


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 chemistry and was mostly associated with the infiltrating cells.
2  decline in the percentage of Foxp3(+) graft infiltrating cells.
3  usage, and cytokine production of granuloma-infiltrating cells.
4 ear cells, rejected kidney tissue, and graft infiltrating cells.
5 IMP-1 mRNA was most prominently expressed by infiltrating cells.
6 esponse, nurse cells are rarely destroyed by infiltrating cells.
7  and resolution correlated with apoptosis of infiltrating cells.
8 es inhibit diabetes in cotransfer with islet-infiltrating cells.
9          CXCR3 was localized in vascular and infiltrating cells.
10 ked reduction in apoptotic activity of graft-infiltrating cells.
11  the antibody response produced by the local infiltrating cells.
12 stantia propria, which contained most of the infiltrating cells.
13 essed on synovial lining and endothelial and infiltrating cells.
14 d B7 and CD28 expression on subsets of graft-infiltrating cells.
15 rotection assay, and flow cytometry of graft infiltrating cells.
16 gh frequency of apoptosis persisted in graft-infiltrating cells.
17 in situ nick end labeling (TUNEL)+ apoptotic infiltrating cells.
18  immunoperoxidase staining of immature graft-infiltrating cells.
19 ture, and ICAM-1 and LFA-1 were expressed on infiltrating cells.
20  an altered miRNA expression profile in lung-infiltrating cells.
21 d probably provides the port of entrance for infiltrating cells.
22 present only a very minor fraction of tissue-infiltrating cells.
23 nstrated abundant CD2+, CD4+, and CD8+ graft-infiltrating cells.
24 nuclear leukocytes (PMN) are the predominant infiltrating cells.
25 ration in the cytokine gene profile of islet infiltrating cells.
26 ned by immunohistochemical analysis of graft-infiltrating cells.
27 ist (IL-1RA) that could be assigned to liver-infiltrating cells.
28 reaction, and characterization of intragraft infiltrating cells.
29 gest expression of CXCL16 was found on tumor-infiltrating cells.
30 system composed of both neoplastic and other infiltrating cells.
31 mediated the gelatinase activity observed in infiltrating cells.
32 ed increased vasculature and large number of infiltrating cells.
33 ohistochemistry evaluated immunophenotype of infiltrating cells.
34 resident muscle stem cells, hepatocytes, and infiltrating cells.
35 or alter the magnitude or composition of CNS-infiltrating cells.
36 n was restricted to a subpopulation of tumor-infiltrating cells.
37  factors) produced by the tumor, stroma, and infiltrating cells.
38 examined for sialadenitis and salivary gland-infiltrating cells.
39 FN-gamma and MDP cotreatment on adhering and infiltrating cells.
40                                     In graft-infiltrating cells, a significant expansion of chimeric
41                                  The initial infiltrating cells accumulate perivascularly in close pr
42  Th2 inflammation, CD22+ B cells and IgG4(+)-infiltrating cells accumulated in tumors, and IL-10, IL-
43                                  Analysis of infiltrating cells after adoptive transfer by the diabet
44 leen, peripheral blood leukocytes, and graft infiltrating cells after donor (WF) or third-party (Lewi
45 nd the functional immune reactivity of tumor-infiltrating cells after ex vivo exposure to ICB.
46 sed colon crypt hyperplasia and an influx of infiltrating cells along with gross changes to crypt arc
47                                          The infiltrating cells also help suppress virus replication
48 ated difference in the presence of bile duct infiltrating cells and 3-nitrotyrosine in PBC with an in
49 g, donor B cells rapidly migrated from graft-infiltrating cells and appeared in systemic circulation
50 d by a significant decrease in the number of infiltrating cells and by a significant reduction in the
51 ess that involves both parenchymal and graft infiltrating cells and can lead to organ failure if inju
52 chemical staining were performed to identify infiltrating cells and cytokines.
53  reflect differences in numbers and types of infiltrating cells and degree of remodeling among the th
54 nor cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity of graft-infiltrating cells and host spleen cells assessed 8 days
55                  Cytotoxic activity of graft-infiltrating cells and host spleen cells, and complement
56                     Apoptotic death in graft-infiltrating cells and in areas of T-dependent lymphoid
57 at AqH had significantly increased number of infiltrating cells and increased levels of various cytok
58                        Concurrently, in both infiltrating cells and keratinocytes, we observed increa
59                                   Numbers of infiltrating cells and levels of matrix metalloproteinas
60                                The number of infiltrating cells and levels of proteins in the AqH wer
61                Mouse eyes were evaluated for infiltrating cells and major histocompatibility complex
62 ir expression correlates with elimination of infiltrating cells and microglia, not the myelinating ce
63                           Finally, increased infiltrating cells and myelin destruction was observed i
64  associated with enhanced apoptosis of graft-infiltrating cells and of cells in the spleen where inte
65 s, and macrophages, relative to B7-2, on CNS-infiltrating cells and on splenocytes.
