


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ules by mechanisms that can be described as "induced fit".
2  receptor rearrangement upon ligand binding (induced fit).
3 terplay between conformational selection and induced fit.
4 g, the inherited mutation presumably hinders induced fit.
5 mechanism for the evolution of allostery and induced fit.
6 t of the substrates, indicating a process of induced fit.
7 ally shifts from conformational selection to induced fit.
8 cess of conformational selection rather than induced fit.
9 cture matching via conformational capture or induced fit.
10 , indicating that the differences are due to induced fit.
11 n require extensive RNA folding to create an induced fit.
12 s the mutation-driven destabilization of the induced fit.
13 o bind small molecules in grooves created by induced fit.
14 suggests that sugar binding by LacY involves induced fit.
15 arget and then maximizing the interaction by induced fit.
16 s and indicating that sugar binding involves induced fit.
17  not part of the NMR ensemble, or leading to induced fit.
18 mpty transporter, GltPh binds amino acids by induced fit.
19 obs) with [L] is not unequivocal evidence of induced fit.
20 e with greater reliance on slower motions or induced-fit.
21 eveloped as the PreTS state assembles during induced-fit.
22 nformational change into a closed state with induced-fit adjustments of the active site, and inhibiti
23 based design efforts due to a high degree of induced fit and a mobile flexible loop encompassing the
24  in the translation field: the importance of induced fit and conformational changes for progression t
25 m, which often results from a combination of induced fit and conformational selection.
26                                          The induced fit and conformational selection/population shif
27                 The widespread importance of induced fit and order-disorder transition in RNA recogni
28      These results are discussed in terms of induced fit and pre-existing equilibrium theories of lig
29 amyloidogenic intermediate, we envisage that induced fit and self-assembly represent complementary mo
30 rs LFA-1 activation through a combination of induced fit and tension-based mechanisms.
31 he limiting cases involved; the first is the induced fit and the second is the conformational selecti
32       A minimum action path computed for the induced-fit and catalytic conformation changes shows tha
33  interplay between two classical mechanisms: induced-fit and conformational selection.
34 r importance of stacking interactions during induced-fit and of specific hydrogen bonds during confor
35  antigen recognition including lock-and-key, induced-fit, and conformational selection.
36 ared with reference antagonists is due to an induced fit around Trp(755), resulting in a decreased st
37 ction pathway at low ligand concentration to induced fit at high ligand concentration.
38 es diagnostic of conformational selection or induced fit based on whether it decreases or increases,
39                                          An "induced fit" became apparent for the side chain conforma
40 ex, and biochemical experiments confirm this induced-fit behavior of the enzyme.
41 Our results revealed a novel mechanism of an induced fit between anesthetic molecule and its protein
42 ucture, later steps correspond to regions of induced fit between the proteins and the rRNA.
43 A (tRNA) transferring correct amino acid is "induced fit" between the ribosome and tRNA.
44 mplex formation involves both pre-formed and induced fit binding interactions.
45                                              Induced fit binding is recurrent in protein-protein and
46 r recognition of this internal loop involves induced fit binding, which could confer several advantag
47 ies of antibacterial agents showing a novel, induced-fit binding mode.
48 r protein-binding aptamers because of their "induced fit" binding mechanism.
49                                 Rather than "induced-fit" binding, NKG2D degeneracy is achieved using
50 ng access; (iv) galactoside binding involves induced fit, causing transition to an occluded intermedi
51 ically disordered protein regions as well as induced-fit changes in the structured regions are both i
52 hrough a mechanism with a small component of induced fit character, whereby flexibility within the re
53                          The pocket displays induced fit characteristics in the presence of the two i
54 ificant conformational change resulting from induced fit complexation.
55                             Both employ the "induced fit" concept with flexibility in side chains and
56 he requirements necessary for binding to the induced-fit conformation.
