


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ar magnetic resonance at the right ventricle insertion site.
2 disruption was observed at the iStent inject insertion site.
3 ce, 23-25 nucleotides upstream of the intron insertion site.
4  position immediately adjacent to the intron insertion site.
5 ) and adjacent chromosomal DNA at the SCCmec insertion site.
6 FP reporter was inserted 5 kb from the bw(D) insertion site.
7 on of the hydrophobic core of Bn near the Ub insertion site.
8 pears to be a base preference (TTCT) for the insertion site.
9 ns for GC content and nucleotide bias at the insertion site.
10 of a sponge species, which also has the same insertion site.
11  of two conserved tyrosine residues into the insertion site.
12 ons should be targeted to the chosen genomic insertion site.
13 rotein binds DNA sequences downstream of the insertion site.
14 DNA sequences upstream and downstream of the insertion site.
15  DNA polymerase genes surrounding the intron insertion site.
16 lecule with 50 bp of homology specifying its insertion site.
17 keep track of sequences, mappings and common insertion sites.
18 irs and higher orders of co-occurring common insertion sites.
19 ted host carries between 500 and 5000 unique insertion sites.
20 monin mechanically reinforces tip link upper insertion sites.
21 c regions that coincided with preferential P-insertion sites.
22 er the chromodomain contributed to selecting insertion sites.
23 and robust system for identifying transposon insertion sites.
24 tion of cis-acting elements at these several insertion sites.
25  activation of genes flanking the retroviral insertion sites.
26  irrespective of the chromosomal loci of the insertion sites.
27 of the hyper-variable surface next to splice insertion sites.
28 s, and multiple strategies exist for mapping insertion sites.
29 asked region near the microdialysis catheter insertion sites.
30 characterized an unprecedented number of hsr insertion sites.
31 q by in-depth characterization of individual insertion sites.
32  exogenous sequences that sometimes surround insertion sites.
33 cause it contributes to the selection of new insertion sites.
34 could be distinguished due to differences in insertion sites.
35 occlusion onto the skin surrounding catheter insertion sites.
36                          The friend leukemia insertion site 1 (Fli-1) transcription factor, an Ets fa
37 or vascular complications at the 18-F sheath insertion site (2.1% vs. 11.3%; p = 0.003), and of all t
38  retroviral insertion at the ecotropic viral insertion site 32 locus leads to increased expression of
39 selected mutants and found that 33 out of 44 insertion sites (75%) could be confirmed by PCR, and 17
40  a uniform distribution of new peptidoglycan insertion sites, a necessary condition to maintain rod s
41 be used to determine gene involvement at the insertion site after FISH has identified the presence of
42  provides a graphical overview of the mapped insertion sites against a karyotype.
43 f echocardiographic scar at papillary muscle insertion sites (all P<0.05) and, when combined, were ad
44 e the diversity of genomic islands and their insertion sites among Gram-negative bacteria and discuss
45 differences in the methylation status of the insertion sites among MITE families.
46 stion-based approaches for ligation-mediated insertion site amplification.
47                                              Insertion site analyses of recently reported trials on a
48                                              Insertion site analysis demonstrated that more than 80%
49                                       Vector insertion site analysis of granulocytes demonstrated sus
50                                              Insertion site analysis of the library repeatedly identi
51 e timing of methylation is influenced by the insertion site and by additional genetic information.
52 he sole variables were transgene chromosomal insertion site and copy number.
53 lineage demonstrated a preferred chromosomal insertion site and different complements of non-LEE enco
54 pport the preferential use of the subclavian insertion site and enhanced efforts to reduce dressing d
55  is approximately 4.7 kb upstream of the Mu1 insertion site and may be proximal to an adjacent repeat
56         Identification of the activation tag insertion site and microarray analysis revealed that ATH
57 n evolutionarily conserved fragment near the insertion site and observed enhancer activity of this el
58  QRS expression dependent on the ventricular insertion site and often coexisted with other tachycardi
59                          Linkage between the insertion site and phenotype was confirmed, and we show
60 cing (INSeq) is a method for determining the insertion site and relative abundance of large numbers o
61 fered in several aspects, such as the intron insertion site and sequence length.
