


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 o penetrate deep into tumor tissue and their ineffectiveness against quiescent cells.
2                                         PCV7 ineffectiveness against serotype 19A, antibiotic resista
3 edge with action, the outcome has often been ineffectiveness and disillusionment.
4                                  Feelings of ineffectiveness and strong emotions interfered with some
5 ection has a high mortality rate, due to the ineffectiveness and toxicity of chemotherapy.
6  at both the technological level due to cost ineffectiveness, and the knowledge level due to large ge
7 nteractions may at least in part explain its ineffectiveness as a GAP.
8                The procedure's relative cost-ineffectiveness at low volumes or redundant laboratories
9 gly, because of concerns about addiction and ineffectiveness, but used chronically, obesity drugs are
10                                        This "ineffectiveness" creates a "window of importance" for th
11 ssociated long-term ovarian hormone loss and ineffectiveness for delayed E2 treatment to maintain cog
12 replication effectively; the reason for this ineffectiveness has not been established.
13 rmula-fed babies with colic, and 1 suggested ineffectiveness in breastfed babies with colic.
14 mmune stimulatory activity and lead to their ineffectiveness in clinical application.
15 istance mechanism that renders metronidazole ineffectiveness in drug resistance cases of giardiasis.
16 e trials demonstrating imipramine's relative ineffectiveness in patients with atypical depression.
17 ent discontinuation due to adverse events or ineffectiveness in patients with psoriasis who had faile
18 py, it has limitations-most importantly, its ineffectiveness in treating the neurological components
19 the assigned therapy, mainly because of drug ineffectiveness (in the rate-control group) or amiodaron
20 y mechanism of action, although the relative ineffectiveness of a monoclonal anti-D immunoglobulin pr
21 ade by known P2 receptor antagonists and the ineffectiveness of adenosine 5'-(alpha,beta-methylene)tr
22                                 The relative ineffectiveness of alphabeta T cells in young mice may b
23                                              Ineffectiveness of antibiotics in treating neonatal Esch
24                                 The relative ineffectiveness of APs as a stimulus for CREB phosphoryl
25       Fly density data for 1997 indicate the ineffectiveness of baited traps in this setting.
26             The underlying mechanism for the ineffectiveness of Bcl-2 against taxol has been the subj
27                        In agreement with the ineffectiveness of beta-arrestin1(V53D) to block G(1) pr
28 r intrinsic membrane properties underlie the ineffectiveness of brief AMPA receptor-mediated EPSPs.
29                                        Thus, ineffectiveness of C1-35 and tumor progression could be
30 th thin dielectric coating, highlighting the ineffectiveness of conventional scaled dielectrics.
31 irulence factors contributes to the frequent ineffectiveness of current therapies.
32 anced glioma has a poor prognosis due to the ineffectiveness of current therapies.
33 gression of parental SM1 tumors, despite the ineffectiveness of either treatment alone.
34 ritical to bone recovery and may explain the ineffectiveness of estrogen treatment alone on BMD in th
35                 Our study indicates that the ineffectiveness of HDAC inhibitors to induce apoptosis i
36  pleiotropic effects could contribute to the ineffectiveness of HDACIs in PCa treatment.
37           Previous findings suggest that the ineffectiveness of high footshock training may involve a
38                                          The ineffectiveness of HrtAB against toxic heme analogues pr
39                                          The ineffectiveness of hTRF2 may be linked to aging and canc
40 the diabetic bone marrow (BM) as well as the ineffectiveness of insulin in correcting the pH variatio
41 c mechanisms, patient heterogeneity, or true ineffectiveness of interventions.
42 se unappreciated roles may hold clues to the ineffectiveness of kinase inhibitors in pathology, which
43 and is further substantiated by the relative ineffectiveness of lysine injected immediately after the
44  the United States coupled with the relative ineffectiveness of medical therapy in this group of pati
45 ulation of PDE3A may account in part for the ineffectiveness of milrinone in the treatment of severe
46  significant early feature of IPDs; (ii) the ineffectiveness of MitoQ may indicate its inability to r
47                                          The ineffectiveness of muscle stretch was not attributable t
48 of natriuretic peptides and thus explain the ineffectiveness of nesiritide as a cardiac failure medic
49 nsgenic parasitic nematodes and the reported ineffectiveness of neuronal gene RNAi in Caenorhabditis
50  their otherwise surprising activity and the ineffectiveness of nevirapine against the Y188C mutant.
51                                          The ineffectiveness of nutritional support for muscle was du
52 lutamate-modulating strategies; however, the ineffectiveness of other NMDA antagonists suggests that
53      For hosts with impaired immunities, the ineffectiveness of passive antibody (Ab) may reflect an
54 in this phenomenon, as shown by the relative ineffectiveness of perphenazine, a potent mitogenic and
55                                              Ineffectiveness of PKG inhibitors in inhibiting VASP pho
56                                          The ineffectiveness of postinjury etomidate on motor and his
57                                          The ineffectiveness of presynaptic calcium in potentiating e
58                  Our findings illustrate the ineffectiveness of punitive approaches and highlight the
59 that explained the numerous lamellipodia and ineffectiveness of Rac(N17).
60                            We found that the ineffectiveness of readministration due to the humoral r
61                                          The ineffectiveness of small molecule drugs against cancer h
62 by 60%, implicating resistin in the relative ineffectiveness of statins in selective target populatio
63 ersisting despite constant inflammation) and ineffectiveness of T-cell-based vaccines against H pylor
64 y B cell abnormalities may contribute to the ineffectiveness of the antibody response in infected ind
65       A major hurdle to control PRRSV is the ineffectiveness of the current vaccines to confer protec
66 h conventional antibiotics is limited due to ineffectiveness of the drugs and higher propensity to de
67 he treatment of colorectal cancer lie in the ineffectiveness of the existing anti-cancer small molecu
68                                          The ineffectiveness of the UL97 inhibitor maribavir in clini
69                                          The ineffectiveness of trans LPG, despite it having strong p
70 was required for iron uptake as shown by the ineffectiveness of two ferroxidase-deficient Cp preparat
71 nuation due to patient compliance, treatment ineffectiveness, side effects and patient choice.
72 density profile during RED revealed inherent ineffectiveness toward the end of the process.
73  life-span, narrowed antibacterial spectrum, ineffectiveness towards resistant mutants, and the poten
74 rom a major unaddressed issue related to its ineffectiveness with highly heterogeneous samples.

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