57  results suggest that D35N overstabilizes an induced fit conformational change in loop II-III and hel
58  domain and compound 1 reveals a significant induced fit conformational change of the G loop and orde
59                                           An induced fit conformational change upon binding of the P1
60  III, which have been proposed to undergo an induced fit conformational change upon binding to DnaK.
61                                     Both the induced fit conformational changes of the compound and t
62 reexisting conformational equilibrium and an induced-fit conformational change are discussed.
63  studies, these data suggest a model for the induced-fit conformational change in which the role of d
64 ing questions about the putative large-scale induced-fit conformational change of HPPK and the functi
65  intersubunit pocket in the 20S undergoes an induced-fit conformational change on binding of the HbYX
66 sensing of the 3-methyl group, leading to an induced-fit conformational change that engulfs the base
67 groundwork for systematic exploration of how induced-fit conformational transitions may control subst
68 zation; and (4) combined conformer selection/induced fit (CS/IF) model.
69 de preferentially diverts binding through an induced-fit disease pathway enabling high-affinity GPIba
70 ow that the "conformational selection versus induced fit" distinction on which this debate is based i
71 ed that combining aMD simulations with Glide induced fit docking (IFD) provided much-improved enrichm
72                                              Induced fit docking computational simulations performed
73              A theoretical analysis based on induced fit docking explains many of the observed effect
74 ransporters, we combined molecular modeling, induced fit docking, genetic, and biochemical approaches
75                            Here we employ an induced fit docking/molecular dynamics protocol to ident
76 idues adopted different conformations in the induced-fit docking poses compared with the experimental
77               Docking the inhibitors with an induced-fit docking protocol suggested that the inhibito
78                                         This induced fit dramatically alters the electrostatics of th
79 that there is still an important role for an induced fit during ligand binding to cryptic sites and s
80 ule complexes, structural changes due to the induced-fit effect play an equally important role.
81 nsemble docking is used to take into account induced fit effects on the receptor conformation, and pr
82 urther validates the additional benefit from induced-fit effects.
83 h a complementary conformation selection and induced-fit enzymatic loop-gated conformational change m
84 nd lost toward Src, primarily by shifting an induced-fit equilibrium that is also disrupted in the cl
85 atched for C70 which was tightly bound in an induced-fit fashion.
86 heir relative amplitudes, we attribute to an induced-fit "fly casting" type of model in which transie
87            Our data reveal the importance of induced fit for substrate selection in EAATs and illustr
88                      Although the concept of induced fit has been widely adopted for describing the s
89 nd recognition, conformational selection and induced fit, have dominated our interpretation of ligand
90 el" to other paramyxoviruses and propose an "induced fit" hypothesis for F-HN/H/G interactions as con
91 s 5 to other paramyxoviruses and propose an "induced fit" hypothesis for F-HN/H/G interactions as con
92 ver whether conformational selection (CS) or induced fit (IF) is the governing mechanism for protein-
93 sing a novel ensemble docking algorithm; (3) induced fit (IF) model, using energy-gradient-based back
94 mmonly discussed macroscopic mechanisms: (i) induced fit, (ii) population shift, and (iii) entropy dr
95 lements of both conformational selection and induced fit in a manner that blends features of popular
96 ium moieties provides evidence of a role for induced fit in ADC catalysis.
97 udies have demonstrated the dominant role of induced fit in enzyme specificity of HIV reverse transcr
98                        Knowing the extent of induced fit in enzymes is important for our understandin
99 esidue linker within the protein facilitates induced fit in protein-RNA recognition.
100 ynamics offer an alternative explanation for induced fit in RNA-protein complexes.
101 tners and provide detailed information about induced fit in structured regions.
102 on with EPR distance measurements to analyze induced fit in the binding of endonuclease I to a DNA fo
103 n of the mutant insulin) presumably reflects induced fit in the native mechanism of hormone-receptor
104 onfigurational entropy, preorganization, and induced fit in the systems studied.
105 yses presented here support the principle of induced fit in the ThrRS-catalyzed adenylation reaction,
106  A-like nucleotides aid in achieving protein-induced fit in two major ways.
107                  This pocket is formed by an induced fit in which one of the tryptophan residues invo
108 n 20% across this series, which exemplifies 'induced fit' in a model host-guest system.