62 he tla2 phenotype, was cloned by mapping the insertion site and upon complementation with each of the
63                    Varying the HPIV3 antigen insertion site and vector dose allowed fine-tuning of th
64 s mapped to millions of potential transposon insertion sites and a large portion of insertion sites h
65                             Determination of insertion sites and adjacent viral sequences identify th
66 e, we describe a method to recover transgene insertion sites and assess structural rearrangements of
67  lengths observed in each of a collection of insertion sites and is maximized with a hybrid expectati
68              This allowed us to identify the insertion sites and phenotypes of negatively selected mu
69       We present the full genomic sequences, insertion sites and phylogenetic analysis of 28 prophage
70 by cryogenic storage, (2) identify mutagenic insertion sites and physical coordinates in these collec
71 tant mice also had improper ureteral bladder insertion sites and shortened intravesicular tunnel leng
72           Distances between the rotator cuff insertion sites and the glenoid decreased in the loaded
73 m distances were computed between the tendon insertion sites and the glenoid, acromion, and coracoid
74 m that detects both new transposable element insertion sites and their methylation states from a sing
75 asis genes were identified by sequencing the insertion sites and then mapping these sequences back to
76 ning, collection method, needle size, needle insertion site, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) volume col
77 nation of the intercondylar roof, ACL-tibial insertion site, and PCL angle and horizontal component-t
78 c mutation results from a deletion at the Ds insertion site, and the molecular identity of GLC is not
79 ndicating that the transgene promoter and/or insertion site are critical for sustained expression.
80                                              Insertion sites are compared among individuals of suitab
81 In the analysis of these screens, transposon insertion sites are typically identified by targeted DNA
82        Thirty-seven per cent (9754) of these insertion sites are within genes (including untranslated
83                We identified three resulting insertion sites (arrayed binding sites), the longest of
84 hrough the pre-insertion, insertion and post-insertion sites as BF alternates between open and closed
85  insert into sites other than its known TTAA insertion site at a low frequency (2%).
86 increase the toughness of the tendon-to-bone insertion site at the expense of its strength.
87 s from lymphomas/leukemias identified common insertion sites at known and candidate novel cancer gene
88  related dsRNA viruses detected preferential insertion sites at which the complexity of the conserved
89 d primary wound repair due to the leakage in insertion sites before the PPV, however remaining 20 cas
90                   Therefore, focusing on the insertion site between the anterior cruciate ligament (A
91                                              Insertion site bias, or lack thereof, has not been demon
92 mation, the template base has moved into the insertion site but misaligns an incorrect nucleotide rel
93 mal translocations associated with the T-DNA insertion site, but the prevalence of these rearrangemen
94 t of a conserved active site tyrosine in the insertion site by the template base is accommodated by a
95 ndonuclease I-AniI and their putative target insertion sites by BLAST searches followed by examinatio
96 pread in two dimensions: horizontally across insertion sites by non-allelic gene conversion, and vert
97 ion in vivo, by mating polB intein-positive [insertion site c in the gene encoding DNA polymerase B (
98                                              Insertion sites can then be navigated in Ensembl in the
99 and truncated versions of the element in new insertion sites cause stable mutations.
100 nsertions is unclear without high-resolution insertion site characterization, the potential for an ot
101 enables broader intein utility by increasing insertion site choices.
102                                       Common insertion site (CIS) analysis of 119 primary tumors and
103                                       Common insertion site (CIS) analysis of 269 neurofibromas and 1
104 eir genomic location is proximal to a common insertion site (CIS) defined by high rates of transposon
105                Analysis of transposon common insertion sites (CIS) identified the Apc locus as a majo
106 ransposons have been used to identify common insertion sites (CISs) associated with tumor formation.
