


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 betaH1 and EndoC-betaH2) that were generated in this way.
2  the carbon-zirconium bond can not be formed in this way.
3  detection limit of 0.3ngmL(-1) was realized in this way.
4 mber of such species that have been examined in this way.
5  penta(piperidinone-piperidine) was prepared in this way.
6 m MM patients also responded to lenalidomide in this way.
7 r of domain movements that can be classified in this way.
8 tors, have been successfully [(18)F]-labeled in this way.
9 nterspin distances </=25 A can be determined in this way.
10 nomolar inhibitors of NA to be characterized in this way.
11 cape of the prokaryotic ribosome is sculpted in this way.
12 s well as all-cause mortality, was evaluated in this way.
13 sing these approaches, if access is improved in this way.
14 yurethanes, or polysiloxanes can be obtained in this way.
15 ,20-(4-ethynylphenyl)porphyrin were attached in this way.
16 ity and strength to build the main structure in this way.
17 rations can be overcome by preparing samples in this way.
18 l compression, and voiding can be maintained in this way.
19 : Why do cancer cells shift their metabolism in this way?
20                     Is human vision rational in this way?
21                                              In this way, 3DIANA statistically evaluates proposed/pot
22                                              In this way, 40 polyphenols (simple phenolic and hydroxy
23  next steps was modified by anti-OTA and BSA in this way a anti-OTA/Protein-A/PSi structure sensitive
24                                              In this way a specific hazelnut primer pair based on the
25                                              In this way, a fine-tuned redox gradient is established
26                                              In this way, a group I intron located in tRNA(Leu), whic
27                                              In this way, a nanogap cell is produced whereby the two
28                                              In this way, a simple linguistic device serves a powerfu
29                                              In this way, a Z907 DSSC delivers 4.7% of energy convers
30 horylated at its inhibitory site pY(561) and in this way affects pancreatic beta-cell proinsulin biog
31 g its cytosolic translocation and preserving in this way AKT activity.
32                          Using rare variants in this way allows us to avoid iterative MCMC methods to
33 re identified for multiple ENCODE cell types in this way, along with new candidates for ubiquitous en
34            Modifying septal cholinergic tone in this way also led mice to exhibit behaviours associat
35        Human somatic cells cannot regenerate in this way and differentiation is considered irreversib
36          In this study DU particles produced in this way and exposed to the surface terrestrial envir
37 eventual treatment failure due to resistance in this way and temporarily reducing pathogen levels sys
38 r, it requires a homology wrapper to be used in this way, and here we demonstrate it perfectly correc
39 isting functional materials can be described in this way, and their properties are often determined b
40                                              In this way, apoptosis has been reactivated in malignant
41                                              In this way, approximately five orders of magnitude of s
42 ver 80% of the bacterial genomes transferred in this way are complete, on the basis of structural and
43                   The free radicals produced in this way are highly effective in inducing apoptosis i
44 als with values and uncertainties determined in this way are necessary as primary calibrators of refe
