


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ocene decline of local (65 degrees S) spring insolation.
2  steady orbitally driven reduction in summer insolation.
3  all of which tracked orbitally-driven solar insolation.
4 eric greenhouse gases and low-latitude solar insolation.
5 spheric physics forced by seasonally varying insolation.
6 Hemispheres, each controlled by local summer insolation.
7 1889 mean in response to reduced mean annual insolation.
8 500 cal yr B.P.) during a time of low summer insolation.
9 y, which has a much smaller effect on global insolation.
10 respond to peaks in Northern Hemisphere June insolation.
11 odulating eccentricity-related variations in insolation.
12  local thermodynamic terrestrial response to insolation.
13 nflated-traits that have been linked to high insolation.
14 ncy and/or increasing cloudiness and reduced insolation.
15  is abrupt compared with the annual cycle of insolation.
16 d is nearly in anti-phase with summer boreal insolation.
17 the Holocene, and with an increase in winter insolation.
18  increased carbon dioxide forcing and summer insolation.
19 namics is influenced by the rapidly changing insolation.
20 g the Holocene, including but not limited to insolation.
21 scribed to orbitally forced changes in solar insolation.
22 o a weaker monsoon that was paced by orbital insolation.
23 tronomically driven changes in high-latitude insolation.
24 ciation, changing greenhouse gas levels, and insolation.
25 BP) characterized by increased boreal summer insolation, a vegetated Sahara, and reduced dust emissio
26              Varying levels of boreal summer insolation and associated Earth system feedbacks led to
27 bit and spin vector are a primary control on insolation and climate; their recognition in the geologi
28 clude that, possibly in response to stronger insolation and CO2 forcing earlier in T-II, the relation
29 s need to be spatially explicit, since solar insolation and crop yields vary widely between locations
30 unctional relationship between boreal summer insolation and global carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration
31 th of the equator in response to high summer insolation and increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) concentra
32 e season, due to decreasing summer radiative insolation and increasing precipitation over the last 7.
33 ween 12 and 8 ka in concert with high summer insolation and increasing temperatures.
34 yika temperatures follow Northern Hemisphere insolation and indicate that warming in tropical southea
35 mation is driven most strongly by increasing insolation and sediment/albedo feedbacks.
36 cal latitudes occurred in response to boreal insolation and the bipolar seesaw, whereas tropical SSTs
37 te to the opposing effects of austral summer insolation and the temporal/spatial pattern of sea surfa
38 st lower TC activity despite stronger summer insolation and warmer sea surface temperature in the Nor
39 a were used to determine sunlight radiation (insolation) and temperature exposure for a cohort of 16,
40  equations for model temperature, changes in insolation, and self-organisation of the biota as an imp
41 g-term trend to orbitally induced changes in insolation, and suggest internal ENSO dynamics as a poss
42  may help to amplify relatively weak orbital insolation anomalies into more significant climatic pert
43 erm variations in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation are generally thought to control glaciation.
44                      Geographic position and insolation are key factors in the prevalence of AMD.
45 opical Southern Hemisphere, where changes in insolation are thought to be the main direct forcing of
46 e same temperature sensitivity to changes in insolation as does our proxy reconstruction, supporting
47                              Declining solar insolation as part of a normal eleven-year cycle, and a
48 t to reconcile with June Northern Hemisphere insolation as the trigger for the ice-age cycles.
49 lation changes, rather than by boreal summer insolation, as Milankovitch theory proposes.
50 tions may have been the antiphasing of polar insolation associated with orbital cycles.
51 es, the SPECMAP project proposed that summer insolation at high northern latitudes (that is, Milankov
52 tive to factors beyond ice volume and summer insolation at high northern latitudes.
53            Milankovitch proposed that summer insolation at mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere d
54 d to seasonal variations in precipitation or insolation, but are strongly related to the seasonal str
55 ecession cycle in northern hemisphere summer insolation by an average of 3240 years (-900 to 6600 yr
56 e forced by Northern Hemisphere summer solar insolation centered at 65 degrees N latitude, as predict
57 differences in the size and rate of regional insolation changes and the lack of glacial inception in
58 sitivity experiments in which not only solar insolation changes are varied but also vegetation and du
59 ral precision allow us to test the idea that insolation changes caused by the Earth's precession drov
60 flects both the long-term effect of regional insolation changes driven by orbital precession and the
61 ng an early link in the propagation of those insolation changes globally, and resulting in a rapid tr
62 r understanding the role of orbitally driven insolation changes on glacial/interglacial cycles.
