


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r DNA molecules (they can 'turnover', albeit inefficiently).
2 ispairs, which Polzeta4 alone made extremely inefficiently.
3 traditional dimension reduction methods work inefficiently.
4  mediate the ELL2-P-TEFb interaction, albeit inefficiently.
5 he signal recognition particle were exported inefficiently.
6 approximately 50% of EBV genes are expressed inefficiently.
7 which is not made by C. albipes) was cleaved inefficiently.
8 sed, many existing algorithms perform rather inefficiently.
9 pha2-6 binding virus (NY18) that transmitted inefficiently.
10    Both LigD proteins seal DNA nicks, albeit inefficiently.
11 , whereas the F strain and R7910 reactivated inefficiently.
12 86D alteration was imported into the nucleus inefficiently.
13 ntly they initiate productive infection very inefficiently.
14 ment proteins enter and localize to the axon inefficiently.
15 overs transcripts with low expression levels inefficiently.
16 NA replication in met30 mutants, albeit very inefficiently.
17 reas poorly cytokinergic (PC) IgEs can do so inefficiently.
18 pathic (cp) BVDV induces IFN-alpha/beta very inefficiently.
19 methods typically require 24h and use target inefficiently.
20 oorly cytokinergic IgEs induce these effects inefficiently.
21 xpress much less CD1a molecules and function inefficiently.
22 and gp15 component glycopolypeptides, albeit inefficiently.
23  G1 (IgG1), D1-Fc, bound and neutralized HAV inefficiently.
24 eplication of this mutant RNA, although very inefficiently.
25 for the gp120-gp41 cleavage site but cleaved inefficiently.
26 mation and the catalytic machinery functions inefficiently.
27 NA-1-positive cells are likewise established inefficiently.
28  complexes were thermosensitive and function inefficiently.
29 s suggest that the ltrA mRNAs are translated inefficiently.
30 conditions, we found that TatE replaces TatA inefficiently.
31 er GPI proteins to cell wall beta1,6-glucans inefficiently.
32 le anionic and neutral cargoes are delivered inefficiently.
33 adjacent letters in a word, and combine them inefficiently.
34 ferric forms of Ent while IroE catalysed Ent inefficiently.
35  CCR5 conformation that the virus recognizes inefficiently.
36 that in vitro activated PPO hydroxylates Tyr inefficiently.
37 w levels of occupancy use hospital resources inefficiently.
38 st bNAbs neutralize 10-50% of HIV-1 isolates inefficiently (80% inhibitory concentration (IC80) > 5 m
39 ted by intestinal luminal compounds that are inefficiently absorbed and naturally present in foods.
40 ions in UL133-UL138(NULL) virus-infected ECs inefficiently acquired the virion tegument and secondary
41 y preexisting "natural" IgM or early Ab from inefficiently activated B cells.
42  wild type, whereas stt3a-2 cells could only inefficiently add N-glycans to less conserved sites.
43 activated in response to collagen or CRP and inefficiently adhere to and form thrombi on immobilized
44 icient progenitors regenerated myeloid cells inefficiently after bone marrow transplantation.
45                       Because ENaC assembles inefficiently after its insertion into the ER, a substan
46 n features of pluripotency and differentiate inefficiently along the neural lineage.
47  with controls, DBA fibroblasts formed iPSCs inefficiently, although we obtained 1 stable clone from
48 virus is shed less efficiently and transmits inefficiently among cage mates.
49 like its cellular counterpart, secreted very inefficiently and can signal via vIL-6(2):gp130(2) signa
50                      These viruses replicate inefficiently and form pinpoint plaques in HEp-2 cells.
51 genase domain that enters secretory granules inefficiently and is rapidly degraded.
52 other IL-6 cytokines, vIL-6 is secreted very inefficiently and localizes in the endoplasmic reticulum
53                  Many membrane proteins fold inefficiently and require the help of enzymes and chaper
54 , unlike cellular IL-6 proteins, is secreted inefficiently and sequestered mainly in the endoplasmic
55 non-melanogenic cells folds and exits the ER inefficiently and that R402Q tyrosinase exaggerates this
56 n cells (SCs) proliferate poorly, sort axons inefficiently, and cannot myelinate peripheral nerves.
57       The average available volume is filled inefficiently, and cavities of all sizes are found withi
58 latently infected trigeminal ganglia, albeit inefficiently, and most viruses that reactivated had a u
59 whereas mutant EFEMP1 is misfolded, secreted inefficiently, and retained within cells.