109 rmational selection mechanism (as opposed to induced fit) in a supramolecular system.
110 te that GSTA4-4 undergoes no enantiospecific induced fit; instead, the active site residue Arg15 is i
111 ombin and by triggering a Lys(114)-dependent induced fit interaction with activated antithrombin that
112 uggesting that RNA binding occurs through an induced-fit interaction.
113                                              Induced fit is a predominant phenomenon in protein-ligan
114                                 A subsequent induced-fit isomerization led to high-affinity complexes
115 y related family thought to have evolved as "induced fit" ligand-binding macromolecules.
116 hat interacts with the activation loop in an induced-fit manner.
117 se peptides in the canonical fashion, and an induced fit mechanism allows for the accommodation of a
118 nd the possible role for domain motion in an induced fit mechanism are discussed.
119 es distant from the DNA interface suggest an induced fit mechanism for binding in the 'hot spot' for
120               Consistent with these data, an induced fit mechanism for nucleotide specificity is prop
121            The ensemble obtained suggests an induced fit mechanism for recognition of target RNA by t
122 t from that described earlier, suggesting an induced fit mechanism for sst(1) binding of these novel,
123 g DNA replication, DNA polymerases follow an induced fit mechanism in order to rapidly distinguish be
124 the enzyme-catalyzed reaction and support an induced fit mechanism in which a wide cavity is establis
125 ase activity of PSTK may be activated via an induced fit mechanism in which binding of tRNA(Sec) spec
126  polymerases is predominantly governed by an induced fit mechanism in which the incoming dNTP in the
127                          Our data support an induced fit mechanism in which tight DNA binding is coup
128        By using single-molecule methods, the induced fit mechanism is shown to position favorably the
129 hibitors were interpreted as evidence for an induced fit mechanism of association, the presence of a
130 ible junction of three helices, occurs by an induced fit mechanism that involves reorganization of th
131 s for this specificity, highlighting a novel induced fit mechanism that is likely to be conserved wit
132 the flexible binding of proteins such as the induced fit mechanism where the ligand is postulated to
133 ar binding to the permease is involved in an induced fit mechanism, and the transport process require
134 ligands for FKBP51 were reported based on an induced fit mechanism, but they are too large for a furt
135              Our data are consistent with an induced fit mechanism, in agreement with previous simula
136 nucleotide binding site of T7 helicase by an induced fit mechanism.
137 f alternative anchoring modes rather than an induced fit mechanism.
138 ablishing that the complex forms by a mutual induced fit mechanism.
139 ligand in this novel series we confirmed the induced fit mechanism.
140 hed, the association must proceed through an induced fit mechanism.
141 ns upon carbohydrate binding in line with an induced fit mechanism; on the other hand, GGBP shows ext
142 ally, to determine whether pol lambda has an induced-fit mechanism and open-to-closed transition befo
143 osed transition before the chemical step and induced-fit mechanism exist in DNA polymerase mu (pol mu
144 y a factor of ten at room temperature) by an induced-fit mechanism first formulated by Koshland.
145 on of the synthetic host, consistent with an induced-fit mechanism for binding.
146                             This includes an induced-fit mechanism for cytochrome c binding to regula
147 tions, we previously provided support for an induced-fit mechanism for pol X in the presence of the c
148 re in accordance with the hypothesis that an induced-fit mechanism gives structure to the GR AF1 when
149 ansferase substrate analogues that reveal an induced-fit mechanism in which substrates and active-sit
150                                         This induced-fit mechanism is likely a major contributor resp
151              The results support a substrate induced-fit mechanism of beta-PGM catalysis, which allow
152 w rate of this loop closure implies that the induced-fit mechanism of heme uptake in HasAp is not bas
153                                  Although an induced-fit mechanism of nonstop mRNA surveillance media
154 tead, promoter recognition is achieved by an induced-fit mechanism of transcription factor-dependent
155                                      Such an induced-fit mechanism serves three purposes: 1) assures
156  novel apo-CSN crystal structure indicate an induced-fit mechanism that drives CSN activation by nedd
157 second analyses of FEN1 reveal a protein-DNA induced-fit mechanism that efficiently verifies substrat
158 ms shows that the XP2 groove is formed by an induced-fit mechanism that involves movements of the W27
159 rt the notion that sugar binding involves an induced-fit mechanism that is inhibited by IIA(Glc) bind
160                               AT utilises an induced-fit mechanism to bind with high affinity to a pe
161 sequently refined by a temperature-sensitive induced-fit mechanism to retain the canonical peptide re
162 d, the data are best explained by a modified induced-fit mechanism where cognate and non-cognate comp
163 o revealed that Y24 and E27 mediate a unique induced-fit mechanism whereby E27 specifically recognize
