


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nslocating but at approximately one-half the initial rate.
2 e zero and therefore underestimates the true initial rate.
3 ng in the hyperbolic substrate dependence of initial rate.
4 ion kinetics were sigmoidal, with a very low initial rate.
5  kinetics was simplified using the method of initial rates.
6  reaction would proceed at a fraction of the initial rate accomplished by uninhibited Grubbs' catalys
7 'obs((H))/k'obs((D)) = 3.3 +/- 0.3) and from initial rate analysis (k2((H))/k2((D)) = 2.3 +/- 0.4) in
8                     Results confirm that the initial rate and amplitude of duplex unwinding by eIF4A
9         Either eIF4B or eIF4H stimulated the initial rate and amplitude of eIF4A-dependent duplex unw
10             This selectivity was explored in initial rate and equilibrium binding studies that demons
11 olet B irradiation significantly reduced the initial rate and extent of DNA repair.
12  with purified proteins, HSP90 increased the initial rate and maximal extent of Akt-mediated eNOS pho
13             With blue OLED illumination, the initial rate and overall size of the behavioural respons
14                                     Both the initial rate and the extent of 5' and 3' incisions revea
15                                     Both the initial rate and the extent of oxidation are dependent o
16 xchanges of ATP and P(i) to explain both the initial rate and time course data on ATP and P(i) transp
17 ants exhibited reduced wall relaxation (both initial rate and total amount).
18                                              Initial rate and transient kinetics of DA uptake and con
19 t L-FABP expression enhanced by 2-4-fold the initial rate and/or average maximal uptake of the long a
20      Nonlinear regression better modeled the initial rates and estimates of Q10 values for CO2 that s
21 ta2a, beta3, and beta4 isoforms with similar initial rates and final stoichiometries of 6-12 mol of p
22 ermore, although several subclades show high initial rates and net decreases in rates of evolution, c
23 trahydrofolate, and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate initial rates and net uptake in cells that express the r
24 ilized catalyst shows substantially improved initial rates and overall hydrogen production when compa
25 m extra-PL NBD-CQ vs time as well as resolve initial rates and rate constants for efflux.
26  the magnitude (Delta = 25.2 +/- 3.7 mM) and initial rate ( approximately 5 fold) of change in [Na(+)
27 hange spectroscopy (EXSY) buildup curves and initial rate approximation.
28                           The differences in initial rates are consistent with the reported initial g
29 Butyl-FLIP exhibited sigmoidal kinetics when initial rates are plotted versus substrate concentration
30 fset by oxidation of Hg(0) with an estimated initial rate as high as 5.4 h(-1).
31    Three discontinuous chromogenic substrate initial rate assays were developed with different quench
32 ated from calf surfactant, LPC increased the initial rate at which surface tension fell.
33 or just Tris (Day 3), measured I(NBC) or the initial rate at which the intracellular pH fell (dpH(i)/
34                                              Initial rate characterization of the mycobacterial syste
35         The measured kinetic isotope effect (initial rate (CHCl3)/rate (CDCl3) approximately 1.7) sug
36 d well in a 384-well microplate format under initial rate conditions (10% conversion) with a signal-t
37 iated acetylation, or that are studied under initial rate conditions, changes in the acetylation dist
38 found to follow a processive mechanism under initial rate conditions; however, product inhibition and
39                                          The initial rate constant (k(obs)) of the optimized deoxyrib
40 ve site variant of YPDC exhibited hyperbolic initial rate curves at low pH, not consistent with the m
41                                              Initial rate data are well-described by the equation for
42                                              Initial rate data for fully reduced WT SOD and A4V SOD,
43 of this protocol allows the determination of initial rate data.
44                                          The initial rate decreases when the pH is changed from 7 to
45  intracellular pH (pHi) to increase, and the initial rates (Delta pH min-1) of this increase were mod
46 ly, the steady-state kinetic analysis of the initial rates determined at varying concentrations of ox
47 on from the zinc-bound water molecule in the initial rate-determining nucleophilic attack step, and t
48  belief that endonucleolytic cleavage is the initial, rate-determining step of mRNA decay in Escheric
49                                              Initial rates exhibit saturation behavior at high ethylb
50 e coupled in DbetaM using both end point and initial rate experimental protocols.