45       We show that genes regulated by METTL3 in this way are necessary for acute myeloid leukaemia.
46   However, many of the therapeutics obtained in this way are no longer effective, because bacterial r
47             1D DNP enhanced spectra acquired in this way are shown to clearly distinguish QD surface
48                   Synthetic glycans prepared in this way are useful reagents as the basis for glycan
49 n, oxygen, carbon, sodium and potassium-have in this way been detected in the atmospheres of several
50 hus actively influence the sensory flow; and in this way, behavior can be seen as a manifestation of
51       Importantly, the repositioning of AEPs in this way better recognizes their broader roles in DNA
52                                              In this way, BldD functions as an inhibitor that blocks
53                                              In this way both molar percentage of acyl groups and per
54                                              In this way, both microscopic and cross-sectional PAM an
55                                              In this way, broccoli can be incorporated as a food ingr
56 ociative information to be compartmentalized in this way, but the mechanism by which they do so is un
57 ds and larger clones can be admixture mapped in this way, by using publicly available whole-genome se
58                                              In this way Calcein Blue, newly free to fluoresce, contr
59                          Analysing reactions in this way can be used to design better catalyst archit
60 rvation of deep projection-specific activity in this way captures a fundamental and previously inacce
61                                              In this way, cell size specific electroporation is conve
62                                              In this way, cells can generate higher forces than throu
63                                              In this way, cells can use ATP to accumulate neurotransm
64                                              In this way, changes in EF were considered to reflect te
65                                              In this way, changes in the enzymatic performances as a
66 ortical synaptic terminals within the EC and in this way, constrain non-action potential-dependent an
67 hancements up to epsilonH = 515 are obtained in this way, corresponding to 78% of the theoretical max
68                                              In this way, cortical attention mechanisms interact with
69       Divergent evolution of de novo enzymes in this way could be a promising strategy for creating t
70                                              In this way, cycling cells favor regrowth in adjacent ce
71                                              In this way, de novo identification of CLA positional is
72                                              In this way, distinctive patterns or analogies to chemic
73 ts demonstrated that a new vaccine generated in this way does not hamper the individual function of d
74 g investment in personal and social immunity in this way during one breeding attempt, females are abl
75                                              In this way, dysregulated tumor pHe and upregulated gluc
76                                              In this way, eIF4E inhibition can overcome drug resistan
77 e found to suppress the C-5 racemization and in this way enabled the transfer of chirality from the a
78 167) generated from 2,3,4-trimethoxybenzoate in this way endures three consecutive eliminations of fo
79                                              In this way, Eph receptors allow cells to sense their im
80                                              In this way, eukaryotes are a useful guide to understand
81 Adrb3 and control the rate of lipolysis and, in this way, exerts control of the phenotypic difference
82                                              In this way, experience and memory play an important rol
83 rrange chromophores on a nanometer scale and in this way facilitate the assembly of efficient light-h
84                                MOFs produced in this way feature "programmed pores"--multiple functio
85                                              In this way, FNORs equip these pathogens with immunity t
86  Here we demonstrate SERS and STORM combined in this way for super-resolved chemical imaging using an
87                                              In this way, four VHH-IgG and four VHH-IgA antibodies we
88                                              In this way, functional patterns that are difficult to o
89 ctly anchor TILs to cell membranes, favoring in this way further contact with the polar group of memb
90                                              In this way, G-Mode KPFM offers a new paradigm to study
91 ing linkage information over short distances in this way gives greater power to detect bottlenecks th
92                                              In this way, human language is a technology that enhance
93                                              In this way, humanized mice are providing a powerful sma
94                                              In this way, IL-17A acts to amplify the COX-2-mediated e
95                                              In this way, IL-2 may act to curtail the innate-like res
96 ng approach can be adapted to other MBLs and in this way improve the drug discovery process for this
97  is not known whether Rho-kinase is involved in this way in the nephron.
98                                              In this way, in situ observations made by electron micro
99 stal structures of protein cages constructed in this way, including cages assembled from two mutant f
100                                              In this way, incompatible processes can be spatially sep
101                            CLL cells treated in this way increased their expression of CD62L and CXCR
102                                Data obtained in this way indicate that early aMb folding events are d
103         Here we show that training a decoder in this way is a novel variant of an imitation learning
104               Improving upon walking economy in this way is analogous to altering the structure of th
105                  The hydrogen fuel generated in this way is named as "solar fuel".
106 taining reasonable agreement with experiment in this way is not trivial and requires careful treatmen
107   The complexity hierarchy that is generated in this way is the foundation of theoretical computer sc
108            Among the guests that may be used in this way is white phosphorus (P4 ), whose inherent re
109                                              In this way it is possible to unambiguously identify whi
110 s specific effects on cellular pathways, and in this way it shapes cellular response.