164  II extends an RNA chain through a substrate induced-fit mechanism, termed NTP-driven translocation.
165 SICSTP opposite dNaM proceeds via a mutually induced-fit mechanism, where the presence of the triphos
166 ospecific binding reaction occurs through an induced-fit mechanism, wherein the ligand promotes a pri
167  the SAM-bound (OFF) conformation through an induced-fit mechanism.
168 " down the SAM-bound conformation through an induced-fit mechanism.
169 ures and are inconsistent with a traditional induced-fit mechanism.
170 ndicating that the binding is mediated by an induced-fit mechanism.
171 ty of peptide release is achieved through an induced-fit mechanism.
172 -100) upon binding cognate DNA as part of an induced-fit mechanism.
173 teins adopt a folded conformation through an induced-fit mechanism.
174  enzyme results from a poorly discriminating induced-fit mechanism.
175 igands promote pseudoknot docking through an induced-fit mechanism.
176 uN1/GluN2B amino terminal domain dimer by an induced-fit mechanism.
177 rucial coil-to-helix transition employing an induced-fit mechanism.
178 onstant, suggesting that binding follows the induced-fit mechanism.
179 onformational changes in the protein via the induced-fit mechanism?
180                The 2 limiting cases are the "induced fit" mechanism (binding first) or "conformationa
181                       The utilization of an "induced fit" mechanism by PolB1 exo- was supported by th
182 plicative DNA polymerases, Dpo4 utilizes an "induced-fit" mechanism to select correct incoming nucleo
183  monitor DNA synthesis fidelity, through an "induced-fit" mechanism.
184 ein provide evidence that Dpo4 utilizes the 'induced-fit' mechanism to select a correct nucleotide at
185 at Sulfolobus solfataricus Dpo4 utilizes an 'induced-fit' mechanism to select correct incoming nucleo
186 ization of conformational changes that drive induced-fit mechanisms and their quantitative importance
187  as remote conformational switches to govern induced-fit mechanisms that ensure accuracy in codon rec
188  combination of conformational selection and induced-fit mechanisms that may promote hemin release fr
189       Computational docking studies using an induced fit methodology successfully reproduced the majo
190 of the protein-ligand complex, using a novel induced fit methodology.
191 e encounter complex that is intrinsic to the induced fit model and not required by the conformational
192             These results support a mutually induced fit model in which RNA-dependent conformational
193                                           An induced fit model is proposed that depends on the DNA co
194 g and peptidyltransfer, possibly through the induced fit model.
195 the L7Ae protein is added, corroborating the induced-fit model for L7Ae-box C/D RNA interactions.
196 osing rate increased, strongly supporting an induced-fit model for nucleotide recognition.
197 ce of actin, providing strong support for an induced-fit model of actin binding.
198 en together, the results support a substrate induced-fit model of catalysis in which betaG1P binding
199 rmation in the absence of ligand, whilst the induced-fit model predicts that the ligand-bound conform
200 anism for antibiotic binding, rather than an induced-fit model where the bases only flip in the prese
201                       These data support an "induced-fit" model for prolactin receptor binding where
202 Such an activation may be understood by the "induced-fit" model, which states that ligand-induced con
203       With both conformational selection and induced fit models considered, we extend ANM to include
204 inguish between conformational selection and induced-fit models.