60 ts deficient in restriction were endocytosed inefficiently, and the levels of these mutants on the ce
61 een shown to catalyze processing, they do so inefficiently, and the oligomeric requirement for proces
62 cause RTEs may transduce homeostatic signals inefficiently, and their ability to survive is enhanced
63 -160 amino acids use the SRP pathway, albeit inefficiently, and therefore rely on Sec62 for efficient
64      The nuclease cleaves Holliday junctions inefficiently ( approximately 75-fold less than flap or
65  gpalphaf is packaged into COPII vesicles as inefficiently as soluble bulk flow markers.
66 th tandem repeats of the MREs are maintained inefficiently, as shown by both their decreased abilitie
67 size abundant Gag precursor polyprotein, but inefficiently assemble and release virions.
68    These mRNAs were either not associated or inefficiently associated with polysomes in oocytes, and
69 that if Glu(441) is mutated, ADAMTS5 cleaves inefficiently at a proximate upstream site but normally
70 s, motor axons were error prone and wandered inefficiently at choice points within embryos, but parad
71 efficiently at physiological temperature but inefficiently at lower temperatures.
72 recursors are unstable and predicted to fold inefficiently at physiological pH and temperature, as ev
73 recent data suggest that Nfo protein cleaves inefficiently at some clusters, we tested whether polyam
74 leaves primarily at the 5' cleavage site and inefficiently at the 3' site.
75  viral RNA in 15 to 30% of samples amplifies inefficiently because of primer/probe mismatches.
76 b protein, while soluble Ad3 fiber knob only inefficiently blocks Ad3 infection.
77 sence Gal1p can induce transcription, albeit inefficiently, both in vivo and in vitro.
78  The nucleoside triphosphate, 1-me-dATP, was inefficiently but actively demethylated by AlkB; a react
79 eric flora were colonized inconsistently and inefficiently by C. jejuni strain 81-176.
80 reatment and the environment and are removed inefficiently by many existing technologies.
81 s to why incorrect dNTPs are incorporated so inefficiently by wt RB69 pol: (i) steric clashes with si
82 do show that the CGG-RNA is digested, albeit inefficiently, by the human Dicer enzyme, a step central
83 ynamics, especially for transcripts normally inefficiently captured by previous methods.
84 bsence of an ER export signal, molecules are inefficiently captured into coat protein complex II (COP
85 led the sup70-65 tRNA(Gln)(CUG) is unstable, inefficiently charged, and 80% reduced in its effective
86                   Presenilin-deficient cells inefficiently clear long-lived proteins and fail to buil
87 teins that were detected in proteasomes were inefficiently cleared in sts1-2.
88 hus, the C-terminal-truncated apoE4 fragment inefficiently clears Abeta peptides and acts in concert
89 sulin and insulin, preproinsulin-A(SP24)D is inefficiently cleaved at an improper site, producing two
90 7A, F153A/H154A, F159A, and F160A) were also inefficiently cleaved by cathepsins.
91 , terminating between residues 400-600, were inefficiently cleaved.
92 pyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) binds, but inefficiently cleaves, the AP for activation of vascular
93 nome-positive cells reactivated from latency inefficiently compared to wild-type and marker rescue vi
94            ErbB-2 uses ATP-Mg as a substrate inefficiently compared with EGFR and ErbB-4.
95                Because most of these mutants inefficiently complemented a class II CCD mutant virus,
96              Importantly, the lytic cycle is inefficiently completed, which results in an abortive in
97  (Fe 2 (III/III)) form but is then only very inefficiently converted from the met to the active (Fe 2
98  in darkness confirmed that the substrate is inefficiently converted to 14CO2, but both wild-type and
99   Further cleavage between R(200) and A(204) inefficiently converts the 76-kDa polypeptide to the mat
100 ation of template T.dGTP mismatches that are inefficiently corrected by proofreading.
101 stantial oxidation of 2-oxoglutarate that is inefficiently coupled to nucleotide oxidation.
102 with DNA modifying activity that cleaves and inefficiently cross-links cruciformic DNA.
103 s studies have shown that nominal peptide is inefficiently cross-presented and that proteins and larg
104  how CD8+ T cells are primed to Ags that are inefficiently cross-presented.
105           First, uncapped RNA substrates are inefficiently deadenylated.
106                    The first is a conserved, inefficiently decoded UGA codon in the N-terminal region
107 s the presence of introns downstream of this inefficiently decoded UGA which confer the potential for
108 ions that remain unrepaired in sperm and are inefficiently detected by the PCR assay.