107 nd the genomic location of transposon common insertion sites (CISs) from all currently published tran
108                          By analyzing common insertion sites (CISs) isolated from 446 tumors, we iden
109 nts within the genome and 2) identify Common Insertion Sites (CISs) within the genome are not practic
110 ructure, the substrate binds to the active ('insertion') site closed through refolding of the trigger
111 ence and distribution, and (iii) to evaluate insertion site-dependent changes in mechanical propertie
112 nately, the great increase in the numbers of insertion sites detected comes with the cost of not know
113        EpiTEome outperforms other split-read insertion site detection programs, even while functionin
114 han to that of the sea anemone (although the insertion site differs in the fungi).
115 etermine whether genes located at transposon insertion sites directly caused medulloblastomas to diss
116                                              Insertion site dressings are a major mean to reduce cath
117 erved tyrosine moves into the templating and insertion sites during the translocation step.
118 or some H chain genes could be caused by (i) insertion site effects or (ii) deletion of enhancer elem
119                        DNA in regions of FIV insertion sites exhibited a "bendable" structure and a p
120 icient evidence to recommend one CVC type or insertion site; femoral catheterization should be avoide
121 erves relatively undistorted geometry at the insertion site following phosphoryl transfer.
122 ite following transposon excision and at the insertion site following transposon integration.
123   Using this photoprobe, we demonstrated the insertion site for [ (125)I]IACoc to be Asp188, which re
124 and subsequent DNA bending primes a selected insertion site for efficient transposition.
125  specificity data and defining new potential insertion sites for any target.
126                                Comparison of insertion sites for IS492 and the highly related ISPtu2
127 equencing technology and is able to identify insertion sites from both the 5' and 3' ends of the tran
128 loped IM-Fusion, an approach that identifies insertion sites from gene-transposon fusions in standard
129 ), that facilitates sequencing of transposon insertion sites from single tumor cells in a SB mouse mo
130              Sequence analysis of transposon insertion sites from tumors and immortalized cells ident
131                                   The common insertion site genes identified in the mutagenesis scree
132                                Both of these insertion sites have previously been mapped to the "clam
133 poson insertion sites and a large portion of insertion sites have zero mapped reads.
134                Analysis of transposon common insertion sites identified 7 genes activated by transpos
135                  Isolation of the transposon insertion sites identified genes known to be associated
136                       Analysis of transposon insertion sites identified novel candidate genes, includ
137                     Cloning DNA flanking the insertion site identifies the locus precisely.
138 a specific double-strand cut near the intron insertion site (IIS), its DNA recognition site spans the
139 ation exhibited lack of deletions at genomic insertion sites, implying that such events are likely to
140 moral site was the most frequently colonized insertion site in all types of catheters.
141 ogy such as fever, carefully inspect the PVC insertion site in bacteremic or fungemic patients, and r
142 sposons form genomic islands at a programmed insertion site in bacterial chromosomes, attTn7.
143         Selection of central venous catheter insertion site in ICU patients could help reduce cathete
144 rtion site in strain MZO-3 and at the VSP-II insertion site in strain 623-39.
145       Novel regions are present at the VSP-I insertion site in strain MZO-3 and at the VSP-II inserti
146  point on the nephric duct (ND) to its final insertion site in the cloaca (the primitive bladder and
147        Using PCR, we identified a transposon insertion site in the first intron of Nmnat2 (Nicotinami
148 ion when the ureters move from their primary insertion site in the Wolffian ducts to the trigone, a m
149   Jak2 was identified as a common transposon insertion site in TLS-ERG-induced disease, strongly vali
150 VL gene sequences, and the chromosomal phage insertion sites in 114 isolates comprising nine clones o
151 mutants with the desired phenotypes, and the insertion sites in 18 of the strains were mapped.
152 s, PVL gene sequences, and chromosomal phage insertion sites in 52 S. aureus CC30 PVL-harboring isola
153                  After sequencing transposon insertion sites in 9,250 random mutants, we assembled a
154 e splice finding and elucidation of multiple insertion sites in a random insertional mutagenesis libr
155 es an efficient k-mer-based method to detect insertion sites in a reference genome, and subsequently
156               Pyrosequencing data showed 266 insertion sites in addition to the 325 sites expected fr
157                         Sequence analysis of insertion sites in both R. rickettsii and R. prowazekii
158 we used a targeted method to sequence LINE-1 insertion sites in matched PDAC and normal samples.