51                                          The initial rate for the dehydrogenation of AB catalyzed by
52                                          The initial rate for the reaction is 2.9 pmol/min per mg of
53 hods using (3)H-CQ, rate constants vs linear initial rates for CQ probe flux can be analyzed in detai
54                                              Initial rates for enzyme catalysis in the mother plugs a
55 on has been developed to accurately estimate initial rates from nonlinear progress curves of enzyme r
56 roup analyses, those journals with the worst initial rates generally improved the most.
57 nhibitor lysine was studied by measuring the initial rate in the absence and presence of the effector
58                  During the study period, an initial rate increase was followed by a period of lower
59       In the presence of exogenous NAD+, the initial rate is elevated 8-fold with a Km of 2.3 microM
60  group transfer reaction was investigated in initial rate kinetics and product inhibition experiments
61                          A comparison of the initial rate kinetics for human biliverdin-IXalpha reduc
62                                              Initial rate kinetics of human E3alpha-catalyzed conjuga
63 li fumarase had little effect on the overall initial rate kinetics of the enzyme, which has obscured
64      Mutant enzymes were characterized using initial rate kinetics, and isotope effects were used to
65 ing results in (13)CN crossover experiments, initial rate kinetics, and natural abundance (12)C/(13)C
66 ed 8-fold by encapsulation, as determined by initial rate kinetics, and we observed up to 67 catalyti
67                        Here we show that the initial (rate-limiting) step involves a site-specific re
68 for detecting tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the initial rate-limiting enzyme of the CA synthesis, to stu
69  which functions as a trimer to catalyze the initial rate-limiting step in a proteolytic cascade that
70 nase type 1 (3betaHSD1), which catalyzes the initial rate-limiting step in conversion of the adrenal-
71 gulatory subunit (GCLM), which catalyzes the initial rate-limiting step in glutathione production.
72 ctivation of cytosolic phospholipase A2, the initial rate-limiting step.
73  phospholipase A(2)alpha (cPLA(2)alpha), the initial rate-limiting step.
74 er and preexponential factor) describing the initial, rate-limiting C-H or C-C bond cleavage reaction
75 me mechanism for oxygen reduction, involving initial, rate-limiting electron transfer from the reduce
76 Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) is the initial, rate-limiting enzyme in the catabolism of 5-flu
77  ligase (GCL), the enzyme that catalyzes the initial, rate-limiting step in glutathione biosynthesis,
78 he multifunctional protein CAD catalyzes the initial, rate-limiting step in mammalian de novo pyrimid
79 oleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) catalyzes the initial, rate-limiting step of tryptophan (Trp) cataboli
80    The CPSase component, which catalyzes the initial, rate-limiting step, exhibits complex regulatory
81  the current study, we have investigated the initial rates (<1 min) of anandamide accumulation in neu
82  directions using a combination of classical initial-rate methods including alternate substrate inhib
83                        The ratio between the initial rates, monitored in the absence and in the prese
84                      Plots of reciprocals of initial rates obtained in the presence of nonhydrolyzabl
85 the mutant toxins by competition against the initial rate of (125)I-alpha-bungarotoxin binding.
86                                          The initial rate of (86)Rb(+) occlusion was decreased by BTE
87 humic substances (HS), the dependence of the initial rate of 2,4,6-trimethylphenol (TMP) loss (R(TMP)
88 accelerated UO(2) reoxidation the most at an initial rate of 9.5 muM day(-1) with ferrihydrite, 8.6 m
89 xposure to 8-pCPT-AM significantly slows the initial rate of [Ca(2+) ]i rise induced by the RyR activ
90   There was no discernable alteration in the initial rate of [PCr] change.
91 terol, and DHE (fixed at 1 and 5 mol %), the initial rate of AAPH-induced DHE oxidation exhibited a b
92                           In particular, the initial rate of accumulation of platelets is inhibited b
93                                          The initial rate of accumulation of receptors into the clust
94 ation of anionic phospholipid stimulates the initial rate of adsorption (k(on)).
