


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 intenance of genomic stability through a DDR-independent pathway.
2 ursor for glutathione synthesis via an NADPH-independent pathway.
3 hesis and enhances autophagy through an mTOR-independent pathway.
4 /Th9 axis operates through a distinct, OX40L-independent pathway.
5 ensitive K(+) channels mediate FIV via an NO-independent pathway.
6 APK blockade reverses senescence via an mTOR-independent pathway.
7  a VEGFR2-dependent but alpha2beta1 integrin-independent pathway.
8 mbryonic surface formation via an ATML1/PDF2-independent pathway.
9 llagen expression through a TGFbeta receptor-independent pathway.
10 ly spn-4 dependent pathway and a later spn-4 independent pathway.
11 e formation, in a CRM-1-dependent, Akt1/mTOR-independent pathway.
12 factors and induces cell death through a Gli-independent pathway.
13 ed through a TLR5-, inflammasome-, and MyD88-independent pathway.
14 ulation when cells were activated via an IgE-independent pathway.
15 ecognition of Mdm2 can be mediated by an S5a-independent pathway.
16 the endoplasmic reticulum in an immunophilin-independent pathway.
17 TNF-alpha activates NF-kappaB through a RIP1-independent pathway.
18  and HD domain-containing protein 1 (SAMHD1)-independent pathway.
19  signaling, which activated a Zap70- and LAT-independent pathway.
20 ough an ACTH- and sympathetic nervous system-independent pathway.
21 ed for heat stability of TIP60.com by a p400-independent pathway.
22 HO cells expressing HSV-1 receptors via a pH-independent pathway.
23 uniporter-mediated, but uncoupling protein 3-independent pathway.
24 am of TLR4, which can also activate an MyD88-independent pathway.
25 gers KSHV replication through a distinct RTA-independent pathway.
26 clusively on breast cells, through a steroid-independent pathway.
27 rine cystitis via a noncanonical, interferon-independent pathway.
28 th and induction of cell death through a p53-independent pathway.
29 naling through an ATR/Chk1-dependent and p53-independent pathway.
30 so stimulate HBV replication via an androgen-independent pathway.
31  in vivo protein penetrability by a receptor-independent pathway.
32 e found to reflect penetration by a receptor-independent pathway.
33 c2-26, induced ROS production through an FPR-independent pathway.
34 ecombination via a RecQ helicase (At-RECQ4A)-independent pathway.
35 st likely the result of an undefined GPR109a independent pathway.
36 3-H4 are assembled via HIRA in a replication-independent pathway.
37 silon and IKKi) activates Akt through a PI3K-independent pathway.
38 nd to repress OmpF expression through a MicF-independent pathway.
39 ated transcription by a CREB phosphorylation-independent pathway.
40 rrestin2-dependent but cAMP/protein kinase A-independent pathway.
41 via increased stability through a HIF-2alpha-independent pathway.
42 weak TBS-induced E-LTP to L-LTP in a second, independent pathway.
43 that the worms can synthesize PGE2 via a COX-independent pathway.
44 ate cancer through a noncanonical and ligand-independent pathway.
45 GF-beta acted through a JNK-dependent, Smad4-independent pathway.
46 tion of Cl(-) and Br(-) by (3)DOM*, an (*)OH-independent pathway.
47 e nodules in the cortex, probably through an independent pathway.
48 s (cDCs) via a STAT3-dependent but NF-kappaB-independent pathway.
49 d absorption in diabetic mice via an insulin-independent pathway.
50  its activation is not essential for the NOX-independent pathway.
51 old stress signal via an abscisic acid (ABA)-independent pathway.
52 gosomes through enigmatic noncanonical VPS34-independent pathways.
53 apeutic strategies to control these allergen-independent pathways.
54 s are regulated by both DELLA-dependent and -independent pathways.
55 ate significant biological effects via ISGF3-independent pathways.
56 mit virus entry into target cells through gD-independent pathways.
57 gests involvement of both Akt-dependent and -independent pathways.
58 M, but there are also Rip1-dependent, SigKLM-independent pathways.
59 ogen-activated protein kinase-dependent and -independent pathways.
60 induce transformation via activation of PI3K-independent pathways.