159                                Assessment of insertion sites in peripheral blood from patients in the
160 s in these collections, and (3) validate the insertion sites in pools of mutants by obtaining >500 bp
161 rately corresponded to LINE; retrotransposon insertion sites in ribosomal DNA (p<0.01).
162 us mapping of tens of thousands of mutagenic insertion sites in the eukaryotic unicellular green alga
163                  To identify the location of insertion sites in the genome linker based polymerase ch
164                                          The insertion sites in the genome were pre-N (F1), N-P (F2),
165               Characterization of transposon insertion sites in the SB-induced tumors identified 45 r
166                        Analysis of the mPing insertion sites in the soybean genome revealed that feat
167          This increased the number of unique insertion sites in the T-DNA collection by 21 078, bring
168 hods were established to identify transposon insertion sites in these lesions, and analysis of transp
169 were conspicuous among the common transposon insertion sites in TLS-ERG-driven leukemia, suggesting t
170 ic duplications were observed at or near the insertion sites in two patients, further confounding the
171 rvo-controlled actuation of syringeal muscle insertions sites in vitro and focus on two muscles contr
172 ed candidate prostate cancer genes at common insertion sites, including Pde4d.
173  identify retroviral insertions at 19 common insertion sites, including Zeb2, Nf1, Mn1, Evi1, Ift57,
174               However, with this method, the insertion site, integrity, and copy number of the transg
175                                              Insertion sites interrupting genes that are likely criti
176          We also have determined the optimal insertion site into the NDV genome by generating recombi
177   This approach allows for the clustering of insertion sites into distinct regions of essentiality ac
178  we introduced plasmids containing candidate insertion sites into S. pombe and mapped the positions o
179  Fgfr2(ST-/-) mice exhibit improper ureteral insertion sites into the bladder, consistent with the ur
180                                The transgene insertion site is associated with a 12 kb deletion, 1.2
181 f target DNA engagement until an appropriate insertion site is identified.
182           Under the above-stated conditions, insertion site is likely the most contributory variable
183             This study demonstrates that the insertion site is the primary determinant of the respons
184 c and predictive impact of allelic ratio and insertion site (IS) of internal tandem duplications (ITD
185 cus and paired lines in the same chromosomal insertion site lacking the 3' enhancers.
186 tissues suggest that the DNA region near the insertion site likely interacts with Foxl2 TSS.
187  the utility of the method by identifying Mu insertion sites linked to seed-lethal mutations with a p
188                We identified numerous common insertion sites located near protein-coding genes and co
189                                              Insertion site mapping of cells that survived long-term
190      However, with the lesion in the BF post-insertion site, more serious distortions caused by the a
191                        Two common retrovirus insertion sites near c-myb and Sox4 genes were identifie
192 ient population, number of catheters at each insertion site, number of catheter-related bloodstream i
193 eading frames were common, although based on insertion site-occupancy frequency data it appeared that
194 ect to copy number, nucleotide diversity and insertion site-occupancy frequency.
195                            Common transposon insertion sites occur among haplotypes from different Ze
196 cer to resolve the structure and chromosomal insertion site of a composite antibiotic resistance isla
197 ied in 14 of the mutants on the basis of the insertion site of a transposable element.
198 e, ECM accurately identified the ventricular insertion site of an accessory atrioventricular connecti
199                                 Pan proviral insertion site of Moloney murine leukemia (PIM) 1, 2, an
200              The high expression of proviral insertion site of Moloney murine leukemia virus kinases
201 , a systematic study to evaluate the optimal insertion site of the foreign antigens into NDV that res
202                               The transposon insertion site of this mutant strain was within Sca2, a
203 nd pathogenic mechanisms of mycoplasmas, the insertion site of transposon Tn4001T was determined for
204                                          The insertion sites of 17 copies of the G.st.I1 intron from
205  ECGI can noninvasively localize ventricular insertion sites of accessory pathways to guide ablation
206                                          The insertion sites of femoral catheters were involved in al
207 omparison of the amino acid distributions at insertion sites of introns that retained their positions
208 tirety, the origins, transfer mechanisms and insertion sites of numts are slowly being characterized.