95  the presence of styrene does not affect the initial rate of alkylation, it appears to inhibit cataly
96 rs, such as inhibitors and cofactors, on the initial rate of an enzyme reaction, and it could be appl
97             The system produces H(2) with an initial rate of approximately 100 turnovers per hour upo
98           At 37 degrees C, Zn2+ enhanced the initial rate of assembly and produced normal capsids, bu
99                        It was found that the initial rate of association of apoE2, apoE3, apoE4, and
100 mation and an increase in the stability, the initial rate of association with DMPC liposomes, and the
101 he alpha-helical content, the stability, the initial rate of association with DMPC liposomes, and the
102  residues in the helical conformation or the initial rate of association with DMPC liposomes.
103  be maximally cryptic, because the increased initial rate of attack from becoming more conspicuous is
104 s yields smaller autophagosomes and a slowed initial rate of autophagosome formation.
105 ns of the CaM activation constant and of the initial rate of autophosphorylation.
106 cing the initial delay and/or increasing the initial rate of axonal outgrowth.
107                                  The average initial rate of b(H) reduction under these conditions wa
108 inetics, we show that Q does not inhibit the initial rate of bH reduction by QH2 through center N, bu
109  In addition, galantamine did not reduce the initial rate of binding for 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin.
110                                          The initial rate of binding of anti-Galalpha1-3Gal antibodie
111 ges of the rotating helices to show that the initial rate of bundling is proportional to the motor fr
112                         CAPS-1 increased the initial rate of Ca2+-triggered vesicle exocytosis by act
113 el predicts that CAS is not limiting for the initial rate of cargo import and, surprisingly, that inc
114 erial displays a 2.3-fold enhancement in its initial rate of catalysis relative to the 3D calcined ma
115                                 However, the initial rate of cell aggregation increased 9-fold upon a
116 trinsic cell line properties determining the initial rate of cell depletion from the circulation and
117                               Therefore, the initial rate of change (defined as the fall in P(iO(2))/
118                                          The initial rate of change in PCr hydrolysis at exercise ons
119 e significantly reduced in such cases if the initial rate of change is estimated from the time consta
120                                          The initial rate of change of glomerular volume, normalized
121                                          The initial rate of cholesterol oxidation by COD in fluid st
122 he membrane cholesterol mole fraction on the initial rate of cholesterol oxidation catalyzed by COD w
123                                          The initial rate of colipase binding to fluid, single-phase
124                                         This initial rate of conductivity decrease was determined to
125 ich resulted primarily from increases in the initial rate of consumption with no change in the rate a
126 lculated DEMRI parameters which included the initial rate of contrast enhancement (IRE) and the maxim
127 impulse steady-state pixel intensity (A) and initial rate of contrast replenishment after impulse (be
128 4 gene in CH12F3 cells severely inhibits the initial rate of CSR and causes a late cell proliferation
129 stably expressing hCtr1 has no effect on the initial rate of Cu transport.
130 d that incubation with Cu does not alter the initial rate of Cu uptake mediated by endogenous levels
131                                          The initial rate of Cu2+ movement across the thylakoid membr
132  We observed a significant difference in the initial rate of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD)-remov
133 was lowered 33% in mutant A86L; however, the initial rate of cytochrome b reduction was unaffected, s
134                                          The initial rate of cytochrome c(1) reduction was lowered 33
135                                          The initial rate of dark current recovery after 12% rhodopsi
136 ring ischemia, the decrease in pH(i) and the initial rate of decline in ATP were significantly reduce
137                             Furthermore, the initial rate of dehalogenation catalyzed by Mb Cpd II is
138 eoyl-l-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (POPC), the initial rate of DHE oxidation induced by AAPH changed wi
139 ents who ultimately develop LF have a higher initial rate of DM, which increases with time.
140 btained at baseline and at 4 months, and the initial rate of enhancement (IRE) and the maximal signal
141 ted based on the number of enhancing voxels, initial rate of enhancement, and maximal enhancement of
142                                          The initial rate of fatty acid release from the membrane fra
143                                          The initial rate of Fe(2+) movement across the inner envelop
144           The concentration gradient and the initial rate of FFA influx saturated with increasing FFA
145                                          The initial rate of fibril formation increased with increasi
146 low during FRAP was also determined from the initial rate of FITC dextran advance along the crypt lum
147  analysis showed that brimonidine slowed the initial rate of fluorescent cell decline in the animals
148 ure accelerated the rate of DHA loss and the initial rate of formation of MGO, but better conversion
149 A linear dependence was observed between the initial rate of formation of new copies and the starting
150                                          The initial rate of fusion was enhanced 6-fold by GGpep and
151 e stage involved in the determination of the initial rate of fusion.