61 ncluding Exonuclease 1 (Exo1)-dependent and -independent pathways.
62  include CRTH2(+) cells through IL-4 and TCR-independent pathways.
63 erapeutics, including SMN2-dependent and SMN-independent pathways.
64 yclic guanosine monophosphate-dependent and -independent pathways.
65  in both tryptophan-dependent and tryptophan-independent pathways.
66 c via S1P2R and S1P3R stimulation using Smad-independent pathways.
67 th DNA methylation-dependent and methylation-independent pathways.
68 n include both caspase-dependent and caspase-independent pathways.
69 nt pathways and cardioprotection through PKA-independent pathways.
70 ough both histone demethylase-dependent and -independent pathways.
71 ediated via both TRAF binding-dependent and -independent pathways.
72 ivation of Toll-like receptor-dependent and -independent pathways.
73 ng that SIX1 acts through additional, VEGF-C-independent pathways.
74 nce through both LIN28B-dependent and LIN28B-independent pathways.
75 it functions through both mTOR-dependent and independent pathways.
76 n via receptor desensitization-dependent and independent pathways.
77 cence through both HIF-1-dependent and HIF-1-independent pathways.
78 EPEAT BINDING FACTOR (CBF)-dependent and CBF-independent pathways.
79 d be resolved into Cch1p-dependent and Cch1p-independent pathways.
80 upon p42/44 MAPK activity only via caspase 3 independent pathways.
81 not only by H3K4m1-dependent but also H3K4m1-independent pathways.
82 th planar cell polarity (PCP)-dependent and -independent pathways.
83 on can occur via either Smchd1-dependent or -independent pathways.
84 ng them to be assigned to FT-dependent or FT-independent pathways.
85 ate glomerular inflammation via parallel but independent pathways.
86 ect is mediated through pluripotency network independent pathways.
87 1 was mediated by both Arf-dependent and Arf-independent pathways.
88 ernalization and signaling through G protein-independent pathways.
89  been suggested that they participate in two independent pathways.
90 possibility that malarial DNA triggered TLR9-independent pathways.
91 ed heat shock factor 1 (HSF1)-dependent and -independent pathways.
92 on and channeling the signaling to G protein-independent pathways.
93 inhibitor directly controlled by p53 and p53-independent pathways.
94  by both complement-dependent and complement-independent pathways.
95 ection through both interferon-dependent and independent pathways.
96 nd ABA-dependent signalling, but also by ABA independent pathways.
97 ion, are carried through the retina by three independent pathways.
98 uces insulin synthesis and secretion via two independent pathways.
99 de human RBCs through the use of sialic acid-independent pathways.
100 diates recycling via retromer-dependent and -independent pathways.
101 tionale for identifying and targeting kinase-independent pathways.
102 dent pathways, and monomeric alphaS by actin-independent pathways.
103 ivating B cells through T cell-dependent or -independent pathways.
104 ion has discrete septin-dependent and septin-independent pathways.
105 d redirects signalling to numerous G-protein-independent pathways.
106 and is mediated by both NLRP3-dependent and -independent pathways.
107 d an activation of both MyD88-dependent and -independent pathways.
108 -autonomous functions via p53-dependent and -independent pathways.
109                PAR(2) can signal through two independent pathways: a beta-arrestin-dependent one that
110 the viral and target membranes by one of two independent pathways: a rupture-insertion pathway leadin
111 We took an unbiased approach to identify p53-independent pathways activated by defects in ribosome sy
112 ndings provide a unifying mechanism by which independent pathways affecting the spatial recruitment o
113 SGs can also be activated through interferon-independent pathways, although the precise mechanisms re
114  factor (VEGF)-stimulated, nitric oxide (NO)-independent pathway and a VEGF-stimulated NO-dependent p
115  the sorting nexin 4 (SNX4)-mediated, signal-independent pathway and for a novel signal-mediated path
116  induces autophagosomes via a Class III PI3K-independent pathway and uses autophagosomal membranes as
117 ting not only Atoh1-dependent but also Atoh1-independent pathways and (2) that both pathways induce P
118 educed mHLA-DR levels, mediated through IL-6 independent pathways and is reversible with IFN-gamma.