209 :H7 strains were tested for the presence and insertion sites of Shiga toxin gene (stx)-containing bac
210 nd quantify the abundance of > 91,000 unique insertion sites of the provirus from 61 HTLV-1(+) person
211                                          The insertion sites of the Stx-encoding bacteriophages diffe
212 ximately 2 x 10(5) unique de novo transposon insertion sites of the transposon Hermes in the Saccharo
213 l deletions that were roughly bounded by the insertion sites of the two P elements used.
214                                              Insertion sites of transposed Ds-ATag elements were iden
215 ing, we devised a technique to determine the insertion sites of virtually all members of the human-sp
216 lving five contiguous genes at the transgene insertion site on chromosome 12C3.
217                       The impact of catheter insertion site on infection risk remains controversial.
218 nterior cystic abnormalities at rotator cuff insertion site on the greater tuberosity and to determin
219                        A minimum of 15 mtDNA insertion sites on nine chromosomes were detectable usin
220 l approach, we investigated various feasible insertion sites on the G protein of VSV (VSV-G) for disp
221 on of IS492 does not occur at four different insertion sites on the P. atlantica chromosome, despite
222  insertion site) or posterior (infraspinatus insertion site) on the greater tuberosity.
223                               Mapping of the insertion sites onto the crystal structure of gB730 sugg
224 less distortion: it is either out of the pre-insertion site or in the major groove open pocket of the
225  positioning itself either deeply in the pre-insertion site or on the crowded evolving minor groove s
226 us cystic changes as anterior (supraspinatus insertion site) or posterior (infraspinatus insertion si
227 lysis and PCR to detect transposable element insertion site polymorphism in a panel of diverse maize
228                                              Insertion-site preference at the CAN1 locus requires Ty1
229                  Our characterization of the insertion site preferences of Hermes not only assists in
230            We have characterized genome-wide insertion site preferences of piggyBac by sequencing a l
231 heir application, we conducted a genome-wide insertion site profiling of the piggyBac (PB), Tol2 and
232 e structural adaptation to insertions is the insertion site rather than the sequence of the insertion
233 utured either 7 mm posterior to its original insertion site (recession surgery) or at the same site (
234 cing allows affordable ultra-deep transposon insertion site recovery in high-throughput formats withi
235 rated that IS5 can precisely excise from its insertion site, restoring the wild-type phenotype.
236  Pol III transcribed genes; alignment of Ty1 insertion sites revealed a strong sequence motif centere
237 ct, high-throughput sequencing of transposon insertion sites revealed fitness phenotypes of a bank of
238 n of the Shiga toxin bacteriophage and their insertion sites (SBI typing) revealed that cattle and sh
239 ethering can effectively redirect transposon insertion site selection in human cells, but suggest tha
240 the R2 ribozyme is strongly modulated by the insertion site sequence in the rDNA, with the most commo
241 Analysis Tool) for the efficient analysis of insertion site sequence reads against vertebrate and inv
242 combinations of endonuclease specificity and insertion site sequences in a biological host.
243 ibe a method for semiquantitative transposon insertion site sequencing (QiSeq).
244                           We used transposon insertion site sequencing (Tn-seq) to comprehensively as
245 uman gut epithelial cells was assessed by Tn-insertion site sequencing (Tn-seq).
246                  We used transposon-directed insertion site sequencing (TraDIS) to retrospectively an
247             We have used transposon-directed insertion site sequencing (TraDIS) to screen mutants of
248                    Using transposon-directed insertion site sequencing (TraDIS), we determined differ
249 we carried out a high-throughput, transposon insertion site sequencing analysis (TnSeq) to identify g
250 present ChlaMmeSeq (Chlamydomonas MmeI-based insertion site Sequencing), a tool for simultaneous mapp
251 nem or ciprofloxacin) by Transposon Directed Insertion-site Sequencing (TraDIS).
