


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 re skaters falling down and persons behaving inappropriately).
2 e sensory feedback may engage these reflexes inappropriately.
3 heir activation or prevented from developing inappropriately.
4 or cell death if left unrepaired or repaired inappropriately.
5 are high and wasted if devices are implanted inappropriately.
6 ibit abnormal morphology, and are positioned inappropriately.
7 firmed by the manufacturer to be functioning inappropriately.
8 racteristic of mutations that activate FGFRs inappropriately.
9 m9(-/-) adult-born dentate neurons localized inappropriately.
10 idance, dentists often prescribe antibiotics inappropriately.
11 immune response, without activating NK cells inappropriately.
12 e inhibitors of virus assembly that prevent, inappropriately accelerate and/or misdirect capsid forma
13  mechanisms by which cryopyrin mutations can inappropriately activate an inflammatory response.
14 propose that perturbed delangin function may inappropriately activate DLX genes, thereby contributing
15 void spurious PhyR protein interactions that inappropriately activate GSR-dependent transcription.
16    Our data thus demonstrate that the AR can inappropriately activate transcription in ADI PCa cells
17 hat prune excess synapses in development are inappropriately activated and mediate synapse loss in AD
18  arrest and apoptosis for nonspecifically or inappropriately activated B cells.
19 es in the elimination of stem cells that are inappropriately activated by oncogenic events through in
20  by a variety of cytokine receptors and when inappropriately activated can cause hematopoietic disord
21 s a type of cell death program that could be inappropriately activated during drought, we hypothesize
22  involving PC1 and show that this pathway is inappropriately activated in ADPKD.
23 of cells during metazoan development, and is inappropriately activated in cancer.
24       The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway is inappropriately activated in certain human cancers, incl
25 eracts with tuberin, and the mTOR pathway is inappropriately activated in cyst-lining epithelial cell
26 , which promotes proper mitosis, can both be inappropriately activated in human tumors.
27 ecise transcriptional control, which becomes inappropriately activated in many cancer subtypes.
28 sts that cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) are inappropriately activated in mature neurons under ischem
29                   Hepatic Notch signaling is inappropriately activated in obese/insulin-resistant mou
30 tes that cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) is inappropriately activated in several neurodegenerative c
31 death during development in metazoans and is inappropriately activated in several types of cancer.
32  and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is inappropriately activated in the majority of breast tumo
33 y doubly mutated immune cells that have both inappropriately activated inflammasomes and enhanced rep
34                   Although a number of genes inappropriately activated or suppressed by v-Rel have be
35 e atfs-1 mutant growing on wild-type E. coli inappropriately activated the pattern of mitochondrial r
36               To ensure that T cells are not inappropriately activated, signaling pathways downstream
37                                         When inappropriately activated, the pathway has been linked t
38 se signaling by the Wnts CWN-1 and CWN-2 are inappropriately activated, whereas ectopic PLR-1 express
39 l help elucidate how this pathway can become inappropriately activated.
40  and shelterin, which protect telomeres from inappropriately activating DNA damage response checkpoin
41 ifically controlling Na(+) transport without inappropriately activating other cell functions.
42 ion that prevents extraneous light rays from inappropriately activating the photoreceptors.
43 n levels in the SOP put this cell at risk of inappropriately activating the SOP-inhibitory genes, eve
44 at indicates how in Rad53 or MRX mutants, an inappropriately active Exo1 may facilitate faulty templa
45 nderlying this defect, we found that YAP was inappropriately active not only in the ArpC3 mutant tiss
46 F transcriptional repressor complex remained inappropriately active.
47 at the latter are more routinely and perhaps inappropriately administered.
48 ar defects are observed if the cell cycle is inappropriately advanced by other mechanisms.
49  long-term costs of effective control, might inappropriately affect commitments to the goal of eradic
50 viduals in industrialized societies to mount inappropriately aggressive inflammatory responses to psy
51  characterized by metabolic acidosis with an inappropriately alkaline urine.
