コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 appears to be regulated by Nkx2.2 through an indirect mechanism.
2 ted by AvrPphB, a bacterial protease, via an indirect mechanism.
3 direct phospho donor or functions through an indirect mechanism.
4 f1 could induce Runx2 degradation through an indirect mechanism.
5 ing of guanidinoacetate, possibly through an indirect mechanism.
6 s by CD137 costimulation through a direct or indirect mechanism.
7 ations in RT may also be in part due to this indirect mechanism.
8 or binding and neuraminidase activity via an indirect mechanism.
9 by ACh (but not carbachol), also through an indirect mechanism.
10 e expression at high levels of glucose by an indirect mechanism.
11 ting DLP1 to peroxisome membranes through an indirect mechanism.
12 ivation by c-Jun appears to occur through an indirect mechanism.
13 ultured endothelial cells, which suggests an indirect mechanism.
14 oss-linking and is activated by Z through an indirect mechanism.
15 mation induced by v-Jun may occur through an indirect mechanism.
16 , but further investigation suggested a more indirect mechanism.
17 l promoter element induced by activin via an indirect mechanism.
18 ion with the Cdc2 complex, rather than by an indirect mechanism.
19 vation of CD4+ Th cells, possibly through an indirect mechanism.
20 ng that the effects of IL-12 occurred via an indirect mechanism.
21 3 protein but, rather, cooperates through an indirect mechanism.
22 double-negative (DN) T cell death through an indirect mechanism.
23 s bone formation in vivo, perhaps through an indirect mechanism.
24 ne, lysine, and methionine) are sensed by an indirect mechanism.
25 st which may function through a Fur-mediated indirect mechanism.
26 decrease in BzGSLs and SnGSLs via an unknown indirect mechanism.
27 timulates phosphorylation on S453/3/5 via an indirect mechanism.
28 ed the carbon catabolite protein CcpA via an indirect mechanism.
29 tations ("classics") are cited mainly by the indirect mechanism.
30 nces expression of these genes by direct and indirect mechanisms.
31 ed FOXP3, CD39, CD73, IL-10, and TGF-beta by indirect mechanisms.
32 sequent repression by Rep through direct and indirect mechanisms.
33 hormone-stimulated lipolysis via direct and indirect mechanisms.
34 e dissociation of corepressors by direct and indirect mechanisms.
35 cts on hepatic glucose fluxes via direct and indirect mechanisms.
36 CR4 promotes tumor progression by direct and indirect mechanisms.
37 8 through direct DNA binding, as well as via indirect mechanisms.
38 cient to cause neuronal damage via direct or indirect mechanisms.
39 ous monoclonal antibodies by both direct and indirect mechanisms.
40 urea denatures proteins via both direct and indirect mechanisms.
41 ves, an effect that involves both direct and indirect mechanisms.
42 As promote beta cell expansion by direct and indirect mechanisms.
43 l intercellular junctions through direct and indirect mechanisms.
44 te viral replication through both direct and indirect mechanisms.
45 ntrol DNA replication by multiple direct and indirect mechanisms.
46 e mechanism is shown to be quite general for indirect mechanisms.
47 vitro, indicating that these inducers act by indirect mechanisms.
48 gh direct interactions with the PPARs or via indirect mechanisms.
49 ytoplasmic dynein activity through direct or indirect mechanisms.
50 es are activated most commonly in disease by indirect mechanisms.
51 ray of cellular processes by both direct and indirect mechanisms.
52 ion of proinflammatory factors via direct or indirect mechanisms.
53 f gene transcription through both direct and indirect mechanisms.
54 which dually regulate AS through direct and indirect mechanisms.
55 s both through direct binding of ligands and indirect mechanisms.
56 sor of transcription through both direct and indirect mechanisms.
57 y influence BamA function by both direct and indirect mechanisms.
58 target genes by employing several direct and indirect mechanisms.
59 normally mediated via an extrahepatic (i.e., indirect) mechanism.
60 t this regulation in mouse occurs through an indirect mechanism, 1,25-(OH)2D3 acting on a gene geneti
61 ction of brain cells by HIV, suggesting that indirect mechanisms account for neuropathogenesis in the
63 d serve to distinguish unambiguously between indirect mechanisms and direct binding mechanisms of ane
64 sulfur cluster biogenesis through direct and indirect mechanisms and have distinguishable target spec
65 rved is the likely result of both direct and indirect mechanisms and probably involves multiple recep
66 e: it contributes to maintaining latency via indirect mechanisms, and it may also synergize with Z an
67 et fully resolved, involving both direct and indirect mechanisms, and positive and negative effects.