252 lly, we demonstrate that transposon-directed insertion-site sequencing is not only applicable to the
253    In this study, we use transposon-directed insertion-site sequencing to probe differences in gene r
254                                   Transposon insertion-site sequencing was used to analyze the fitnes
255                We here describe quantitative insertion-site sequencing, or QIseq, which uses custom l
256  used genome-wide transposon mutagenesis and insertion-site sequencing, RNA-Seq, plus mass spectromet
257                We use our tagged chromosomal insertion site system to identify small sequences from b
258  number of unique lengths of amplicons of an insertion site tends to increase according to its abunda
259 sease results from a larger number of unique insertion sites than in asymptomatic carriers and not, a
260  fungal donor (perhaps one with an identical insertion site that has not yet been discovered).
261              Of note, we identified a common insertion site that was >100 kb from the nearest coding
262 rates that we have saturated the full set of insertion sites that are actively targeted by Tf1.
263             We identified 43 common proviral insertion sites that contain candidate genes involved in
264 nt and coincided with preferential P-element insertion sites that harbor transcription initiation act
265 alysis of 85 tumors, we identified 77 common insertion sites that map to 56 genes potentially driving
266 nd seven permissive zinc finger domain (ZFD) insertion sites throughout Gag-Pol, including within p12
267                   Here, we used a transposon insertion site (TIS) sequencing-based strategy to identi
268 ory sequences, we mapped the H-2Z1 transgene insertion site to chromosome 17, 100 and 460 kb away fro
269      We used information about the transgene insertion site to develop a polymerase chain reaction ge
270 t that it is able to disseminate from a skin insertion site to infect multiple organs.
271  disrupts open reading frames and allows the insertion sites to be readily identified.
272                  Global, regional, and local insertion site trends were examined.
273 ely sequenced rice genome to determine 1,664 insertion sites using high-throughput sequencing of 24 i
274                               The ACL-tibial insertion site was constant at the junction of the anter
275                               The transposon insertion site was identified for 29 of the 150 mutants
276                    Vein diameter at the PICC insertion site was measured using ultrasound with in-bui
277 trasound, a radiologist's marking the needle insertion site was not associated with decreased pneumot
278 g MreB filaments are needed to coordinate PG insertion sites, we find that local coordination of enzy
279 city of RET2 and the purine-rich nature of U insertion sites, we propose that the distributive +1 ins
280 no acids that immediately flanked the intein insertion site were randomized.
281                    Similar chromosomal phage insertion sites were also identified in all 52 PVL-harbo
282                                          Ty1 insertion sites were also mapped in four mutant lines th
283 ated with a variety of genomic features: (1) Insertion sites were correlated with regular nucleosome
284                                        Tumor insertion sites were enriched in recurrent somatic copy-
285 tropy reductions near microdialysis catheter insertion sites were highly correlated with reductions i
286 ransposon mutagenesis screen in which common insertion sites were identified in tumors that were prod
287 rocytoma tissue was extracted and transposon insertion sites were identified.
288                       As validation, several insertion sites were introduced into a wild-type clone,
289                                Four of these insertion sites were not included in the solved structur
290                      Large pools of selected insertion sites were sequenced in a high throughput mann
291  femoral vein (in a 1:1:1 ratio if all three insertion sites were suitable [three-choice scheme] and
292 , showing that they all bind in a common pre-insertion site where the phosphate groups are not yet po
293 le until the replication fork arrives at the insertion site, whereupon the FD is rapidly degraded.
294  mutant phenotype represent candidate linked insertion sites, which are then confirmed by PCR.
295 on, in particular attenuating the effects of insertions sites, which can result in variations in phen
296     Furthermore, by combining the identified insertion sites with expression quantification, we show
297 tational pipeline, TIPseqHunter, to identify insertion sites with high precision and reliability.
298 in (NP)-specific artificial microRNA from an insertion site within the non-structural (NS) gene segme
299 gamma-globin intron by optimizing the intron insertion site within the reporter gene.
300 ls revealed significantly less clustering of insertion sites within LMO2, MECOM, and other lymphoid p

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