66  to an increased expression of CXCL13 within infiltrating cells and PNAd+ HEV-associated CCL21-produc
67   In the EIU rat eye AqH, both the number of infiltrating cells and protein concentrations of the inf
68 ontrols, with concomitant reduction in graft-infiltrating cells and significantly decreased intragraf
69   DNA fragmentation was found in a number of infiltrating cells and some microglia, whereas, with one
70         Donor-specific CTL activity in graft-infiltrating cells and spleen cell populations of these
71  purpose of this study was to identify early infiltrating cells and to determine whether infiltrating
72    MCP-1 was identified by immunostaining on infiltrating cells and venular (but not arterial) endoth
73 lymphocyte activity of host spleen and graft-infiltrating cells, and circulating complement-dependent
74       Airway hyperreactivity, recruitment of infiltrating cells, and cytokine production were determi
75 he CRM genes, significant reduction of graft-infiltrating cells, and extended graft survival.
76 as did the levels of C3 deposition, CD11b(+) infiltrating cells, and fibronectin.
77 ion (proliferating cell nuclear antigen+) of infiltrating cells, and less graft cell apoptosis in art
78 lysis was used to determine the phenotype of infiltrating cells, and light and electron microscopy we
79 pheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), skin-infiltrating cells, and lymphocytes expanded from skin l
80  Mig was detected in glomeruli, tubules, and infiltrating cells, and the expression was significantly
81 itis scores, number of anterior chamber (AC) infiltrating cells, anterior chamber protein concentrati
82  the liver, the functional properties of the infiltrating cells are dramatically different in respons
83                                    Degree of infiltrating cells are graded, and five types are divide
84 endered the IL-10 knockout (KO) mouse, whose infiltrating cells are incapable of IL-10 production, a
85       Therefore, both resident CNS cells and infiltrating cells are necessary for seizure development
86 try revealed that cytokines were produced by infiltrating cells as well as by resident retinal cells.
87 -reacted with oligodendrocytes, perivascular infiltrating cells, astrocytes, and neurons in spinal co
88 ad ongoing inflammation with fewer apoptotic infiltrating cells at day 35.
89                We have identified transduced infiltrating cells at the injection site, and the majori
90  cells, but became the great majority of the infiltrating cells at the peak of inflammation on day 7
91  cytokines which act as chemoattractants for infiltrating cells bearing appropriate receptors (CCR) t
92 oth muscle cell proliferation, and had fewer infiltrating cells but retained endothelialization.
93 mma), and perforin mRNA were produced by the infiltrating cells, but IL-4 mRNA was absent.
94 tion, most likely due to heparanase positive infiltrating cells, but the protein was not upregulated
95 ically in liver sections, analyzed granuloma infiltrating cells by flow cytometry, and measured cytok
96 nent of myocyte injury mediated by allograft-infiltrating cells can be ascribed to CTLs within the in
97 factor mRNA was expressed only in occasional infiltrating cells, cardiac xenografts showed prominent
98 ther Eosinophil or mast cell (Eo/Mc), and no infiltrating cells Cell-).
99 ticking (cells/mm2 endothelial surface), and infiltrating cells (cells/mm2 iris tissue) were evaluate
100 scle and skin of VCA from group 1 showed few infiltrating cells compared with extensive infiltrates i
101 te allografts from mixed chimeras showed few infiltrating cells compared with extensive infiltrates i
102  also significantly higher (P<0.01) in these infiltrating cells compared with those in the normal con
103 Overall, AD(+)ACE(10/10) mice had less brain-infiltrating cells, consistent with reduced AD-associate
104    Phenotypic and functional analysis of CNS infiltrating cells during acute infection revealed a pot
105 fic CRM genes and reduce the number of graft-infiltrating cells during AR.
