


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d) or inflective (S-shaped contour with >/=1 inflection point).
2 e field of psychiatry is approaching a major inflection point.
3 ar and for whom W52 seems to be an important inflection point.
4 ant agriculture is poised at a technological inflection point.
5       Quantum computing sits at an important inflection point.
6 e curve of the respiratory system beyond the inflection point.
7 s curve appears "normal" or S-shaped with an inflection point.
8 e pairs and characterized by calculating the inflection points.
9 d an asymptotic function with a half-maximum inflection point after 5.3 eyes.
10 plasma HIV RNA levels rapidly decrease to an inflection point, after which they gradually increase.
11 point analyses identified 1997 as the single inflection point among 11,231 patients with SCCA, at whi
12 sure-volume curves demonstrated both a lower inflection point and an upper deflection point which wer
13  growth, relative growth rate, the timing of inflection point and duration of linear growth for both
14  atelectatic alveolus recruited at the first inflection point and only five recruited concomitant wit
15  The drug delivery field is at the strategic inflection point, and we all have to face the reality by
16 teoglycans with a sigmoidal dose dependence (inflection point, approximately 130 mg LDL/dL).
17                                              Inflection points are the points on a curve where its sh
18 tely twofold steeper increase after the pCRH inflection point at 19 weeks gestation.
19 inhibitor from culture media, a growth curve inflection point at 3.1 h is observed (vs 0.7 h for the
20                                All shared an inflection point at 31 +/- 4 degrees C, and the temperat
21  point, whereas the curve after Tween has an inflection point at 8 mm Hg and a second at 24 mm Hg.
22                                          The inflection point at 8.48 indicates that a pH-sensitive g
23  transition with pKa = 2.6 it shows a second inflection point at high pH (pKa = 9.7 in 150-mM KCl).
24 tients, the proposed algorithm identified an inflection point at which calculated regurgitant volume
25 vestigators, we are therefore at an exciting inflection point at which gene discovery efforts are tra
26                                          The inflection point at which vitamin E metabolism increased
27  dependence of k(cat)/K(AcCoA) exhibited two inflection points at 5.32 +/- 0.13 and 8.48 +/- 0.24, re
28   The experimental isotherm has at least two inflection points, at concentrations of about 0.2 and 6.
29        There is no identifiable threshold or inflection point between 40 and 119 mm Hg.
30                                       At the inflection point between monthly and PRN dosing, when re
31 learance of an acute infection represents an inflection point beyond which tissue homeostasis and imm
32 ffected the inflation curve beyond the lower inflection point but did not affect the inflection point
33 detected, emergence of X4 virus preceded the inflection point by a median of 0.83 years.
34 a total T cell count decline (i.e., a CD3(+) inflection point), compared with those who did not (P =
35 l position and the relaxation dispersion has inflection points corresponding to correlation times of
36 ved through an increase in viscosity, and an inflection point designating the critical micelle concen
37                                          The inflection point energy (IPE) shifts depend strongly on
38 differences in the shape of the edge and the inflection point energy for cysteine and cystine are obs
39                 For methionine sulfoxide the inflection point energy is 2.8 eV higher compared with m
40                                          The inflection point for elevated risk occurred at NT-proBNP
41 he FTO risk allele and BMI, with an observed inflection point for those born after 1942.
42     Overall survival (OS) has improved, with inflection points for improvement differing for the ASCT
43 y associated with incident HF or death, with inflection points for risk supportive of ARIC-based limi
44                                          The inflection points for the pH-dependent H2 and H8 NMR res
45 und 15 degrees eccentricity that matches the inflection point in a psychophysically derived plot of s
46                                           An inflection point in genetics has been reached and was wi
47                                 We are at an inflection point in our study of the human genome as it
48  and the luminal center of the most proximal inflection point in the ascending colon.
49  The transition state is determined from the inflection point in the change in the number of independ
50  Caesar and his near-contemporary Livy as an inflection point in the development of Latin prose style
51 ent or transition time and is observed as an inflection point in the resulting chronopotentiogram.