152                                          The initial rate of G2p formation, d[G2p]/dt in M h-1, deter
153 e NOS I produced O(2)(-.), we found that the initial rate of H(2)O(2) production by H(4)B-bound NOS I
154 and 2-positions on naphthalene; that is, the initial rate of H/D exchange = k(1i)[Hg][C-H(1)] + k(2i)
155 , surrogate lung fluid (SLF) to quantify the initial rate of HOOH formation from 10 transition metals
156                                          The initial rate of human prothrombin activation by factor X
157 y, in a series of kinetics measurements, the initial rate of hydrolysis is shown to depend directly o
158 ervations regarding ionophore treatment: the initial rate of hydrolysis was elevated at all enzyme co
159 der appropriate experimental conditions, the initial rate of hydroxylamine formation (RH) can provide
160 :K co-transport activity was assessed as the initial rate of increase in [Na(+)](i) when [NaCl](L) wa
161 cies, despite an effect of inbreeding on the initial rate of increase in mortality.
162                                          The initial rate of isotopic exchange was higher than k(cat)
163                                          The initial rate of L-lactate-dependent acidification was si
164                                          The initial rate of lipase-catalyzed transesterification of
165 rate of vesicle contents mixing but left the initial rate of lipid mixing roughly unchanged.
166 ry scores by fundus examination and a slower initial rate of loss of visual function by electroretino
167 he hypoxia-specific factor, the ratio of the initial rate of marker binding to severely hypoxic relat
168                           LGP2 increases the initial rate of MDA5-RNA interaction and regulates MDA5
169                                          The initial rate of NADH appearance is directly proportional
170          In spite of a substantially reduced initial rate of nascent FA incorporation into phosphatid
171 in the reduction of NO2(-) by magnetite; the initial rate of NO2(-) removal was two times faster at p
172 t the steady-state level of Nrf2 mRNA or the initial rate of Nrf2 protein synthesis but increased the
173                   18F-FDG incorporation, the initial rate of O-methyl-D-glucose incorporation (a meas
174 diethyl-2-phenylacrylamide with an estimated initial rate of over 1000 turnovers per minute and can b
175                                          The initial rate of P2H4 formation was not affected by lower
176                               We assayed the initial rate of pH gradient-dependent unidirectional pho
177            Differences in the efficiency and initial rate of polymerization correlate with the appare
178                PCPS markedly accelerated the initial rate of prethrombin-2 activation by E2-fXa, with
179              However, we have found that the initial rate of primer extension depends on the pH and c
180                          Measurements of the initial rate of product formation, combined with the qua
181 oped to describe regulation by lipids of the initial rate of protein adsorption from the bulk aqueous
182                                          The initial rate of radical formation was unchanged using a
183 resulted in 13- and 25-fold increases in the initial rate of radiolabeled 2-AA-LPC and arachidonic ac
184 e presence of a given level of protamine the initial rate of reaction can be linearly related to the
185 rate constant was 0.011 min(-1), whereas the initial rate of reaction in the absence of pre-existing
186 onensin and brefeldin A did not increase the initial rate of receptor desensitization.
187 ased on rate-limited regeneration, where the initial rate of recovery following a total bleach was ca
188                                          The initial rate of reduction increases with increasing SDS
189 captures the impact of spike waveform on the initial rate of release.
190 gi) protein reduced ( approximately 88%) the initial rate of repair in both types of cell-free extrac
191  quantity of RPE65 per eye, and measured the initial rate of rhodopsin regeneration after a nearly co
192 o 0.32 pmol (C57BL/6N x Rpe65(-)(/)(-)); the initial rate of rhodopsin regeneration was a Michaelis f
193 cker, significantly increased by twofold the initial rate of rise in [Na(+)](i) when [NaCl](L) was in
194                                          The initial rate of rise of FI over 10 s was approximately 3
195 higher, but T7 lysozyme does not inhibit the initial rate of RNA synthesis with a premelted bulge-6 p
196  effects differ depending on an individual's initial rate of song and associated density of ENK.