106 As have a critical role in the activation of infiltrating cells during intestinal ACR.
107 asL expression in alveolar epithelium and in infiltrating cells during the inflammatory and fibrotic
108  studies, we determined that the predominant infiltrating cells during the innate immune response are
109 requires intercellular communication between infiltrating cells, endothelium, parenchymal cells, and
110 nd the expression of CXCL13 and CCL21 within infiltrating cells, epithelium, and endothelium.
111 aled that CD11b(+) and MHC class II(+) graft infiltrating cells expressed B7-1 more than B7-2, wherea
112 is plays a critical role in the clearance of infiltrating cells from eyes with uveitis and leads to t
113                                              Infiltrating cells from rejected (graft enterectomy for
114                                              Infiltrating cells from rejected but not quiescent graft
115  that the macrophages remove these apoptotic infiltrating cells from the eye by phagocytosis.
116 f beta cell destruction and disappearance of infiltrating cells from the pancreas, leaving any remain
117 epresents a novel means for protecting tumor-infiltrating cells from tumor-associated oxidative stres
118 ch as ultraviolet, can arrest monocytic skin-infiltrating cells from undergoing dendritic cell precur
119                                        Graft-infiltrating cells (GIC) recovered from TH1-transfused a
120                       The phenotype of graft-infiltrating cells (GIC) showed a dominance of CD8+ cell
121 cyte precursor (HTLp) frequency within graft-infiltrating cells (GIC).
122                         Suspensions of graft-infiltrating cells (GICs) and spleen cells were analyzed
123  (but did not abrogate) rejection; CD8 graft-infiltrating cells given adoptively restored normal reje
124  and CD49d (VLA-4) in CCH indicated that the infiltrating cells had some of the characteristics of ac
125                 Freshly isolated liver graft-infiltrating cells harvested on days 4 and 7 exhibited s
126 ion of CD80 relative to CD86 on APCs and CNS-infiltrating cells has been shown to correlate with dise
127                                        Heart-infiltrating cells (HICs) were isolated from murine hete
128        Interestingly, despite the paucity of infiltrating cells, HSV-1 clearance from the eyes of -/-
129 r leukocyte chimerism and apoptosis of graft-infiltrating cells, if these end points were similar to
130 ere monitored for diabetes onset, insulitis, infiltrating cells, immune cell function, and beta-cell
131 s to study TCR-associated functions of graft-infiltrating cells in a preclinical transplantation mode
132  CD45(-) neoplastic cells and CD45(+) immune infiltrating cells in all meningiomas.
133                             Analysis of lung infiltrating cells in anti-MHC I WT revealed increase in
134 acrophages constituted a major population of infiltrating cells in crescents and contributed signific
135 ecific chemokine receptors were expressed by infiltrating cells in demyelinating MS brain lesions and
136 ate the involvement of CXCR4 mRNA-expressing infiltrating cells in human renal interstitial and vascu
137 megaly; 2) the proportion of Th1 cells among infiltrating cells in inflamed recipient eyes declined r
138 comprises only about 1% of the heterogeneous infiltrating cells in lymph node tissues.
139 afts showed fewer inflammatory foci and CD8+ infiltrating cells in mice injected with hIL-10-TFLs com
140  correlation was found between the number of infiltrating cells in one eye and the IL-6 concentration
141                         Cytokine analysis of infiltrating cells in recipient mouse eyes, as well as o
142 ort an important role for DC-SIGN-expressing infiltrating cells in the biology of FL and suggest that
143 mmatory monocytes are the early and dominant infiltrating cells in the CNS during experimental autoim
144 n characterized by increased accumulation of infiltrating cells in the dermis, elevated expression of
145 at model of ACD, we first confirmed that the infiltrating cells in the elicitation phase are indeed C
146  animals associated with a reduced number of infiltrating cells in the ischemic tissue despite the ma
147                In the course of the disease, infiltrating cells in the meninges and the ventricles we
148       These findings are consistent with the infiltrating cells in the pGM-CSF-injected muscles being
149 ief overview of key components of the immune infiltrating cells in the tumor microenvironment, review
150 lation in T-cell receptors, macrophages, and infiltrating cells in the vascular grafts, but were inde
151 s in GBM, establishing a rationale to target infiltrating cells in this neoplasm.
152 ominance of Vbeta100(+) T cell subsets among infiltrating cells in two accepted grafts.