52 ockdown of PFKFB3/iPFK2 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes inappropriately altered the expression of adipokines, de
53 lity in patients with sepsis results from an inappropriately amplified systemic inflammatory response
54 imit under voltammetric conditions have been inappropriately analyzed by comparison of experimental d
55  vascular disease, this process is activated inappropriately and causes thrombosis, heart attacks and
56 tions, but it can inhibit growth if produced inappropriately and, consequently, its production and ac
57 ities of bat pollinators, invoke Weber's law inappropriately, and cannot predict observed nectar conc
58                                           If inappropriately applied, however, these processes can me
59 ensive segments of double-layered struts and inappropriately apposed struts at the bifurcation level
60 m species-typical macaque social behavior by inappropriately approaching and remaining in immediate p
61 nt bacterial CRP into humans have still been inappropriately ascribed to CRP.
62 BRCA1 knockdown, tamoxifen-bound ERalpha was inappropriately associated with coactivators, and not ef
63 tional synthesis when RNA polymerase becomes inappropriately associated with the genome without havin
64 he same initiating event: a ribosome stalled inappropriately at a sense codon during translation elon
65           Thus, activated effector cells are inappropriately attracted and/or retained in lymphoid ti
66 al and uncontrolled oxygen is sometimes used inappropriately before the terminal phase.
67                         Such adaptations may inappropriately bias attention toward motivationally sal
68 r results lead us to propose that telomerase inappropriately binds to and inhibits restart of reverse
69 p57, nascent neurons re-enter the cell cycle inappropriately but later exit to begin differentiation.
70  cancers, E-cadherin (CDH1) is downregulated inappropriately by DNA methylation to promote an invasiv
71 LR7) detects viral RNA, but can be activated inappropriately by self-RNA, leading to autoimmunity.
72           Invasive cellular behavior is also inappropriately co-opted during cancer progression.
73 e the parameters presented in our study were inappropriately combined to draw misguided conclusions.
74             This modest association has been inappropriately conflated with causality, and it has bee
75 elop supernumerary ureteric buds that remain inappropriately connected to the nephric duct, and that
76 es allowed the EP cells to cross the midline inappropriately, consistent with the model that reverse
77 isrepresenting credentials (77%; 37/48), and inappropriately contacting patients (77%; 37/48).
78 tion, or survival of competent cells that it inappropriately contacts.
79 a growing number of diseases associated with inappropriately controlled inflammation in multiple orga
80          In beta-spectrin mutants many axons inappropriately cross the CNS midline, suggesting a role
81 trio or ena reduces the number of axons that inappropriately cross the midline in embryos expressing
82 posited that THEMIS prevents thymocytes from inappropriately crossing the positive/negative selection
83  acts in eMNs to prevent follower axons from inappropriately crossing the ventral midline.
84                       Hepcidin expression is inappropriately decreased in hereditary hemochromatosis
85 istakes during their intraretinal growth and inappropriately defasciculate along their pathway.
86 who need wheeled mobility devices may now be inappropriately denied coverage.
87 uncertainty, a lack of EHS and product data, inappropriately designed exemptions and thresholds, and
88 eres in this repair-deficient background are inappropriately detected and processed as DSBs and thus
89 end point was the proportion of SVT episodes inappropriately detected from the time of programming un
90 rain research, it is claimed that values are inappropriately dictating scientific decisions.
91 ippo tumor suppressor pathway to ensure that inappropriately differentiating cells are eliminated dur
92 ir and remodeling mechanisms, they are often inappropriately directed towards relatively innocuous al
93            Moreover, selective inhibition of inappropriately dispersed GAPDH rescues antioxidant capa
94 ecognition and partially rescue females that inappropriately dosage-compensate.
95 ave had PPI therapy discontinued abruptly or inappropriately due to safety concerns.
96 ory pathways in the lung are cued to respond inappropriately during infection.
97 and htp-1 htp-2 mutants, centrioles separate inappropriately during meiosis II, resulting in spermati
98 1 lacking a functional PIP motif accumulates inappropriately during S phase and is more potent than w
99  risk for treating patients--black or white--inappropriately, either by withholding a treatment that
100 s require demonstration of hypoglycemia with inappropriately elevated (nonsuppressed) insulin, C-pept
101  the nephron, there being overstimulation by inappropriately elevated aldosterone levels.
102 ) levels and pituitary Tshb mRNA levels were inappropriately elevated compared with those of WT anima
103                                              Inappropriately elevated endogenous glucose production (
104  contrast, the schizophrenic patients showed inappropriately elevated fear and poor vmPFC responses i
105                   Because this condition has inappropriately elevated hepcidin in the presence of hig
106 ly in the presence of high sodium intake, is inappropriately elevated in BK-beta4 null mice.
