


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t protein was restored when SUMO-1 was fused in-frame.
2 lice site, resulting in the production of an in-frame, 11-aa secretory tail at the end of the D7 doma
3 P proteins-an expected outcome with overlaps in frame -2.
4 sequences but were separated from them by an in-frame "2A-like" sequence element that specifies a cot
5 assium channel Kv4.3-encoding gene KCND3: an in-frame 3-nucleotide deletion c.679_681delTTC p.F227del
6 ters metabolism by cleaving transcripts with in-frame 5'-AAA-G/A-3' sites.
7 ersions in exons 5 and 8, respectively), one in-frame 5-11 microindel in exon 7 and a 410-bp deletion
8 rsions in PRKCA mRNAs (out-of-frame 61 bp or in-frame 66 bp long), and is preferentially included in
9 ine 95 to histidine (P95H) and a P95-to-R102 in-frame 8-amino-acid deletion caused significant change
10 an intragenic insertion, which results in an in-frame 90-bp insertion in the transcript and a predict
11 in reorganization within the gorge, freezing-in-frame a conformation distinct from an unbound state o
12                   When a non-phase-variable, in-frame allele of FA1090 opaD was reintroduced into Opa
13 d these enzymes are encoded by genes with an in-frame amber codon that is translated as pyrrolysine.
14 leaves a short DNA footprint that can create in-frame and frameshift insertions in coding sequences.
15              We introduced and characterized in-frame and out-of-frame insertions and deletions in th
16 57BL/6-Klk4 (+/LacZ) mice have LacZ inserted in frame at the Klk4 translation initiation site so that
17 lation initiation codon and rely on a second in-frame ATG codon to produce an enzymatically active is
18 as suggested by the significant bias against in-frame ATGs specifically found at the beginning of the
19 tochondrial Arf") initiated from an internal in-frame AUG codon specifying methionine-45.
20 hat are translated from the second and third in-frame AUG codons in the NS1 open reading frame.
21            We also show that insertion of an in-frame AUG start codon upstream of the interaction sit
22 roduced from the initiation at a downstream, in-frame AUG start codon.
23 ized in the nucleus, and mutation of the two in-frame AUGs has no effect on the activation of IRF3 an
24  NS1 protein containing mutations of the two in-frame AUGs results in both the absence of truncated N
25 xA gene was modified to encode toxin with an in-frame beta-lactamase (Bla) fusion.
26           WES and BRAF sequencing identified in-frame BRAF deletions in the beta3-alphaC loop in 6 le
27 ed transcript lacking exons 4-7, encoding an in-frame BRCA2 protein with an internal deletion of 105
28 arrangements in human ALCL are predominantly in-frame, but often aberrant, with clonal TCRalpha but n
29  genomic ATP7 rescue construct containing an in-frame C-terminal GFP tag.
30                               By using total in-frame coding capacity of a genome [i.e., coding seque
31                                              In-frame complex indels are enriched in PIK3R1 and EGFR,
32 out of 9 TBDR coding genes were individually in-frame deleted.
33 med PtaA for "periplasmic transaminase A" An in-frame-deleted ptaA mutant selectively lacked the alph
34                              The analysis of in frame deletion mutants confirmed the role of a hydrox
35 es, the mutation identified was a novel 3-bp in-frame deletion (c.20_22del) that results in deletion
36 ation in CAPN3 could be identified; a 21-bp, in-frame deletion (c.643_663del21).
37 ovo, one inheritance uncertain), and Lys2596 in-frame deletion (four de novo).
38 o the presence or absence of a 12-nucleotide in-frame deletion (Fpr3Delta424-435).
39 ted sequencing, here we identify a recurrent in-frame deletion (VAV1 Delta778-786) generated by a foc
40 oth the rare truncating mutations and common in-frame deletion alteration of FAM190A may contribute t
41 DNA microarray analysis of biofilms of pdeB (in-frame deletion and EAL) mutant cells revealed that ex
42  = 8.3 x 10(-55), beta = -0.90 s.d.), a rare in-frame deletion in FCGR2B abolishing IgG binding to th
43 et retinal degeneration that is caused by an in-frame deletion in the CEP290 protein.