153 etected on smooth muscle cells and on tissue infiltrating cells, in close proximity to multinucleated
154                                              Infiltrating cells included tissue macrophages, with an
155 d iris were virus infected and inflamed, and infiltrating cells increased throughout the period of ob
156         We have recently reported that islet-infiltrating cells isolated from NOD mice are enriched f
157  apoptosis is involved in the elimination of infiltrating cells, it plays little or no role in oligod
158 -/TNFR p55-/- mice had a strong reduction in infiltrating cells (knockout 1.6, n = 11; controls 27.3,
159 pulmonary inflammation, as manifest by fewer infiltrating cells, less cytokine/chemokine production,
160 essed by reactive astrocytes, microglia, and infiltrating cells (macrophages and neutrophils).
161  that during WNV infection, CD11b(+)CD45(hi) infiltrating cells (macrophages) are the primary produce
162 production of Th1 cytokines by initial islet-infiltrating cells may cause a greater increase than Th2
163 oss of TCR expression by CD8(+) kidney graft-infiltrating cells may not depend on antigen engagement
164 m, while the procoagulant characteristics of infiltrating cells may reflect a response to tissue inju
165  Increased caspase activity and apoptosis of infiltrating cells not only occurs during acute cardiac
166 pectively) are up-regulated locally in graft-infiltrating cells of AR and tolerant animal allografts.
167 10, and IFN-gamma mRNA was observed in graft-infiltrating cells of both tolerant and AR animals.
168 ellular allograft survival compared to liver-infiltrating cells of untreated rejector mice.
169                      Flow cytometry of graft-infiltrating cells on day +12 showed a decreased percent
170 r investigation of the pathologic actions of infiltrating cells on glomerular structure and function.
171 cells per mm (P=0.02) and positive cells per infiltrating cells (P=0.04).
172 %; BC, 3.4%+/-0.57%; and NR, 3.7%+/-0.78% of infiltrating cells; P=0.02).
173 id cell numbers, an increase in CD8(+) liver infiltrating cells, particularly CD8(+) T cells that coe
174      Expression of LFA-1 was also intense on infiltrating cells, particularly in lymphoid aggregates,
175                           Graft survival and infiltrating cell phenotype in rejected grafts were comp
176             Fas ligand is expressed on liver-infiltrating cells, pointing to death by fratricide that
177 hin the central nervous system (CNS) include infiltrating cells (polymorphonuclear leukocytes [PMNs],
178  IFN-gamma gene transcripts within the graft-infiltrating cell population and with reductions in circ
179                    Neutrophils are the first infiltrating cell population to appear within the CNS du
180 ing cells can be ascribed to CTLs within the infiltrating cell population.
181 otein expression (immunohistochemistry), and infiltrating cell populations (flow cytometry).
182 nated NK cells from the spleen and allograft infiltrating cell populations and decreased early chemok
183                                  We measured infiltrating cell populations and expression of cytokine
184 ingly, a comparison of circulating and tumor-infiltrating cell populations in lean, and obese mice re
185 ltiple tumor clones and assorted stromal and infiltrating cell populations to pooled genomic data.
186  infiltrating cells and to determine whether infiltrating cells produce interferon (IFN)gamma.
187 R2 ligand, CCL12, was found to be increasing infiltrating cell proliferation in the heart after AngII
188 AngII infusion and was the result of reduced infiltrating cell proliferation.
189 humor (AqH) was collected, and the number of infiltrating cells, protein concentration, and inflammat
190                                The number of infiltrating cells, protein concentration, and levels of
191          Limiting dilution analysis (LDA) of infiltrating cells recovered from rejected allografts af
192                                              Infiltrating cells recovered from TH1-transfused allogra
193 ular infiltrates, although a small number of infiltrating cells remain around the blood vessels.
194 the blood-brain barrier (BBB) such that most infiltrating cells remain localized to perivascular spac
195                               The mucosa and infiltrating cells responded rapidly to the bacterial ch
196     Analyses of splenocytes, PBLs, and graft-infiltrating cells revealed increased alloreactive T cel
197                     The immunophenotyping of infiltrating cells revealed that NKG2D was expressed on
198                  Macrophages are early islet-infiltrating cells seen in type 1 diabetes (T1D).
199       Fourteen days postgrafting, the sponge infiltrating cells (SIC) were examined for cytotoxic T c
200 s did not reduce the overall number of graft-infiltrating cells significantly but instead resulted in
201 -positive endothelium and underlying SMC and infiltrating cells such as macrophages and leukocytes.