109  differentiation, leading to accumulation of inefficiently differentiated adipocytes with blunted exp
110                         Indeed, we show DSBs inefficiently direct recombination in the VSG expression
111 discriminate accumulators of carotenoids but inefficiently distribute them to some tissues and organs
112 DM are constitutively autophosphorylated and inefficiently downregulated.
113 ge multidomain membrane protein that matures inefficiently during biosynthesis.
114 items than are low capacity individuals, who inefficiently encode and maintain information about the
115  coreceptor infect primary human macrophages inefficiently even though these express a low but detect
116 ls expressing dominant negative WASH mutants inefficiently expel C. neoformans.
117 nd in the mouse silver mutant (hPmel17si) is inefficiently exported from the endoplasmic reticulum (E
118 elements in their 3' untranslated region are inefficiently exported to the cytoplasm and retained in
119 n their 3' untranslated regions (3'UTRs) are inefficiently exported to the cytoplasm.
120  in their 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) are inefficiently exported to the cytoplasm.
121 on with REF proteins, allowing the otherwise inefficiently exported viral mRNAs to access the TAP-med
122 s lacking functional splice sites, which are inefficiently exported, do not associate with nuclear sp
123 CGG --> CCG) mutation, on the other hand, is inefficiently expressed in Escherichia coli as heterotet
124 t to enhance RNA abundance from an otherwise inefficiently expressed intronless beta-globin construct
125 nds, where telomeres shorter than 40 bp are inefficiently extended by telomerase.
126 hat the error-prone DNA polymerase IV (Dpo4) inefficiently extended past the larger Peri:O(6)-BnG bas
127 lting proteasomes appear normal but assemble inefficiently, facilitating identification of assembly i
128 ylation, we found that genotype 3 HDAg-L was inefficiently farnesylated when expressed in the absence
129  heightened attention when the agent reached inefficiently for a goal object; in contrast, infants wh
130        We speculate that Fyn may substitute (inefficiently) for Lyn in signal initiation in Lyn(-/-)
131          Currently, that compound is sourced inefficiently from Euphorbia peplus.
132 (HSV-1), ICP0-null mutant viruses reactivate inefficiently from explanted, latently infected mouse tr
133 osphate at increased proportions but release inefficiently from integrin ligands.
134 e absence of ICP0, n212 and 7134 reactivated inefficiently from latently infected TG cells during cul
135 enerated from fetal/neonatal precursors, but inefficiently from precursors in adult.
136 l models, a gE-null mutant infection spreads inefficiently from presynaptic neurons to postsynaptic n
137         Similarly, n212 and 7134 reactivated inefficiently from primary cultures of dissociated TG ce
138 urthermore, c-Myb-deficient progenitor cells inefficiently generate CD19(+) B-lineage cells during st
139          PS1/2 knockout thymocyte precursors inefficiently generate CD4 T cells, a phenotype that is
140 /-) GC B cells accumulate as centrocytes and inefficiently generate plasma cells.
141 de processing assays suggested that TW10 was inefficiently generated after translocation to Nef, comp
142           We have previously shown that Dyn2 inefficiently generates membrane curvature and only medi
143 pike genes of early human strains replicated inefficiently, HCoV-NL63 replicated for multiple passage
144 d nicked circular plasmid DNAs were packaged inefficiently, if at all, by these components.
145 NTHi take up plasmids by transformation very inefficiently, if at all.
146 targeting signal (Delta 1,2 pre-F(1)beta) is inefficiently imported into mitochondria because it rapi
147 nce with reduced affinity and transactivated inefficiently in a reporter assay.
148 est that the twin arginine pathway functions inefficiently in BC202, likely due to the altered levels
149 bacteria, their natural hosts, they function inefficiently in eukaryotes, where lower free Mg(2+) con
150 i, nuclei from adult somatic cells replicate inefficiently in frog egg extract.
151 lta-opioid receptor, which normally recycles inefficiently in HEK293 cells.
152 ts a restricted host range, replicating very inefficiently in many cell types, including human fibrob
153 e lambda Red recombination proteins function inefficiently in mycobacteria, illustrating the utility
154 eated by editing, but the C target is edited inefficiently in roots, and no NDH-D protein could be de
155  most NADH dehydrogenase subunits are edited inefficiently in roots.