119 lic switch by regulating PI3K-dependent and -independent pathways and negatively impacting two of the
120 y utilizing both beta-catenin-dependent and -independent pathways and suggest that its modulation cou
121 lementarity determining region by two nearly independent pathways and that this preconfiguration acco
122 surface waters yields (*)OH through the H2O2-independent pathway, and the assessment of the relative
123 he antigen is processed through a proteasome-independent pathway, and the peptide epitopes are loaded
124 n event involves both Galphai-dependent and -independent pathways, and is conserved both in X4 and R5
125 11 is thought to mainly act via beta-catenin-independent pathways, and little is known about its role
126 ol secretion through apoB-dependent and apoB-independent pathways, and plasma triglyceride, cholester
127 ting open ends, eDNAs produced via the lysis-independent pathway appeared scattered but in a structur
128 meristem, cotyledons, and hook), and the Trp-independent pathway appears to become the primary route
129                                          Two independent pathways are described, along with a simple
130                   Therefore, alternative ATX-independent pathways are likely responsible for local ge
131 a, can degrade DAT function and that insulin-independent pathways are present that may be exploited a
132  lack of Ndufaf5, suggesting that novel AMPK-independent pathways are responsible for Ndufaf5 cytopat
133  identifies the cartilage-specific RBPjkappa-independent pathway as crucial for the proper regulation
134 culosis proteasome contributes to pupylation-independent pathways as well.
135           The AZIN1-SV2 acts via a polyamine-independent pathway, as it neither interacts with antizy
136 platform-specific data and one from platform-independent, pathway-based data.
137 tive pathway able to generate in a caspase-1-independent pathway bioactive IL-18 to boost the product
138 d death by additional recruitment of caspase-independent pathways, but this required PI3K class IA an
139 hage programming in response to IL4 via a GR-independent pathway by serving as a coactivator for Krup
140 s through G-protein-dependent, and G-protein-independent pathways by engaging the scaffold protein be
141  genes were additionally induced through IFN-independent pathways by infectious hematopoietic necrosi
142 acid mixtures, suggesting that there are two independent pathways by which bitter compounds are sense
143 e, a computational environment for combining independent pathway calculations.
144 ependent influenza virus vaccine; (ii) a CD4-independent pathway can be an alternative mechanism for
145             Here we show that a third, NADPH-independent pathway can bypass the need for TrxR1 and GR
146 Thus, our results indicate that a proteasome-independent pathway can promote the release of active p1
147 lthough studies have demonstrated that redox-independent pathways can also mobilize Cr, no quantitati
148  BnAb responses are elicited via a type II T-independent pathway, coinciding with expansion and activ
149 NV infection; and the late, IRF-3- and IRF-7-independent pathway contributes to anti-DENV immunity.
150  support previous studies suggesting an ACTH-independent pathway contributes to the corticosterone rh
151 ic acid (SA) signaling, COR suppresses an SA-independent pathway contributing to callose deposition b
152 en this VEGFA-controlled pathway and a VEGFA-independent pathway controlled by Fli1, Gata2 and Etv2/E
153 In the absence of Fas, the nonapoptotic, Fas-independent pathway could still induce cell death.
154 al complex (SC) in Drosophila depends on two independent pathways defined by the chromosome axis prot
155 t through microbiota-dependent or microbiota-independent pathways, depending on the type of dietary c
156  regulates PS formation through at least two independent pathways: direct phosphorylation and Cyk3-me
157 PDF in enhancing PER/TIM stability occur via independent pathways downstream of the PDF receptor, the
158 epsilonRI regulators, immunoglobulin E (IgE)-independent pathways [e.g., Mas-related G protein-couple
159            G protein-dependent and G protein-independent pathways each have the capacity to initiate
160                                By activating independent pathways emanating from the VMHdm/c, we demo
161     However, little is known about the virus-independent pathways engaged by these molecules.
162 tegrated effect of Rab10-dependent and Rab10-independent pathways, establishing a divergence in insul
163  activated an alternative caspase- and Panx1-independent pathway for ATP release from Jurkat cells in
164 ce of H2O2 by PRDX4 and a parallel slow H2O2-independent pathway for disulfide formation.
