


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d, to decipher how syndecan-1 impacts on the inflammatory reaction.
2 nse by microglia while triggering a moderate inflammatory reaction.
3  an important role in the coordination of an inflammatory reaction.
4 ng at 48 hours and delayed resolution of the inflammatory reaction.
5 and mesenteric lymph nodes, causing an acute inflammatory reaction.
6 cells that are recruited and involved in the inflammatory reaction.
7 of proper neuro-vascular associations and an inflammatory reaction.
8 y in pulmonary sensory neurons during airway inflammatory reaction.
9 ional knockout mouse brain invoked a massive inflammatory reaction.
10 betes within a week, characterized by strong inflammatory reaction.
11 ng to the pathogenesis of this novel type of inflammatory reaction.
12 cosal healing, such as the persistence of an inflammatory reaction.
13 l was occasionally associated with a limited inflammatory reaction.
14 , and dendritic cells, in the local allergic inflammatory reaction.
15 ase pattern that is associated with an acute inflammatory reaction.
16 layed oral mucosa healing in the presence of inflammatory reaction.
17 phase of sepsis is characterized by a strong inflammatory reaction.
18 lial clearance of misfolded proteins and the inflammatory reaction.
19 and stimulates an innate and adaptive immune inflammatory reaction.
20  interplay of gut microbiota and host immune/inflammatory reaction.
21  synthesis is known to optimize local tissue inflammatory reaction.
22  Lactococcus lactis G121 to prevent allergic inflammatory reactions.
23 amage inferred from attenuation of glial and inflammatory reactions.
24  T cells (Tregs) are thought to downmodulate inflammatory reactions.
25  by IL-33 probably play an important role in inflammatory reactions.
26  of mitochondria or in induction of untoward inflammatory reactions.
27 ons for bone disorders but may cause serious inflammatory reactions.
28 ocytic, phagocytic, proinflammatory, or anti-inflammatory reactions.
29  role of mast cells and IL-1 in NBP-mediated inflammatory reactions.
30 ns and for preventing excessive or prolonged inflammatory reactions.
31 to facilitate the resolution of pathological inflammatory reactions.
32 ling pathway to protect against exacerbating inflammatory reactions.
33 ide production is believed to participate to inflammatory reactions.
34 betaR) activation controls and downregulates inflammatory reactions.
35 opment and progression of local and systemic inflammatory reactions.
36  and prevents the development of exacerbated inflammatory reactions.
37 g homeostasis and preventing excessive acute inflammatory reactions.
38 dating the molecular mechanisms that lead to inflammatory reactions.
39 re prominent contributor to the pathology of inflammatory reactions.
40  genetically engineered mice induced similar inflammatory reactions.
41  conditions associated with retinal vascular inflammatory reactions.
42 onist could be useful to treat skin-mediated inflammatory reactions.
43  leukocyte recruitment in the development of inflammatory reactions.
44 eloped over the years to rectify deregulated inflammatory reactions.
45 leads to the rapid manifestation of allergic inflammatory reactions.
46 s play an orchestrating role in immune-based inflammatory reactions.
47 lasts in bone or into giant cells in chronic inflammatory reactions.
48 y out immune surveillance and participate in inflammatory reactions.
49  (IL-1) plays a prominent role in immune and inflammatory reactions.
50 ers in the absence of aneurysm formation and inflammatory reactions.
51 ly titanium dioxide) leading to peri-implant inflammatory reactions.
52 as an immunomodulatory agent in allergic and inflammatory reactions.
53 athogens are sometimes accompanied by strong inflammatory reactions.
54 tively recruited to the lung during allergic inflammatory reactions.
55 receptors to elicit and amplify a variety of inflammatory reactions.
56 ced gene 6 (TSG-6), which is up-regulated in inflammatory reactions.
57 municable diseases and are driven by chronic inflammatory reactions.
58  responders" to tissue stress and drivers of inflammatory reactions.
59 n and from reduced allergic, autoimmune, and inflammatory reactions.
60 regulation, orchestrating both pro- and anti-inflammatory reactions.
61 es to control pathologies with overexuberant inflammatory reactions.
62 lations in the steady-state and during acute inflammatory reactions.