107 ifferentiate along the osteoblastic lineage, inappropriately elevated levels of signaling can also in
108                     Patients with IRIDA have inappropriately elevated levels of the iron regulatory h
109  humans and mice with TMPRSS6 mutations show inappropriately elevated levels of the iron-regulatory h
110 ten(m3m4) model is the first murine model of inappropriately elevated social motivation in the contex
111 tion are abundant during infection and could inappropriately enhance T reg cell activity.
112 ely believed that both viral replication and inappropriately enhanced immune responses contribute to
113 acking medullary MHC class II expression had inappropriately enhanced proximal TCR signaling to low-a
114 olecules proposed to disrupt this balance by inappropriately enhancing core assembly.
115 w glucose levels in the pancreas, leading to inappropriately excessive insulin secretion.
116 te statistical support for their hypothesis, inappropriately exclude important data, and do not consi
117  exception reporting may allow physicians to inappropriately exclude patients for whom targets have b
118 n on CT angiography source images would have inappropriately excluded from reperfusion therapy 44.4%
119  in which a single neuronal fate decision is inappropriately executed.
120 ose from wild-type mice in mid-pregnancy and inappropriately express beta-casein, cyclin D1 and beta-
121 d in development and in malignant cells that inappropriately express Ptn.
122                            Furthermore, they inappropriately express somatic genes characteristic of
123             In the absence of Eng, yolk sacs inappropriately express the cardiac marker, Nkx2.5.
124 uding Eomes, Elf5 and Sox2, while others are inappropriately expressed (Oct4, Nanog, Gata6, Fgf4 and
125  and hypomyelination in transgenic mice that inappropriately expressed IFN-gamma in the central nervo
126 ccordingly, mRNA for XY-linked genes remains inappropriately expressed in Raptor-deficient mice.
127                          EVI1 is an oncogene inappropriately expressed in the bone marrow (BM) of app
128        Our findings indicate that EVI1, when inappropriately expressed, delays or blocks myeloid diff
129 mator is biased, and if so, whether the bias inappropriately favors or disfavors any method.
130 h the S phase faster than wild-type cells by inappropriately firing late origins of replication.
131 mosomes under the two-pathway model, whereas inappropriately fitting shape parameters of Gamma distri
132 organized protein aggregates that arise from inappropriately folded versions of proteins or polypepti
133 cycle progression, and checkpoint kinases to inappropriately force cells through the cell cycle.
134 mutants show that some dorsal marginal cells inappropriately form hindbrain and spinal cord instead o
135 dermal cells, except the lateral seam cells, inappropriately fuse into a single large syncytium.
136  sister telomeres become deprotected and are inappropriately fused.
137 ptable radiotherapy protocol deviations (ie, inappropriately generous volume contoured) correlated wi
138 where individuals with frontal cortex damage inappropriately grasp affording objects.
139 C1, and suggest a new paradigm in which both inappropriately high and inappropriately low levels of T
140 sensory pathways to fire spontaneously or at inappropriately high frequencies, often from ectopic sit
141  factors, in particular pregnancy and a diet inappropriately high in saturated fat.
142 o hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) because of inappropriately high iron uptake from the diet resulting
143 nscription 3 (STAT3) is frequently activated inappropriately in a wide range of hematological and sol
144 that oligodendrocyte progenitors accumulated inappropriately in adult brains.
145 3K)/Akt pathway, which is commonly activated inappropriately in malignancy.
146 al inflammatory response, but it also occurs inappropriately in many pathological situations.
147    In the absence of RNF17, ping-pong occurs inappropriately in meiotic cells.
148              Many antibiotics are prescribed inappropriately in pediatric emergency departments (PEDs
149  tract infection is common and often treated inappropriately in primary care with antibiotics.
