


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 of SirA, the Spo0A-directed inhibitor of the initiation of replication.
2 reover, overexpression of yqaM inhibited the initiation of replication.
3  so is not on its own sufficient to suppress initiation of replication.
4 tion within origin or replication blocks the initiation of replication.
5  origin and localises at the poles following initiation of replication.
6  subcellular location of oriC at the time of initiation of replication.
7 into how vertebrate cells orchestrate proper initiation of replication.
8 ring DNA replication and DNA unwinding after initiation of replication.
9 cyclin-dependent kinase is essential for the initiation of replication.
10 yr-191 in one monomer was sufficient for the initiation of replication.
11 helicase can be loaded on the DNA during the initiation of replication.
12  recombination is asymmetrical, favoring the initiation of replication.
13 protein structure that is functional for the initiation of replication.
14 naA, to co-ordinate their transcription with initiation of replication.
15 e ORC from DNA does not block the subsequent initiation of replication.
16 ranscription is an integral component of the initiation of replication.
17 nterphase but disappears from chromatin upon initiation of replication.
18 ponents involved in inactivating Cdc18p upon initiation of replication.
19 quires the specific initiator protein pi for initiation of replication.
20 ing S phase to assist repair and possibly re-initiation of replication after replication fork collaps
21                                         Upon initiation of replication, an 8-kb region of the chromos
22  specific amino acid and serve as a site for initiation of replication and as a simple telomere.
23 nichromosome maintenance complex proteins in initiation of replication and fork movement.
24 ation, DNA polymerase alpha is essential for initiation of replication and lagging-strand synthesis.
25 t of tumor-derived cell lines indicates that initiation of replication and possibly fork movement are
26 nces from other eukaryotes in DNA repair and initiation of replication and reflect their unusual mito
27 vivo and they are critically involved in the initiation of replication and the regulation of gene exp
28 res likely involved in the regulation of the initiation of replication and transcription of the mitoc
29  such as site-specific recombination and the initiation of replication and transcription.
30 equences believed to contain the signals for initiation of replication and transcription.
31 hat depend on local DNA melting, such as the initiation of replication and transcription.
32  This was true for different times after the initiation of replication and was independent of whether
33        All of the mutations caused increased initiation of replication and, to varying extents, affec
34 UTR), which was shown to be critical for the initiation of replication, another 5' sequence element,
35 een demonstrated that topo I participates in initiation of replication as well as in elongation.
36 ical cascade being set in motion by reducing initiation of replication at D- and R-loops, and other s
37 ependent manner, and this, in turn, inhibits initiation of replication at late origins.
38                                    Since the initiation of replication at licensed origins depends on
39                                Licensing and initiation of replication at oriP of EBV thus seem to be
40                                  Presumably, initiation of replication at the DS, mediated by EBNA-1,
41 ng circle plasmids have the nicking site for initiation of replication between the arms of a GC-rich
42 g the Clb5-Orc6 interaction has no effect on initiation of replication but instead sensitizes cells t
43                    PP2A was required for the initiation of replication but not for the elongation of
44 mal arrangement at an origin interferes with initiation of replication, but does not alter the associ
45 peared with a pattern that recapitulated the initiation of replication, but with a different time cou
46 nstituted system promotes ori gamma-specific initiation of replication by a mutant form of the initia
47  Here we aimed to elucidate the mechanism of initiation of replication by influenza virus RNA polymer
48 gene promoter is normally inhibited prior to initiation of replication by the binding of DnaA protein
49      These results demonstrate that specific initiation of replication can occur from the pLS1 ssoA i
50                                   Before the initiation of replication can occur, each licensed origi
51 onal protein which, In addition to promoting initiation of replication, can regulate the initiation o
52 of PML with viral components facilitates the initiation of replication compartments, (ii) viral repli
53 contains three iterated motifs essential for initiation of replication: consensus sequences for bindi
54                                          The initiation of replication depends on the proteolysis of
55 und that ATR associates with chromatin after initiation of replication, dissociates from chromatin up
56 ly the activation domain of CTF1 can enhance initiation of replication from a chromosomally embedded
57                           This uncoupling of initiation of replication from CtrA degradation indicate
58  is required for the ability of p53 to block initiation of replication from gamma-irradiated Py ori-D
59  given chromosomal region does not depend on initiation of replication from the 0 degrees region.