44 of BAP1 that disrupt the CUBI and notably an in-frame deletion in the CTD that inhibits its interacti
45                     EGFRvIII results from an in-frame deletion in the extracellular domain of EGFR, d
46    We show that a mutant NLGN4 containing an in-frame deletion is unable to localize correctly to the
47 d pneumonic plague, we characterized an msbB in-frame deletion mutant incapable of producing an acylt
48              Here, we generated an unmarked, in-frame deletion mutant of csrA to assess its contribut
49 n act gene regulation, we constructed a gidA in-frame deletion mutant of Escherichia coli GM28 (dam(+
50                            Interestingly, an in-frame deletion mutant of Irr shows no major role in i
51             We report the construction of an in-frame deletion mutant of tesA (encoding a type II thi
52  strain, but not its isogenic PNAG-negative, in-frame deletion mutant strain, S1 Deltapga.
53                                              In-frame deletion mutants of FTL_0883 and FTT_0615c, the
54                                              In-frame deletion mutants of pseudaminic acid biosynthet
55                                              In-frame deletion mutation (Del-L955) in NaV1.7 sodium c
56 cent studies show that a naturally occurring in-frame deletion mutation (Del-L955) of NaV1.7 channel,
57                                 Recently, an in-frame deletion mutation (DeltaE81) in a conserved reg
58 e and FBM, our data provide an example of an in-frame deletion mutation exerting a 'polar' effect on
59 ronchiseptica strain RBX9, which contains an in-frame deletion mutation in fhaB, encoding filamentous
60                            We constructed an in-frame deletion mutation in rpoN (VP2670) in V. paraha
61 cerebellar heterotopia, caused by an unusual in-frame deletion mutation in the meckelin C-terminus at
62                            We constructed an in-frame deletion mutation in the sagA gene and found th
63                                          The in-frame deletion mutation was found to be inherited fro
64 strated that seven nontruncating missense or in-frame deletion mutations (L986F, delF1289, R1648C, F1
65                        Less common point and in-frame deletion mutations at codons 591 to 603 remain
66                                              In-frame deletion mutations of all of the ctp genes, wit
67 e role of these genes in pathogenesis, large in-frame deletion mutations of bcaA and bcaB were constr
68                                 Mutants with in-frame deletion mutations of two of the genes identifi
69 ion in the patched2 gene that resulted in an in-frame deletion of 19 amino acids that are predicted t
70 entified four mutations (three missense, one in-frame deletion of 30 base pairs) in six primary tumou
71 3, and gave rise to an aberrant protein with in-frame deletion of 31 amino acids.
72 predicted menin Delta(184-218) mutant has an in-frame deletion of 35 amino acids but is otherwise of
73 assays, and resulted in exon skipping and an in-frame deletion of 40 amino acids in primary human fib
74  spliced, truncated GLI1 (tGLI1) that has an in-frame deletion of 41 codons spanning the entire exon
75  Col6a3 mRNA and a mutant transcript with an in-frame deletion of 54 bp of triple-helical coding sequ
76 ely spliced F5 transcript that results in an in-frame deletion of 702 amino acids of the large activa
77       The genomic deletion corresponds to an in-frame deletion of 79 amino acids, shortening the prot
78               The deletion corresponds to an in-frame deletion of 92 amino acids, shortening the prot
79 al hypocalciuric hypercalcemia type 2 had an in-frame deletion of a conserved Galpha11 isoleucine (Il
80 ipping of exon 6 of SLC41A1, resulting in an in-frame deletion of a transmembrane helix.
