated and tested the ME-
42                                                             In summary, we have uncovered a novel human mitochondrial KMT
43                                                             In summary, we identified a conopeptide that targets the noci
44                                                             In summary, we identified a novel pathway for regulation of b
45                                                             In summary, we identified several novel oncogenic gene fusion
46                                                             In summary, we present a method for prediction of clinical ph
47                                                             In summary, we report a strategy to suppress the KRAS oncogen
48                                                             In summary, we show here that Rap1 contains an AD required fo
49                                                             In summary, we show that uPA/uPAR-induced astrocytic activati
50                                                             In summary, we validated known and identified additional dete

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