


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 zures, but can support seizure activity when incited.
2 suggesting that gadoxetate disodium does not incite a nephrogenic systemic fibrosis-like fibrotic cha
3 that infection with a particular microbe can incite a particular autoimmune disease.
4                        Melanoma exosomes can incite a proangiogenic signaling program capable of remo
5 uced in vitro or in vivo, these systems have incited a wave of new biology, advancing our understandi
6     Infection with this ubiquitous bacterium incites a chronic active immune response that persists f
7                          Helicobacter pylori incites a futile inflammatory response, which is the key
8          Endotoxin derived from gut bacteria incites a powerful inflammatory response in the host org
9 al of bone marrow B-cell progenitors without inciting a p53 tumor surveillance response or abrogating
10 enic macrophages and, in a paracrine manner, incited activation of conventional dendritic cells and l
11 can exacerbate chronic medical conditions or incite acute in-flight medical events.
12 , immunosuppression can be withdrawn without inciting acute rejection.
13  in ischemia/reperfusion injury-incited (I/R-incited) acute kidney injury (AKI) that leads to fibrosi
14 disease depends on the interplay between the inciting agent and host response.
15 l of the facial wipes thought to contain the inciting agent, though the exact nature of this remains
16 tant to consider isotretinoin as a potential inciting agent.
17                        The list of drugs and inciting agents that cause rhabdomyolysis is quite exten
18  information on onset of symptoms, potential inciting agents, and regional differences.
19 ndant mechanisms promote persistent ischemia-incited AKI that worsens subsequent CKD.
20 iated mechanisms promote persistent ischemia-incited AKI that worsens subsequent CKD.
21  occurs several hours after ingestion of the inciting allergen.
22 to induce tolerogenic responses to allergens incites allergic inflammation.
23 died the roles of these networks as antigens inciting alloimmunity and as targets of nephritogenic al
24  of patients in whom skin tattooing may have incited an immune response leading to simultaneous infla
25 thelium that faces the anterior chamber, and incited an inflammatory reaction in adjacent recipient c
26 proved, exogenous peptide-based therapy that incites an HLA class I-restricted, cytotoxic suppressor
27                                          UVB incites an increase in Mos, apoptosis in the skin, and C
28              The absence of lipid chaperones incites an increase in the production of phospholipids r
29  Damage to neonatal and adult tissues always incites an influx of inflammatory neutrophils and macrop
30                      The pulmonary infection incites an intense host inflammatory response, causing p
31 aeruginosa, and infection with this organism incites an intense, compartmentalized inflammatory respo
32                Here, we show that VML injury incites an overwhelming inflammatory and fibrotic respon
33                                   Associated inciting and risk factors and treatment algorithms have
34                  So far, the identity of the inciting antigen has not been delineated with certainty.
35 tigens, whereas the nature and source of the inciting antigen in sarcoidosis is unknown.
36 mmune diseases, including those in which the inciting antigen is unknown and the target organ is inac
37 h these peptide constructs, reacted with the inciting antigen, with mutans streptococcal GTFs, and wi
38 lammatory responses after elimination of the inciting antigen.
39 ease-relevant antigens in ON may bear on the inciting antigens in chronic inflammatory disorders such
40 ow-density lipoprotein (OxLDL), a key factor inciting atherogenic mechanisms in the vasculature, upre
41 i-idiotype, consequently producing a disease-inciting autoantibody.
42 clones apparently lacking specificity for an inciting autoantigen.
43                        Microbial factors may incite autoimmune disease.
44 ism's antigenic determinants (epitopes), can incite autoimmune events in certain bacterial and viral
45  environmental agents that could potentially incite autoimmunity, we have traced the autoantibody res
46  the stimulator of IFN genes (STING) adaptor incites autoimmunity by inducing type I IFN (IFN-alphabe
47  intravascular coagulation regardless of the inciting bacterial stimulus (gram-negative, gram-positiv
48 id pSa can suppress crown gall tumorigenesis incited by Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
49 inogenesis in BRCA2 mutation carriers can be incited by compounds found pervasively in the environmen
50 port that choroidal neovascularization (CNV) incited by injury was increased by excess VEGF-A before
51                       Vascular perturbations incited by lack of CD73 included loss of graft barrier f
52 ptions occurring in the p53(-) germline were incited by meiotic recombination, and transcripts produc
53                Genetic resistance to disease incited by necrotrophic pathogens is not well understood
54                                              Incited by public fascination and engineering applicatio
55 d with resistance to pitch canker, a disease incited by the necrotrophic pathogen Fusarium circinatum
56                The number of disease lesions incited by the wild-type strain on bean was also signifi
57              Cassava bacterial blight (CBB), incited by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam), i
58 This analysis identified RBCV as the primary inciting cause in these two epizootics.
59                                          The inciting cause of acute vascular rejection is not yet kn
60 tion includes prevention and modification of inciting causes and appropriate anticoagulation.