81       The putative o7-ref allele has a 12-bp in-frame deletion of codons 350-353 in a 528-codon-long
82                   An S. iniae mutant with an in-frame deletion of cpsY (DeltacpsY mutant) is highly a
83           C. muridarum transformants with an in-frame deletion of either pgp3 or -4 but not -7 failed
84                           One patient had an in-frame deletion of exon 13, while the second patient h
85     One mutation, c.1843-1G>A, results in an in-frame deletion of exon 13.
86 hat a splice isoform of erbB2, containing an in-frame deletion of exon 16 (herein referred to as ErbB
87                                           An in-frame deletion of feoA, feoB, or feoC eliminated iron
88 esponding to a full-length sequence with the in-frame deletion of pore-S6 domains, predicted by const
89                                              In-frame deletion of selD, which encodes selenophosphate
90                       A mutant containing an in-frame deletion of the bpsABCD structural genes was co
91                  Furthermore, we showed that in-frame deletion of the cdaA gene in S. mutans causes d
92  and the T9SS, mutants were constructed with in-frame deletion of the CTD and deletion of porU, a C-t
93                                              In-frame deletion of the ctpA pilin gene in the ctpCD, c
94   We also generated an LPL construct with an in-frame deletion of the N-terminal catalytic domain (re
95                    Here we present the first in-frame deletion of the PvdN-encoding gene.
96                                           An in-frame deletion of this regulator caused P. aeruginosa
97                                              In-frame deletion of two COG3413 family regulatory genes
98                 Creation of an S. oneidensis in-frame deletion strain showed increased sensitivity to
99 ng a human variant (Delta4-13) containing an in-frame deletion which removed exons 4 through 13, enco
100 plice donor site in exon 11, and leads to an in-frame deletion within the prelamin A mRNA and the pro
101 N (substitution), lasR (deletion), and rpoD (in-frame deletion), all encoding regulators of large gen
102   Each of these homozygous variants (a large in-frame deletion, a frameshift deletion, and a missense
103 e-nucleotide deletions, one three-nucleotide in-frame deletion, and one premature stop codon were als
104 stitution, D49N, and a previously identified in-frame deletion, K285del.
105 ng an exon-skipping mutation that induced an in-frame deletion.
106 l result in skipping of exon 9, producing an in-frame deletion.
107 tation in IKBKG (c.518+2T>G, resulting in an in-frame deletion: p.DelQ134_R256).
108                           Strains harbouring in frame deletions of all V. cholerae genes that are pre
109 e was replaced by genomes harboring internal in-frame deletions affecting the L- or capsid-coding reg
110 600E harbored somatic mutations in MAP2K1 (6 in-frame deletions and 1 missense mutation) that induced
111                                      De novo in-frame deletions and duplications in the SPTAN1 gene,
112 ) of DIPGs, including missense mutations and in-frame deletions and insertions not previously describ
113                                   Markerless in-frame deletions confirmed that clrA, clrB and clrC we
114                                              In-frame deletions frequently caused dominant retinal de
115                         All 12 patients with in-frame deletions had a stable transcript compared with
116 o test strains with transposon insertions or in-frame deletions in biofilm-associated loci: ahrC, arg
117                     Homozygous frameshift or in-frame deletions in CD70 in these patients abolished e
118                                              In-frame deletions in ORF69 have varied effects on NEC f
119 ilis epsH-K genes into Escherichia coli with in-frame deletions in the PNAG biosynthetic genes pgaA-D
120                             Isolate R712 had in-frame deletions in three genes.
121 or isolated dystonia by inducing a series of in-frame deletions in zebrafish embryos.
122 e activity has been described, the effect of in-frame deletions is not well understood.
123 reduced by 50% have been proven for specific in-frame deletions of 1 or several amino acids, probably
124 and biofilm formation, we generated nonpolar in-frame deletions of each gene.