150 of PE in NHEJ repair is to detect and remove inappropriately incorporated ribonucleotides or phosphat
151 ium (Na(+)) during high Na(+) intake despite inappropriately increased levels of mineralocorticoids,
152                                              Inappropriately increased maternal hepcidin during pregn
153 estment in a planktonic key organism causing inappropriately increased reproduction with potentially
154               Specifically, Smaug2 knockdown inappropriately increases Nanos1 protein, and the Smaug2
155 and hyperactivated wild-type p53, which then inappropriately induced its target genes and triggered c
156 ver, untimely Tws expression stabilizes Plk4 inappropriately, inducing centriole amplification.
157    On the other hand, such evaluations could inappropriately influence decision making in criminal id
158  and there is a danger that existing beliefs inappropriately influence judgments about model assumpti
159 bsence of SpoT, carbon-starved swarmer cells inappropriately initiated DNA replication.
160          The fate of TA proteins that become inappropriately inserted into other organelles, such as
161  is exhibited in certain mutant backgrounds, inappropriately juxtaposes undifferentiated germ cells w
162  on a sequence analysis using databases that inappropriately label beta-propeller sequences as PQQ-bi
163 ypes of biobricks could be discriminated and inappropriately labeled biobricks could be determined, w
164 raphs illustrate discriminated biobricks and inappropriately labeled biobricks.
165 detect data quality issues, e.g. data noise, inappropriately labeled data, etc.
166 f stem and/or progenitor cell populations or inappropriately leading to oncogenesis through the aberr
167 the neck was delayed, mitotic exit occurred, inappropriately leaving both nuclei in the mother.
168 s the dissolution of incompletely formed and inappropriately located elements of rhabdomeric membrane
169 receptors also developed ectopic rhabdomeres inappropriately located in basolateral membrane, indicat
170 ad, assume aberrant lateral positions or are inappropriately located in the left tract of the VNC.
171 ree concentrations of these compounds and/or inappropriately low albumin concentrations may blur the
172  may be involved in the hypophosphatemia and inappropriately low calcitriol levels observed after kid
173 ropy and inotropy may potentially lead to an inappropriately low cardiac output, with a subsequent co
174 is characterized by renal phosphate wasting, inappropriately low circulating levels of the active for
175 ombined effects of abnormal iron metabolism, inappropriately low erythropoietin production, diminishe
176                                           An inappropriately low erythropoietin response to anemia wa
177 forms of hereditary hemochromatosis involves inappropriately low expression of hepcidin.
178                                              Inappropriately low expression of the key iron regulator
179 g) and Id1 mRNA (a target gene of Bmp6) were inappropriately low for the body iron burden and Bmp6 mR
180  but 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels that are inappropriately low for the degree of hypophosphatemia.
181 nts with C282Y HFE hemochromatosis also have inappropriately low hepcidin levels for the degree of ir
182 opoiesis, such as beta-thalassemia, manifest inappropriately low hepcidin production and consequent e
183 t in the most highly edited B cells, and are inappropriately low in autoimmune mouse models of system
184  main iron regulatory hormone, hepcidin, are inappropriately low in hereditary hemochromatosis mouse
185                Serum levels of hepcidin were inappropriately low in patients.
186 on overload syndromes because its levels are inappropriately low in these individuals.
187                                              Inappropriately low levels of hepcidin, a negative regul
188 y hemochromatosis, which is characterized by inappropriately low levels of hepcidin, increased dietar
189 adigm in which both inappropriately high and inappropriately low levels of TORC1 activity can be asso
190                     Hepcidin levels that are inappropriately low or high result in iron overload or i
191 itol 3-kinase-Akt signaling pathway owing to inappropriately low phosphatase and tensin homolog phosp
192 telet transfusion refractoriness, defined as inappropriately low platelet count increments after two
193 f the PI3K-Akt-S6K1 signal pathway caused by inappropriately low PTEN activity.
194 sorder characterized by hypophosphatemia and inappropriately low serum levels of 1,25-dihydroxyvitami
195  XLH, are characterized by hypophosphatemia, inappropriately low serum vitamin D levels, increased se
196 ormone and follicle stimulating hormone were inappropriately low.
197 Furthermore, we show that Gdnf expression is inappropriately maintained in anterior nephrogenic mesen
198 ive malignancies that can be misdiagnosed or inappropriately managed.
199                      Ordering blood cultures inappropriately may be both wasteful and harmful.
200 ryos lacking perineurial glia, motor neurons inappropriately migrated outside of the spinal cord and
201 urrent tumor in cases treated conservatively/inappropriately (n = 15) was necessary in 7 cases (47%).