63 function in pathogen- and autoimmune-induced inflammatory reactions.
64 d the types of T cells involved in different inflammatory reactions.
65 icant and influenced by diet, metabolic, and inflammatory reactions.
66  dictating the magnitude of subsequent acute inflammatory reactions.
67 itical role in myeloid cell-mediated in vivo inflammatory reactions.
68 om repeated injections, a potential toxic or inflammatory reaction after exposure to the biologic age
69 tin-like domain of TM resulted in a stronger inflammatory reaction after Stx2/LPS with more neutrophi
70 chistosomes results in a CD4 T cell-mediated inflammatory reaction against parasite eggs that varies
71 VCAM-1 in regulating the immune response and inflammatory reactions against viral infections.
72 the poorly understood instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction and a thorough understanding of ea
73  factors and antigens that stimulate a local inflammatory reaction and activation of the innate immun
74                    In pulmonary fibrosis, an inflammatory reaction and differentiation of myofibrobla
75 ating that TLR2 activation limited the toxic-inflammatory reaction and maintained assembly of the dru
76 fective means of controlling a virus-induced inflammatory reaction and may act mainly by the effects
77 is critically involved in the postinfarction inflammatory reaction and mediates adverse dilative remo
78                  We examined neuronal death, inflammatory reaction and neurogenesis in hippocampus 72
79 f MRSA pneumonia by attenuating an excessive inflammatory reaction and protecting the lung from patho
80 portant for resolution of the postinfarction inflammatory reaction and regulates fibroblast function.
81 t foot is also characterised by a pronounced inflammatory reaction and the pathogenic significance of
82  formed via nitric oxide-dependent oxidative inflammatory reactions and are found at concentrations o
83 an AD patients is limited because of adverse inflammatory reactions and cerebral hemorrhaging associa
84 EX1, NOTCH3, and Col4A1 are known to provoke inflammatory reactions and damage the brain in a wide va
85 teine proteases, have been shown to increase inflammatory reactions and lymphocyte apoptosis.
86 of CD200 in follicular epithelium attenuates inflammatory reactions and may play a role in maintainin
87                 Thus, Foxj1 likely modulates inflammatory reactions and prevents autoimmunity by anta
88                        Thus, Foxd1 modulates inflammatory reactions and prevents autoimmunity by dire
89 ugh the CD200 receptor (CD200R) to attenuate inflammatory reactions and promote immune tolerance.
90      Inhalation of agricultural dusts causes inflammatory reactions and symptoms such as headache, fe
91 d determined the magnitude of neuroglial and inflammatory reactions and their cytokine expression pro
92 odies and immune complexes that induce local inflammatory reactions and tissue destruction.
93 ortant in bacterial killing, but also drives inflammatory reactions and tissue oxidation.
94 eoporosis but have also been found to induce inflammatory reactions and to delay the progression of b
95 shown to cause foreign-body sensation, local inflammatory reaction, and conjunctival hyperemia.
96 n the brain, a fulminant microglial-mediated inflammatory reaction, and neuronal death.
97 ing immunomodulatory effects in allergic and inflammatory reactions, and also plays a key regulatory
98  a central role in initiating and amplifying inflammatory reactions, and is implicated in the pathoge
99 ns, including IgE-dependent allergies, other inflammatory reactions, and mastocytosis.
100 f regulatory T cells, which help to suppress inflammatory reactions, and plays a significant role in
101 tors, FPR1 and FPR2, play critical roles for inflammatory reactions, and receptor-specific antagonist
102 tions, such as inadequate bone regeneration, inflammatory reactions, and wound infection.
103                                     Although inflammatory reactions are beneficial and necessary for
104                   Both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory reactions are normal components of the same
105  complement system, known to produce a local inflammatory reaction, are associated with the plaques a
106 ar TA injection markedly decreased the acute inflammatory reaction associated with intravitreous Ad-L
107                 Controlling the overwhelming inflammatory reaction associated with polymicrobial seps
108 o bone (entheses), the key territory for the inflammatory reaction associated with PsA, being subject
109 nvolved in the generation of the more severe inflammatory reaction associated with the late central n
110 ole for VCAM-1 in promoting successful local inflammatory reactions associated with efficient viral c
111 trate a robust but transient postreperfusion inflammatory reaction, associated with a rapid up-regula