125 A transcripts in 40% of cancers also contain in-frame deletions of evolutionarily conserved exons.
126                    By analyzing mutants with in-frame deletions of individual genes or pairs of genes
127                                    Moreover, in-frame deletions of one hydroxylase and two P450 monoo
128              Using reverse genetics, partial in-frame deletions of p7 were deleterious for virus grow
129                                              In-frame deletions of three or more codons conferred at
130 r, many tumors exhibit missense mutations or in-frame deletions or insertions, often outside the func
131                                Corresponding in-frame deletions presented with predominantly mild BMD
132 ts with Becker muscular dystrophy harbouring in-frame deletions relevant to on-going or planned exon
133             Mutations were missense or small in-frame deletions that affect amino acid residues withi
134 Genomic sequencing identified three distinct in-frame deletions that cosegregated with disease.
135               To further examine this issue, in-frame deletions were constructed separately for each
136                                   Markerless in-frame deletions were generated in H. volcanii target
137                                        Small in-frame deletions within ORF67 in all cases result in l
138 trophinopathy patients containing equivalent in-frame deletions.
139 uded seven unique missense variants and nine in-frame deletions/duplications of which 12 were novel.
140 ing transcripts, and approximately 20-30% of in-frame Delta9,10 transcripts predicted to encode a BRC
141     Although most children showed a decrease in frame dependency over the 4 years of the study, almos
142    This work indicates that knowledge of how in-frame disease mutations alter specific interactions i
143                      We identified two novel in-frame Drosha isoforms generated by alternative splici
144 the microscope over the imaged area, warping in frames due to changes in contact angle and varying re
145 ion hotspots map to nonstructural genes with in-frame duplications at gene boundaries.
146 cker muscular dystrophy, typically caused by in-frame dystrophin deletions that allow the production
147 probing of the putative linker segment using in-frame enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) inser
148 man CVID-affected family with a heterozygous in-frame exon 9 skipping mutation (c.835+2T>G) and in a
149 tory domain, induces partial skipping of the in-frame exon and nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin.
150  (Rb) tumor suppressor protein (RbN) harbors in-frame exon deletions in partially penetrant hereditar
151 requent structural rearrangements, including in-frame exonic alterations within EGFR and SIK2 kinases
152 ess the specificities of these dipsticks, an in-frame F1-deficient mutant of CO92 (Deltacaf) was gene
153            RNA-seq revealed one case with an in-frame FAM73A-BRAF fusion lacking the BRAF autoinhibit
154                              We used a "cDNA in-frame fragment library" screening approach to identif
155                   Moreover, we predicted six in-frame fusion genes at sequenced duplication breakpoin
156 tion with ASOs or siRNA was achieved via the in-frame fusion of either Saccharomyces cerevisiae GAL4
157                                              In-frame fusion of green fluorescent protein (GFP) to th
158                            Here we show that in-frame fusion of human C-propeptide of alpha1(I) colla
159                                The resultant in-frame fusion protein AML1-ETO (AE) acts as an initiat
160 vidence that BCAM-AKT2 is translated into an in-frame fusion protein in the patient's tumor.
161 st of these fusion transcripts do not encode in-frame fusion proteins.
162                                              In-frame fusion transcripts involving histone methyltran
163                                  Sixty-seven in-frame fusion transcripts were identified, including t
164                                         This in-frame fusion was observed in 3/89 tested tumors and 2
165                Our approach identified three in-frame gene fusions (YAP1-MAML2, PTPLB-RSRC1, and SP3-
166 atic mutations and unravels the landscape of in-frame gene fusions in glioblastoma.
167 genome sequencing strategy and identified an in-frame germline compound heterozygous deletion, p.[Gln
168                               The C-terminal in-frame green fluorescent protein fusion may slow down
169 agglutinin (IE3-HA) virus by insertion of an in-frame HA epitope sequence allowed detection of the IE
170     In particular, two individuals shared an in-frame heterozygous deletion of three nucleotides (c.4
171 erial expression vector to produce a genetic in-frame His-tagged TAT-SOD fusion protein.
172  form of SRP to 2p24, where we identified an in-frame homozygous deletion of exon 5 in WDR35.