202 cluding negative feelings about patients, an inappropriately narrow focus on diagnosis and risk asses
203 racterised by hypercalcaemia and elevated or inappropriately normal concentrations of parathyroid hor
204 (KI) mice demonstrated elevated serum TH and inappropriately normal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
205 iety disorders, in which patients generalize inappropriately (or fail to generalize) between differen
206 elease from pancreatic beta-cells, and, when inappropriately overexpressed, provisioning of certain f
207 ates repair of A*oxoG to C*G by removing the inappropriately paired adenine base from the DNA backbon
208    Some surveillance colonoscopy seems to be inappropriately performed and in excess of guidelines, p
209  period acceleration in the mutant is due to inappropriately phased activity of the CK1epsilon isofor
210  been thought to occur largely by pruning of inappropriately placed arbors.
211 in the mouse retina whereby DSCAM eliminates inappropriately placed cells and connections.
212 ions, there continue to be a large number of inappropriately prescribed antibiotics.
213 ics of drugs of dependence and that they are inappropriately prescribed for many patients, including
214                        Antibiotics are often inappropriately prescribed for patients with ARTI.
215                          Figs 4B and 6C were inappropriately presented.
216  damage surveillance and chromosome ends are inappropriately processed by DNA repair pathways.
217 t cells possess multiple pathways to degrade inappropriately processed or folded tRNAs.
218 e or more key components of the eggshell are inappropriately processed, leading to permeable, inviabl
219                        The analysis of cells inappropriately producing Clb3-CDKs during meiosis I fur
220                                              Inappropriately programmed SAV/PAV intervals was the mos
221                                              Inappropriately programmed sensed and paced atrioventric
222                               The ability to inappropriately progress through S phase during drug tre
223 ce of LC, CD49a(+) liver NK cells display an inappropriately proinflammatory phenotype that results i
224 stem, axon targeting is inaccurate and axons inappropriately project within the target layer or overp
225      In the absence of CD72, anergic B cells inappropriately proliferated and survived in response to
226 be useful in resolving conflicts that may be inappropriately prolonging nonbeneficial or unwanted tre
227 eplication stress, the mislocalized Stn1 may inappropriately promote Pol alpha in a manner that inter
228 protein recognition of host targets that are inappropriately proteolyzed.
229                                              Inappropriately raised hepcidin levels, which impair iro
230                                 Hepcidin was inappropriately raised in IPAH independent of the inflam
231 ms to ensure that no segment of their DNA is inappropriately re-replicated, but the importance of thi
232                       In melanoma, Notch1 is inappropriately reactivated and contributes to melanoma
233 e required for stem cell maintenance that is inappropriately reactivated in several cancers.
234  category, and only 1.4% of SCD victims were inappropriately reclassified from high to intermediate r
235  system that prevents non-self branches from inappropriately recognizing each other.
236 otein enables phase-separation events, which inappropriately recruit chromatin-remodeling factors to
237                 We propose that when Uso1 is inappropriately recruited to secretory vesicles by Ypt1-
238 te stage and that a subset of leukemia cells inappropriately reexpress stem cell genes, including bmi
239 ted pulmonary allergy, suggesting that BMDCs inappropriately reflect the impact of complement on lung
240                                              Inappropriately regulated expression of interleukin (IL)
241 in the control of excessive inflammation and inappropriately regulated immune responses.
242 e human RNA debranching enzyme (hDBR1), when inappropriately regulated, induces oncogenesis by causin
243 interferes with Pax7 in satellite cells, and inappropriately regulates Pax targets, including myogeni
244 ions in which the IGF-1 receptor is inactive inappropriately replicate in the presence of UVB-induced
245 Fur may now use Mn(II) as a co-repressor and inappropriately repress iron uptake.
246         In the absence of RTEL1, T loops are inappropriately resolved by the SLX4 nuclease complex, r
247 ; changes in legislation and regulation that inappropriately restrict access to opioid medications fo
248      Upon mitotic entry, Nek5-depleted cells inappropriately retained centrosome linker components an
249 ric disorders in which aversive memories are inappropriately retained.
250 , 204 (27.8%) underscreened, and 190 (25.9%) inappropriately screened.