52            pH dependence studies revealed no inflection points in the pH range of 5.0-8.5, while prot
53  regression models were used to identify the inflection points in the rates of chemotherapy use.
54                                          The inflection point (in hours) when complications began to
55  For cardiovascular deaths, the best-fitting inflection point increased with age, from 5 years for pa
56 on, our pinnacle may be nothing more than an inflection point leading to decline.
57 piratory pressure (PEEP) set above the lower inflection point (LIP) of the pressure-volume (P-V) curv
58 to optimize gas exchange, and that the lower inflection point (LIP) of the pressure-volume curve coul
59       Although hospitalization is clearly an inflection point, marking a threshold that independently
60 eduction of disulfide substrates displays an inflection point near pH 8.5.
61 t AFT becomes inversely related to BMI at an inflection point of 29 kg/m(2).
62                 The ROC analysis revealed an inflection point of plots of the coefficient of variatio
63 2 concentration, a shift to the right in the inflection point of the biphasic curve occurred at high
64 t of the transition times extracted from the inflection point of the chronopotentiograms as a functio
65  the inflation limb (P(mci, i)) and the true inflection point of the deflation limb (P(inf,d)).
66     Regression analysis of the nonstationary inflection point of the excess isotherms provided an est
67                                          The inflection point of the zeta potential and pH plot occur
68 igmoidal glucose dose response behavior with inflection points of approximately 8 mm glucose.
69  changes in trends over time on the basis of inflection points of the mortality rates.
70    The fluorescence values and slopes at the inflection points of the SPQ fluorescence profile during
71             This was also true for the upper inflection point on the inflation (r = 0.91, p < 0.01) a
72                              Using the lower inflection point on the static pressure/volume inflation
73                              Lower and upper inflection points on the quasi-static curve representing
74 rring at the alveolar level from analysis of inflection points on the whole-lung pressure/volume curv
75  higher than the PEEP predicted by the lower inflection point (P(Flex)) of the PV curve.
76                        We compared the lower inflection point (Pflex), upper inflection point (UIP),
77 ower inflection point but did not affect the inflection point (Pflex).
78 algorithm for mathematically identifying the inflection point provided the best results (y = 0.96x +
79   The DVP exhibits a characteristic notch or inflection point that can be expressed as percent maxima
80                                    After the inflection point, the HIV+ individuals who developed AID
81  heterochronic parameters: the timing of the inflection point, the timing of maximum acceleration and
82 We hypothesize that the field has reached an inflection point through a confluence of four key develo
83 - 76.8 mum and the average distance from the inflection point to the fovea was 4427.3 +/- 627.9 mum.
84 ed the lower inflection point (Pflex), upper inflection point (UIP), compliance below Pflex (Cstart),
85 ired to activate M(1) up to 129-fold with an inflection point value of 845 nM.
86 elocity profiles for large kappa values show inflection points very near the walls with localized vor
87  TS8 well below TS6, making the valley-ridge inflection point (VRI or bifurcation) and direct formati
88 slope of CD3(+) lymphocyte counts before the inflection point was close to zero for HIV- and HIV+ men
89 The accuracy of flow rate calculation by the inflection point was compared with unselective and selec
90 ond inflation point, suggesting that neither inflection point was due to inflection point was due to
91 ing that neither inflection point was due to inflection point was due to massive alveolar recruitment
92                                           An inflection point was noted at a length of 712 bases, abo
93         For men in whom both X4 virus and an inflection point were detected, emergence of X4 virus pr
94                                     No clear inflection points were found to exist in the relationshi
95 a cava filters dwell time by determining the inflection point when the risk of standard retrieval tec
96 sbridge-microtubule attachment at the cilium inflection point where torsion is at its maximum.
97 ectories before and after a time (the T-cell inflection point) where the loss of T-cell homeostasis w
98 tic pressure/volume curve has a single lower inflection point, whereas the curve after Tween has an i
99  pressure-volume curves demonstrated a lower inflection point which was greater than the end-inspirat
100 omial function to allow identification of an inflection point within a relatively flat intermediate z

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