


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  ETA antagonist did not completely block the increase in blood pressure.
2 g childhood may help suppress the adolescent increase in blood pressure.
3 els, leading to negative effects, such as an increase in blood pressure.
4 n fibre muscle afferents and evokes a reflex increase in blood pressure.
5 ar bed induces sympathetic activation and an increase in blood pressure.
6 ation rate, salt and water retention, and an increase in blood pressure.
7 e baroreceptor reflex which could lead to an increase in blood pressure.
8 hedra alkaloids and water produced a greater increase in blood pressure.
9 A) decreased reflexively as the result of an increase in blood pressure.
10 xide-induced vasodilation and the subsequent increase in blood pressure.
11 e is secreted by the heart in response to an increase in blood pressure.
12 0.01) but was not correlated to the absolute increase in blood pressure.
13 in PVN neurons attenuated the Ang II-induced increases in blood pressure.
14 ells and abrogation of alpha(1D)-AR-mediated increases in blood pressure.
15 ssures increased dramatically in response to increases in blood pressure.
16 D in renovascular hypertension halts further increases in blood pressure.
17 ods and dairy and meat products may moderate increases in blood pressure.
18  arsenic exposure may accelerate age-related increases in blood pressure.
19 bin-based oxygen carriers often induces mild increases in blood pressure.
20  peripheral nerve, blood flow increased with increases in blood pressure.
21 n (400 mg/kg iv) in control rats produced an increase in blood pressure (43%) and total peripheral re
22 osslinked hemoglobin (400 mg/kg iv) produced increases in blood pressure (81%), cardiac output (36%),
23                                 There was no increase in blood pressure after HM administration of PE
24 e 35 d CIH-exposed mice showed a significant increase in blood pressure and an increased density of N
25 the GFAP-hAGT transgene exhibited a 15-mm Hg increase in blood pressure and an increased preference f
26 ce of most cardiac changes and a significant increase in blood pressure and aortic intima-media thick
27 DP-choline caused a dose- and time-dependent increase in blood pressure and decrease in heart rate.
28 crosslinked hemoglobin produces an immediate increase in blood pressure and marked regional circulato
29                                       Linear increases in blood pressure and an exponential increase
30                                          The increases in blood pressure and cardiac output are due t
31 deled the effect of treating obesity-related increases in blood pressure and dyslipidemia.
32  heat, restraint, inflation), caused similar increases in blood pressure and heart rate in control an
33 od pressure and heart rate in humans, caused increases in blood pressure and heart rate, while modest
34 ncluding reductions in fat mass; significant increases in blood pressure and in total, LDL-, and HDL-
35 s rise in plasma cortisol was accompanied by increases in blood pressure and plasma concentrations of
36 urons attenuate psychological stress-induced increases in blood pressure and promote neuroendocrine a
37 strictor reactivity and hypertension-induced increases in blood pressure and renal injury in mice.
38 rtain forms of stress can induce significant increases in blood pressure and sympathetic nerve activi
39                       There were significant increases in blood pressure and systemic vascular resist
40 tion of baseline serum aldosterone levels to increases in blood pressure and the incidence of hyperte
41 eased endogenous H2S level, an age-dependent increase in blood pressure, and impaired endothelium-dep
42               It was also associated with an increase in blood pressure, and there was no significant
43           Altogether, 12 patients had abrupt increases in blood pressure, and 8 had some impairment o
44                                We defined an increase in blood pressure as an increment of at least o
45 nd individually adjusted to achieve the same increase in blood pressure as was observed in a matched
46  and treadmill exercise caused an 11% higher increase in blood pressure, both suggesting impaired vas
47 he nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) after an increase in blood pressure (BP) and prolonged baroreflex
48 t afferent mechanisms to those eliciting the increase in blood pressure (BP).
49 ory cardiovascular reflexes characterized by increases in blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR), wh
50 ug) or fostriecin (15 pg) caused significant increases in blood pressure (BP) and potentiated the mag
51 that individuals who exhibit frequent, large increases in blood pressure (BP) during psychological st
52                    The tasks elicited prompt increases in blood pressure (BP), heart rate, cortisol,
53 ductions in vascular function independent of increases in blood pressure (BP).