251 , 144 (25.7%) underscreened, and 109 (19.5%) inappropriately screened.
252 Insulinomas are pancreatic islet tumors that inappropriately secrete insulin, producing hypoglycemia.
253 uency misspecification arising from using an inappropriately selected population and find that, altho
254 use in Mdr49 mutant embryos the Hh ligand is inappropriately sequestered in the hh-expressing cells.
255 woman/family dimensions that were drivers of inappropriately short or long stays.
256          Telomeres of RA CD34+ HPCs were age-inappropriately shortened by 1,600 bp.
257 omeres of lymphoid and myeloid cells are age-inappropriately shortened, suggesting excessive turnover
258                         However, aurora B is inappropriately silenced as a consequence of the altered
259 il to assemble but the spindle checkpoint is inappropriately silenced due to PP1 activity.
260  the meristem promoted entry into S phase at inappropriately small cell volumes, suggesting that JAG
261 te in the third ventricular wall, die or are inappropriately specified, the shh(+) anterior recess do
262                             Dup(DeltaPIP) is inappropriately stabilized during S phase and causes dev
263                                        These inappropriately stimulate circulating neutrophils adhere
264 might either fail to identify a biased IV or inappropriately suggest that a valid IV is biased.
265 ells develop normally in the bone marrow but inappropriately survive peripheral tolerance checkpoints
266  scarring that is at first protective but if inappropriately sustained can worsen heart disease.
267                                              Inappropriately sustained inflammation is a hallmark of
268 ypes of external globus pallidus (GP) neuron inappropriately synchronise their firing in time with sl
269                                              Inappropriately synchronized beta (beta) oscillations (1
270 er location combined with the elimination of inappropriately targeted sparse branches.
271   This triggered a spermatogenesis defect by inappropriately targeting the piRNA machinery to mouse m
272 ften found in polarizable models) to stiffen inappropriately the repulsive part of the pair potential
273 rma cinereum larvae failed to double and was inappropriately timed relative to both environmental cyc
274  their polarized cell morphology and migrate inappropriately to become dispersed in the larval tail.
275 ifficult to interpret and often extrapolated inappropriately to clinical usage.
276 wever, too often urine concentration is used inappropriately to draw dubious conclusions that could h
277 sence of either gene, L. pneumophila targets inappropriately to LAMP-1-positive compartments during m
278  by Tup1 cause Rap1 to bind specifically and inappropriately to low-glucose targets.
279 orrect, resistant to correction, and applied inappropriately to new situations.
280 ditions may be missed, or patients subjected inappropriately to potentially toxic drug treatments.
281      Total Txnip knockout (TKO) mice adapted inappropriately to prolonged fasting by shifting fuel de
282 n de (diastereomeric excess) have been used (inappropriately) to quantitate stereoselectivity.
283  not adequately reflect disease biology, may inappropriately treat patients on either side of the cut
284                                Untreated and inappropriately treated malaria cases lead to excess mal
285  often misdiagnosed or unrecognized and thus inappropriately treated or untreated in terminally ill p
286 as often confused with diabetes mellitus and inappropriately treated with insulin.
287         They are frequently misdiagnosed and inappropriately treated.
288 ines of evidence indicate that these mutants inappropriately trigger the activation of GerA during sp
289 l provide insight into how these systems are inappropriately triggered in autoimmunity, and, converse
290 te that Shn2(-/-) double-positive thymocytes inappropriately undergo negative selection in response t
291                  Forced expression of Cdc25B inappropriately up-regulated the activity of Cdk1 and Cd
292 ression, because Hcn4, Mlc2a, and Bmp10 were inappropriately upregulated in ventricular RNA.
293 ivity of the protein partially constitutive, inappropriately upregulating the activity of autolytic e
294 ceived propofol from anesthesiologist 1, who inappropriately used a single-patient-use vial of propof
295                                           We inappropriately used discoveries from PDGene and ALSGene
296 red blood cell oxygen saturation was low and inappropriately variable.
297          In many studies these mice are used inappropriately, wasting animals' lives and resources on
298 ns extend across this border and fasciculate inappropriately with other axon tracts.
299 genes prevent dachshund from being expressed inappropriately within the embryonic head.
300 ons, a considerable proportion of them do so inappropriately without first consulting a doctor.

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