197 scence sterol exchange assay showed that the initial rate of spontaneous sterol transfer out of lysos
198 ransfer activity of SCP(2) by increasing the initial rate of sterol transfer by 2.9-fold and by decre
199 th several cholesterol-binding proteins, the initial rate of sterol transfer was maximally increased
200                                          The initial rate of substrate hydrolysis at completion of th
201 horylated full-length Syk demonstrates a low initial rate of substrate phosphorylation that increases
202 ormation (RH) can provide an estimate of the initial rate of superoxide (O2(-)) formation.
203 mming, whereas wild-type animals sustain the initial rate of swimming over the duration of the experi
204                                          The initial rate of Syk activity was strongly increased by e
205 ernuclear distances were calculated from the initial rate of the nOe buildup.
206 of oleate and octylphosphonate increases the initial rate of the reaction by a factor of 2.3, and the
207                              After a similar initial rate of thrombus formation with and without PN2K
208         Further evaluation revealed that the initial rate of TPT uptake was unaffected by CI1033, whe
209 he rate of decay of metarhodopsin II and the initial rate of transducin activation comparable with th
210 nium, with little accompanying defect in the initial rate of transport.
211                                          The initial rate of unwinding increased with WRN concentrati
212                 In the most potent case, the initial rate of uptake is inhibited 10-fold, and TfnR le
213                                          The initial rate of uptake was dependent upon Cu2+ concentra
214 this ratio led to a dramatic increase in the initial rate of vesicle contents mixing but left the ini
215                                          The initial rate of weight loss was higher in TESI+ versus T
216                                          The initial rate of WRN helicase activity displayed a hyperb
217 etal ion filling experiments showed that the initial rate of Zn2+ influx was a linear function of the
218 e E1-type elimination fully accounts for the initial rates of 1-(13) C-cyclohexanol disappearance and
219                                 Steady-state initial rates of acetyl-CoA synthesis (upsilon/[E(tot)])
220                                          The initial rates of appearance of all deuterated species of
221 teoliposomes with acid-base transitions, the initial rates of ATP synthesis and hydrolysis were measu
222                                     Although initial rates of biosynthesis of both proteins were simi
223 atios >1 (positive intrinsic curvature), the initial rates of both lipid and contents mixing decrease
224  or = 20 microM) had no measurable effect on initial rates of Ca(2+) accumulation in the presence of
225  mechanism of phospholamban, we examined the initial rates of Ca(2+)-uptake and Ca(2+)-ATPase activit
226                          At low tension, the initial rates of cleavage and looping were similar (appr
227                                          The initial rates of DAB polymer formation were directly pro
228                                          The initial rates of DNA damage decreased with increased inh
229                                              Initial rates of E1-catalyzed E2 transthiolation have be
230                                              Initial rates of endocytosis were unaffected, but lysoso
231                        Quantification of the initial rates of environmental reactions at the mineral/
232  format include the continuous monitoring of initial rates of enzymatic reactions, the measurement of
233 ly prevented FXI binding to lipid rafts, and initial rates of factor XI activation by thrombin on act
234 pite decreased acyl-CoA synthetase activity, initial rates of fatty acid uptake were unaffected by kn
235  The method, based on the isotope effects on initial rates of formation of intermediates, was validat
236                             Poly-P increased initial rates of fXI activation 30- and 3000-fold for fX
237 iments with the latter donor showed that the initial rates of glycosylations increase with increases
238                                          The initial rates of H(+) gradient dissipation followed Mich
239 ed-flow spectroscopy results indicated rapid initial rates of H2O2 disproportionation slowing concomi
240                   However, comparison of the initial rates of H2O2 formation (RH2O2) to that of RH sh
241                                          The initial rates of horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-mediated e
242 c substances (HS) enhanced substantially the initial rates of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) photoproductio
243                                 Despite high initial rates of insulin independence after islet allotr
244 tion of PGSK and low Fe2+ concentrations the initial rates of iron transport could be determined for
245 mpaired not only migration but also impaired initial rates of lamellar spreading.
