


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion frames the dopamine signal as carrying 'incentive salience'.
2 istent with motivation-based theories (e.g., incentive salience).
3 ent to which reward cues are attributed with incentive salience.
4 e degree to which the CS was attributed with incentive salience.
5 d 'motive circuit' only if it is imbued with incentive salience.
6 reward prediction error, working memory, and incentive salience.
7 ie motivated behavior and the attribution of incentive salience.
8 ional "wanting" component of reward, such as incentive salience.
9 that reinforcement will occur, or attributes incentive salience.
10 ociated with these individual differences in incentive salience.
11 uitry that is involved in the attribution of incentive salience after repeated exposure to alcohol.
12 at is caused by a combination of exaggerated incentive salience and habit formation, reward deficits
13 eward: 'liking' (hedonic impact), 'wanting' (incentive salience), and learning (predictive associatio
14 d signal enhancements for hedonic impact vs. incentive salience, and a faster firing pattern also dis
15 nisms related to hedonic evaluation of food, incentive salience, and control of motor feeding circuit
16  of reinforced behavior, such as motivation, incentive salience, and cost-benefit calculations.
17 ng effects of drugs of abuse, development of incentive salience, and development of drug-seeking habi
18 gions associated with executive functioning, incentive salience, and interoceptive processing in ciga
19            Three domains-executive function, incentive salience, and negative emotionality-tied to di
20         Sensitization therefore enhanced the incentive salience attributed to the CS+ even when rats
21 n recent research suggesting that changes in incentive salience can alter the perception of time, as
22                             That is, a cue's incentive salience can be recomputed adaptively.
23 itization of a neural system that attributes incentive salience causes compulsive motivation or "want
24                         The amplification of incentive salience did not require additional learning a
25 ability of reward cues to trigger "wanting" (incentive salience) for their associated rewards, indepe
26  different disorders of neural valuation and incentive salience formation, which helps bridge the gap
27 vlovian cues for rewards become endowed with incentive salience, guiding "wanting" to their learned r
28  a form of stimulus-reward learning in which incentive salience is assigned to reward cues.
29 PE) models suggest a role of learning, while incentive salience (IS) models argue that the DA signal
30 aser-paired porthole, suggesting that higher incentive salience made that cue more attractive.
31 ory, including motivation, prediction error, incentive salience, memory consolidation, and response o
32 ext, and also how reinforcement learning and incentive salience models may shed light on the disorder
33 l hippocampal lesion resulted in the loss of incentive salience of cues in sign trackers.
34 NAc) shell dopamine (DA) levels modulate the incentive salience of discriminative stimuli that predic
35 er of behavioral symptoms including enhanced incentive salience of drug-associated cues, but also a n
36   This increased affinity may potentiate the incentive salience of food cues and counteract the effec
37 alatable (HP) foods, which in turn increases incentive salience of HP foods and allostatic load.
38                                With enhanced incentive salience of HP foods and overconsumption of th
39 bic dopamine (DA) system (which mediates the incentive salience of natural and artificial rewards) an
40 ulation of CeA magnifies and focuses learned incentive salience onto a specific reward cue (pavlovian
41  and motivation for sucrose-paired cues (ie, incentive salience or 'wanting').
42 signals in shell to generate either positive incentive salience or negative fearful salience (valence
43 lthough previous work implicated the CeMA in incentive salience, our results isolate the investigatio
44 ating phasic firing patterns associated with incentive/salience paradigms.
45 pamine neurons are thought to convey a fast, incentive salience signal, faster than can be mediated b
46 smission may be the initial component of the incentive salience signal.
47 hell DA levels, nor the resultant changes in incentive salience signaled by this structure, impact te
48 llidum neurons, and likewise, they increased incentive salience signals in firing to the reward-proxi
49 ormation via dopamine-dependent, cue-driven, incentive salience systems.
50 d can acquire motivational properties (i.e., incentive salience) that cause them to have a powerful i
51 with proposed roles in reward prediction and incentive salience, these results indicate that rapid do
52  by variation in the propensity to attribute incentive salience to a food cue.
53 nsitized leading to excessive attribution of incentive salience to drug-associated cues.
54 uals who have a propensity to attribute high-incentive salience to reward cues also exhibit relativel
55 ual variation in the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues predicts variation in
56  traits, such as the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues that is modeled in rat
57 ers (STs)] are especially prone to attribute incentive salience to reward cues, relative to others [g
58 [sign-trackers (STs)] are prone to attribute incentive salience to reward cues, which can manifest as
59 ual variation in the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues.
60         In the brain, dopamine (DA) provides incentive salience to stimuli that predict the availabil
61                     Confirming modulation of incentive salience, unconditioned food intake was simila
62 cious pleasure) and (3) motivation (implicit incentive salience 'wanting' and cognitive incentive goa
63 erdopaminergic mutant mice attribute greater incentive salience ("wanting") to a sweet reward in the
64  effect on dependence-related alterations in incentive salience/'wanting'.
65 ectroencephalography, a recognized marker of incentive salience, was used to track motivated attentio
66                    To reveal the focusing of incentive salience, we exploited individual differences

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