111                                              In this way it was possible to verify which reactor was
112                                              In this way, joint spectral and spatial multiplexing is
113                                              In this way, large negative values of Poisson's ratio ca
114                 Concentration of the samples in this way leads to enhanced signals when compared to c
115                                              In this way, linear copolymers (SNS)4(ANi)6 and (ANi)2(S
116 ultaneously interact with Mps2 and Spc29 and in this way link the central plaque of the SPB to the nu
117                                              In this way, localized cell-cell communication gives ris
118                                              In this way, magnetic switching makes possible the confi
119                                              In this way, many types of non-covalent interactions hav
120 mtosecond gamma-ray bursts that are produced in this way may provide an interesting potential means o
121                            Cavitation formed in this way, may be used for hunting/stunning prey and c
122                                              In this way, Mbd3/NuRD protects the multipotency of lymp
123                                              In this way, microbial genomes can evolve to become ecol
124                                              In this way, mobile phase protons are prevented from int
125                                              In this way molecular information generated from NMR is
126                                              In this way molecular oxygen is released, maintaining an
127                                              In this way Mtb infection can result in an ambulatory in
128                                              In this way, MUC1-C (1) increases beta-catenin occupancy
129                                              In this way, MUC1-C binds directly to TAK1 and confers t
130                                              In this way, MUC1-C controls global DNA methylation as d
131                                              In this way, MUC1-C is upregulated in TNBC cells resista
132         Reorienting research and development in this way must overcome three obstacles.
133                         Information obtained in this way must therefore be validated by experiments i
134                                              In this way, naive T cells from HG mice resembled Ag-exp
135                                              In this way, Neurog3 establishes the posterior boundary
136                Of the m/z 107 ions generated in this way, only the 1-dehydro-2-methoxybenzene anion f
137                 The ability to switch repair in this way opens up the possibility of using targeted e
138                                              In this way, optogenetics may serve to 'fill in the gaps
139 he results by perturbing the PINs simulating in this way our incomplete knowledge of protein networks
140                                              In this way our study reconciles the reported orientatio
141                                              In this way, our data indicate that melanopsin drives a
142                                              In this way, our study provides stronger evidence that g
143                                              In this way, OVA combines information regarding molecula
144 ereochemical information may be communicated in this way over distances of up to 4 nm.
145 ty to directly sense proteins in human serum in this way overcomes the Debye length limitation associ
146  and salicylic acid pathways in Arabidopsis; in this way, pathogens would induce flavones to decrease
147                                              In this way, PIPKIgammai5, NEDD4-1, and Mig6 form a nove
148 romoters/enhancers of target genes, and that in this way PML-II plays a significant role in the devel
149                                              In this way, population models are currently increasingl
150                                              In this way, precise gene expression control by Ldb2a en
151                                              In this way, problems arising from data quality and only
152  5' cap structures of viral transcripts, and in this way produces RNA patterns that activate innate i
153    Evidence from agroforestry indicates that in this way, productive and environmentally friendly far
154 his can be problematic (even dangerous)--and in this way provides support for the worries raised by t
155  The applications of the renewables produced in this way range from building blocks for the pharmaceu
156 eling of mass spectral fingerprints obtained in this way readily discriminate between different mucos
157                                              In this way, reading and writing the neural code are ine
158 ms among the newly generated daughter genes, in this way reducing the number of alternatively spliced
159  flow, characteristic of active nematics, is in this way regularized into a laminar flow with periodi
160 esentation of the charges on the proteins is in this way replaced by the magnitudes and orientations
161                                              In this way, requirements would be radiopharmaceutical-s
162                                              In this way, researchers with new gene sets from their o
163        Results demonstrated that NR attached in this way retains high electrochemical activity and pr
164                                              In this way, samples were sorted in three different grou
165                                              In this way, secondary effects are minimized and putativ
166                                              In this way, selectively substituted di-, tri-, tetra-,
167                                              In this way, sensitive, disposable, low cost and reliabl
168                                              In this way, sex can reduce diversity relative to asexua
169 ity space in which the system directs itself in this way so as to explore a large repertoire of synch
170                                              In this way, social networks can influence a wide range
171                                              In this way, solids can be switched between competing el
172                                              In this way, some crucial problems arising from the reve
173                                              In this way, specific neural modules called barreloids a
174                                              In this way spin-dependent transport properties can be c
175                                              In this way, state-intensity-dependent, reciprocal regul