63     For the same surface temperature change, insolation changes result in relatively larger changes i
64  fairly modest ENSO response to precessional insolation changes simulated in climate models.
65 at the onset of MIS 14 was forced by austral insolation changes, rather than by boreal summer insolat
66                    Increasing austral-spring insolation combined with sea-ice albedo feedbacks appear
67 atile sublimation and condensation, changing insolation conditions and Pluto's interior structure.
68 n, suggesting generally higher obliquity and insolation conditions at the poles than at present.
69 variation in intensity arising from changing insolation conditions.
70  the orbitally controlled Antarctic seasonal insolation cycle with a static (present-day) estimate of
71                    Increasing CO2 and summer insolation drive recession of northern ice sheets, with
72  global paleomonsoon strength include summer insolation driven by precession cycles, ocean circulatio
73                                        These insolation-driven EASM trends were punctuated by two mil
74         Furthermore, our result implies that insolation-driven ITCZ dynamics may provoke water vapour
75   This suggests that sediment enhancement of insolation-driven melting may act similarly to expected
76                                        Thus, insolation-driven variation in the amount and seasonalit
77     During the early Holocene, peak (summer) insolation drove July air temperatures higher than prese
78 e to changes in the seasonal distribution of insolation due to Earth's orbital configuration, as well
79 he last deglaciation was initiated by rising insolation during spring and summer in the mid-latitude
80                   Hemispheric differences in insolation during the LIG may explain the asymmetrical r
81 s occurred when the energy related to summer insolation exceeded a simple threshold, about every 41,0
82 ariates, the previous year's monthly average insolation exposure below the median gave a hazard ratio
83 tion of size, orbital period, star type, and insolation flux.
84 riable was race for early AMD (P = .002) and insolation for late AMD (P = .001).
85 e data (geolocalization) and the mean annual insolation for the area where survey took place were obt
86 rld limits the range of values for the solar insolation for which biota may grow in the planet.Recent
87 been transmitted to the Southern Hemisphere, insolation forcing can also directly influence local Sou
88 othesis that the African monsoon responds to insolation forcing in a markedly nonlinear manner.
89 d on remote teleconnections between seasonal insolation forcing in both hemispheres, the Asian monsoo
90 ding little support for the dominant role of insolation forcing in these regions.
91  MIS 14 raises the possibility that southern insolation forcing may have played an important role in
92 son length, which were controlled by orbital insolation forcing of tropical monsoon dynamics.
93 ry to some models that exhibit a response to insolation forcing over this same period.
94 cal factors in amplifying ENSO's response to insolation forcing through changes in the Walker circula
95 ther represent the response to deterministic insolation forcing.
96 al continent, was highly responsive to local insolation forcing.
97 se conditions, however, because the proposed insolation forcings share essentially identical variabil
98                              Analysis of the insolation geometry of this pole-facing crater wall, and
99 n) beat, driven by orbital forcing of summer insolation, global ice volume and long-lived atmospheric
100 tem responds quickly to artificially reduced insolation; hence, there may be little cost to delaying
101 ppears to track changes in spring and autumn insolation, highlighting the sensitivity of tropical Pac
102 e several regional-scale forcings, including insolation, ice sheets and ocean circulation, modulated
103              In view of the intermittency of insolation, if solar energy is to be a major primary ene
104 s, is generally attributed to reduced summer insolation in boreal latitudes.
105  response of Earth-like planets to increased insolation in hot and extremely moist atmospheres.
106 varied in the opposite sense to local annual insolation in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean.
107 o the Milankovitch theory, changes in summer insolation in the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere caus
108             These observations indicate that insolation, in part, sets the pace of the occurrence of
109 hasing and amplitudes of 65 degrees N summer insolation, including the classic saw-tooth pattern of g
110 raffic, meteorological conditions, and solar insolation influence the net forcing effect of contrails
111 ar problem is that glaciers are sensitive to insolation integrated over the duration of the summer.