112                           This results in an inflammatory reaction at several sites, including the sy
113 MCs) from infected cows, despite a continued inflammatory reaction at sites of infection.
114    We also assessed oxidative stress and the inflammatory reaction at the injury site, neuronal and o
115 ipants (40%) experienced a localized sterile inflammatory reaction at the site of the injection, whic
116 ies show the presence of a lymphohistiocytic inflammatory reaction at the sites of delivery of alloge
117  involvement in immediate as well as chronic inflammatory reactions at both local and distal sites po
118 s suggest that vitamin D modulates cutaneous inflammatory reactions, at least in part, by increasing
119  transcription factors has a central role in inflammatory reactions, being stimulated by multiple cyt
120 sue-resident macrophages during infection or inflammatory reactions, besides self-replication of tiss
121 ltalpxP32::P(lpxL) lpxL) stimulated a strong inflammatory reaction but sickened mice before recovery
122              In contrast, CD39-null mice had inflammatory reactions but developed only minor pancreat
123 n is important because TNF not only furthers inflammatory reactions but might also be neuroprotective
124 -1 (ICAM-1) is critical in immunological and inflammatory reactions but, like other adhesive interact
125 onse to chemical or physical stimuli repress inflammatory reactions, but cells that undergo nonapopto
126                    MKP-1 serves to limit the inflammatory reaction by inactivating JNK and p38, thus
127 ther propose that dynamic modulation of this inflammatory reaction by interrupting the vicious cycle
128 naling through cysLT(1)R might contribute to inflammatory reactions by cooperating with IL-4 in enhan
129 esion molecules is widely thought to promote inflammatory reactions by facilitating leukocyte recruit
130                                         This inflammatory reaction can spread throughout the systemic
131                         Isolated intraocular inflammatory reactions can be an initial manifestation o
132 ces between PPC and CCC in corneal edema, AC inflammatory reaction, capsular fibrosis, ACO, and PCO.
133  occurs during isolation and from the severe inflammatory reactions caused by the transplantation pro
134 9 transgenic mice mounted an enhanced innate inflammatory reaction characterized by increased express
135 egimen-dependent induction of an acute local inflammatory reaction, characterized in part by rapid ne
136                                              Inflammatory reaction clears dead cells and matrix debri
137 hases of atherogenesis, including well-known inflammatory reactions consequent to intimal trapping an
138 oil' to the stem cells' seed), such as local inflammatory reactions, contribute to successful tissue
139 ith ridge height; thereafter, a more intense inflammatory reaction corresponded to reduction in alveo
140 m day 4 to day 14 (P < 0.001), with distinct inflammatory reaction demonstrated by lymphocyte and neu
141     Although frequently accompanied by local inflammatory reactions detectable in cerebrospinal fluid
142                                           An inflammatory reaction developed in all nine of the survi
143                                       A mild inflammatory reaction disappeared after 12 weeks.
144                         Loss of T and B cell inflammatory reactions does not protect from impaired ly
145 syndrome is characterized by an overwhelming inflammatory reaction driven by excessive expansion of T
146 itations apply, most notably a chronic local inflammatory reaction due to permanent implantation of a
147 izing autoantibodies, who developed a severe inflammatory reaction during anti-tuberculosis treatment
148 zing bacteria, which is likely to impact the inflammatory reaction during mucosal diseases.
149 n regulates immune cell infiltration and the inflammatory reaction during sepsis, suggesting that act
150 t bear therapeutic potential by reducing the inflammatory reaction during the early phase of AILI.
151 y, focusing on muscle satellite cells (SCs), inflammatory reaction, fibrosis, and formation of new bl
152 gists when there is a need to review diverse inflammatory reactions; for identification of fungi, par
153 lected: VA, degree of anterior and posterior inflammatory reaction, foveal thickness measured by opti
154 hase plasma protein, is a major component of inflammatory reactions functioning as a mediator of inna
155  vs 45 years, P = .05), presence of vitreous inflammatory reactions &gt;2+ (35.9% vs 6.2%, P = .04), vas
156                                The remaining inflammatory reactions had a change in the ratio of CD4
157                                     Systemic inflammatory reactions have been postulated to exacerbat
158 re main effector cells of allergic and other inflammatory reactions; however, only a few anti-MC agen
159  poor survival of donor cells in response to inflammatory reactions, hypoxia, oxidative stress, or nu
160 lets can result in an instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction (IBMIR) that contributes to early
161 iveness because of an instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction (IBMIR) that occurs immediately af
162 t has been termed the instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction (IBMIR).