68 HIV-1 RNase H may occur by either direct or indirect mechanisms, and they provide a framework for id
69 el findings demonstrate that a direct and an indirect mechanism are involved in TLR5-driven RA inflam
70 s for transactivation of target genes, while indirect mechanisms are also implicated in RTA transacti
71 utations affecting intersubunit geometry via indirect mechanisms are as important as interface sequen
74 indicate that ADARs, through both direct and indirect mechanisms, are important for maintaining wild-
75 sin mediates sister chromatid cohesion by an indirect mechanism as well as one involving entrapment o
77 This compensation probably occurs through an indirect mechanism, as the binding affinity of proteins
78 enic neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons through an indirect mechanism based on enhancing GABA-mediated inhi
79 nal end bud regression in virgin animals via indirect mechanisms, but acts directly on the mammary ep
80 These patterns could reflect direct and/or indirect mechanisms, but imply that individual variation
81 investigated the importance of the exogenous indirect mechanism by conducting photoinactivation exper
82 possible to ameliorate this immunopathologic indirect mechanism by developing therapies that target K
83 FV-short inhibits coagulation through an indirect mechanism by forming a complex with tissue fact
84 nhibit activation of tryptic KLKs through an indirect mechanism by inhibition of matrix metalloprotei
87 d (RA) on KGF expression in vitro provide an indirect mechanism by which RA may regulate the growth a
88 Ocn transcription by TGFbeta, confirming an indirect mechanism by which TGFbeta acts through vimenti
89 200 inhibits angiogenesis through direct and indirect mechanisms by targeting interleukin-8 and CXCL1
92 In addition, we identify both direct and indirect mechanisms by which miR-27a can regulate both M
93 lts strongly suggest that through direct and indirect mechanisms, CD8(+) T cells in some ES control H
94 s direct, endogenous indirect, and exogenous indirect mechanisms contribute to bacterial photoinactiv
97 ent in the promoter region of miR-98, and an indirect mechanism, down-regulating LIN-28 expression.
98 appear not to be infected, and the possible indirect mechanisms driving the neuronal toxicity have r
99 echanism (vasoconstriction) as well as by an indirect mechanism (e.g., inhibition of exocytosis from
100 s block the coagulation cascade either by an indirect mechanism (e.g., vitamin K antagonists) or by a
101 entation) or whether activation occurs by an indirect mechanism, e.g., via effects on CD4+ cells.
102 Some infections cause intraocular damage by indirect mechanisms (eg, HIV-mediated immunosuppression)
105 pathway and provide further support for the indirect mechanism for FGF1 stimulation of PI 3-kinase i
106 racts with Bcl-XL but not BAX, suggesting an indirect mechanism for promoting Bax translocation to th
107 craniofacial skeletogenesis, and suggest an indirect mechanism for secondary cleft palate in Nog mut
108 tions of the TnC molecule, which provides an indirect mechanism for their pathogenic properties.
109 We identify a number of potential direct and indirect mechanisms for these responses, including the i
111 (111) and (100) facets, we predict that the indirect mechanism has a higher onset potential than the
114 to partially repress their expression by an indirect mechanism in the presumptive retina region in w
115 hat MOT1 might activate transcription via an indirect mechanism in which limiting TBP can be liberate
116 etation is possible within the context of an indirect mechanism in which solubilization of an anesthe
117 dylinositol (PI) 3-kinase are mediated by an indirect mechanism in which the docking protein fibrobla
122 id and occurs up to 70,000 times faster than indirect mechanisms in which heme is released into the s
123 ibitory effect on CYP7A1 transcription by an indirect mechanism, in contrast to the stimulation and b
125 ough endothelial barriers by both direct and indirect mechanisms, including through a mechanism invol
126 ng the potential contribution of alternative indirect mechanisms/interactions between the Ag-SPs and
127 homocysteine is likely to be incorporated by indirect mechanisms into proteins in living organisms.
129 influence Jak-STAT signaling through a novel indirect mechanism involving a wt p53-dependent gene pro
131 our types this appears to be achieved via an indirect mechanism involving inappropriate expression of
132 es NFAT-dependent gene expression through an indirect mechanism involving induction of cardiac AP-1 a
133 147 expression influences Abeta levels by an indirect mechanism involving MMPs that can degrade extra
134 of III-AC by direct phosphorylation or by an indirect mechanism involving phosphorylation of a protei
135 e regulatory protein or were activated by an indirect mechanism involving Spo0A-mediated relief of re
136 ain why elotuzumab eliminates MM cells by an indirect mechanism involving the activation of NK cells.
137 transcriptional function in part through an indirect mechanism involving the suppression of TBP expr
139 transport in Aqp1-null mice, suggesting that indirect mechanisms involving other channels or transpor
140 egulates cell migration and adhesion through indirect mechanisms involving posttranscriptional contro
141 combination of both physical interaction and indirect mechanisms involving the activation of a second
142 This transcriptional repression can occur by indirect mechanisms involving the time-dependent assembl
143 y mimic BH4 in its inhibition of GTPCH by an indirect mechanism, involving interaction with a recentl
144 central effects of cocaine may occur, via an indirect mechanism, involving peripheral neural elements
145 hat this stimulation was mediated through an indirect mechanism, involving tumor necrosis factor alph
148 chondrocytes, downstream of FGFRs and via an indirect mechanism, is required for normal extension and
153 on bile acid receptors, and other potential indirect mechanisms, may also contribute to the observed
154 ished during development, suggesting that an indirect mechanism mediated by plant water relations cou
155 that regulatory T cells, by either direct or indirect mechanisms, modulate B cell development and ane
157 nity chromatography experiments implicate an indirect mechanism of action involving direct binding of
159 irectly interact with the APE, suggesting an indirect mechanism of activation through this site.