112 ctic ice cores to Northern Hemisphere summer insolation intensity has been used to suggest that the n
113 nt with a classic Northern Hemisphere summer insolation intensity trigger for an initial retreat of n
114                              Yet such summer insolation is near to its minimum at present, and there
115 strial cooling indicates that a reduction of insolation is playing a key role in the link between the
116                  But the intensity of summer insolation is primarily controlled by 20,000-year cycles
117                        The integrated summer insolation is primarily controlled by obliquity and not
118                                     Seasonal insolation is the only regular climate cycle that can pl
119 account for millennial-scale variability and insolation-lagged responses in Asian monsoon records.
120          Metaregression analysis showed that insolation, latitude, longitude, age, and race have a si
121                               Low wintertime insolation limits convective mixing, such that pollutant
122 itation, and the water table as modulated by insolation, (local) sea level, and monsoon intensity.
123 ets in Sun-grazing orbits that survive solar insolation long enough to penetrate into the Sun's inner
124 appear to have occurred in phase with summer insolation maxima produced by the Earth's precessional c
125 Our results suggest that Southern Hemisphere insolation may have been responsible for these differenc
126 phere summer insolation, which suggests that insolation may have modulated the effects of interstadia
127 uding the Super Drought, coincide with solar insolation minima, suggesting that solar forcing of sea
128 his pluvial period coincided with the summer insolation minimum and reduced adiabatic heating over th
129  change forced by Northern Hemisphere summer insolation (NHI), but the timing of the penultimate degl
130 nse to changes in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation (NHSI) without significant temporal lags, sup
131                        LHS 1140b receives an insolation of 0.46 times that of Earth, placing it withi
132 interior, either directly as a supplement to insolation, or indirectly through its influence on the n
133 r to that expected in response to changes in insolation owing to variations in Earth's tilt.
134 riod is challenging due to opposing seasonal insolation patterns.
135 iation has proved controversial because June insolation peaks 127 kyr ago whereas several records of
136 r the past one million years, fewer of these insolation peaks resulted in deglaciation (that is, more
137 eaks resulted in deglaciation (that is, more insolation peaks were 'skipped'), implying that the ener
138 ation threshold and in the number of skipped insolation peaks.
139 t a time of slowly declining northern summer insolation, providing an early link in the propagation o
140 as induced by an increase in northern summer insolation, providing the source for an abrupt rise in s
141 responses of summer temperatures to Holocene insolation radiative forcing in the Alaskan sub-Arctic,
142 quilibrium climate simulations, we show that insolation reductions sufficient to offset global-scale
143 rst direct field and numerical evidence that insolation-related thermal stress potentially plays a pr
144 e show that increasing the rate of change of insolation relative to adaptation of the biota shows a s
145 ns associated with declining northern summer insolation remain incompletely understood.
146              After removing the 65 degrees N insolation signal from our record, the delta(18)O residu
147  seasonality can markedly alter the weighted insolation signal.
148 nt with the classic Milankovitch theories of insolation, so that climate forcing by 100,000-year vari
149 runaway greenhouse limit to higher values of insolation than are inferred from one-dimensional models
150 tive to temperature adjustment by changes in insolation than by changes in greenhouse gases.
151 dly coincides with the rise in boreal summer insolation, the marine termination, and the rise in atmo
152     Given its large surface gravity and cool insolation, the planet may have retained its atmosphere
153                     Above a certain critical insolation, this destabilizing greenhouse feedback can '
154 sional global climate model to show that the insolation threshold for the runaway greenhouse state to
155                                 The critical insolation thresholds for these processes, however, rema
156 -phase obliquity (41,000 years) component of insolation to dominate those records.
157 f storage in situations of far below average insolation to provide dispatchable electricity.
158 ree of local phenological adaptation, and an insolation trigger of green-up.
159 te forcing from decreases in northern summer insolation, tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures, a
160 ariable forcing does not change the range of insolation values allowing for habitable climates substa
161 quatorial region experiences strong seasonal insolation variations enhanced by ring shadowing, and th
162 od of extended warmth, suggesting that local insolation variations were important to interglacial cli
163 l, surface dust transport, mass wasting, and insolation weathering for cometary surface evolution, an
164 tark contrast with the trend of precessional insolation, which decreased by approximately 10% from 10
165 ith variations in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation, which suggests that insolation may have modu
166 straint for refining numerical solutions for insolation, which will enable a more precise and accurat
167 to be drier and warmer due to the effects of insolation, wind, and evapotranspiration and these gradi
168 ts the maximum range of values for the solar insolation with a non-zero amount of daisies.
169 , reconstructed temperature changes followed insolation, with a minimum in the early Holocene, follow

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