60 al component (DnaT), a negative modulator of initiation of replication/GATC-binding protein (SeqA), a
61         Whether vertebrate telomeres support initiation of replication has not been experimentally ad
62                                          The initiation of replication in bacteria is regulated via t
63  is a DnaA-interacting protein that inhibits initiation of replication in diploid Bacillus subtilis c
64 stem to explore the mechanisms that regulate initiation of replication in nuclei from terminally diff
65 s the consequence of transcription-dependent initiation of replication in the thymine-starved cells a
66 tudies indicate that Xcdc6, is essential for initiation of replication in vertebrates and that intera
67 ene that encodes an inhibitor of chromosomal initiation of replication in vitro.
68 all viral promoters and are required for the initiation of replication in vivo.
69 some architecture can determine the sites of initiation of replication in Xenopus egg extracts, suppo
70 ression of herpes simplex virus genes at the initiation of replication involves two steps that take p
71     Thus, the fission yeast strategy for the initiation of replication is different from models of eu
72 arch has focused on mechanisms that regulate initiation of replication, mechanisms that regulate elon
73     Marker frequency analysis indicated that initiation of replication occurs at or near oriC in acid
74                    In rapidly growing cells, initiation of replication occurs before the previous rep
75 r assay, we show that in p300-depleted cells initiation of replication occurs from multiple replicati
76                         Thus, early and late initiation of replication occurs in spatially separate n
77                                              Initiation of replication of bacterial chromosomes is ac
78 rotein has been shown to be required for the initiation of replication of both chromosomal and plasmi
79 wed that the compounds selectively block the initiation of replication of incoming HCV RNA but have n
80 ic form of wild-type TrfA is inactive in the initiation of replication of RK2 in an in vitro replicat
81 ecific DNA binding protein that promotes the initiation of replication of the bacterial chromosome, a
82 the origin region (oriV) is required for the initiation of replication of the broad host range plasmi
83 id RK2-encoded TrfA protein are required for initiation of replication of the broad host range plasmi
84 sing the requirement of DNA supercoiling for initiation of replication of the ColE1 ori.
85 s of replication marks the first step in the initiation of replication of the genome in all eukaryoti
86 sent a model, based on our evidence, for the initiation of replication of the replicon RepFIC.
87        As part of an in vivo analysis of the initiation of replication of the RNA genome of human hep
88        To elucidate further the mechanism of initiation of replication of this plasmid and its contro
89 gene increases when DnaA is inactivated (and initiation of replication prevented) and decreases when
90 city of thymidine deprivation by blocking re-initiation of replication rather than inciting global DN
91                                     However, initiation of replication required a larger region which
92 oC transcription must be terminated prior to initiation of replication, since it might normally be sh
93 g of 22 purified proteins that catalyzed the initiation of replication specifically at ori gamma of R
94              The results suggest that during initiation of replication, the replicative helicase DnaB
95  from origin-dependent to origin-independent initiation of replication through the unwinding of R-loo
96 to replication elements that direct repeated initiation of replication to amplify the Drosophila chor
97 regulated event in the nucleus restricts the initiation of replication to specific sites downstream o
98      DNA opening is an essential step in the initiation of replication via the Cairns mode of replica
99 specially at relatively late times after the initiation of replication, was examined by using reverse
100    To understand the role of hRPA during the initiation of replication, we examined the PO sequence a
101 ltisubunit pol III holoenzyme and, hence, in initiation of replication, whereas ts-114 is defective i
102               This control is exerted at the initiation of replication, which occurs at multiple orig
103 nscription by alpha-amanitin resulted in the initiation of replication within transcription units, in

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