202                                        Tumor-infiltrating cells, such as macrophages, have been demon
203 directions: it has a proinflammatory role in infiltrating cells that favors tumor development, but it
204     In the kidney, intracellular staining of infiltrating cells that were recovered from kidneys reve
205 X1R and P2X7R are induced in islet allograft-infiltrating cells, that only P2X7R is increasingly expr
206 nifestations, the nature of the inflammatory infiltrating cells, the cytokine response profile, and a
207                       Despite the paucity of infiltrating cells, the peak RSV titer in the lung of -/
208 diation and HCT altered the balance of tumor-infiltrating cells to favor CD8(+) effector memory T cel
209 ur data support a model whereby MB49 induces infiltrating cells to produce IL-10.
210 Chemokines and cytokines organize and direct infiltrating cells to sites of infection, and these mole
211 at eyes had a significantly higher number of infiltrating cells, total protein, and inflammatory cyto
212 eye AqH had a significantly higher number of infiltrating cells, total protein, and inflammatory mark
213      Current imaging modalities based on the infiltrating cell types are briefly discussed.
214 t of the focus score (FS), quantification of infiltrating cell types, immunoglobulin levels, and micr
215                                 However, FS, infiltrating cell types, immunoglobulin levels, and sali
216 h eosinophils and lymphocytes as predominant infiltrating cell types.
217 lly correlated to histologic findings and to infiltrating cell types.
218 chrome c was present in the cytoplasm of the infiltrating cells undergoing apoptosis.
219                Unexpectedly, the movement of infiltrating cells was closely associated with an infect
220 At days 7 and 24, RANTES production by graft-infiltrating cells was defined with intracellular RANTES
221                  Cytotoxic activity of graft-infiltrating cells was determined by 51Cr-release assay.
222  of inflammatory and apoptotic molecules and infiltrating cells was evaluated using immunohistochemis
223           Chemokine expression of the muscle-infiltrating cells was examined by laser capture microdi
224 ignificant reduction in the median number of infiltrating cells was found in TNFR p55-/-/p75-/- mice
225   Maximum expression of tissue factor on rat infiltrating cells was observed 48 hr after transplantat
226                         The median number of infiltrating cells was significantly reduced in IL-1RI-/
227                                The number of infiltrating cells was significantly reduced in mIL-8Rh(
228 , CD69, and adhesion molecule CD103 by liver-infiltrating cells was suppressed in treated mice with l
229  and functional characteristics of the graft-infiltrating cells were analyzed by in situ and in vitro
230 e were treated with anti-MIG/CXCL9 Ab; graft-infiltrating cells were analyzed for IFN-gamma productio
231                                              Infiltrating cells were collected from sections of infla
232                                              Infiltrating cells were collected from the remaining uni
233  the fluid volume and characteristics of the infiltrating cells were determined.
234 tween GIC phenotype and the clinical status, infiltrating cells were examined by flow cytometry, usin
235 me-linked immunosorbent assay, and the graft-infiltrating cells were examined by immunohistochemical
236                                  Whereas the infiltrating cells were increased in the biopsies with a
237    In Rag-1(-/-) kd/kd, approximately 50% of infiltrating cells were macrophages, and approximately 5
238                                          The infiltrating cells were mainly human CD3+ T lymphocytes
239 ated from recipient mice revealed that tumor-infiltrating cells were mostly L-selectin- (>95%).
240 es on the skin lesions demonstrated that the infiltrating cells were of the CD3(+)/CD8(+) phenotype.
241  the injection site, and the majority of the infiltrating cells were of the monocyte/macrophage linea
242 y days 19 to 21 after immunization, although infiltrating cells were present, there were only residua
243                                          The infiltrating cells were primarily neutrophils with a few
244                               Although graft-infiltrating cells were reduced approximately 50% in CD4
245        On various days after grafting, graft-infiltrating cells were tested for in vitro cytotoxicity
246                                              Infiltrating cells were unaffected by the absence of eit
247 beta, and IFN-gamma were highly expressed by infiltrating cells when G-EAT progressed to fibrosis.
248 ets from the CLA-fed animals contained fewer infiltrating cells, which formed limited branching cellu
249 erular parietal cells, vessel walls and some infiltrating cells, which peaked on day 4 together with
250  associated with an altered profile of tumor-infiltrating cells with an increase in natural killer (N
251                           Culturing of graft-infiltrating cells with mycobacterial hsp71 and interleu
252 iques confirmed the polyclonal nature of CNS-infiltrating cells, with multiple clones engrafting in b

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