165 ggesting the predominance of an inflammasome-independent pathway for ECP-dependent IL-1beta maturatio
166 imulates a previously unrecognized, clathrin-independent pathway for LDLR internalization.
167 mmetrically distributed and uncover a thymus-independent pathway for mature T cell production in the
168 tem cells (mESCs), demonstrating an H3K27me3-independent pathway for recruitment of PRC1 activity.
169 s to IFNalpha/beta via activating the ligand-independent pathway for the phosphorylation and subseque
170 ivated potassium channel GIRK are part of an independent pathway for VNO activation.
171        These results suggest the presence of independent pathways for kisspeptins and NKB neurons in
172              Wnt5a can activate beta-catenin-independent pathways for regulation of various cellular
173  mean temperature implications of differing, independent pathways for the decarbonization of global e
174 of experimental and theoretical studies, two independent pathways for this process are proposed, whic
175 he identification of noncanonical (caspase-1-independent) pathways for IL-1beta production has unveil
176 O(*) (considering only the hydrogen-peroxide-independent pathways) for the bulk waters were 4.8 x 10(
177 t, but not the papillae, suggesting that two independent pathways form these defense structures.
178 strate of 160 kDa (AS160), (ii) via an AS160-independent pathway from PKB, and (iii) via an additiona
179 duction is due to an ASC-dependent caspase-1-independent pathway generating IL-18.
180 cle arrest in p53 wild-type cells, and a p53-independent pathway impaired proliferation in cells with
181     Here we identify a STING-dependent, cGAS-independent pathway important for full interferon produc
182 subjects and indicated involvement of the GC-independent pathway in a human IgE-mediated disease.
183 that SOCS1 is expressed via a new, NF-kappaB-independent pathway in Dectin-1-triggered murine BMMs an
184 d duodenal protein synthesis through an mTOR independent pathway in humans.
185 nations associated with the Wnt/beta-catenin-independent pathway in mammary epithelial subpopulations
186  alphaIIbbeta3 regulates Syk through an ITAM-independent pathway in mice and provide novel insight in
187       Here we identify an alternative, Batf3-independent pathway in mice for CD8alpha(+) dendritic ce
188  recent laboratory study proposed a sunlight-independent pathway in which *OH forms during oxidation
189 gic conditions operate through different and independent pathways in AD that reflect dysfunction in d
190 results indicate that Wnd regulates multiple independent pathways in Drosophila motoneurons and that
191 and the pivotal role of mTORC1-dependent and independent pathways in mediating AKT and Ras induced he
192 beta regulate the expression of IL-8 through independent pathways in response to reduced hydration.
193 significant apoptosis, implicating TLR4/TRIF-independent pathways in the death of Yersinia-infected c
194    Moreover, our data support a role for p53-independent pathways in the pathophysiology of DBA.
195 t regulatory node for caspase-dependent and -independent pathways in the regulation of cell-type-spec
196 ngs underscore the clinical relevance of AKT-independent pathways in tumors driven by genetic lesions
197            The role of clathrin and clathrin-independent pathways in vacuolar targeting is discussed.
198 ctedly, a parallel CSF-1-regulated, but CCR2-independent pathway influenced uterine DC tissue densiti
199                               The LAT family-independent pathway involved the SH2 domain of SLP-76 an
200 both mouse and human cells that this Bax/Bak-independent pathway involves dsRNA-induced innate immune
201  responds to the cullin CUL-5 and an anillin-independent pathway involving the kinase PIG-1/MELK.
202   These activities occur in parallel with an independent pathway involving Uba1-UbcH7, but in a spati
203  that in the defect of ABCG5/G8, an ABCG5/G8-independent pathway is essential for regulating hepatic
204                     The mechanism of the MIO-independent pathway is explored through isotopic-labelin
205 of Smad2 and Smad3, suggesting that the Smad-independent pathway is important for Treg function.
206  phenotypes, we hypothesized that an insulin-independent pathway is responsible for the enhanced gluc
207 ontribution to HIV-1 replication through PKR-independent pathways is minimal.
208 ent and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-independent pathway, it is unknown whether DVC insulin a
209 iated Ly49e transcription, and a LTalphabeta-independent pathway leading to elevated, Pro3-driven Ly4
210 moenzymatic strategies were designed through independent pathways leading to both amine antipodes.