156 solar value, and show that stars formed very inefficiently in seven star-forming clumps in these gala
157 trimeric protein complex folds and assembles inefficiently in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which r
158 ubunits of GABAA receptors fold and assemble inefficiently in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
159 42 knockout melanoblasts migrated slowly and inefficiently in the epidermis, with nearly static pseud
160                       Proband fibrils formed inefficiently in vitro and contained only normal helices
161          Spores of the lgt mutant germinated inefficiently in vitro and in mouse skin.
162 thylthymine residues in DNA will be repaired inefficiently in vivo and therefore may occur at a low s
163 3 and are incorporated into the 43 S complex inefficiently in vivo.
164  with PTCH1 and GAS1, but the variants do so inefficiently, in a manner that parallels their activity
165 latory target of Wnts and Igfs, GSK3beta, is inefficiently inactivated in male fin regenerates compar
166                However, 2-naphthyl-Tyr115 RT inefficiently incorporated dCTP at low concentrations an
167 r, these fusogenic truncated Env mutants are inefficiently incorporated into budding virions.
168  importance, oligomerization-defective Hh is inefficiently incorporated into exovesicles due to its p
169                Although the wild-type enzyme inefficiently incorporates 8-oxo-dGMP, the substitution
170 '-ends of tRNAs, removes the leuX terminator inefficiently independent of PNPase activity.
171 itions that involve plastid proteome changes inefficiently, indicating a requirement for reorganizati
172                    The expression of MBP was inefficiently induced by C/EBP epsilon alone and weakly
173 ry to predictions from kinetic proofreading, inefficiently induced early activation events.
174 of viral RNA at early times of infection and inefficiently induced SGs, suggesting the possibility th
175 ene therapy applications for tumors that are inefficiently infected with Ad5.
176 D47, remained bound to the surface, and were inefficiently ingested by macrophages.
177                                 Several MAbs inefficiently inhibited at least one DENV-2 strain of a
178                     Several anti-DENV-4 MAbs inefficiently inhibited at least one strain and/or genot
179              Several of the mutant RNAs that inefficiently interacted with TIAR/TIA-1 in vitro rapidl
180 ered to Ly6C(hi) monocytes, a cell type that inefficiently internalized L. monocytogenes With bone ma
181 lipid raft localization, cellular MT6-MMP is inefficiently internalized.
182   Importantly, although LpdA is translocated inefficiently into cultured cells, an L. pneumophila Del
183 ng NUP358, NUP214, NUP88, and p62, assembled inefficiently into nuclear pores of NUP98-/- cells.
184  ERp29, a mutant ERp29 (D42A) that dimerizes inefficiently is unable to unfold polyomavirus or stimul
185                       If this process occurs inefficiently, it can lead to epigenetic states being in
186          This longer Atg7 mRNA is translated inefficiently, leading to decreased ATG7 levels and an a
187  hold but that in general, the market yields inefficiently low vaccination uptake.
188  expressing the Pit1 receptor but could only inefficiently mediate infection of cells expressing the
189 ish that Stx5 is an autophagy target that is inefficiently membrane-targeted by alternative pathways.
190 asplenic transplantation, particularly among inefficiently metastasizing melanomas.
191 urthermore, we demonstrate that zrt3 mutants inefficiently mobilize stored zinc to offset deficiency.
192                 In other tasks, they combine inefficiently, needing energy nearly proportional to the
193 oot nodule cells and eventually form, albeit inefficiently, nitrogen-fixing bacteroids.
194      Collagen triple helices fold slowly and inefficiently, often requiring adjacent globular domains
195 apable of recognizing MVC-bound CCR5, albeit inefficiently on cells expressing physiologic levels of
196                 LPL(-/-) T cells also spread inefficiently on surfaces with immobilized TCR ligands a
197   For example, children who observe an adult inefficiently operating a novel object frequently engage
198 e-N2-dG and 1,N6-ethenoadenine adducts, very inefficiently opposite an acetylaminofluorene-adducted g
199 trates, such as the prion protein (PrP), are inefficiently or improperly translocated using only thes
200  reductase, while Grx3 reduces these enzymes inefficiently or not at all.
201 wo familial AD (FAD)-linked PS1 variants are inefficiently packaged into transport vesicles generated
202 tely 105% the size of the native genome were inefficiently packaged.