54 trapib treatment was associated with a small increase in blood pressure, but was devoid of major side
55                     Norepinephrine led to an increase in blood pressure by augmenting cardiac indices
56  efferent sympathetic nerve activity and the increase in blood pressure by CsA seen in control are gr
57                                          The increases in blood pressure, cardiac output, stroke volu
58 population scale, such air pollution-related increases in blood pressure could, in part, account for
59                      AdN17Rac1 abolished the increase in blood pressure, decrease in heart rate, and
60                                          The increase in blood pressure, despite the decrease in HREN
61 ments of nitrosyl hemoglobin, and blunts the increase in blood pressure due to DOCA-salt hypertension
62                                              Increases in blood pressure due to intravenous phenyleph
63 r =70 bpm, but it was not associated with an increase in blood pressure during exercise in persons wi
64 These results were primarily explained by an increase in blood pressure during sleep opportunities (S
65 , where acute systemic phenylephrine-induced increases in blood pressure evoked a significant increas
66 TP receptor agonist U-46619 causes transient increases in blood pressure followed by cardiovascular c
67 2 was required for LPA to elicit a transient increase in blood pressure following intravenous adminis
68 Hg systolic and 10 mm Hg diastolic increment increase in blood pressure from age 30 to 65 years.
69  estrogen and 1 to 4 mg progestin, and small increases in blood pressure have been reported even amon
70 timuli from contracting muscles evoke reflex increases in blood pressure, heart rate and sympathetic
71 h both mental stress tests, characterized by increases in blood pressure, heart rate, rate-pressure p
72 ent in nontransgenic mice led to significant increases in blood pressure, hypothalamic angiotensin II
73 ctivity increases and this contributes to an increase in blood pressure (i.e. exercise pressor reflex
74 e important implications because even modest increases in blood pressure impact cardiovascular diseas
75 nced ET-1 vasoconstriction and prolonged the increase in blood pressure in anaesthetised rats.
76 gonist BQ-788 caused a small but significant increase in blood pressure in both groups.
77 has been associated with obesity and a small increase in blood pressure in children; however, whether
78 potency was the observation of a significant increase in blood pressure in conscious telemeterized ra
79 ating or tissue angiotensinogen may cause an increase in blood pressure in humans, even in the presen
80 nhance channel activity may contribute to an increase in blood pressure in individuals with essential
81 1 receptor antagonist, SR141716A, elicits an increase in blood pressure in rats subjected to haemorrh
82                                          The increase in blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive
83   20 (3%) patients were withdrawn because of increases in blood pressure; in the sibutramine group, s
84 was performed to determine whether the acute increase in blood pressure induced by breathing through
85 sted whether the antinociception produced by increases in blood pressure is dependent on changes in t
86 at neonate lays the foundation for sustained increases in blood pressure later in life.
87                     Rats exposed to CIHH had increases in blood pressure, leading to hypertension, an
88                          The RR per 10-mm Hg increase in blood pressure measured at 1 year after tran
89 PSNs) was correlated to neither the absolute increase in blood pressure nor the rate of increase in m
90                               A dose-related increase in blood pressure occurred with diaspirin cross
91                  Importantly, we observed no increases in blood pressure or heart rate with BIM-22493
92  with lower blood pressure and an attenuated increase in blood pressure over time.
93 ted administration of BK elicited consistent increases in blood pressure over a 100 min period while
94 arsenic exposure was associated with greater increases in blood pressure over the course of pregnancy
95 the effects of angiotensin II, which include increase in blood pressure, peripheral vasoconstriction,
96                           We report that the increase in blood pressure produced by a 2 week administ
97  or OFF cells was recorded in the RVM during increases in blood pressure produced by intravenous infu
98  (n = 23) or discontinued (n = 10) to manage increases in blood pressure, pulse rate, or other sympto
99 h groups exhibited a significant and similar increase in blood pressure ratio, angiographic score, an
100 iogenic agent sodium lactate elicited robust increases in blood pressure, respiratory rate, and heart
101 exhibited either transient or no significant increase in blood pressure showed tighter .NO binding af
102 at Type A participants would exhibit greater increases in blood pressure than Type B participants ove
103 ular coupling contributes to the age-related increase in blood pressure that occurs in women only.
104                                  Despite the increase in blood pressure, there is no decrease in eith
105 area rich in 5-HT receptors, would attenuate increases in blood pressure to intravenous 5-HT.
106               PS rats demonstrated a greater increase in blood pressure variability compared with con
107 It is concluded that PVN neurones may elicit increases in blood pressure via excitatory connections w
108                     When the cocaine-induced increase in blood pressure was minimized (nitroprusside)
109 ressure and AT1R protein expression, and the increase in blood pressure was reversed by AT1R blockade
110 eceptor antagonist eliminated Ang II-induced increases in blood pressure, water intake, and sympathoa
111 al Npr1 expression leads to a salt-sensitive increase in blood pressure, whereas above normal Npr1 ex
112 ACE2 deficiency was associated with a modest increase in blood pressure, whereas the absence of ACE2
113 clooxygenase, however, prevented the initial increase in blood pressure without affecting the delayed

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