211  the adenosine diphosphate receptor P2Y12 as independent pathways leading to Rap1 small GTPase activa
212 insulin-IGF-1 signaling (IIS)-dependent and -independent pathways mainly in neurons and the intestine
213 is; however, an alternative UBIAD1/vitamin K-independent pathway may regulate cardiac function.
214 ing alloantibodies, suggesting that antibody-independent pathways may also contribute to pathogenesis
215 e insulin sensitivity among Chinese, obesity-independent pathways may be more relevant in South Asian
216 equired for most effects of Reelin, but Dab1-independent pathways may contribute.
217 y turnover of c-FLIP and the gamma-secretase-independent pathway mediated by PSAP-Bax complex formati
218              We also show that PI3K- and Akt-independent pathways mediated by mTORC1 regulate the exp
219 is recycled back to the cell surface via two independent pathways mediated by the sorting nexins Snx4
220 ssociations for others suggests alternative, independent pathways mediating pathogenesis in the "grou
221  Cholesky decomposition, common pathway, and independent pathway models.
222              The Wnt-dependent, beta-catenin-independent pathway modulates cell movement and behavior
223                Here, we describe a novel MMR-independent pathway of 6-TG toxicity.
224 , the contribution of necroptosis, a caspase-independent pathway of cell death, to HFD-induced liver
225 wed that RIPK3 controls a separate, necrosis-independent pathway of inflammation by regulating cytoki
226 uggest that there is an alternative monocyte-independent pathway of LC differentiation.
227 ce the cause to an alternate PGC-1alpha/beta-independent pathway of nuclear-mitochondrial communicati
228          These results identify an Spt5 pCTR-independent pathway of Paf1C recruitment requiring Kin28
229 efine a TRIF-dependent, TLR4- and type I IFN-independent pathway of sterile liver injury in which hep
230 cidating the mechanisms underlying G protein-independent pathways of activating GIRK channels provide
231 n or restrain IP signaling may augment STAT6-independent pathways of allergic inflammation.
232  factors within this locus may inhibit CXCR2-independent pathways of bacterial killing.
233 wledge, the first evidence for entirely RelA-independent pathways of innate immunity gene induction i
234 ated potassium (KATP) channel-dependent and -independent pathways of insulin secretion.
235  existence of both proteasome-dependent and -independent pathways of PKCalpha processing.
236 ecay, suggesting that one factor may use two independent pathways of post-transcriptional gene regula
237  the role of APOC3 as a key regulator of LPL-independent pathways of triglyceride metabolism.
238 ever, that SSM and NM might be the result of independent pathways of tumor development.
239      To elucidate the effect of the ABCG5/G8-independent pathway on cholelithogenesis, we investigate
240                                 The ABCG5/G8-independent pathway plays an important role in regulatin
241 bacteria reflects both T-cell-dependent and -independent pathways, plus glycans present on the antibo
242 hat sugar signaling proceeds by a hexokinase-independent pathway, possibly involving hexose sensing.
243 nterdependence (interactive), and those with independent pathway properties (orthogonal).
244 phorylation of AQP2 and identified a new PKA-independent pathway regulating AQP2 trafficking.
245 ne for SOD (CCS) and an additional minor CCS-independent pathway reported in mammals.
246                                      The SRP-independent pathway requires the Sec translocase-associa
247 nociception and locomotion through an NPR-19-independent pathway requiring an alpha2A-adrenergic-like
248 nesis in both its phosphatase-dependent and -independent pathways, revealing potentially new drug tar
249               Thus, ubiquitin-dependent and -independent pathways robustly contribute to MHC class I-
250                              Through an Fgf2-independent pathway, Sdc2 and Tbx16 also control KV cili
251 at gonad formation is regulated by multiple, independent pathways; some of these regulate the key cel
252                                      The two independent pathways stimulated by the fibrils can act i
253 ed piRNA production, an alternative, slicing-independent pathway suffices to generate Piwi-bound piRN
254 k after a short dark pulse through an output-independent pathway, suggesting that SasA can influence
255 ia stem cells (LSCs), suggesting that kinase-independent pathways support LSC survival.