246 for removal by apoA-I from about 0.8-5%; the initial rates of mass release of cholesterol and PL are
247                                              Initial rates of methionine oxidation correlate with sur
248 iented vesicles were employed to measure the initial rates of methyl-alpha-D-glucose uptake, under ze
249                                    Assays of initial rates of methylation indicated that signalling c
250 -carboxyfluorescein-acetoxymethyl ester, the initial rates of monocarboxylate-dependent cytoplasmic a
251 ction rates were found to correlate with the initial rates of NADPH oxidation and heme-NO complex for
252                                              Initial rates of NADPH turnover and O(2) utilization wer
253                                    While the initial rates of O2 reduction by the Mn, Fe, and Co deri
254 imary hepatocytes revealed indistinguishable initial rates of oleate uptake, but longer intervals rev
255      Combining these results with a study of initial rates of phenol formation, and of substituent el
256                                              Initial rates of polyubiquitin chain formation displayed
257        Conformation was assayed by measuring initial rates of receptor methylation, a parameter indep
258         BMJ, JAMA, and Annals had the lowest initial rates of reporting on both protections in the sa
259 ials in locally advanced disease showed high initial rates of response and local control.
260 ach component was determined by plotting the initial rates of the C-OMe bond cleavage at varying conc
261 omponent has been determined by plotting the initial rates of the cross-coupling reaction at varying
262 analyses indicate that Q509L does not affect initial rates of the polymerase-directed RNase H activit
263 ach component was determined by plotting the initial rates of the reaction against concentration.
264                                   The linear initial rates of the reaction allowed calculation of an
265 olution and elemental sensitivity to measure initial rates of the wide variety of environmental react
266 ing disc electrode voltammetry revealed that initial rates of uptake and AMPH-induced efflux were ele
267 eHg on D-[2,3-3H]aspartate uptake, such that initial rates of uptake in MT-I transfected cells in the
268                                          The initial rates of uptake of hypoxanthine and adenine by s
269                                     Both the initial rates of volume change (dV/dt) in both ventricle
270 hat a linear relationship exists between the initial rate or amplitude of unwinding and duplex stabil
271                                          The initial rate parameters for the purified sulfite reducta
272  their substitution, via mutagenesis, on the initial-rate parameters of a representative member of th
273      Substitutions elsewhere affect multiple initial-rate parameters with varying, and sometimes comp
274  the prothrombin concentration increased the initial rate, peak, and total amount of thrombin generat
275                                              Initial rates (r(o)) were first-order with respect to ir
276 ate, and NOM:Hg ratio, NOM reduces Hg(II) at initial rates ranging from 0.4 to 5.5 h(-1), which are a
277                                          The initial rate slowed most rapidly with WT and H97N enzyme
278                                              Initial rate studies have revealed dramatic acceleration
279                                              Initial rate studies identify UbcH7 as the cognate E2 ca
280                                              Initial rate studies in the absence or presence of produ
281 fect of Mg(2+) is limited to V/K(MgATP), and initial rate studies indicate an equilibrium-ordered add
282                                              Initial rate studies of the homogeneous recombinant enzy
283                                              Initial rate studies under biochemically defined conditi
284                                              Initial rates studies of substrates bearing different di
285                                              Initial-rate studies at various concentrations of PhCHO
286                                              Initial-rate studies were complemented by kinetic analys
287  of ascorbate via the phosphate ester had an initial rate that was three to five times slower than th
288 und correlating both selectivity factors and initial rates to the sigma(para) Hammett parameters.
289 e nonsensitized particles evolve oxygen with initial rates up to 0.96 mumol min(-1), and with a quant
290 ored by chromogenic substrate hydrolysis had initial rates (v(1)) representing conformational activat
291 ic substrate hydrolysis were parabolic, with initial rates (v(1)) that indicated no transient species
292                                     Plots of initial rate versus [substrate] show a rate dependence t
293                   Double reciprocal plots of initial rates versus concentrations of substrate reveale
294                                          The initial rate vi represents the residual activity of the
295                        During unfolding, the initial rate was associated with 75-80% of the fluoresce
296 celerated throughout adulthood; however, its initial rate was much lower than mortality, so that rela
297 P chelate complex, a 15-fold increase in the initial rate was observed at low MgATP.
298 vely apolar HAs at I = 50 mM exhibited rapid initial rates, was extensive, and was only partially rev
299                               Ion-pair S(N)2 initial rates were measured for CsPAT with several alkyl
300 ompanied by destruction of the bilayer at an initial rate, which is comparable for DOPC and DPPC but

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