163 nts without HIV infection caused intraocular inflammatory reaction in all cases and demonstrated more
164  autoimmune disease characterized by a local inflammatory reaction in and around islets followed by s
165 ficant increase of blood vessel presence and inflammatory reaction in control compared with treated e
166 ation of active B burgdorferi infection, the inflammatory reaction in mice with persistent joint infl
167 t cytosolic RLR-RNA-sensing pathway mediated inflammatory reaction in response to acute liver IR.
168 PE-PLD-deficient mice fail to mount a normal inflammatory reaction in response to carrageenan adminis
169 nterica serotype Typhimurium causes an acute inflammatory reaction in the ceca of streptomycin-pretre
170 nterica serotype Typhimurium causes an acute inflammatory reaction in the ceca of streptomycin-pretre
171 SV-1 infection has been shown to initiate an inflammatory reaction in the cornea that leads to tissue
172 h herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) sets off an inflammatory reaction in the cornea which leads to both
173 This infection usually results in a blinding inflammatory reaction in the cornea, orchestrated mainly
174 ve colitis are caused by an excessive immune-inflammatory reaction in the intestinal wall.
175 eficit in short term memory (STM) and strong inflammatory reaction in the ipsilateral cortex and hipp
176      Poly(I:C) injection induced a sustained inflammatory reaction in the SN and in the dorsolateral
177 wild-type or CXCR3-/- mice, they elicited an inflammatory reaction in wild-type but not in CXCR3-/- m
178 epidermis of adult mice also led to stronger inflammatory reactions in a tape-stripping test and in a
179 rmine whether dendritic cells participate in inflammatory reactions in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
180                                              Inflammatory reactions in anterior segments developed in
181 ection against disease onset, and attenuated inflammatory reactions in arthritic mice.
182  Interleukin 6 plays a key role in mediating inflammatory reactions in autoimmune diseases and cancer
183                                              Inflammatory reactions in both IRI and infections share
184  invading microorganisms but also potentiate inflammatory reactions in cases of excessive or misdirec
185 R knocked down cholangiocytes fail to induce inflammatory reactions in control large cholangiocytes.
186 lving histamine-induced and allergen-induced inflammatory reactions in forearm skin.
187 sual sphingolipids that are known to promote inflammatory reactions in gingival fibroblasts and Toll-
188 e receptors (TLR) activate multiple steps in inflammatory reactions in innate immune responses.
189 FI is promising for noninvasive detection of inflammatory reactions in IR myocardium because of its m
190 that establish chronic infections and elicit inflammatory reactions in mammals.
191 dampen, rather than provoke, T cell-mediated inflammatory reactions in many clinical conditions where
192 ifs" were recently shown to block pathologic inflammatory reactions in murine models of autoimmune di
193  and IL-1beta was associated with comparable inflammatory reactions in patients and controls.
194 tenance of immune homeostasis or breakout of inflammatory reactions in patients with chronic inflamma
195 3CL1 mRNA, providing fine-tuning of cellular inflammatory reactions in response to IFN-gamma stimulat
196 recurrent self-resolving attacks of systemic inflammatory reactions in the absence of infection or au
197 fied as important factors amplifying the pro-inflammatory reactions in these pathologies.
198 -1 in the negative control of MAPK-regulated inflammatory reactions in vivo.
199 vation and has been used to study immune and inflammatory reactions in which nitric oxide (NO) is a v
200 evalence of ophthalmic findings (intraocular inflammatory reactions [including transient, isolated re
201 gates" for transmigrating neutrophils in all inflammatory reactions investigated (elicited by leukotr
202                          A well-orchestrated inflammatory reaction involves the induction of effector
203                                Resolution of inflammatory reactions involves emigration of monocyte-d
204 s do not express COX-2), intensifies a broad inflammatory reaction involving numerous cytokines and o
205 ins unknown but a timely and well-controlled inflammatory reaction is essential for the integrity and
206 tants of B. cenocepacia, suggesting that the inflammatory reaction is likely induced by an as yet unc
207                                          The inflammatory reaction is orchestrated by gamma interfero
208 nd an inducible chemokine, whose role in the inflammatory reaction is poorly known.