205 tly proposed hybrid conformational selection/induced-fit models.
206 r than the other way around-as with classic "induced fit" models.
207 izes its cognate peptide with a component of induced fit molecular recognition involving the adoption
208               Ternary structures showed that induced-fit molecular mimicry underpins TRAV27/TRBV19(+)
209                   Surprisingly, we find that induced fit motions in most enzymes is very small (usual
210 ed with 1-deoxygalactonojirimycin reveals an induced fit movement; there is a rupture of the electros
211 e enzyme is structure-selective, significant induced fit occurs in the interaction, with changes in t
212 olecular dynamics simulations to account for induced fit of a flexible loop crucial for inhibitor bin
213 ibility of the distal N-terminus, and for an induced fit of ATP at the binding site.
214                                     Mutually induced fit of stem I and the tRNA exploiting the intrin
215 ggest that a basis for this mechanism is the induced fit of the 30S subunit upon cognate aa-tRNA bind
216                           Substrate directed induced fit of the binding interactions at the S2 and S4
217 ucture, molecular water at the interface and induced fit of the C(2)H(2) TFs.
218                                              Induced fit of the nicked DNA into a distorted conformat
219 cant and tRNA-bound 70S ribosomes suggest an induced fit of the ribosome structure in response to tRN
220 ts suggest that conformational selection and induced fit of the U2AF(65) RRMs are complementary mecha
221  of multidrug efflux pumps is accompanied by induced fit of TolC driven mainly by accommodation of th
222 chanism would be reminiscent of the mutually induced fit of tRNA and protein employed by some aminoac
223 e mechanism (conformational selection and/or induced fit) of molecular recognition.
224 ws conformational flexibility, indicating an induced fit on binding to the portal.
225 ation of an amyloidogenic nucleus and enable induced fit on receptor binding.
226 eveals that monastrol confers inhibition by "induced-fitting" onto the protein some 12 A away from th
227 vel mechanistic details associated with both induced-fit (Open-PreTS) and catalysis (PreTS-Product).
228 ction and population shift followed by minor induced-fit optimization is the key mechanism in biomole
229 y of the protease, suggesting that either an induced fit or a conformational selection mechanism shou
230 ins can bind target molecules through either induced fit or conformational selection pathways.
231 derable interest is whether the mechanism is induced fit or conformational selection.
232 bility: is the system better described by an induced fit or population shift mechanism?
233 panies receptor conformational changes, i.e."induced fit" or "conformational selection," mainly deter
234                       This is an example of "induced fit" originally proposed by Koshland to describe
235 e of the minor groove and sequence-dependent induced fits over adjacent major groove interfaces.
236 ognition can be accounted for by the classic induced-fit paradigm.
237  receptor-ligand adjustments, typical of the induced-fit paradigm.
238 allowing for structural transitions along an induced fit pathway.
239  loop similar to P14, and the rate along the induced-fit pathway resembles that of an isolated tetral
240 y but after the rate-limiting step along the induced-fit pathway.
241 our-state kinetic model to 1) determine that induced-fit pathways dominate the binding flux over a la
242  find that both conformational selection and induced fit play a role in the binding mechanism, reconc
243  model in which conformational selection and induced fit play important roles in the recognition of s
244    The side chain of this series binds in an induced-fit pocket forming a cation-pi interaction with
245 e, affecting plasticity of the protein in an induced-fit pocket.
246                                The theory of induced fit predicts that enzymes undergo conformational
247 he interpretation that IIA(Glc) inhibits the induced fit process and restricts the conformational dyn
248                  Once anchors are docked, an induced fit process further contributes to forming the f
249 instead reduces the TTAA groove width, in an induced fit process, sufficiently to form a minor groove
250        After approximately 4 ns, a critical "induced fit" process was observed to last for approximat
251  high degree of flexibility related to guest-induced fit processes of the solvent molecules included
252  both flexibility of the dimer interface and induced-fit protein structure changes caused by sequence
253 mbin:PS2-aptamer complex reveals a localized induced-fit rearrangement of the PS2-containing nucleoti
254 5abc binding the core and then undergoing an induced-fit rearrangement.