173                    Such a shortlist will aid in framing hypotheses to prioritize a manageable number
174 n whether 3 genes, lgtA, lgtC, and lgtD, are in frame (IF) or out of frame (OOF).
175                        The frequency of high in-frame (IF) V(H) usage increased in cycling pre-B cell
176                                     All four in-frame IFNGR2 hypomorphic mutant alleles encoding surf
177 red the fraction of rearrangements that were in-frame in B cell DNA.
178 t with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused in-frame in the M3-M4 intracellular loop.
179 ing activity and are tolerated when inserted in-frame in variable protein regions.
180 ty of mutations are either missense or small in-frame in-del mutations and disease severity often rel
181         Exome analyses revealed a homozygous in-frame indel mutation (c.495_507delinsT [p.Glu165_Pro1
182 ring variants defined as missense plus LoFs, in frame indels and stop-loss variants (n = 13 014, OR =
183 ypes (in-frame [missense point mutations and in-frame indels] versus truncating [nonsense mutations a
184 show that a naturally occurring, downstream, in-frame initiation codon is used to make a dCREB2 prote
185 , instead, force translation from downstream in-frame initiation codons, yielding amino-terminally tr
186 nce located just proximal to the alternative in-frame initiation site.
187 ancestry were homozygous for an 18 base pair in-frame insertion in TKT.
188 ealed a heterozygous, exon 37, six-base pair in-frame insertion mutation in the affected patient and
189 site variant (c.636+1G>A) that results in an in-frame insertion of 45 nucleotides and a missense vari
190 predicted to cause an early truncation or an in-frame insertion or deletion.
191 ranscript processing and results in a 222 bp in-frame insertion.
192 associated with ADCME by identifying a novel in-frame insertion/deletion in 2 Italian families.
193 lies, we identified heterozygous missense or in-frame insertion/deletion mutations in C1R (15 familie
194 utations were heterozygous missense or small in-frame insertion/deletion mutations occurring within o
195  somatic hypermutation (SHM) frequencies and in-frame insertions and deletions (indels).
196 menable to structure-function analyses using in-frame insertions and deletions as presented herein.
197 rame mutations (missense point mutations and in-frame insertions and deletions) are enriched on the i
198 n unusual DNA repeat structure that predicts in-frame insertions and deletions.
199 made it amenable to a genetic analysis using in-frame insertions and deletions.
200 d single nucleotide polymorphisms, and short in-frame insertions and deletions.
201 Accordingly, repression is relieved by small in-frame insertions before this secondary structure, or
202    Single-nucleotide substitutions and small in-frame insertions or deletions identified in human bre
203 or specific driver events, including hotspot in-frame insertions that target KBTBD4 and 'enhancer hij
204  mutated bMSTN gene (bMSTN-mut) was inserted in frame into the pEF1a-IRES-DsRed-Express2 vector and t
205 long with two SV5-Pk epitope tags engineered in-frame into the third exon, immediately C-terminal to
206 table fusion candidates, we focused on three in-frame kinase fusion transcripts that retain a kinase
207 nt anti-ERbeta antibodies, we showed that an in-frame ligand binding domain and C terminus were prese
208                    The fusion resulted in an in-frame linkage of the PRKCA catalytic domain with the
209 essive versus dominant) and molecular types (in-frame [missense point mutations and in-frame indels]
210 n an experimental parameter regime for which in-frame motion prevents SPT and tight confinement of fa
211                                   The unique in-frame MPP5-FAM71D fusion product is important for pro
212                        Two gene fusions were in-frame: MPP5-FAM71D in PC346C and ARHGEF3-C8ORF38 in G
213 s from the mutated transcript can produce an in-frame mRNA and a truncated, but still functional, pro
214        Here, we show that a Brucella abortus in-frame mucR deletion strain exhibits a pronounced grow
215 entify a homozygous nonsense mutation and an in-frame multiexon deletion in two families.