176                                              In this way substantial changes of the amplitude, phase
177                               Gene discovery in this way suggests that we are far from a complete cat
178 ty of roflumilast and formoterol to interact in this way supports the concept that these drugs togeth
179                                              In this way, temporal programming of gelation was possib
180                                              In this way, temporal scaling identifies a novel state v
181                                              In this way the bond cleavage is promoted by the pericyc
182                                              In this way the data collection time may be dramatically
183                                By estimating in this way the degree of deformation of adsorbed EVs, w
184                                              In this way the present findings establish a novel platf
185 trap rapidly the carbonyl compound, avoiding in this way the reaction of the carbonyl compound with t
186                                              In this way the separation of thermal heating from any o
187 onducted after each digestion step obtaining in this way the sequence information of N-glycans in 60
188                                              In this way the switching properties of the plasmonic na
189                                              In this way the target herbicide decreases the O2 produc
190                                              In this way the user can directly accept or reject candi
191                                              In this way, the 36 lipid species that experienced the l
192                                              In this way, the analytical throughput could be signific
193                                              In this way, the auditory system can develop and simulta
194                                              In this way, the BODIPY-squaraine conjugates combine the
195                                              In this way, the C-terminal region of gamma-tubulin regu
196                               When presented in this way, the catalyst has a strong accelerating effe
197                                              In this way, the CO2 capture and sequestration was reali
198                                              In this way, the concentrations of two arsenic-containin
199                                              In this way, the context from distant parts of the visua
200                                              In this way, the de novo protein SynSerB3 was selected a
201                                              In this way, the effect of pressure, frequency, voltage
202 lthough changes to cell fate can be achieved in this way, the efficiency of such conversion remains v
203                                              In this way, the facets on the initial Pd seed are faith
204                                              In this way, the factors driving social trait impression
205                                              In this way, the final product can be out of the methane
206                                              In this way, the foundry-based wafer-scale fabrication t
207                                              In this way, the global phase behavior can be calculated
208                                              In this way, the hydrogen coverage on the whole surface
209                                              In this way, the immunostimulant activity of monophospho
210                                              In this way, the indication for keratoplasty was more th
211                                              In this way, the interest of Galician oil producers (NW
212                                              In this way, the interface between ZnO and TiO2 is fully
213                                              In this way, the isolation of dimeric procyanidin B1 in
214                                              In this way, the main Raman bands of gypsum, bassanite,
215                                              In this way, the mechanically activated tape can be deco
216                                              In this way, the mechanism of ETV6-target association co
217                                              In this way, the method detection limit of pY reached do
218                                              In this way, the method ensures the highest robustness o
219                               Once validated in this way, the model was modified to reflect age-relat
220                                              In this way, the molecule is converted to an endo- or an
221                                              In this way, the novel thermal infrared enthalpimetry (T
222                                              In this way, the oscillator experiences large phase nois
223                                              In this way, the outcome of the food challenge could be
224                                              In this way, the parasite co-opts an immune response in
225                                              In this way, the Pd(0)-catalyzed coupling of racemic 2-t
226                                              In this way, the PdX2 species is localized near the targ
227 ali environment in the synthesis atmosphere; in this way, the photocatalytic activity of Ti(3+)-doped
228                                              In this way, the precise expression patterns of Wnt5 and
229                                              In this way, the qualitatively known differences in the
230                                              In this way, the radical and ionic thermal and hydrother
231                                              In this way, the RE and the AE of the commercial card we
232                                              In this way, the same sensing surface could be used repe
233                                              In this way, the separation of nicosulfuron, ethoxysulfu
234                                              In this way, the structures of gold(I) and/or silver(I)
235                                              In this way, the synchronized period of the SCN stays cl
236                                              In this way, the theory offers the underlying mechanism
237                                              In this way, the thermal conductivity is approximately e
238                                              In this way, the use of Lemna minor coupled with a porta
239                                              In this way, the vision of a unified bonding scheme of c
240 reactive groups of epoxyalkenals, decreasing in this way their ability to modify amino compounds.