161 Taken together, these findings support an indirect mechanism of AHR activation, indicating that AH
165 hell, but also support the involvement of an indirect mechanism of dopamine control, through a concom
166 close to the P-site is very favorable for an indirect mechanism of eIF1's action by influencing the c
173 eins, suggesting the possibility of a novel, indirect mechanism of recruitment involving DNA target-s
175 eatic acinar cells is likely regulated by an indirect mechanism of stimulation of afferent neurons.
176 rminal transactivation domain, suggesting an indirect mechanism of transcriptional inhibition involvi
179 cellular models suggest that both direct and indirect mechanisms of protein aggregation are probably
180 ior by decreasing spines selectively, via an indirect mechanism, on a subset of VMH neurons that proj
181 -induced Quin production in MOs occurs by an indirect mechanism, perhaps via cytokines produced by th
182 y deactivation of a negative regulator; this indirect mechanism, pervasive in Akt signaling, has yet
183 proinflammatory responses through direct and indirect mechanisms, pinpointing SQSTM1 as a key mediato
184 a suggest a model in which G-CSF, through an indirect mechanism, potently inhibits osteoblast activit
185 tion in vivo; however, this effect is due to indirect mechanisms rather than to direct infection of C
186 to the bone marrow niche by both direct and indirect mechanisms, rather than directly altering HSC f
187 postsynaptic neurons, but rather through an indirect mechanism: reduction of endocannabinoid-mediate
189 ) inhibits pituitary prolactin release by an indirect mechanism requiring stimulation of dopamine for
190 of recovery from desensitization through an indirect mechanism; responses activated with either chol
191 pidermal barrier function through direct and indirect mechanisms result in susceptibility to skin com
192 on results in diminished proliferation by an indirect mechanism, resulting from defective receptor ex
193 ation of peribronchial mast cells in vivo by indirect mechanism(s), which include inhibiting the lung
194 4 cells mediate antitumor effects through an indirect mechanism similar to the delayed hypersensitivi
195 may be due to direct antioxidant effects, or indirect mechanisms such as affecting signal transductio
197 Fs normally influences axon diameter through indirect mechanisms, such as the slowing of NF transport
198 quired to stabilize the ZNF2 mRNA through an indirect mechanism suggesting that Znf2 and Pum1 each po
199 tion, have an unusually powerful CD4(+) cell indirect mechanism that can cause rejection of both isle
200 tein titration curves is predicted, using an indirect mechanism that couples solute-induced changes i
202 ode of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange, probably by an indirect mechanism that does not involve phosphorylation
203 cumbens (NAc) and caudate-putamen through an indirect mechanism that involves striatal cholinergic in
204 hat Rac1 induces STAT3 activation through an indirect mechanism that involves the autocrine productio
207 (IR), by directing attenuating SOD3 or by an indirect mechanism that limited TNFa production, thereby
208 rA activates Eda synthesis, apparently by an indirect mechanism that may be involved in the modest ch
209 on by DAHP in phosphate buffer occurs via an indirect mechanism that requires the presence of GTPCH f
210 pression of Kos1 inhibits Ras activity in an indirect mechanism that results in the downregulation of
211 ent throughout all forms of life, as well as indirect mechanisms that appear to have originated in eu
212 ed leukocytes to kill tumor cells in situ by indirect mechanisms that are dependent upon IFN-gamma.
214 c beta-cell function through both direct and indirect mechanisms that converge on reduced EP3 signali
215 oes not accurately reflect the importance of indirect mechanisms that have previously been reported i
216 ssay, and their destruction likely occurs by indirect mechanisms that have yet to be determined.
217 ls by acting on them directly, or may act by indirect mechanisms that involve alterations of the host
219 lation observed in CS cells are caused by an indirect mechanism: these cells shut down transcription
220 ly by KLF8 binding to the GT box A and by an indirect mechanism through its repression of a potential
221 bile toxin, the repression of nlpA may be an indirect mechanism through which the virulence regulator
223 modulating the contribution of the exogenous indirect mechanism to the overall bacterial photoinactiv
225 H(2) receptor subtypes, utilizes direct and indirect mechanisms to excite septohippocampal GABA-type
226 Oncogenic viruses have evolved direct and indirect mechanisms to overcome the tumour suppressor p5
228 ating basal transcriptional machinery) or an indirect mechanism (via regulation of other genes) is un
229 3K9 methylation at the MCAM promoter, and an indirect mechanism, via the Ets1 transcription factor.
231 id binding to the transcription factor or by indirect mechanisms where fatty acids regulate signaling
232 nitiation and progression of the plaques and indirect mechanisms where inflammation at nonvascular si
233 utations RT(Val108Ile) appears to act via an indirect mechanism which in this case is through alterat
234 n of the other IE protein, BZLF1, through an indirect mechanism which we previously showed to require
235 iciency of rRNA synthesis by both direct and indirect mechanisms, with resulting effects on transcrip
236 LHX8 regulated p57(Kip2) via both direct and indirect mechanisms, with the latter mediated by Forkhea
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