216  that the presence of at least 1 missense or in-frame mutation is associated with adult onset and slo
217                                 We find that in-frame mutations (missense point mutations and in-fram
218 spot" regions would introduce biases towards in-frame mutations and would compromise the reproducibil
219 Kctd10, resulted in null-like phenotypes and in-frame mutations in alleles.
220                   Here we report noncysteine in-frame mutations in IL7R and CRLF2 located in a region
221                             BMD is caused by in-frame mutations in the gene encoding dystrophin, a st
222 the US1 gene that encodes ICP22, produces an in-frame, N-terminally truncated form of ICP22, known as
223  suggest that this classification is helpful in framing new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to
224 in which a protein encoded by a gene with an in-frame nonsense codon at an essential lysine can be ex
225 ible gene-targeting system by introducing an in-frame nonsense mutation into the coding sequence of C
226 oding a putative TBC1D20-ZFN protein with an in-frame p.[H140_Y143del] deletion within the highly con
227 ulting in difficulty in placing the patients in frame, patient's inability or unwillingness to tolera
228                                              In-frame premature termination codons (PTCs) account for
229       Splicing regulation was most divergent in frame-preserving events and events in noncoding regio
230       In vitro, we detected expression of an in-frame protein (C-terminal PB1-F2) from downstream ATG
231                   We identified at least one in-frame protein kinase fusion in 324 of 4366 samples (7
232       In all, 30 of 55 fusion candidates had in-frame protein products.
233 retrocopies often lead to the origination of in-frame proteins relative to the parental genes.
234 individual V(H)s have different fractions of in-frame rearrangements (IF fractions) ranging from 10 t
235 x allosteric mechanisms have proven valuable in framing research on the mechanism of etomidate action
236 inants occurring at gene junctions presented in-frame sequence duplications, whereas most intragenic
237        RNA sequencing identified a recurrent in-frame SH3PXD2A-HTRA1 fusion in 12/125 (10%) cases, an
238 these gene structure rearrangements resulted in frame-shift mutations and premature termination codon
239 s in replicating eukaryotic cells, resulting in frame-shifting insertion/deletion (indel) mutations a
240 rom mice and humans, representing over 4,600 in-frame single-cell-derived TCRalphabeta sequence pairs
241 ce-donor-site mutation (c.730+4A>G), causing in-frame skipping of exon 8.
242              In this study, we identified an in-frame splice variant of the EGFR called mini-LEEK (mL
243       The exonic mutation c.3538G>A causes 3 in-frame splicing variants (23del, 26del, and 23/26del)
244                   TgBCP1 has three potential in frame start codons that produce 51, 33 or 25 kDa prot
245 Rabies virus (RABV) P gene mRNA encodes five in-frame start codons, resulting in expression of full-l
246 ucleotides of mRNA sequence that contains an in-frame stop codon caused by a downstream G --> A(2,832
247               Translation of mRNA lacking an in-frame stop codon leads to ribosome arrest at the 3' e
248 tivated by promoter defects, introduction of in-frame stop codon, or the lack of a polyadenylation si
249 am of the LRR-encoding exons and contains an in-frame stop codon, the alternative transcript is predi
250 r the end of messenger RNA (mRNA) without an in-frame stop codon.
251                              Despite the two in-frame stop codons introduced by splicing between exon
252 with genomic (main) ORF1 by converting three in-frame stop codons to nonstop codons, a uORF-ORF1 fusi
253 The translation of non-stop mRNA (which lack in-frame stop codons) represents a significant quality c
254 rosophila lebanonensis, but it does not have in-frame stop codons, suggesting the exon's functional d
255 h proteins from mutated genes with premature in-frame stop codons.
256  automated genome engineering, we introduced in-frame TAG codons into 22 essential genes, linking the
257  Pyl-decoding bacteria (~20% of ORFs contain in-frame TAGs) regulate Pyl-tRNA(Pyl) formation and tran
258   This approach allowed for highly efficient in-frame targeting of MYF5 in human iPS cells.
259 n FA1090 in which all opa genes were deleted in frame, termed Opaless.