203     We demonstrate here that whereas RNase G inefficiently participates in the degradation of mRNAs a
204 y 1100delC and delE161 are both unstable and inefficiently phosphorylated at Thr68 in response to DNA
205 ral different cyclin-Cdk forms, but they are inefficiently phosphorylated in vivo without a cyclin-sp
206 eleased from the cell into the media and are inefficiently polymerized, resulting in fewer and misloc
207                 Thymocytes lacking HDAC7 are inefficiently positively selected due to a severely shor
208             We found that Drosophila Ras1 is inefficiently prenylated as a consequence of a lysine in
209 horter (C(32)) alkyl chains are rapidly, but inefficiently, presented by cell surface CD1b proteins.
210                            Thus, T cells are inefficiently primed in Cd38(-/-) mice, leading to poor
211         As a consequence, this aberrant tRNA inefficiently primes (-) strand strong stop DNA synthesi
212   In addition, the Spt23pDeltaLPKY mutant is inefficiently processed and is defective at up-regulatin
213 ereas those potentially directed against the inefficiently processed and presented (cryptic) self epi
214           Given its complex topology, NCC is inefficiently processed and prone to endoplasmic reticul
215      BCG-derived antigenic peptides are thus inefficiently processed by APCs, and we investigated alt
216                      Parasites expressing an inefficiently processed MSP1 mutant show delayed egress,
217 esize, and unlike longer RNAs, they are only inefficiently produced by in vitro transcription, especi
218                           However, Pol delta inefficiently proofreads single nucleotide deletion mism
219 spliced and full-length viral mRNAs are very inefficiently recognized by the splicing machinery of th
220 Live imaging reveals that CMT2B proteins are inefficiently recruited to endosomes, but do not impair
221 lthough adoptively transferred Th2 cells are inefficiently recruited to the lung in response to Ag, c
222       Similarly, in the sec2 mutant, Atg8 is inefficiently recruited to the phagophore assembly site,
223 refore whether corepressor is efficiently or inefficiently recruited to the resulting receptor-DNA co
224 nfected guinea pigs, HSV2-LAT-E1 reactivated inefficiently relative to the efficiency of its rescuant
225 n the plasma membrane, but unlike BAFF it is inefficiently released by proteolysis.
226 ters in reprogramming but remains paused and inefficiently released.
227                                         V is inefficiently removed from solution by neutralization, t
228 cing cellular tumor-suppressive responses to inefficiently repaired DNA damage.
229 ed DNA double-strand breaks (DSB), which are inefficiently repaired in PTEN-deficient astrocytes and
230 her find that only mutations that arise from inefficiently repaired lesions will accrue according to
231 esulting from replication fork collapse were inefficiently repaired, causing persistent DNA damage si
232 onuclei, demonstrating that induced DSB were inefficiently repaired.
233                           These proteins are inefficiently replenished despite being translated robus
234  ADAMTS9 catalytic domain, and secretion was inefficiently restored by expression of the propeptide i
235 nnosidase were normal, although lvsB mutants inefficiently retained alpha-mannosidase, as well as two
236 nduction of reactive oxygen species that are inefficiently scavenged in K-ras mutant cells, leading t
237                                       ATZ is inefficiently secreted, resulting in protein deficiency
238 ssed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae where it is inefficiently secreted.
239 expansion states: efficiently self-renewing, inefficiently self-renewing limited by apoptosis, exclus
240  amounts of RNA or templates that replicated inefficiently showed more enhancement.
241  BDNF(Val).BDNF(Met) heterodimers, which are inefficiently sorted into secretory granules resulting i
242 lated leader of P(R2)-derived transcripts is inefficiently spliced and apparently suppresses the outp
243  show that incompletely capped pre-mRNAs are inefficiently spliced at all introns, a fact that contra
244  of the insertion: (i) the S.pombe intron is inefficiently spliced in S.cerevisiae due to the short d
245 gulated BST2 from the cell surface, yet they inefficiently stimulated virion release.
246 om membranes, and low-pH buffer was shown to inefficiently strip off antibodies.
247 gen delivery directly to skin DCs, which are inefficiently targeted by more conventional immunization
248 an intrinsic transcriptional terminator that inefficiently terminates HasS, permitting read-through t
249 cked a fixed orientation on the membrane and inefficiently tethered liposomes.
250 t both Cys(82) and Cys(139) of CpeA but very inefficiently; the yield of PEB ligated at Cys(82) was m
251          In addition, thymidine was taken up inefficiently through a P1-type nucleoside transporter.
252       Naive CD4 cells from aged mice respond inefficiently to Ag, but the factors that underlie the a
253 ve that SHIP(-/-) stem/progenitor cells home inefficiently to bone marrow (BM), and consistent with t
254 on is one in which ADP-ribosylated Rap binds inefficiently to C3G, relative to wild type Rap.