256 me termini can be maintained by a telomerase-independent pathway termed alternative lengthening of te
257 LIN-5, is an essential component of a Netrin-independent pathway that acts in parallel to promote mid
258 d Mx2 can be induced via an IRF-3- and IRF-7-independent pathway that does not involve IFN-gamma sign
259 Ca(2+) overload or through a Ca(2+) overload-independent pathway that involved reduced activity of AT
260 s through the upregulation of Rab7 and a TAP-independent pathway that prime CTL responses.
261  ISGs or the involvement of alternative, IFN-independent pathways that are also normally blocked by f
262 mosis and demonstrate the existence of Flt3L-independent pathways that can mediate infection-induced
263 hat allorecognition in Botryllus consists of independent pathways that control compatible and incompa
264                            We identified two independent pathways that control polarization of endocy
265 tigen recognition with other examples of RAG-independent pathways that generate antigen receptor dive
266 5)P(2), suggesting that there may be PIKfyve-independent pathways that generate this lipid.
267 on on pRBs regulates both E2F-dependent and -independent pathways that govern proliferation.
268 Wsp1p (WASp) and Myo1p (myosin-I) define two independent pathways that recruit Arp2/3 complex, which
269 ly Golgi proteins, followed by multiple COPI-independent pathways that recycle late Golgi proteins.
270 RCC activates EC through VEGF-dependent and -independent pathways, that sunitinib sensitivity correla
271 of epitopes can be presented through the TAP-independent pathway, the precise mechanism for which rem
272 jority of uptake is via a low-affinity Na(+)-independent pathway there is, in addition, a high-affini
273 nly through an RIG-I/MDA5-mediated, JAK-STAT-independent pathway, thereby revealing the participation
274 upport the existence of an alternative STAT3-independent pathway through SHIP1 for IL-10 to regulate
275  a beta-proteobacterium, adopts an oxygenase-independent pathway to degrade cholesterol.
276 retinoic acid-inducible gene I-like receptor-independent pathway to enhance IFN response.
277               Recent studies identified a UV-independent pathway to melanoma carcinogenesis and impli
278 kely reflecting their retention of an oxygen-independent pathway to produce pseudocobalamin, which is
279 refore propose an alternate and distinct p53-independent pathway to stimulate programmed cell death i
280 tive sequences use distinct interactions and independent pathways to arrive at a heterochromatic stat
281 g suggests that AFB3 is able to activate two independent pathways to control root system architecture
282 ting that IFN-gamma regulates neuronal STAT1-independent pathways to control viral replication.
283         Together, these data highlight T-bet-independent pathways to IFN-gamma production and reveal
284 and Sir2 along with Swi6(HP1) operate in two independent pathways to maintain heterochromatin.
285 s well as CHK1 and CHK2, thus activating two independent pathways to prevent progression into mitosis
286 ted through both GATA-3-dependent and GATA-3-independent pathways to promote the generation of ILC2.
287  integrins use different RIAM-dependent and -independent pathways to undergo activation by talin.
288                                  This septin-independent pathway was mediated by phosphatidylinositol
289          Peroxisome-localized CSD3 via a CCS-independent pathway was similar to nematode (Caenorhabdi
290                                              Independent pathways were analyzed in order to select th
291            However, the MyD88-dependent and -independent pathways were impaired to the same extent, i
292 re, we found that both IKK-dependent and IKK-independent pathways were required for PI-induced Ikappa
293  swIg(+) memory B cells are products of a GC-independent pathway, whereas later switched Ig(+) memory
294 on during MVA infection of the lung via a C3-independent pathway, which enables rapid recruitment of
295  the cytoplasm involved a CCS-dependent and -independent pathway, which was similar to that for human
296   We find that the two products form through independent pathways, which allows us to tune the conver
297                 TGF-beta also initiates Smad-independent pathways, which augment gene expression.
298 internalized through clathrin-dependent and -independent pathways, which differentially regulated the
299 dies have shown that Smad-dependent and Smad-independent pathways work redundantly to transduce TGF-b
300   Our results show stepwise contributions of independent pathways working at multiple stages of ULBP1

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