260                                              In-frame TGA (opal) codons are found in most genes (85%)
261 ivity in vivo from a lacZ gene containing an in-frame TGA codon.
262 cogenic chromosomal translocations that fuse in-frame the tyrosine kinase coding domains of fibroblas
263  the strand antisense to JPH3, the repeat is in frame to encode polyglutamine.
264 at expresses human calreticulin (hCRT) fused in frame to MmuPV1 E6 (mE6) and mE7 early proteins and r
265 d driven by the hly promoter (h30) or linked in frame to the ActA N-terminal 100 amino acids and driv
266 l region of the glutamate-rich protein fused in frame to the C-terminal region of merozoite surface p
267 ncoded green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused in frame to the internal capsid scaffold and maturation
268 m30 vaccine candidates expressing r30 linked in frame to the L. monocytogenes listeriolysin O signal
269                Expression of Plg-R(KT) fused in-frame to GFP resulted in targeting of the GFP signal
270 ments of MET fusing the kinase domain of MET in-frame to six different N-terminal partners.
271  DMD phenotype in 4 of 4 subjects despite an in-frame transcript.
272 ons fuse genes that are predicted to produce in-frame transcripts of SIRPG-WWOX, SMOC2-PROX1, and PIE
273             In the K-12 leader sequence, two in-frame translation initiation codons have been identif
274  frame in the Wnt16a mRNA to an alternative, in-frame translation initiation site, resulting in the p
275  has a one-nucleotide insertion that allowed in-frame translation of a full Cav1.2 channel.
276 set of BAC-expressing neurons results in the in-frame translation of the reporter protein hence the s
277                                      Certain in-frame transposon insertion mutants did not interact w
278 xon skipping by testing whether an internal, in-frame truncation of a transmembrane protein gamma-sar
279 ded E. coli strain that lacks any endogenous in-frame UAGN sequences and release factor 1.
280 arly sensitive to antibiotics due to its ten in frame UGA codons.
281 roteinogenic amino acid encoded by a recoded in-frame UGA codon that does not operate as the canonica
282  homolog from Metridium senile that has four in-frame UGA codons and two nearly identical SECIS eleme
283 ins occurs by translational recoding whereby in-frame UGA codons are redefined to encode the selenium
284 tabolic (75)Se labeling showed that all four in-frame UGA codons supported Sec insertion and that bot
285 ), which in vertebrates may contain up to 22 in-frame UGA codons.
286 selenocysteine (Sec), which is encoded by an in-frame UGA stop codon.
287 date genes, but this approach often produces in-frame variants that retain functionality, which can o
288 rgely nonproductive kappa and enrichment for in-frame VJ of the others.
289 as nonproductive VJ, sterile transcripts, or in-frame VJ whose products may not associate with the H
290 mplementary DNA from renal tissue and cloned in frame with a CPD (YARKARRQARR) at the amino-terminal
291 he mixed lineage leukemia (MLL) gene fuse it in frame with multiple partner genes creating novel fusi
292 molog of the molecular chaperone DNAJ, fused in frame with PRKACA, the catalytic domain of protein ki
293 on of viral transcripts, fusing the pipo ORF in frame with the 5' third of the polyprotein ORF.
294 sting of the puromycin resistance gene fused in frame with the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EG
295  repeat and exogenous insert were positioned in frame with the native protein-encoding sequences but
296 of a gene sequence encoding a V5 epitope tag in frame with the TEV protease site immediately after gK
297 ould produce transcripts bringing these ORFs in frame with the upstream polyprotein, thus leading to
298 heterologous proteins (ABL1, Rev, PKIA, APC) in-frame with AF10 are sufficient to immortalize murine
299            We introduced a hemagglutinin tag in-frame with Alt-ATXN1 in ATXN1 cDNA and showed in cell
300 d upon either fusion of the reporter protein in frame within nonstructural protein 3 (nsP3) or insert

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