61 tudies indicate that TSC2-null cells are the inciting cells for TSC skin hamartomas, and suggest that
62  Thus, we define a hypermetabolic state that incites changes in the epigenetic landscape to support t
63 cterium tumefaciens is a plant pathogen that incites crown gall tumors by transferring to and express
64                                    Using the InCites database from Thomson-Reuters, we calculated a n
65  virulence to C. victoriae solely because it incites defense.
66 ding RNAs of only 250 to 400 nt), infect and incite disease in plants.
67 trains over-expressing the amyR gene did not incite disease on apple shoots or leaves, and only cause
68 abilities of HIV-1 to invade, replicate, and incite disease within its microglial target cells.
69  the brain, with only the T-cell clones that incited disease remaining in the original lesions.
70 persisting in tissues could serve as a depot inciting diseases of unknown etiology.
71                          Moreover, DAMPs may incite distinct downstream cellular responses that could
72   Climate analysis showed that the mortality-inciting drought was unprecedented in the observational
73                      Identification of these inciting drugs will simplify work-up and management of p
74 osing genetic trait and probably requires an inciting environmental insult such as a viral infection
75 s of altered microbial ecology, C. difficile incites epithelial injury and marked intestinal inflamma
76 er this systems-level pathophysiology is the inciting event driving downstream molecular events relat
77                     Plaque disruption is the inciting event for coronary thrombosis and acute coronar
78 ung ischemia-reperfusion (I-R) injury is the inciting event in acute lung failure following transplan
79         IDH mutation has been found to be an inciting event in gliomagenesis and to have a profound e
80                       Podocyte injury is the inciting event in primary glomerulopathies, such as mini
81                   One recent patient had the inciting event of arteriography and stent placement 2 ye
82 arly redox change (within 1 h) was a primary inciting event of the apoptotic cascade.
83                               Times from the inciting event to presentation of symptoms, diagnosis, a
84 ere younger than 18 years at the time of the inciting event were included.
85 st individuals who develop pain following an inciting event will return to a healthy state as the inj
86 undergoing vitrectomy within 3 months of the inciting event, 0.08+/-0.15 (20/25), were not significan
87                            Regardless of the inciting event, most cases of SAA result from immune-med
88  that describe axonal growth in terms of the inciting event, the distance of axonal extension and the
89 s motivated by our poor understanding of the inciting events and natural history of ILD, coupled with
90 ter symptom onset; multiple risk factors and inciting events are often involved; one or more prothrom
91 rmalities in target organs, which may act as inciting events for leukocyte infiltration.
92 nflammation and acute lung injury may be the inciting events for the development of lung fibrosis in
93                       Despite this fact, the inciting events leading to TDP-43 aggregation remain unc
94                        Even when a potential inciting exposure is identified for pediatric pseudotumo
95 mportant respiratory pathogen of cattle that incites extensive infiltrates of neutrophils into the lu
96                        Chronic hypoxia is an inciting factor for the development of pulmonary arteria
97 use of EPD is unknown, although trauma is an inciting factor.
98 onse remain poorly defined, although several inciting factors have been proposed, including infectiou
99                                     Multiple inciting factors such as toxins (alcohol), gallstones, o
100 e stepwise identification and elimination of inciting factors using current technology.
101            For a few of these outbreaks, the inciting factors were identified, but for the majority,
102               It is probable that additional inciting factors will also be reported over time.
103 sociated with a number of different possible inciting factors.
104   Late-onset cases are most often related to inciting factors.
105  mansoni, schistosome worms produce ova that incite focal Th2-type granulomatous inflammation within
106              The optimal testing to identify inciting foods remains unclear.
107 sionally (approximately 15% of inoculations) inciting formation of small tumors on plants after a pro
108 odel, we studied here if the duration of the inciting FSs influenced the probability of developing su
109 elivery during eukaryotic urease activation, inciting further investigations of the details of this p
110 me instability, that is, genome architecture incites genome instability.
111 rt for the concept that genomic architecture incites genomic instability.
112 CRs can mediate or stimulate rearrangements, inciting genomic instability and generating dynamic and
113 ing re-initiation of replication rather than inciting global DNA damage.
114                         The topic of ITP has incited great debate among practitioners, and this debat
115 ficant side effects, whereas VEGF and VEGF-C incited growth of aberrant vessels, severe edema, and in
116  the protein SOBER1, which suppresses AvrBsT-incited HR in Arabidopsis.
117 st report of Inonotus (Phellinus) tropicalis inciting human disease and describes the methods used to
118  are integral in ischemia/reperfusion injury-incited (I/R-incited) acute kidney injury (AKI) that lea
119 eptors are coordinated in DCs to regulate or incite immunity is not known.
120 strong and persistent T cell response to the inciting immunogen.
121 racellular matrix versus the strength of the inciting immunologic events determines the pattern of me
122 ific supportive measures, independent of the inciting infection.