209 ized to the vessel wall, the etiology of the inflammatory reaction is unknown.
210          A characteristic feature of chronic inflammatory reactions is their persistence and predilec
211 hibit a cell death-type modulatory effect on inflammatory reactions is unknown.
212  (FA) dietary supplementation would modulate inflammatory reactions leading to periodontal disease in
213 though beneficial at early stages, excessive inflammatory reaction leads to cell death and tissue dam
214    The current VPC regime induced local skin inflammatory reaction limited to subcutaneous injection
215                               To promote the inflammatory reaction, lipopolysaccharide was administra
216                    Failure to terminate such inflammatory reactions may lead to detrimental systemic
217  in vivo, suggesting that local and systemic inflammatory reactions may trigger hepatic regeneration
218 pools that may have important effects during inflammatory reactions mediated by monocytes, most notab
219                         During granulomatous inflammatory reactions, myeloid cells can differentiate
220                               No intraocular inflammatory reaction occurred after intravitreous injec
221 tachment appeared once more, however without inflammatory reaction of the anterior chamber.
222 ryptamine (5-HT)) is implicated in enhancing inflammatory reactions of skin, lung, and gastrointestin
223          Although signals that trigger acute inflammatory reactions often stimulate dendritic cell ma
224 (i.e. similar to untreated tissues), with no inflammatory reaction or fibrous encapsulation occurring
225 t delta 31-61, did not cause any cell death, inflammatory reaction or oxidative damage.
226       There were no intraocular hemorrhages, inflammatory reactions, or pigment dispersion and the IO
227                                          The inflammatory reaction over several days will drive robus
228 yed healing was associated with a persistent inflammatory reaction, over-production of osteopontin, e
229                   That the human whole blood inflammatory reactions paralleled the host response show
230 c strategies incorporating methods to elicit inflammatory reactions, particularly NK cell-driven lysi
231  2 entities characterized by a granulomatous inflammatory reaction pattern but with unique genetic an
232 s play a crucial role during stroke, and the inflammatory reaction promotes neurodegeneration.
233 mostasis and minimizing the ensuing pain and inflammatory reactions provoked by these mediators.
234  (anterior chamber cells and flare, vitreous inflammatory reactions, retinal whitening), without clin
235 -evoked responses are elevated during airway inflammatory reaction, revealing the potential convergen
236 ted disease (IgG4-RD) is characterized by an inflammatory reaction rich in IgG4-positive plasma cells
237 sed impaired life span and intensive cardiac inflammatory reactions, showing that the cardiotoxic IFN
238  E. coli may contribute to the resolution of inflammatory reactions since E. coli can inhibit hydroxy
239  Although the granulocytes contribute to the inflammatory reaction, stem cells may promote tissue rep
240 yelination and persists despite the residual inflammatory reaction subsiding to levels seen in contro
241 occurs as part of the central nervous system inflammatory reaction suggests a potential mechanism of
242                                  The type of inflammatory reaction suggests cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocy
243 r the cause, or a feature of severe systemic inflammatory reaction syndrome, whatever the cause.
244 pates in the molecular events underlying the inflammatory reaction that accompanies cerebral ischemia
245 iated with inflammation, but its role in the inflammatory reaction that accompanies cerebral ischemia
246 rative disorders are accompanied by an acute inflammatory reaction that can contribute to neuronal da
247 ayed immune response, followed by an intense inflammatory reaction that causes widespread tissue dama
248              Myocardial necrosis triggers an inflammatory reaction that clears the wound from dead ce
249                    The injury causes a rapid inflammatory reaction that includes activation of the ti
250             Granulomas represent a localized inflammatory reaction that is characteristically observe
251            Myocardial infarction triggers an inflammatory reaction that is involved in cardiac remode
252  regeneration are closely associated with an inflammatory reaction that is usually characterized by s
253 ing that this is associated with the intense inflammatory reaction that occurs in this condition.