241                                              In this way, there could be new hypotheses developed whi
242                                              In this way, these small blocks of nanoporous sugar func
243                                              In this way they can proceed through the stages of a dep
244                                              In this way they may act in concert with stomatal regula
245                                              In this way, they act as primitive versions of today's p
246                                              In this way, they are ready to be used on demand and mai
247                                              In this way, this unique Ge modification technique enabl
248 econfiguring their spatial architecture, and in this way to enable tunable functionality.
249  the displacement of hard-disk molecules and in this way to incorporate the crowding effect to the LB
250              We use the information obtained in this way, together with previously obtained data, to
251               Manipulating GABAAR activation in this way triggered scaling in a mechanistically simil
252 nges to triplet during the homolysis of I2k; in this way two malonyl radicals are formed that are con
253                                              In this way, up to 52 compounds were identified in these
254                                              In this way, urban structure is directly related to the
255                                              In this way, users have the flexibility to study any cus
256    Bacteriophage T4 controls its development in this way using phage proteins that interact with host
257 , mycofactocin, is thought to be synthesized in this way via the mft gene cluster found in many strai
258                                              In this way we can retain strength while enhancing tough
259                                              In this way we combine the desynchronizing delayed feedb
260                                              In this way we constructed rRSV NS2 ubiquitin mutants th
261                                              In this way we have accessed reversible amide bond forma
262                                              In this way we have created the first self-powered elect
263                                              In this way we have developed a new paradigm in clinical
264                                              In this way we produce particles including micrometre-si
265                                              In this way we show that unsupervised lineage analysis p
266                                              In this way, we achieve higher accuracy than SIFT, a sta
267                                              In this way, we achieved a simulation environment for ou
268                                              In this way, we aim to identify nodes that connect diffe
269                                              In this way, we chemically recapitulated triggering of a
270                                              In this way, we defined a theta hot spot on a group leve
271                                              In this way, we demonstrate lasing from a nanomaterial t
272                                              In this way, we demonstrate that DNA damage leads to (i)
273                                              In this way, we demonstrated the presence of major foods
274                                              In this way, we determine that the component selection p
275                                              In this way, we developed an ecologically relevant perio
276                                              In this way, we developed the first reported series of c
277                                              In this way, we discovered the heavy-atom tunneling reac
278                                              In this way, we easily distinguished the products of new
279                                              In this way, we established a Ptr-SND1-B1-directed quant
280                                              In this way, we explicitly connect the macroscopic and m
281                                              In this way, we find that the controversial structures a
282                                              In this way, we further our basic understanding of the f
283                                              In this way, we gain additional degree of freedom, which
284                                              In this way, we have been able to expand the scope of fl
285                                              In this way, we have identified 4e, 9, 16e, and 16g as t
286                                              In this way, we have identified a novel cellular signali
287  and correlating response to gene expression in this way, we hope to achieve more effective and perso
288                                              In this way, we indexed BOLD signals associated with an
289                                              In this way, we obtain a unified mechanism-without umkla
290                                              In this way, we obtained two scFvs, one specific for a p
291                                              In this way, we pave the way for the development of new
292                                              In this way, we present an approach by which to predict
293                                              In this way, we produce an interference pattern in the s
294                                              In this way, we propose that the various models of asymm
295                                              In this way, we quantitatively characterize the magnetos
296                                              In this way, we show that hydrochloric acid plays the ro
297                                              In this way, we suggest that dicyanometallates form a pa
298                                              In this way, we uncover some unity in our understanding
299 at the application of neuroactive substances in this way will be a useful tool for noninvasively mapp
300 us-host cell interactions have been analysed in this way, with the herpesvirus 'life' cycle being the

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