123 is is well established but the agent(s) that incite inflammation in the artery wall remain largely un
124 ing anti-Neu5Gc antibodies could potentially incite inflammation.
125                                How complex I incites inflammation and functional loss is not clear, b
126 ediates clearance of apoptotic cells without inciting inflammation.
127 ess is perhaps an exaggerated reaction to an inciting inflammatory event.
128 gh phagocytosis by neighboring cells without inciting inflammatory reactions or tissue scarring.
129 g T cells within the kidney, which, in turn, incites injury in MRL-Fas(lpr) mice.
130                                 Although the inciting injury to the podocyte may vary between various
131  review series focus on the specifics of the inciting injury, the cytokines and chemokines that drive
132 rded with treatment 24 hrs in advance of the inciting insult, pentostatin also has the unique potenti
133                             These allografts incited intense stromal inflammation and neovascularizat
134 ished a retroviral gene transfer approach to incite interstitial nephritis in MRL-Fas(lpr) mice that
135 y required to sustain bacterial adhesion and incite intestinal disease.
136  the timing of vitrectomy in relation to the inciting intracranial event was recorded.
137 ardians of fruit on the tree, but it has not incited investments in longer term tree and forest healt
138 lase-negative staphylococci, a pathogen that incites little local or systemic inflammation.
139 ave earlier shown that delaying reproduction incites loss of fertility.
140  proliferation and mobilization cooperate to incite malignant tumor formation.
141                                     Proposed inciting mechanisms include intravascular thrombotic occ
142 n, as orchestrated by Zeb1, is sufficient to incite metastatic outgrowth by causing carcinoma cells t
143 possibility is that T cells specific for the inciting microbial pathogen are able to effect demyelina
144 in the development of heart failure, but the inciting molecular mechanisms are largely unknown.
145             Gene transfer of CSF-1 or GM-CSF incited more severe interstitial nephritis in IFN-gammaR
146                     Measles virus (MV) still incites one of the most contagious infections of humanki
147 tribute to upregulation of VEGF, potentially inciting or propagating neovascular macular disease.
148 elf-perpetuating, even in the absence of the inciting pathogen.
149 de activity which was reactive both with the inciting peptide and with intact S. mutans GTF.
150 uced a higher percentage of responses to the inciting peptide as well as to intact GbpB, as measured
151          Conclusion Although hepatic MWA can incite periablational inflammation and increased distant
152 ted genes by RNA silencing, viral infections incite perturbations of the host physiological state tha
153                    Agrobacterium tumefaciens incites plant tumours that produce nutrients called opin
154 anger signals in dying cancer cells that can incite protective antitumor immunity.
155                                              InCites provides a normalized citation count for each pu
156           We have established that CSF-1 can incite renal injury in mice with the lpr mutation, and M
157             IFN-gamma was required for IL-12-incited renal injury, because IL-12 "carrier cells" fail
158 he impact of IFN-gamma in Mphi growth factor-incited renal injury, we constructed a MRL-Fas(lpr) IFN-
159 urthermore, CSF-1 introduced into the kidney incites renal injury in mice with the lpr mutation, but
160    Unfortunately, oxygen itself is toxic and incites respiratory cell damage and inflammation.
161  it intends to use these examples of MOFs to incite scientists to move towards the transference of kn
162                The results indicate that CBC-inciting species of Xanthomonas exploit a single host di
163                                        STING incites spontaneous immunity during immunogenic tumor gr
164 potentials lasting about a minute beyond the inciting stimulation.
165 t (73%) and dark (63%) environments, have no inciting stimuli (84%), and are more likely to be nonwhi
166 ts the lung against inflammatory damage when inciting stimuli are not eradicated.
167                      In situations where the inciting stimulus is sterile, the cost-benefit ratio may
168 gs clearly show that it is the nature of the inciting stimulus, as opposed to chronicity, that establ
169 ized by a shorter latency period between the inciting streptococcal infection and the onset of arthri
170                           The mechanism that incites such prevalent anti-PF4/heparin antibody product
171 tivated M phi release soluble mediators that incite TEC death, and reducing intrarenal M phi during k
172 he development of the hair follicle, and for inciting the growth (anagen) phase of the hair cycle.
173 as possible etiologic agents responsible for inciting the inflammatory process that leads to these in
174  the publications from these grants to their InCites (Thompson Reuters) citation record.
175 tive CD4 T cells permit fungal infection and incite tissue injury and inflammation.
176 d the normal anatomy of the retina or RPE or incited tissue reactions around the implant.
177 anaphylaxis increased over time, and several inciting triggers were uniquely associated with differen
178 response are expressed at high levels in the inciting tumor and the affected neuronal tissue.
179        Transformation of plant cells without inciting tumours may represent a colonization strategy f
180  diagnosed AML, and particularly in CBF-AML, incited us to retrospectively investigate the impact of

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