255 for specificity generation in which required induced-fit rearrangements are significantly modulated b
256  mechanism, and both are further mediated by induced-fit rearrangements, in which enzyme and tRNA und
257 ocess provides mechanistic insights into the induced fit recognition in this system and serves as an
258                                              Induced fit recognition may allow docking peptides to ac
259 turation introduced substitutions increasing induced-fit recognition and electropositivity, potential
260  how compact, prefolded RNAs that follow the induced-fit recognition mechanism adapt local structural
261 he dynamic structure of Nop10 facilitates an induced-fit recognition with the H/ACA Psi-synthase and
262 g methods have been developed to predict the induced fit reliably and, at the same time, to improve o
263 a mechanisms of conformational selection and induced fit, respectively.
264 itor, UDP-alpha-d-xylose, elicits a distinct induced-fit response; a buried loop translates approxima
265 enzyme subsequently displayed a substantial "induced fit" response to yield a conformation very simil
266                                     Thus, an induced fit results from conformational changes in both
267 and proteolysis experiments suggest that the induced fit results from the closure of helical hairpin
268 ing involves both conformation selection and induced fit steps.
269 ngth of tRNA(Glu), accessing A37 by using an induced-fit strategy that completely unfolds the tRNA an
270 nalysis of DB921 bound to AATT shows that an induced fit structural change in DB921 reduces the twist
271     Folding of the protein is accompanied by induced-fit structural changes in the DNA ligand.
272 stantial pK perturbations, mostly due to the induced-fit structural changes, in regions far from the
273 onal exchange in the peptide, supporting an "induced-fit" style TCR binding mechanism.
274 complexes of other DRE-TIM metallolyases and induced fit substrate docking studies conducted using th
275 describe, for example, a putative coenzyme-A-induced-fit substrate binding mechanism mediated by argi
276 rfect precision and that separate control of induced-fit substrate recognition sets up the catalytic
277                                    It is the induced fit that complicates cross-docking of ligands fr
278  codon and the 30S subunit A site undergo an induced fit that results in stabilization of a conformat
279                         This contrasts with "induced fit" that accounts for TCR adaptation to multipl
280 ubstrate-triggered active site reshaping (an induced fit), the crystal structure explains the accumul
281 her change in electrostatics causes a second induced fit, the domain closure.
282 s punctata PEP that the mechanism is instead induced fit: the native enzyme exists in a conformationa
283 by its dual role in native self-assembly and induced fit, thus highlights the implicit role of misfol
284 led that the coactivator Trm112 undergoes an induced fit to accommodate its methyltransferase (MTase)
285  functions into discrete domains; the use of induced fit to enhance binding selectivity; the impositi
286          In this enzyme, two domains dock by induced fit to form a catalytic core that mediates a spe
287 nd that the interaction is formed via mutual induced-fit transitions that occur en route to the groun
288 ucleotide binding region of Cdc42 through an induced fit type of binding.
289        These findings suggest a mechanism of induced fit upon ligand binding by mammalian cellular re
290 in the N-terminal alpha-helix, suggesting an induced fit upon paxillin binding.
291 rt connecting segments (<3 residues) prevent induced fit upon receptor binding and so are essentially
292                       Discussion concerning "induced fit" versus "conformational selection" has, howe
293  PS-mediated mechanism involving a series of induced-fit viral protein interactions with RNA.
294 edictions of the CFTR pore model, we applied induced-fit, virtual, ligand-docking techniques to ident
295 tep mechanism comprising initial binding and induced fit, were verified.
296              We observe a classic example of induced fit where substrate-induced conformational chang
297 lly, C5a and C5aR can be involved in "mutual-induced fit", where the interface between the molecules
298 eotides in the core promoter, followed by an induced fit, wherein some of the nucleotides base pair p
299 e through a combination of rigid docking and induced fit, with TruB first rigidly binding to its targ
300 onal fluctuations and enabling bidirectional induced fit within the bent complex.

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