254                  Surgery launches a systemic inflammatory reaction that reaches the brain and associa
255           Infarct healing is dependent on an inflammatory reaction that results in leukocyte infiltra
256 y preterm labor or preeclampsia, triggers an inflammatory reaction that results in spontaneous preter
257 rystals into the rat joint provoked a marked inflammatory reaction that was significantly inhibited (
258 innate immune response involves a variety of inflammatory reactions that can result in inflammatory d
259          TLRs activate multiple steps in the inflammatory reactions that help to eliminate the invadi
260 deposits but damaged blood vessels caused by inflammatory reactions that lead to ischemia, amyloid ac
261      Bone loss in periodontitis results from inflammatory reactions that stimulate osteoclastic bone
262 ipoprotein cholesterol, initiating a chronic inflammatory reaction, the result of which is a vulnerab
263 ponse to pathological stimuli by suppressing inflammatory reactions through AdipoR1/AMPK-dependent me
264  counteracts scar resolution by perpetuating inflammatory reactions through release of proinflammator
265 osapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3)], modulate inflammatory reactions through various mechanisms, inclu
266     Macrophages play vital functions in host inflammatory reaction, tissue repair, homeostasis and im
267 n of CCR7 implies that during a TH2-mediated inflammatory reaction, TLSP-activated CD1c(+) DCs are re
268                          The immune-mediated inflammatory reaction to allogeneic and xenogeneic stem
269 important role in the initiation of the host inflammatory reaction to clear the invading pathogen.
270                                          The inflammatory reaction to coated discs was assessed in th
271 letion of NK cells significantly altered the inflammatory reaction to corneal wounding, as evidenced
272 corneal healing by limiting the innate acute inflammatory reaction to corneal wounding.
273                                        Local inflammatory reaction to inoculation with E coli was att
274  may serve as a surrogate marker of unwanted inflammatory reaction to microbicide products topically
275                    Periodontal disease is an inflammatory reaction to the bacteria in dental plaque.
276                            Modulation of the inflammatory reaction to the wear products represents a
277  test subject to assess cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory reactions to diatom-biosilica.
278 ppreciated mechanism that prevents prolonged inflammatory reactions to Gram-negative bacteria and LPS
279 f transplantation is associated with instant inflammatory reactions to the graft and subsequent islet
280 ate HLA to evade host immune responses, host inflammatory reactions upregulate HLA, and differences a
281 behavioral deficits, neuronal injury and the inflammatory reaction using the kainic acid (KA) seizure
282 nly poised to initiate potentially injurious inflammatory reactions via immune complex formation asso
283                                         This inflammatory reaction was dependent on the interaction o
284 f (3)H-TPP and (18)F-FDG in inflammation, an inflammatory reaction was induced by subcutaneous inject
285                                 In 1 case an inflammatory reaction was observed in the anterior chamb
286  events, though a local sterile conjunctival inflammatory reaction was observed.
287 arization were increased, while the extended inflammatory reaction was repressed in the relaxin-treat
288                 To study a role of cysLTs in inflammatory reactions we have characterized the gene st
289  lymphatic system is a critical regulator of inflammatory reactions, we tested the hypothesis that ob
290 ith virulent pathogens often induce a strong inflammatory reaction, what drives the increased immune
291 culature and towards the core of the ensuing inflammatory reaction where they exert effector function
292 Th1 lymphocytes participate in cell-mediated inflammatory reactions, where the selectins play a role
293 resent the major effector cells driving this inflammatory reaction whereas Foxp3(+) regulatory T cell
294  role of Foxp3(+)CD4(+) Tregs during ongoing inflammatory reactions, which is the topic of this artic
295                      In contrast, persistent inflammatory reactions, which may be driven by infection
296 of action of neuropeptides and on immune and inflammatory reactions will likely yield new treatment o
297  the central nervous system (CNS) trigger an inflammatory reaction with potentially devastating conse
298 , and the orchestration of acute and chronic inflammatory reactions within the arterial wall.
299 afts in four recipients with MC developed an inflammatory reaction without skin graft loss.
300      These results affirm that metabolic and inflammatory reactions yield electrophilic products that

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