


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ntrast, radiometal-chelate complexes such as indium-111-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetra
2  MPM tumors by using HER1- and HER2-targeted indium 111 ((111)In)- and iodine 125 ((125)I)-labeled pa
3 h cells radiolabeled with 3.7-MBq (100-muCi) indium 111 ((111)In)-oxine (cell-associated HIV surrogat
4 nal antibody PD-L1.3.1 was radiolabeled with Indium-111 ((111)In) and characterized using PD-L1-expre
5 D-L1 antibody conjugated to the radionuclide Indium-111 ((111)In) for imaging and biodistribution stu
6 iver stem/progenitor cells were labeled with indium-111 ((111)In)-oxine and technetium-99m ((99m)Tc)-
7     Residence time of adoptively transferred Indium 111 (111In)-labeled D4 cells in lungs of normal a
8  We evaluated the prognostic significance of indium-111 (111In)-capromab pendetide imaging for patien
9                                              Indium-111-alCAM-1 may be useful as an early inflammatio
10                                              Indium-111-alCAM-1 or 111In-labeled normal mouse polyclo
11                                              Indium-111 also accumulated in the liver and kidneys.
12 essenger RNA presence, melanin staining, and indium-111 binding; scintigraphy and MR imaging were per
13 riaminepentaacetic acid [DTPA]-gadolinium or indium 111-bis-5-HT-DTPA, respectively).
14 DTPA]octreotide (Ki = 1.6 nM), which, as the indium-111 complex, is already approved for somatostatin
15 uate CSF flow was determined by pretreatment indium-111-DTPA studies.
16                                              Indium-111-DTPA was used as a control.
17                                              Indium-111-DTPA-folate appears suitable as a radiopharma
18                 An imaging/dosimetry dose of indium-111 ibritumomab tiuxetan (5 mCi) was injected aft
19 ) to improve biodistribution and one dose of indium-111 ibritumomab tiuxetan for imaging and dosimetr
20                                              Indium-111-IgM and 90Y-IgM immunoconjugates were compare
21 ntriaminepentaacetic (DTPA) and labeled with indium ((111)In) for imaging purposes.
22                             RP782 is a novel indium (111)In-labeled tracer with specificity for activ
23                                              Indium 111-labeled bis-5-HT-DTPA was used to determine b
24       We demonstrated the localization of an indium-111-labeled ((111)In-labeled) alphavbeta3-targete
25 odistribution studies using a gamma-emitting indium-111-labeled anti-TCRalphabeta mAb showed uptake p
26                                              Indium-111-labeled diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (
27 etermine the in vivo localization pattern of indium-111-labeled lymphocytes after a standardized extr
28                                              Indium-111-labeled plasma proteins, such as albumin, tra
29                                              Indium-111-labeled splenic lymphocytes were injected int
30 ion of Food and Drug Administration-approved indium 111 octreotide was followed by gamma camera imagi
31  Administration-approved radiopharmaceutical indium 111 octreotide.
32                                              Indium-111-octreotide, a somatostatin analog is the firs
33                                              Indium-111- or 88Y-BCCs were given alone intravenously;
34 ated, antigen-loaded, human DCs labeled with indium-111 oxyquinoline after i.v., s.c., and intraderma
35 d Drug Administration-approved radiotracer ([indium 111] oxyquinoline, (111)In-oxine), we demonstrate
36 onal antibody labeled with the gamma emitter indium-111 to visualize the CD4(+) T-cell pool in vivo i
37                                              Indium-111-WBCs and 99mTc-gluceptate were used as contro
38                                              Indium-111-WBCs, 111In-DTPA, 131I-albumin (HSA), 99mTc-n
39                                              Indium-111/yttrium-90-MX-DTPA BrE-3 can be safely admini

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