255 n is that unmodified 'weak' tRNAs decode too inefficiently to compete against cognate tRNAs that norm
256   BLAST jobs that hitherto failed or slogged inefficiently to completion now finish with speeds that
257              Rac-deficient T cells home very inefficiently to lymph nodes and the white pulp of the s
258 IV, adds oligosialic acid to itself but very inefficiently to NCAM.
259 ally begins with a single virus that spreads inefficiently to neighboring cells.
260 end of the distribution that burn fuels more inefficiently to produce electricity.
261  of DI genomes as MDA5-deficient DCs respond inefficiently to Sendai virus stocks containing DI parti
262 ed (monomorphic) trypanosome strains respond inefficiently to SIF but can generate forms with stumpy
263 ch that their differentiated progeny respond inefficiently to signals to accumulate at sites of infla
264 udoreversion mutants were shown to bind very inefficiently to standard glycan microarrays containing
265 substrates, we found that RAG1 was recruited inefficiently to substrates lacking an RSS or containing
266 g peptide, but the uL4 mutant responded very inefficiently to the cmlA(crb) pause peptide.
267 e infection of cultured cells is transported inefficiently to the Golgi.
268  gastrulae, the cardiac precursors converged inefficiently to the heart fields and showed ectopic dis
269 ce, even after activation with LPS, migrated inefficiently toward CSF-1 and CCL2.
270 i-targeting sequence, which cause FKRP to be inefficiently trafficked to the Golgi apparatus, did not
271 st common CF mutant is deltaF508-CFTR, which inefficiently traffics to the surfaces of most cells.
272  U6 promoter with a defective SPH element is inefficiently transcribed when injected into embryos.
273  event renders both alleles capable of being inefficiently transcribed; a second, less frequent event
274 trast, CD4+ T(CM) (CD45RO+ CCR7+ CD62L+) are inefficiently transferred and do not mediate EC injury.
275 can assemble an Fe-S cluster, the cluster is inefficiently transferred to ACO2.
276 w abundance when dietary MACs are scarce are inefficiently transferred to the next generation, and ar
277 enomic replicon was subsequently found to be inefficiently translated in Huh7 cells compared to a typ
278 zymes are active in vitro, while some may be inefficiently translated in vivo.
279  MECP2 3' UTR, resulting in an enrichment of inefficiently translated long mRNA isoforms.
280 infected mice and ferrets, and the virus was inefficiently transmitted among cohoused ferrets.
281 the presence of a dominant haplotype that is inefficiently transmitted by thrips.
282 enerated from a single TSWV isolate that was inefficiently transmitted by thrips.
283 of control, suggesting that these lipids are inefficiently transported to droplets where the hydrolas
284  that the mitochondrial replicative helicase inefficiently unwinds well characterized intermolecular
285 reg cells remodeled their actin cytoskeleton inefficiently upon T cell receptor stimulation.
286 have recently shown that canonical pathogens inefficiently use these host glycoproteins as a growth s
287 glycon sequon while glycosylated normally is inefficiently used and glycosylation can fail.
288 etable oils as PUFA sources that contain the inefficiently used C18 PUFAs rather than the operative C
289 ternalized antigens were slowly degraded and inefficiently used for peptide loading.
290  defect in W349A could be trans-complemented inefficiently using BHK-REP cells (a cell line containin
291 iently among chickens via direct contact but inefficiently via the airborne route.
292 iently among chickens via direct contact but inefficiently via the airborne route.
293                                  ULCs formed inefficiently when PF4 was incubated with low-molecular-
294 l repair capacity, being operative only (and inefficiently) when classical NHEJ fails.
295 Their predicted germline forms (gl) bind Env inefficiently, which may explain why they are not elicit
296 31, pHPV31-E6SD, -E6SA, and -E6IS replicated inefficiently while pHPV31-E6ID replicated at an interme
297        Three of 10 viremic samples amplified inefficiently with gSCA compared to the Roche Cobas Ampl
298 re wild-type MHV-4 spike and associated only inefficiently with liposomes following incubation with s
299 vated from latently infected ganglia, albeit inefficiently, with the reactivating viruses having reve
300 osinase acquires copper only transiently and inefficiently within the trans-Golgi network of mouse me

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